coffee shop clichés 4

Annabeth waited patiently on the bench. She hadn't seen her father since the day she got this college. Don't get her wrong, Annabeth loved her father, but she resented him for many things too. She felt like if he had done the right thing while Annabeth was still coming of age, a lot would be different. Her mixed emotions only fueled her agitation. Patience had never been her forte.

She tapped her knee with her index finger in a steady rhythm as piercing grey eyes scanned the area. Finally she spotted him.

Annabeth, at her ripe age of 21, her father was getting older. The lines on his face had increased, his salt and pepper hair had turned into more salt than pepper, and Annabeth would be lying if she said she didn't notice the limp in his step. Her father was only in his sixties but hard labor and stressful nights had really taken it's toll. A small smile graced her father's lips and she stood as he arrived.

"Father," she said, sickly sweet enthusiasm poured from her single word. She didn't really want him to be here, but that didn't stop him, or did it really occur to him.

"My daughter, oh how you've grown, child. Is your hair longer?" as he stepped away she fingered a nearby tendril. The golden hair gleamed as she moved it. "Yes, it is father. Mother showed me the shampoo she uses, it has been helping." He nodded in understanding and motioned for her to sit. He sat as well, crossing one leg over the other and pushing his glasses back onto his face.

"Tell me Annabeth, how are you doing in this school? How often do you speak to to Chiron. Have you found a mate?" Annabeth wanted to wrinkle her nose as her dad's new posh way of speaking. Two years in England and all of a sudden he's the British cats meow.

But she played along, speaking as if she had a stick perpetually up her ass. "My school is lovely father, I seek council from Chiron almost every week and no, I have not found a mate." her father heaved an exasperated sigh. "When will you bear me grandchildren daughter?! I'm getting old, my bones are creaking. Besides wouldn't you like to have children before your frail uterus shrivels and dies in your abdomen?"

Annabeth grimaced. Why are parents always asking for kids? What gives them the notion that everyone is just baby making machines? "Father, that is not something I'd like to discuss with you. You know I'm not interested in having children." Her father sighed sadly.

"I just hope to see them soon, and watch them grow. Time runs out. I'm 64, I had you very late in life. I just don't want my luck to run out before I see the next of my kind."

Annabeth felt for him. But that didn't really increase any desire for loud crying miniature drunk people.

"My time will come. Trust me. Let's move on, please."

"I believe you my dear. How is the coffee shop?" Annabeth didn't want to, but her mind played back kissing Percy in the coffee shop. She could almost feel his lips again. She shook herself away from that. She shifted uncomfortably from the effect of the memory.

"It's okay. The hours don't bother me as much they could. My dorm is right across from the shop so that's really a plus. And now I can make hot cocoa better than you and mom." Annabeth smiled smugly.

"I don't mean to offend you when I say I sincerely doubt that." Annabeth scoffed.

"We'll see at Christmas. I'm gonna knock the marshmallows off of both of your brews." then her father laughed. A real authentic laugh like he hadn't in years. Annabeth supposed that her noticing that was partially her fault for never trying to make him laugh, but she pushed that thought to the side.

Then she saw him. Dark floppy hair, tall muscular build, and sea green eyes that begged for attention. She wanted to scold the universe for suddenly putting this boy in her path, but they went to the same college. A small one at that. She saw him everywhere. But why now?

It didn't even really take a moment for him to notice her. She's be lying if she said that her heart didn't flutter when a smile erupted on his face and he changed his course.

Forgetting her father for a moment she really took him in. His chest was adorned in a black and white SPQR tee. His raven hair flopped about as he walked, and his legs covered in pants the same color of his hair. In the sunlight the white tee glistened. Light reflected off of every muscle. Hiding nothing. At least Annabeth her herself together. She could've drooled.

In a few more moments he was in front of her out stretching his hand for her. She slipped hers in his, ignoring the constricting feeling in her throat. She was pulled into his body into a hug. His scent was warm, and breezy. Like a walk along the shore, mixed with some cologne she'd have to ask about later because it smelled so good. Sweet and musky. She had to resist the urge to intake a large whiff of him.

His hands curved to the middle of her back, fingers resting just on her spine. She slowly crept her arms around him, getting over her initial shock. His face went to the curve of her neck and his lips ghosted over her skin. He moved away quickly leaving her irritated for more. She surprised herself with that.

"Percy.." her breath lost her. "Hi." she did a little wave with her hand and he cheekily smiled. "Hey, Annabelly." Annabeth debated arguing over the nickname but she kinda liked it.

She peeked over at her father who was eyeing them weirdly. "Ehm. Percy, this is my dad, Dad, this is Percy." Percy extended his hand shook Mr. Chase's. "Pleased to meet you sir."

Mr. Chase nodded in acknowledgement. Just that moment his phone rang. He excused himself from the two and took phone call. Annabeth turned her attention to Percy.

He took a step closer to her. " Where are you headed?" she asked. I'm coming back from class. I might have gone to get a burger but that's about it. Are you about to do something with your dad?"

"Not really, he's just visiting on work. He doesn't have very much time. I'm sure that's his boss now.".

"Oh, I'm so sorry I imposed." Annabeth appreciated him saying that. It showed he cared. "No, you're not imposing. I promise you he's gonna come back and say he has to leave."

Surely enough that's what happened. He left after he and Annabeth made plans for dinner.

"No offense Annabeth but I think that worked out really well for me." Annabeth chuckled. "How?" He tugged her wrist until she was closer to him, and looking him in his eyes."Because now I can take you on that date.." He pulled her even closer and toyed with her pointer finger. "..and I might be able to kiss you again."

In the crisp autumn air their breath mingled in puffs of white. Annabeth decided to play hard to get. "What makes you so lucky Percy?" He leaned closer to her. She could see his eyes were trained on her lips. She thanked the gods for her butter shine lipgloss.

She wasn't exactly resisting him and it felt like flirting so Percy went with the brave thing to do. He scooped her by her back and pulled her against his flesh again. She was not complaining to be back there. A small hand settled on his shoulders.

"I'm not sure, entirely. But.. doesn't mean I can't try."

By now their lips were only an inch away. She could feel his breath on her lips, it only made her want them more. Like the first time they kissed, Annabeth took the plunge. Alarm bells sounded in her head. Everything felt so right. Too right…

… but his lips melded with hers so well. His mouth moved in languid motions. Tasting her, engulfing her. The slow steady and satisfying feel fueled a fire inside of her and she found herself grasping for more of him. She pressed into his body.

His solid form was so comforting. Her hands hugged his biceps. She had the vague suspicion that he was flexing but it's not like she really minded.

Percy's hands were at either side of her face keeping her close as their lips danced. It could've been years or only seconds they were there kissing each other. Annabeth pulled away breathless and stunned. She had never been kissed like that. They way they moved.. how much want she could feel emitting off of his movements.. she felt like she'd been sucker punched, but by Cupid.

Percy was breathless too. He didn't let go of her, and Annabeth took comfort in the fact that he didn't. She placed her forehead on his chest and giggled. "What have you done to me Percy?"

She felt his hand on her head, straining through her hair. She stepped back from him. "Percy.. I don't want to be going this fast. I hardly know you, and I just made out with you in a park."

"Hey, that was not making out. My 'making out' is way more pleasurable than that." Annabeth rolled her eyes. "That is so far beyond the point."

"You wanna slow down? I'm more than cool with that. Whatever makes you happy, baby." Annabeth grimaced. "Don't call me baby." Percy pouted. "At least not yet." she added.

"Does that mean I can't kiss you?" Annabeth considered this. She did really like his lips. "Well, no, but you should do it in moderation." Percy seemed pleased by that. "Can I have another kiss?"

Annabeth looked down at his lips. Sooooo pink. He made a show of licking them. "Okay." She said dopily. Percy leaned down to meet her, giving her a mix between what happened before, and something chaste. "Slow." He said.

A smile crept up on her features. Maybe giving him a chance wouldn't be so bad.

I feel like I just crawled out a cave. Everything hurts. So you came all the way to chapter 4? Digging my style? Tell me I feed off of it.