Chapter 5: souljar sundering


Harry was able to retrieve the diary, but not without ginny catching her. Fortunately she hadn't written in it yet, but she was still somewhat protective because she already considered it "hers"

"Look, ginny, I'm telling you it's evil. It was owned by voldemort, his name is right there on the cover. Let me destroy it and I'll get you a new one that you can pick out and get your name embossed on."

Ginny was wavering, and finally sighed, "alright, let's get dumbledore so he can examine it before you destroy it. "

Harry had already alerted dumbledore to some of what she was aware of about the future, though she was rather vague about how she knew it though she had mentioned a vision from a bleak future. So when they walked downstairs he was already waiting, and this time had 3 boxes of pizzas with him.

Dumbledore began speaking once they were on the ground floor"Good afternoon Harry, I trust you've secured the diary? I took your advice and brought those delicious muggle delicacies with me. Everyone can begin whilst we take care of the diary."

Harry replied,"Thanks professor, it shouldn't take long, it was his first so the defenses on it are the weakest."

The two of them left the Weasleys to the pizza, distracting them rather thoroughly. They trudged out about a hundred meters from house, just to be safe and placed the diary on the ground.

"Alright, I've got a spell that'll destroy it with zero chance of survival." harry pulled out her wand and went through a short sharp movement as though drawing a sword and placing it in front of her face with the tip pointing up just under her lips, then pronounced the incantation "Lux Telum" and blew across the tip. A bar of intense blue flames grew from her wand until it reached about a meter long. She moved then stabbed the diary bursting it into flames and causing a terrible screeching to be emitted, whether that was from the flash boiling ink that was coming off of it or the death of the soul shard she was unsure.

Once the screeching had stopped and all that was left was a pile of ash, which dumbledore scattered to prevent the creation of an ashwinder, dumbledore asked, "What spell is that? The only fire powerful enough to outright destroy a horcrux that I know of is fiend fire, but that is far too controlled to be that."

She was staring at the scorch mark, "It's a variation, all of the power none of the sentience. That variation will only produce a bar of flames that are tightly controlled. It's incredibly useful in dueling if you know how to use a sword with a weightless blade, the flames devour any magic they touch. The color of the blade is based off of the strength of the user. George and fred, being upper middling strength would be the weakest able to use it and their flames would be red. Yours would probably be violet or ultraviolet. It's not a dark spell, despite being derived from one, since the malice necessary to summon the sentient flames is not there. It does require a desire to cause great damage to something, but that can be powered by righteous anger or desire to end a threat."

" that is indeed a powerful spell. Now then, I brought the one from Grimmauld Place you mentioned, and let me tell you Sirius was not happy about going back there. I also retrieved the diadem from that marvelous hidden storage room. I'm going to have to clean out and catalog everything in there once I get the chance, who knows what other dark or dangerous artifacts lurk there. Now then, once we've destroyed these two there will only be how many left?" he placed the locket he had retrieved from the Black ancestral home in the same place as the locket with the frankly gaudy diadem next to it.

"Let's see, diary, locket, diadem, cup, ring, snake, me. Though I don't think the snakes been made yet and the event this summer that unlocked my metamorphic abilities also destroyed the shard in my head. I'd suggest you use full on fiend fire, if you are able, or phoenix fire if you can talk Fawkes into it. The shack itself is coated in wards and defenses so scorched earth is the safest strategy. The cup is more difficult, thanks to the fact that it's in the Lestrange vault in Gringotts. Any chance of claiming it under right of conquest?" she moved the beam of flames through the two soul jars reducing them to slag and causing more screaming.

"I'm sorry harry, but the right of conquest laws only pertain to foreign enemies in times of war, not domestic ones in times of civil war. Though the Longbottoms may well have a case for demanding their vaults, due to the assault and injury dealt upon them. I'll speak to Agusta about it. now, on to lighter affairs, did you really think Lockhart is a child rapist? Sure he's mostly a fraud, but I didn't think he was that malicious."

"I heard he passes out obliviates like candy, so I'm not sure, but it isn't a tough mental leap to make. I sure as hell know I'm never going to be around him by myself."

Dumbledore sighed, "Guess I'll need to figure out a replacement for him then, perhaps Remus, I know he's in the area to catch up with Sirius and to beg for forgiveness. but , I don't want the curse on the position to hurt him. Do you have any ideas, harry?"

"Get aurors to rotates out as teachers? The curse only seems to harm anyone if they weren't already planning on only doing one year, and for Defense Against the Dark Arts it seems like someone whose usual job is exactly that would make the best teachers."

"If only it were that easy, by inviting the ministry to send aurors for teachers we'd be opening up ourselves to much greater oversight and meddling. I like the rotation idea, I'll talk to a few of my prospectives to see if I can set up something. Now then, I believe we have some pizza to eat if it isn't all gone yet." dumbledore vanished the remains of the horcrux and fixed the grass then the two wandered into the Weasley home to laughter and merriment which was in stark contrast to the heavy task they had just completed.