a/n: Firstly, if anyone is still here, thanks for sticking out 28 chapters with me. It's very much appreciated. I clicked complete on this last year because I ran out of steam and had reached a natural cease point. And 28 chapters is long enough. Short version: I was done. I took a much needed break and now my teeth are a sunk into the rest of this story.
This is a preview of part 2. I am trying to gauge interest to see if it's worth posting the rest of this after its fully completed or in smaller sections. Sooo… if this gets a good response, the rest of this will drop as a separate story sooner rather than later :) So if you want to read the rest of this monstrosity, do let me know!
(Part 2 preview)
Gin kept his eyes trained on Sousuke as the man carefully held up the clear drinking glass currently serving as a vase for the sprigs of peppermint and the miniscule branch of white poplar. Though it was more of a twig, really. A twig hastily sourced from the garden. But its message came across, so Gin couldn't complain. Especially not when Aizen was smiling at it like that. All giddy and happy like he just couldn't believe his luck.
Gin watched as his partner's eyes flickered back onto him, the smile widening and softening, and Gin instinctively brushed some strands of silver hair behind his ear, smiling shyly back. Face _ hot, but less so now. He'd made Sousuke happy and all the blushes in the world were worth that.
"I know the perfect place to put it," Sousuke said, striding over to the window.
"Where?" Gin asked.
"Right here," Sousuke answered, striding over to the windowsill and placing his now 'vase' of flowers by the window. And by a pure coincidence, right by the kettle, and where he kept the tea.
"So they get enough light," Sousuke told him. Gin smiled. And so that you can see it everyday when you make tea, he thought.
"Good choice," Gin agreed. "Plants gotta have enough light."
"Exactly," Sousuke smiled. "Otherwise they'll die. There are some exceptions of course, like the night blooming gladiolus or cereus, but most plants bloom in the light."
Gin nodded, agreeing, but he was intrigued about the night blooming flowers. To his knowledge, which admittingly wasn't very much, flowers were things that looked pretty and only thrived in the daytime. Like people did.
"Night blooming flowers?" he asked, hoping Sousuke would enlighten him. And maybe teach him a little about these night blooming flowers.
"Ah," Sousuke said, "I'd forgotten you don't know much about flora." He softened his smile. "There are some lesser known flowers that only flower under moonlight," he explained, again assuming the role of a teacher gently easing his student into a lesson. "Such as the Night blooming gladiolus, or the Night blooming cereus, but that's a cactus I haven't come across yet. At least not in the wild… I'll have to find you such flowers sometime. They do make quite a spectacle."
Gin smiled. "That'd be really nice," he said, and he watched as Aizen's smile lit up his whole face.
"Yes. Yes, it would," Aizen answered.
Gin's smile turned shy again and a gentle warmth tinged his cheeks at that. But thankfully, Aizen didn't draw any attention to it.
"Come on," Aizen said. "Let's go and have some tea I can tell you some more about the night blooming flowers."
Gin nodded, beaming at him. "Grand plan. Help me make the tea?"
"Of course," Aizen smiled. "Happy to be of assistance."
They spent the best part of the afternoon talking about plants and flowers. Well, Aizen talked. Gin just listened. And after their mugs of tea were empty, Gin cuddled up to him on the sofa, and the conversation drifted onto other topics. Ebbing and flowing naturally the way a good conversation should. Punctuated by jokes and laughter in all the right places.
It was a conversation neither of them wanted to end. Just like every other day and night they'd spent together.
If only every day could be like this. If only things could be simple, and all the self-doubt didn't exist.
If only the voice didn't exist…
Aizen pushed that dark thought away and held Gin closer, kissing Gin's silver hair. Making Gin laugh.
"Sousuke!" Gin pretended to whine, but Sousuke just chuckled.
"What?" he asked, feigning innocence. "I can't kiss you?"
Gin's cheeks flushed that delighted shade of pink again and his fox tried to hide his face in his chest.
"No…" Gin said, voice muffled. "I mean yes, but…"
Sousuke chuckled at his Gin again. Ah, still so shy, but that's what I love about you.
"Then what?" Aizen asked, gently, trying to coax Gin out of hiding. "You can tell me."
"It was jus' unexpected is all." Gin answered him, sitting up a little and looking at him.
"The affection?"
Gin nodded, still blushing. "Wouldna thought you'd be so affectionate," he admitted.
Aizen smirked. "Well, I hate to tell you this, but I can be very affectionate when I want to be," he said. Giving Gin a squeeze to prove his point. "Unless, of course, you'd prefer me to be more amorous."
Gin's cheeks went from pink to a bright tomato red.
"No. No, this is fine! Really!" Gin stammered, floundering about for words and possibly cursing himself for blushing like a schoolgirl with a crush – Again. But that just made Gin even more adorable.
"Really? Are you sure?" Aizen teased. "Because I can be more passionate if that's what you want," he smiled. "Just say the word."
He watched Gin try to reign in his blushed and knew he'd catch hell from Kyouka for this later, but it was just too much to resist. Especially when he could feel Gin's heart racing like this.
"Um…" Gin stammered again. Trying to say something. Anything. Heart thumping against the cage of his ribs like some trapped wild animal, desperate for escape. His body feeling hot all over and his breath shaky. Dammit, he'd just wanted to enjoy cuddling and now he was so damn aroused. Curse that Aizen Sousuke! What was it about him that Gin found simply impossible to resist?
Every time the man spoke it seemed to ignite a fire inside him. Was the man a Siren? A Mer-creature from the Deep?
Gin was shaken from his train of thought by that voice again, deep and smooth and hypnotic, full of desire for him.
"Do you want me to kiss you properly?" Sousuke asked. And suddenly Gin released the breath he hadn't realised he'd been holding.
"Yes," he whispered, and was rewarded with another one of those soft, warm smiles that reached right the way up into the older man's eyes. He could really get used to those smiles.
"Then I can certainly do that for you," Aizen answered, leaning in to kiss him. Gin with his lips already parted for him, ready and eager for those lips and that tongue to claim his. When they did, Gin nearly melted into a puddle right then and there.