I know I have Alpha Universe and Beta Universe but this is not a universe. Since Priya and Iris are my two main mates for Perry, they are the main universes, but this is just a story. It's not a universe in itself. Am I over-explaining this? XD Leave a review and tell me if I am over-explaining this.
Sleeping wasn't the same anymore. Edith's scent was long gone from the sheet and blankets, so he couldn't seek comfort that way. Besides, he could never get to sleep because he kept thinking about Edith and the fact that she was really gone. To avoid this, Perry worked so late at the office that by the time he got home, he would fall asleep straight away. That was if he even made it home. More often than not, Pinky or Natasha would find Perry in the morning, asleep at his desk. But whether he fell asleep at home or in his office, the nightmares would still come.
Although he had tried so hard to forget, he simply couldn't. That single moment when he had lost everything was burned into his memory. He revisited it every night in his nightmares, even though he had tried everything to prevent it. He had lost count of all the sessions he had had with OWCA's counsellor, Artemis, who had diagnosed him with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Though this was obvious to everybody who knew Perry before that incident a year ago, which had been dubbed E-Day, in honour of Edith. Watching their mate die was not something that someone could go through and emerge from unchanged, not even Perry, who was OWCA's strongest agent, mentally.
Pinky the Chihuahua and Natasha the Fennec Fox used to be Perry's best friends. They still considered themselves Perry's closest friends, but the teal platypus agent possibly wouldn't. Ever since E-Day, Perry had shut himself off from them. He barely talked to them—or anybody, for that matter—and he stopped going out and having fun with them, like he used to. Despite this, Pinky and Natasha continued to help and support Perry. The teal platypus had not only been diagnosed with PTSD, but depression and anxiety, the latter of which often led to panic attacks if he thought about E-Day too much or for too long.
That was why Pinky and Natasha often took turns discreetly watching their best friend in case the platypus had a panic attack or needed someone to talk to. More often than not, it was the former that came into play. In fact, Natasha was so worried about the high frequency of panic attacks that Perry was getting, that she went to OWCA's doctor, Apollo, Artemis's twin brother, and was given a special device nicknamed the CA, for Cardiac Arrest. When someone had a panic attack, their heart rate always rose alarmingly. The CA lowered the heart rate and helped calm someone having a panic attack down enough for them to recover more quickly. This device was passed from Natasha to Pinky and back again depending on whose "shift" it was to watch Perry. The platypus often never even realised they were there.
Pinky and Natasha often wished they could do something to help Perry. On the year anniversary of E-Day, their wish came true.
I know this chapter is short but it's a prologue so it's okay. Thoughts so far?