Author's Note: Hey guys! I know it's been a while, but unfortunately, I still have no idea where I want to take this story. So I thought I would write a filer chapter exploring what Emily's relationship with Mycroft is. I hope you enjoy, and if you have any ideas about where you think the story should go, please comment or message me!
Mycroft Holmes was wary of Emily at first. When Sherlock first brought her to their home, Mycroft had a fairly large dislike for her. She was so... ordinary, and he didn't understand why Sherlock was so interested in her.
Over the next few years, Mycroft was off to university, and Emily was practically living in their house.
One day, Mycroft was home from uni over a small break, and he was worried about this event, you could call it. All the other boys of his class were attending with a girl, however, Mycroft was having a bit more difficulty in that area. When he walked into his kitchen and saw a 15-year-old Emily leaning on the counter talking with Sherlock, and most importantly, looking like she was 19, Mycroft began to think of a solution.
When Sherlock had finally left Emily's side, Mycroft approached her.
"Hey Mycroft, how's uni going?" Emily asked kindly.
"Just fine, thank you," He paused. "I was wondering, actually, if you wouldn't mind accompanying me to an event next weekend. We are supposed to bring some sort of partner, and, taken that you look significantly older than you are, were my second choice."
Emily smiled slightly and raised an eyebrow, "Who was your first choice?"
"My first choice would be not going at all," Mycroft said with a slightly bitter look.
Emily smiled again, understanding his feelings, "Well, of course, I'd love to." Emily was about to take a sip of her drink, but she paused, "Is it fancy dress? Because I have nothing really to wear."
"Don't worry about that, I'll drop something off at your house later," Mycroft told her.
Emily nodded and took a sip of her drink, Mycroft left the kitchen, passing Sherlock as he left.
The night in question came around rather quickly. As promised, Mycroft had dropped off a gorgeous dress and some makeup for Emily to use.
She had just finished getting ready when she saw lights on the drive on her house. Her mother was asleep after a long night shift at the hospital, so she silently made her way downstairs and out of the front door.
She saw the Mycroft was sitting in the driver's seat waiting silently.
"Thanks for being quiet," Emily said as she got into the car.
Mycroft nodded as he put the car into gear, "Of course. Your mother has been working a lot of nights."
Emily sighed slightly, "I've barely even seen her this month."
Mycroft didn't really know what to say to that, so he decided to change the subject, "The dress fits well I take it?"
Emily smiled, "Yes, it really does. I would ask how you knew my size, but I think I already know the answer."
"And what would that be?"
"Deduction, my dear," Emily said, doing her best impression of Mycroft, who broke a small smile.
On the ride there Mycroft told her about who was going to be there, and what he had told others about her, and the circumstances under which they met. Emily agreed to lie mainly because she knew that telling your peers that you are taking your little brother's friend as your not-date date to a university party is not exactly a story that would promote social standing, she also thought that it might be a little bit of fun.
The story was that she was an aspiring classical musician (true), who was leaving her music classes when she literally bumped into Mycroft on the street (false). She was 19 (false), born and raised in London (true), was currently taking a gap year (false), and had been dating Mycroft for two months (false).
When they arrived, a chauffeur took the car and left the pair at a large staircase.
Mycroft looked down on her and asked, "Ready?"
Emily nodded, "Of course."
He wrapped his arm around her body and placed a hand just above Emily's hip.
Mycroft had thought of the smallest details. Her dress was a light blue, which was a shade that appeared in both of their eyes. It also matched Mycroft's tie and pocket square.
People watched them as they came in, Emily could catch some whispers that were along the lines of: "I can't believe Mycroft Holmes has a date."
Emily immediately felt self-conscious, and, as if Mycroft could sense it, he said, "Don't be so nervous, see that young man in the navy suit ahead and to our right?" Emily glanced at him, and the woman who he was linked arms with. She was stunning, wearing a dark red dress that matched her lipstick. "The woman he's with is generally considered to be the most attractive girl in our class, yet he can't take his eyes off you."
A wave of, first, embarrassment, came over her, but as Mycroft's words sunk in, she realized the compliment. "Thank you, Mycroft."
He nodded silently and lead her into a large ballroom where there was an area for dancing, and then many circular tables. "Come on, let's find our seats."
After a couple minutes of searching, they finally found their table and took their seats with three other couples. Everyone seemed to know Mycroft and was quite surprised to see Emily.
"Huh, Mycroft Holmes, I'd never thought I'd see the day where you brought a woman to one of these things," One of the men spoke.
Emily reacted perfectly by smiling, saying something quietly under her breath to Mycroft, who smirked, and then asking him, "Oh. And why's that?"
The look on her face made it seem like she was asking a genuine question, one to which the man had no answer and his date looked very uncomfortable with. "Oh, I uh... I don't know I guess. Mycroft doesn't usually have too many women around him is all," He answered pathetically.
Emily let out a quiet laugh, "Well, I hope he doesn't."
"Yes, right," The man said, again awkwardly.
"So, how did the two of you meet?" One of the other men asked.
Both Mycroft and Emily started talking at the same time and they both stopped.
Mycroft looked at her and gestured for her to continue. "Sorry, no, you go," Emily said, blushing slightly.
"I insist," Mycroft said. Everyone at the table who knew Mycroft from school was astounded at the exchange. Usually, it would be difficult for a woman (or a man for that matter) to get Mycroft to give them the time of day, but here he was, acting uncharacteristically gentleman-like.
"Well, I ran into him when I was leaving my lessons, and I dropped all of my sheet music. He helped me gather it all up, so I asked him if I could take him to lunch to thank him," Emily explained. Mycroft was fairly impressed, he could obviously tell that she was lying, but everyone else fell for the story.
The night was going well, and Emily was quickly realizing that Sherlock was not alone in being hated for his deductions. Everyone's big question for her was the same. "How can you handle when he does 'the thing'?"
And Emily's response was always: "I think it's absolutely amazing, every time."
When the dinner was over, everyone eventually migrated to the dance floor. To all his peer's surprise, Mycroft also danced with Emily.
The pair stayed late, both of them actually enjoying themselves. They were forced to walk to where the car was parked because the valet's had already gone home for the night. On their way, Emily happened to look up and saw that the sky was exceptionally clear that night.
"Oh, Mycroft, look at the stars, you can see them so well tonight," Emily said.
Mycroft smiled, "I find your interest in astronomy fascinating, but I myself am no stargazer."
Emily stopped in her tracks, "So you're telling me, that with a mind like yours, you've never wondered about what could be out there?"
Mycroft turned to face her, "I'm usually more preoccupied with what's going on down here."
Emily looked up at him and smiled. She also noticed just how close the two of them were standing. Emily's eyes moved from his eyes to his lips, and Mycroft's did the same to her.
"Can I kiss you?" Mycroft asked quietly under his breath. Emily nodded slightly. He bent down a bit and brought his hand up to her cheek. The kiss was gentle and sweet, and what neither of them knew was that that was both of their first kisses.
After a moment, Emily pulled away. She smiled slightly as she saw that she had left light pink lipstick on his mouth. She wiped it off with her thumb.
"I probably shouldn't have done that," Mycroft said after a moment.
"Probably not," Emily agreed. "I like you, Mycroft, but the person that I was tonight, it was pretend. I'm not really like that, and I think we both know it."
"Well, if it's any consolation, you weren't the only one pretending," Mycroft said. They continued their walk to the car.
"Then I hope we both find someone who we don't need to pretend with," Emily said.
By the time they got back to Mycroft's car, it was nearly one in the morning, and given that the Holmes house was just under an hours drive away, both Mycroft and Emily thought it would be for the best if she simply stayed the night with the Holmes'.
When they arrived at the house, they were very quiet, making sure not to wake anyone up. Mycroft lent her one of his robes to change into, and she took her usual sleeping spot in the guest bedroom across the hall from Mycroft's.
Emily woke in the morning to a soft knock on the door, she got up, re-fastened Mycroft's robe around her, and opened the door.
"Come and get dressed, I'll drive you home," He said softly. He had hung up her dress in his closet so that it wouldn't get wrinkled, so she went into his room to change.
She changed back into the dress and met Mycroft back outside by his car. It was about a twenty-minute drive to Emily's house, and when they got there, she was horrified to see a police car outside.
Emily leaped out of Mycroft's car, nearly before it stopped moving, and ran into the house.
"Mum?!" Emily shouted into the house. Mycroft was right behind her as she turned the corner and saw her mother talking to two police officers.
"Emily! Oh, thank God!" Emily's mother cried, leaping from her seat and embracing Emily.
"Mum what's going on?! What happened?!" Emily asked with fear in her voice. The last time she came home to something like this, it was the news that her brother was dead and her home was gone.
"Oh I was so worried about you! I... I'd thought something had happened to you!" Emily's mother cried into Emily's shoulder. She pulled away, "Where have you been?!"
Emily smiled and took her mothers hand, "I'm so sorry. I was out with Mycroft and I stayed over at his house because we got back so late."
Emily's mother's eyes went to Mycroft, "Oh, Sherlock's older brother?" Emily nodded. Her mother let go of her hand and walked up to Mycroft.
"I'm sorry Ms. Smith, I should have brought her home," Mycroft said apologetically.
Emily's mother looked at Mycroft with a stink eye, "Tell me Mycroft, did anything happen between you and my daughter last night?"
Emily looked at her mother, astounded that she'd even ask.
"No!" Emily exclaimed. However, Emily's message was undercut when Mycroft simultaneously said, "Yes."
The police officer was beginning to become very uncomfortable, and so he decided to excuse himself from the home, sensing that he was no longer needed.
Emily whipped around to face Mycroft, "What?"
"Well there was, but we both agreed that it wasn't serious."
Emily's mother turned to look at Emily with an expression of deep rage, "You did what?!" She demanded.
"Mom, we didn't have sex," Emily said. Ah, Mycroft thought, that made more sense.
However, Emily's mother wasn't content yet. "So then what exactly did happen?" She asked, still glaring at Mycroft.
"I kissed him," Emily said before Mycroft could speak. "We talked about it, and we have both agreed that it won't happen again."
Emily's mother still seemed suspicious, but then she glanced at the clock and said, "I have to go to work, we'll talk about this later."
Emily nodded and watched as her mother left the house in her pink scrubs. She then turned to Mycroft, who looked apologetic. "Don't worry about it," She paused, "I had a great time last night. If you ever need a fake date again, I'd love to go."
"Thank you, Emily, I will keep that in mind," Mycroft said with a slight smile.
That was far from the last escapade that Emily Smith and Mycroft Holmes had.
Over the years, Mycroft would call up Emily if he needed some legwork to be done on cases he was investigating, and that night was far from the last event that Mycroft brought Emily to. In fact, Emily had met many members of the government and the royal family.
Sherlock became a little bit jealous of the two and started bringing Emily on his own cases. It was then that Sherlock realized what an asset someone else can be to his cases.
In the time that Emily spent with Mycroft, she became one of the first people outside of his family to really get to know him. They always had a friendship from that night on, which explained why whenever Emily needed help she would call Mycroft.
When Emily and her mother were fighting, Emily briefly moved into Mycroft's flat. When Emily needed a part-time job, she worked in Mycroft's office. When she woke up from a two-year coma, she moved in with Mycroft.
Emily walked into Mycroft's house and was quite amazed, "Wow... Mycroft this is a nice place."
"Well, I'm pleased you like it," Mycroft said with a hint of sarcasm as he walked into the foyer from the living room. "Your room is upstairs and the third door on the left."
Emily smiled, "Thanks Mycroft, this'll be just like the old days."
Mycroft smiled slightly and briefly shook his head. As Emily turned to go upstairs Mycroft spoke. "Emily," She turned around, "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry, about what happened."
Emily's face turned sad. She dropped the bags she was carrying and walked back own the stairs. She timidly walked up to Mycroft and hugged him. "It wasn't your fault. It wasn't anyone's fault but Moriarty's."
Mycroft reluctantly reciprocated the hug, "I promise I won't let anything like that happen to you again."
"Thank you," Emily mumbled into his shoulder. She held onto him a little longer before letting go and travelling back up the stairs, "Goodnight Mycroft."
"Goodnight Emily," Mycroft returned.