Heroes. Some are created, some are forced. The stories of heroes are known far and wide, yet in the world, those they once considered heroes are no more than vigilantes who take justice in their own hand and cause more harm than good.

However, evil continues to spread, and without good, evil will go unchecked. Enter Overwatch, the division of heroes spanning the globe, all with the goal of saving lives and protecting the world.

They work in secret now, but they will still act when danger is present. We focus our attention to England. Land rich with history, is having a problem.

Luckily they have a hero on the job. Her brown spiky hair danced slightly in the breeze and sometimes fell in front of her pretty face. Her eyes hidden behind yellow tinted goggles where a hazel color. She was dressed in a yellow skintight jumpsuit with the words 'TRACER" Written down her legs.

An aviator's jacket with the British flag stitched on her shoulders covered her top half, and over her chest rested a strange device the glowed a bright blue, it twirled like a silent turbine. She wore white gauntlets on her arms and her shoes were also white.

Her name was Lena Oxton, or as the world knows her as the hero, Tracer!

She smiled as she lifted a phone to her ear and her smile grew. "Wilson! What can I do for you, love?"

The rumbling of laughter on the other end made her smile brighten slightly. "Just a status report. You near the location correct?" he asked.

"Sure am. Just a few more feat and I should be at the barrier."

"Good. You remember why you are there correct?" he asked.

"Come now, love. I'm not that bad." She rolled her eyes slightly. It was a strange case however. Reports had come in that there was some strange energy coming from, Little Whinging; a small town just pass London.

Apparently the energy was similar to her powers, and that sent red flags to both Wilson and herself. Time was a picky and dangerous thing. It was fragile, it needed to be stable and at the moment something within this town was effecting that, so Wilson had sent her to give the town a look over.

"Town caught in some kind of time loop." Tracer replied to her friend. "Supposed to find the reason."

"That's the short version, but it works."

Tracer giggled lightly at him and nodded. "I got this, love. Don't worry your hairy head about it." She teased.

"Excellent." Winston replied, taking the jab in stride. "Be careful now, we don't know what it could be." Tracer nodded.

"Well, of course! Am I ever NOT careful?"


"What's with the silent treatment?"

"Does the word 'snow' mean anything to you?"

Tracer grumbled slightly with a pout. She had not seen the pile and had ended up falling into it while losing her guns in the process. It was a humbling day for her, and the other heroes had never let her live it down.

She scoffed slightly. "That was one time!" she stressed. "Besides, it's the summer time right now, I doubt that there would be snow in the time hiccup." She said.

She approached the location and instantly noticed the disturbance. The entrench to the town and the surrounding aria was distorted. She frowned and placed a hand on her hip. "I'm at the location."

"Good. Now, you should still be able to keep communication with H.Q while in the disturbance. Good luck Tracer." He said.

The heroine nodded and hanged up the phone. She gave the entrench a long look before smirking excitedly. "Well, no good standing here huh?" she sprinted forward and entered the town with a ripple left behind.

Meanwhile, at a small house in Privet Drive...

A little boy named Harry Potter curled up into a tight ball. He was surrounded by darkness and waste...

Where was he, you may ask?

Well, he was in a small cupboard underneath the stairs.

He was not here to hide or to play, this was his room. This was his small little space that he slept and healed. It was also where he cried silently in pain over how his family treats him. He was nothing more than a slave. A slave that was punched, kicked and screamed at for doing anything.

He never talked back, because he was scared too. He was terrified to do anything out of line. He was terrified to use his freak stuff or else his punishment will grow worse. Sometimes he wished that a hero would save him.

He knew about heroes. He had seen the comics that Dudley read and he always wanted to know what it would be like to be saved by a hero. But he knew that was a dream, a dream that was never going to happen.

He curled up tighter as a tear fell from his closed eye he wished that a hero would care enough to save him.

Unknown to him, his wish will be granted as Tracer exited the rift and instantly ended up slipping on ice sending her slipping and sliding into a snow pile.

She groaned slightly inside of the pile. Her upper torso was buried and her butt was in the air.

"What the bloody... I got sent back in time to WINTER?!" She exclaimed in frustration.

As if to reenforce this, a small pile of snow fell on top of her butt.

Groaning in annoyance she used her Recall ability and jumps back in time three seconds. She leaps over the snow and lands feet first and standing tall.

Sighing in relief she gazes around the neighborhood and blinks at the very strange sight. "Looks like a cult." She said slightly freaked out over all the houses looking the exact same.

Shaking her head she pulled out her tracker to show her the focal point of the disturbance and to her surprise she wasn't that far.

Smirking she heads off in that direction sometimes becoming nothing more than a blue blur. After a few more trips into the snow she made it to the house. Gazing at it with narrowed eyes she spotted a car at the driveway and figured that someone must be home.

She shrugged her shoulders and walked up ringing the doorbell and waited for the person to great her. She smirked to herself having a plan to get her inside the house perfectly.

She grinned and lightly rapped her knuckles against the door. She heard footsteps, and the door pushed open.

"What?" A thin woman demanded rudely. Tracer grinned.

"Afternoon to you, love!" She greeted with a wave. "I'm with the police! I'm here to check the premises for a serial killer! He's on the loose, he is, and we think he might be here!"

The woman stared at her for several seconds.

Then she slammed the door in her face. Tracer blinked as a mound of snow fell on top of her, covering her completely aside from her eyes.

Tracer shook the snow off her with a huff. "How rude." She said with a frown. She gazed around the house and thought of other ways to get into the house.

She jumped when her phone went off, she reached for it and opened it. "Wilson?"

"We have a trace on where the anomaly seems to have started and might have found the source."

"Number Four-"

"-Private Drive." She finished with a frown.

"How did you know that?" Wilson asked surprised.

"Because I'm right outside the house, love."

"Did you try to enter?" he asked.

"They slammed the door in my face!"

"…You didn't say that a serial killer was in their home did you?" came his exasperated voice.

"Well how else am I supposed to get them to let me in?!"


"Wiiinstooooon..." Tracer whined. "Stop judging my tactiiiics!"

"Well, regardless, it's not possible to get in that way. You'll have to sneak in. Through a window or something."

Tracer sighed. "Breaking and entering? I thought we were the heroes."

"We are Tracer, but we need to get into the house. Sneak in and try not to cause any trouble. I know stealth is not your strong point…"

"Leave it to me love." Tracer said determined walking over to the side of the house. She looked through the window to see the woman sitting on a chair looking through a magazine, she also noticed a large child playing on the ground with some toys.

Smiling lightly at the child she gazed around and looked up to find a window above her. Smirking she zoomed up a nearby tree and with great care opened the window. Focusing on her power she zoomed to the window and fazed through it with ease.

She landed on the other side on a bed…filled with toys.

She hopped to her feet and looked around urgently. "Okay, so far so good..." She mumbled. "Just need to go in and not get caught..."

She sneaked her way out the door of the room and made her way to the stairs. She held her phone to her hear.

"Winston, I'm in." She hissed softly so no one would hear. "Guide me to it, will you?"

"It's just below you" He replied back.

Tracer nodded and gazed around till she found the stares, zooming over to them silently and then down them silently. She pressed herself on the wall and gazed into the living room to see the woman still reading and the large child still playing.

She jumps however when she hears a noise in another room. She zooms over to the side and gazes into the room only to blink in surprise.

Inside the now identified kitchen is a small child. He looks maybe two and was waddling along the floor not used to walking yet. His messy hair was black and his eyes where a very bright green. His skin was pale. She couldn't tell how big or thin the baby was because he wore a very large shirt that covered up mostly all of his body and legs.

He waddled over to the cupboards and looked up at the sink with a frown. Tracer watched silently as the child waddled away before pushing a chair up to the sink. He climbed the chair and was now level enough to see the sink.

Then much to Tracers shock, he started to wash the dishes.

The young woman tilted her head and rubbed her scalp. "That's not right..." She mumbled to herself. "What's a tot like him doing cleaning dishes by himself?"

She stiffened when she heard loud footsteps coming in her direction. Her breath hitched and she snapped her head around, looking for a hiding place.

Finally, a small cupboard under the stairs caught her attention.

"Better than nothing..." She mumbled before moving towards it quickly and phasing her way in.

It was dark stuffy and very small. She pulled her legs up to her chest and with the only source of light being her turbine on her chest lighting the small space in a blue hue.

She gazed around the bland space and tried to move over to the door only for her hand to hit something soft. She covered her mouth with her other hand to muffle a yelp thinking it was a rat.

However, when the fuzzy thing did not move she relaxed slightly and looked over to see what it was.

Sitting in the dark corner was a teddy bear dressed like an aviator pilot. Tracer smiled at the adorable toy and lifted it up gazing at it fondly before finding a note on the side. She squinted her eyes to read it.

"Harry…?" she read it with confusion. "Harry?" she mumbled wondering who's name it was.

However, she was interrupted when a loud voice is heard outside the cupboard. She places the bear back down and scoots over to the door and opens it slightly to gaze out to see a large man glaring down at the small toddler who was now on the floor and the chair tipped over.



"DON'T TALK BACK TO ME!" The man kicked the boy in the ribs, eliciting a pained whimper.


"Shut your mouth, boy, and get back to work!"

It was at this point that Tracer noticed a VERY foul odour in the cupboard...

Tracer scrunched up her face in both anger and disgust of the order and gazed around now with more light to find a chilling sight.

The floor was covered in dry blood and off to the side rested old clothes covered in…well…waists.

Tracer covered her mouth to hid and hope to cover her gag. Her eyes going wide in horror. "Oh my god…"


The whole house grew silent at that and even Tracer held her breath as she gazed out to see what had happened to see that the little baby had dropped a plate to the floor and it had shattered.

The man stared down at the plate in disbelieve before looking back up slowly at the child his face growing many different shades of colors before landing on purple.

The child had winced at the crash and knew he did bad. He gazed up at his now purple faced uncle and said in the most adorable tone, "M'sowwy"

"BOOOOOY!" The man grabbed the child and threw him into the wall, causing him to squeak in pain. "YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING RIGHT, YOU BLOODY FREAK!"

"I...Isowwy!" The boy pleaded, tears streaming down his face.

"SHUT UP!" The man's beefy fist planted itself into the child's rib cage, causing him to cry out.

"No...Nobeet...Pease..." The boy sobbed.

"I said...SHUT UP!" The obese man punched the boy in the nose.

Time seemed to stop suddenly. The figures of both uncle and child stood frozen till suddenly they seemed to rewind themselves to right before the man was about to punch the child in the nose.

"No…Nobeet…Please…" the boy sobbed.

"I said…SHUT UP!" the obese man screamed and moved his hand to slam down on the boy.

Only for him to be hit by something else sending him staggering back.

The child let out a yelp as he felt himself falling but then it ended just as quickly as he felt someone holding him. He opened his eyes slowly to see a pretty woman with spiky back hair and strange yellow glasses.

The woman looked down at him with a sad look before giving him a small sad smile. "Don't worry, love, cavalry's 'ere."

The boy just looked up at her and whimpered softly, curling up and hugging his knees. Tracer gave him a sad glance. "...I'll be back for ya, love." She said gently, reaching down to ruffle his hair. She felt him flinch as she touched him, and smiled softly. "I promise you'll be all right..."

Then she rose to her feet, murder in her eyes, as she looked at Vernon, who was recuperating.

"Wh-What...YOU?!" He demanded angrily. "We booted you out of here!"

"Surprised?" Tracer said lowly.

"How did you get in my house!" he shouted at her.

Tracer walked to him her steps menacing making the large man take a few steps back. "A window was open."

Vernon glared darkly at her. "You broke in! Petunia call the-AH!" he shouted only to freeze when the woman suddenly disappeared in a flash of blue only to be right in his face delivering another right hook.

The man staggers back again holding his now bloody nose. He glares up at the woman who glares at him she pulls out her pistols and aims them at the man making him pale.

"Now. You are going to tell me, why you thought you could hurt that little one." She spoke harshly. The mission was no longer her top priority.

Vernon glared at him definitely. "You wouldn't…"


"AH!" Vernon shouted holding his hand in pain.

Tracer's eyes where cold as her stare could freeze him over. "Next shot will by your fat head." She threatened him.


"Excuse me?" she asked confused. Not noticing the woman and the large child enter the kitchen to see what the commotion was about.

"The boy! He's a freak! A magic using freak! His freak parents died and he was forced to be with us to keep him safe. WE NEVER WANTED HIM! We did what any normal family would, we tried to remove the freak from the boy." He raised his closed fist up. "He learned his place, and now understands that his freak stuff is a curse and that no one will give a damn about him." He explained darkly.

Tracer looked down at the ground, not moving her guns in the slightest. "Now get out-"

"No." Tracer said bluntly. "You're wrong."


"I said...you're wrong."


He was kicked in the face.

The man fell to the ground his wife screaming and rushing to him his large son staring wide eyed at her.

Tracer lowered her weapons and glared at the down man. "Harming a child in any form is horrible, to do so thinking you are doing good is insanity." She twirled her pistol slightly her glare never leaving her face, "I will not stand for it."

A soft whimper caught her attention and she turned around to spot the child curled in a ball on the floor. She frowned softly at the baby, glaring once more in warming to the down man and concerned/scared wife she approached the baby and knelt down in front of him.

The little boy felt someone run their hand through his hair and it calmed him down slightly. He blinked his eyes open and looked up at the smiling face of the woman who saved him with concern flashing in her eyes. "You alright, love?" she spoke softly to him.

"Uncy…Uncyhertme" he babbled softly his eyes watering slightly.

Tracer frowned now, "Poor love. Come ere'" she wrapped her arms around him in a hug holding him close as he buried his face into her chest crying his little heart.

"Huts..." He whimpered through his tears. "Hutswats..."

"I know, love..." She whispered gently, rising to her feet. "He banged you up something fierce, he did...And he's lucky I'm not doing the same to him." She shot the fat man an awful glare.

"You...little...HUSSY!" Petunia snapped. Lena rolled her eyes.

"Oh, come off it, you stuck-up bint." She said, making sure the boy didn't hear her. "You're just as bad as your blubber-ball of a husband over there."

"I never!" the woman hissed at Tracer angered.

"Do not insult my wife you freak!" the large man shouted in a wheezing voice.

She felt the child flinch in her arms by his voice and she glared down at the large man making him flinch slightly. "So loud…" she muttered in annoyance.

"GO! LEAVE NOW!" the woman screamed at the heroine. "TAKE THE FREAK WITH YOU!"

Tracer narrowed her eyes at the woman and scoffed slightly. "I was going to anyway." She said. "Where is his room?" she asked.


"His. Room." She stressed while pointing her pistol at them again the end lighting up ominously.

Petunia let out a frightened yelp and pointed to the cupboard under the stairs. The one Tracer had just exited, covered in blood and wastes. She did a double take, jaw agape as she processed this new information.

"Are you BLOODY kidding me?!" She exclaimed, holding the child tighter. "That disgusting...GARBAGE ROOM is his BEDROOM?! When was the last time it was cleaned, you stupid bint?!"


"Save it! I don't even care!" Tracer snapped. "I have something I need to look for, and NEITHER ONE OF YOU are going to stop me!"

"N-Now you have no right-"

"AND I'm gonna make damn well sure you don't get away with this!"

"We were doing the right thing!" Petunia snapped.

"The right thing!?" Tracer snapped but feeling the child flinch lowered her tone to a hard but softer tone. "Harming a child is NEVER the right thing!" she stressed hard.

Petunia frowned darkly. "My useless sister's brat. That's all he was! She was a freak like him, and look what happened to her, dead!" she shouted out.


The woman fell to the ground with Tracer glaring at her. "Be lucky I sent it to stun." She bit out before turning around and walking back to the cupboard with little Harry still nuzzling into her feeling safety and warmth for the first time in his life.

Tracer ran her hand on the back of his head gently to make him more comfortable. She knelt down and pulled open the door to the cupboard and narrowed her eyes at the room in anger but she bit her lip and reached in pulling out the bear and handing it to the little boy.

"Weddy!" he said happily and hugged it tightly to himself while Tracer maneuvered him so she was cradling him in her arms now, much like a baby.

"Well, love, you have your teddy now. You want the blanket too, yeah?" She asked with a smirk.

"Bankie...? Yespease..." The boy asked, looking at the blue blanket in the cupboard longingly. Smiling, Tracer reached in and grabbed it.

"Here you are then, love." She said, wrapping it around him. "There we are! Nice and snug." The boy blinked owlishly.

"Niseasug?" Tracer grinned widely.

"Nice. And. Snug." She poked his nose gently with each word, causing him to giggle. "Ah, THERE'S a sound I want to hear!" She said, grinning widely.


"Your laugh, silly little tot."

"Oh" he babbled softly a small smile on his face.

Tracer smiled down at him and it was then she felt her phone vibrate against her leg. She reached down and opened it up. "Tracer here."

"Tracer!" Wilson said in both panic and relief.

"Winston! Love, you would not believe-"

"You need to get out of their now!" Wilson shouted over the phone causing the hero to pause and blink.


"The distortion is going hectic and is starting to fade as we speak! You need to get out of the area before you end up trapped in that time period!"

Tracers eyes widened at that and she looked outside to see that the image of the world was starting to flicker. "Holly…I'm getting out!"

She hung up and turned down to the now slightly startled child. She bit her lip. She had to make a choice now. Either she could drop him off but she doubted she had that amount of time. Narrowing her eyes, she leaned down and kissed the child on the forehead making his eyes grow wide. "Hold on tight, love."

The as fast as her powers will allow her she zoomed out of the house holding the child tightly in her arms. She ran down the street seeing their image flicker hear to future and past. She continued to run to her entry point.

She knew she did not have much time and increased her speed as much as she can, zooming so fast she left a trail of dust. She neared the wall and with one final leap passed through it just as time reset.

Tracer landed on the ground in a roll holding the child protectively so he would not be hurt. She took heavy breaths not used to using her powers in that way. She gazed down and smiled softly at the child who was clutching her and his bear tightly. "Welcome to the future, little tot." she said and leaned her head down to rest for a moment.

This was going to be a pain to explain to the others.