The sickle in her hand swished and slashed, staying only inches away from the scrawny wild dogs. Their teeth were sharp as they sneered, backs hunched up and eyes narrow in remorse and irritation.

Chelsea swung the sickle again. This time, a large black and white dog appeared at her feet, "Get 'em Jackal!" The dog barked ferociously and lunged at the nearest wild dog. They tumbled and sneered at each other, caught in a rolling fight of barks and bites. The other wild dogs made a break to defend their comrade. But Chelsea lunged in between the group and aimed her sickle. One dog screeched in pain as she made contact with its leg.

Blood dripped from its wound. The dog lifted it with great stress on its face. Jackal returned, blood dripping from its mouth...and the last dog nowhere to be seen or heard. The other two stopped growling, backing away from the duo that approached. Chelsea lifted her sickle, and Jackal growled. Then, the dogs made a dash for the exit with Jackal hot on their tail.

Chelsea didn't move. She felt a feeling of pity rise up for the wild dogs, and yet, she didn't feel remorse. Here they are, fighting to stay alive. But killing her animals to do it. Animals she had to protect.

A faint baa caught her off guard. At her feet was a small lamb, peering at her with big black eyes. She glared, pointing to the barn, "Barn." The little thing lowered its head and started chewing on the grass. Unaware of the dangers it caused. Chelsea made sure the barn door was still closed, and waited with the little one for Jackal to come back. She needed him to help her.

After what seemed like forever, Jackal skipped back. His tail was wagging faster than a blade on a helicopter. He barked happily the moment his eyes caught the sight of Chelsea, but she shook her head. When the dog reached her, she pointed to the lamb grazing at her feet. The dog whined.

"After," Chelsea muttered. It was like their minds were in sync. Jackal growled softly the moment the words escaped her lips. It took one look at Jackal, eyes widening, then made a dash for the barn. The duo followed the lamb. Chelsea was never sure how Jackal was able to do it. She'd tried talking the lamb in more ways than one. But the baby was always more willing to stick its head towards the ground and eat grass than listen to her. But with one bark or growl...sometimes a look, Jackal bent the stubborn will of anything.

Chelsea opened the barn slowly. The little sheep slipped through the crack in the door and disappeared into the darkness. A chorus of bass met her ears, "Stay," Chelsea ordered. Jackal sat outside the door, his tail thumping against the ground. Her hand felt along the wall until it found a familiar switch. When she flipped it up, the lights went on.

In front of her was a barn ten times the size of any she...or anyone else had seen before. Within was a large group of twenty or more sheep lying on the ground. Amongst them were several lambs, including the one that had run away earlier and sent them on the wild goose chase. Chelsea counted heads. There were more than she'd ever thought she'd own. As a kid, she was sure she'd have maximum ten, but at the end of her count, she concluded all thirty-two were nestled safety inside the barn.

She flipped the switch off and closed the door behind her, "Let's go Jackal." The dog jumped up from its spot and followed Chelsea as she made her way down a small hill. In the distance was a large house with a green roof and several workbenches outside. She smiled at the sight. Her muscles started to relax. To her left we're rows and rows of newly sprouted crops. They were a deep green. Beyond was two more barns surrounded by a large fence with lush grass within. Chelsea sighed. She'd been meaning to use the fence as an excuse to move her animals outside more frequently (of course, excluding the winter when the cold bore a deep affect into the animals) but chasing off wild dogs had become a nightly habit. And fences weren't enough to keep the wild dogs at bay.

Jackal dashed into the house the moment Chelsea opened the door. He twirled and barked, not giving her a second glance. She rolled her eyes, and made her way towards the kitchen. Chelsea felt something wet run against her the bottom of leg, but she ignored it. Her hand reached up into a cabinet in the kitchen and pulled out a box, "Here," She reaches into the box, pulls out three home shaped treats and tosses them on to the floor. Jackal catches a treat in mid air and gobbles up the others.

Chelsea doesn't wait for Jackal. She exits the kitchen and collapses on to the couch, closing her eyes. It felt like she hadn't sat down for ages. Her legs suddenly felt like led, and her head pounded. Seconds later, she felt something heavy drop on her lap. Chelsea saw Jackal, head on her lap. She frowned, "Off." But he doesn't budge. Instead his tail thumps against the couch. She sighs again, swiping a pen and notebook from the near bye night table and started scribbling notes. Jackal raises his head and whines; "Stop," Chelsea muttered, returning to the paper, "they're puppies. Don't worry." Jackal ceased his whining, lowering his head back on to her lap. But it didn't matter. Even if he whined and whined, it wouldn't have mattered. She needed more animals. More dogs.

She patted Jackal's head, "You'll train 'em. It'll be fun."

Jackal whined. He jumped off the couch, keeping his back to her and plopped on to the floor. Chelsea rolled her eyes. She knew he'd act like fact, it was the reason she didn't bother mentioning the letter she received a few weeks ago. Even if it was important.

She traced back to the moment she'd opened the mailbox and found an envelope with her name on it. The writing had been messy...and yet she knew the name was hers. She'd seen the writing so many times...and slowly ripped it open. As the spring breeze tousled her hair, she gazed upon the letter. As she read, her heart started to pound:


The farm's gone. We tried everything we could. We have nowhere to go. We'll be coming to Sunshine Islands this summer. And staying on your farm until something can be sorted out. That shouldn't be a problem.

See you soon,


p.s We kept my phone. Call me.

p.p.s I have friends in high places. One breeds dogs. Another cats. *Hint Hint*

She'd immediately dialled her sister's cell phone. But Molly had listened quietly as Chelsea demanded answers to her questions. She'd been offered nothing. No answers. No explanation. Just, "Be ready. We're coming. I'll have the boat money by the end of spring. Summer 01 is my aim." Besides that, she got nothing. She pushed and pushed, but the other side of the line remained silent. All Chelsea could hear was the sound of breathing on the other line, "Whatever. Give me extra time. I'll need to prepare." And she'd hung up.

They hadn't talked since. Chelsea had thrown the letter into the drawer of her desk, and locked it. The key still sat on her bedside table.

For a moment, she took in the silence. It usually greeted her with a grin, but today it was like ghost shadowing her. The silence whispered and taunted. And she hated it. It was like it knew it would go away for a while, and it was over joyed. The silence didn't want her anymore.

But she wanted it. She needed it. It was important to her. But she couldn't have it.

And the reason? She wouldn't be alone tomorrow.

A/N: My first fan fiction. Pretty excited. Not gonna lie, the outline is pretty long. This fan fiction is Chelsea x Vaughn and won't focus on other couples from any other game. I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter.