Disclaimers: The characters of Inuyasha do not belong to me and are being used without permission.

For You

I'd die before letting anything happen to you.

If you'd let me, I'd be with you every moment of every day. Just being near you makes me feel complete. Just knowing you're safe is reason enough for me to smile. I just want you to be happy. And if my death brings you joy, so be it; because I could never deny you anything, much less your heart.

I don't belong in this world, in this plain of existence. Yet, I can't leave. I can't bring myself to be far from you. Don't you ever wonder why it is that I come back time and time again, when I could so easily stay on the other side, live in peace with my family, no worries of monsters trying to kill me, no having to watch my back every second of every day?

I come back for you. Because from the second I saw your face I was drawn to you, my life ceased to become my own, I gave it to you. I know I fight with you, yell at you, run to the other side every chance that I get. But I have to. I have ties to that world, but if you asked me to I would break them for you. I would remain by your side if you but asked it of me.

But you wont.

You wont ask that of me. I know you care, but is it enough just to know? I wish to bind you to me heart and soul, for all eternity and then some, but your heart was given long before I met you, I have no claim on you. And I refuse to take that which is someone else's.

I guess you could argue that I hold the soul of your dead love within me. But I'm not her. I hate it when you look at me and all you see is a copy of her. I'm not her. I never was, and by god I never will be. It's true I hold her soul, I can't deny that; but I can deny that I was ever her. I am me and nothing more. I'm a girl who's lived more years than you could ever imagine, a girl displaced from her proper place in existence. A girl who took pity on a soul who could not be laid to rest and agreed to house her until she was at peace.

I am a girl who stupidly forgot who she was and now has to face heartache every time she sees you run of to be with the one you once loved, the one you still love, knowing it could lead to your death, but knowing you would welcome it.

And with every day that passes I grow to resent myself for my selfish thoughts. I grow weary and tire of playing a game I have long grown bored with. So maybe I will stop pretending and just end it all. What would you say to that?

Will you miss me when I'm gone? Will you miss me like you miss her? After all, to you I'm just a copy. I just wish I had remembered long before now. I just wish I was a little bit less caring and a great deal more selfish, because then I could remain with you and say to hell with existence, let the universe be damned. But I couldn't do that to you.

So, I'll set you free and end your nightmare, because at least then one of us will be happy. And all I really ever want is for you to be happy; I just wish it were with me.

AN: I was feeling a bit down, and this is what came out of it. I know it's short but if you wish to leave a review feel free to do so.