This story will not be focused on too much, until I'm done with the done with the one I am recently writing.

Hey guys, SilverLight22 here! Yes this is an UnderTale Crossover (somewhat) but only a few characters will be used, as the story, well takes place in the underground.

This will contain a few spoilers from the game, but heck it's been out for a long time so everyone should be familiar by it.





*Awaken X *Sleep

*Dream *Think


Darkness. Darkness was all that he could see. He could not tell if he was dead or alive, and it was only a matter of time before he knew the answer. He couldn't see, feel or touch anything like as if he was just a corpse rotting away with its soul determined to live. "...Silver. You mustn't give up. Stay determined...for her." The voice was unexplainably weird, but it was right. He couldn't give up, not even if he wanted to. But what could he do? He was in some sort of state of paralysis and couldn't move, nor speak. Calling for help wasn't an option but neither was forfeiting everything he had done up to this point. But again, what could he do? " must believe in yourself first. Believe that you can beat fate, and determine your own..." The voice faded away with those last words. "Believe in yourself..." He let his mind ponder on those words. The thought of it was getting stronger and stronger with every impulse his heart gave. "Believe in yourself...Silver." The thought glistened in his mind, and a bright light engulfed his body like water. He could feel his body becoming light and all the weight being lifted as if he was purified from a curse.

He knew that he would not, and could not give up. For someone he loves, he won't turn back and leave her to suffer in the fault of his own mistakes. He opened his eyes, and only to see rows of pillars that are lined up in a large hallway, glistening like the rays of the sun on a beautiful day. He stood up from the cold but smooth floor he layed his body against. It was warm, a feeling of serene peacefulness in the atmosphere. It's almost as if he was walking amidst a flower field, with brazen grass and birds singing a nice tune carried in the wind. All of that disappeared at an instant, and he felt all of his sins and deeds, crawling on his back, for he knew what was to come next. His next decision would decide his fate and the fate of many others.


Eighty years. Eighty years ago was the end of the war between Mobians and Monsters or known as DeMobians. Both lived in peace and harmony for centuries together. What was the difference of the two races? For yes it is not clearly understood by many of those today. Mobians had a unique power, yes a power that can't be matched by any weapon no matter how well crafted it may be. It was their SOULS. But a DeMobian did not have that power, but rather the ability to absorb SOULS. Distrust began to grow against them, for they feared the DeMobians ability to absorb SOULS, and their fear was ultimately put ahead of all sight. The DeMobians were later accused as traitors and they were to be exterminated, for their fear grew so great, they became selfish for their own well beings. One by one, DeMobians fell at the hands of their once beloved neighbors, and began to run. No more were they welcome in the cities they once lived in, for they were hunted like prey.

The DeMobians were angry, and because of their anger, a Rebellion was born. They fought and clashed for three long years. The war was not long, for the Mobians far out powered the DeMobians. It was bloodshed, and an era of sadness and despair. Families were torn apart, Mobians who were sympathizers for them were executed for treason immediately, with barely a few who survived and assisted the DeMobians. Children were captured and tortured to death,while mothers and fathers were cooked alive and turned into ashes. Indeed, the war was an insane massacre, all because of fear and mistrust. At the peak of of the war, the DeMobians surrendered, and retreated to the mountainous regions, there later found refuge in Mt. Ebott. Once the Mobians learned of this, they sent the Council of Seven to seal them in regards of their fear of the DeMobians return for vengeance . They used their SOULS as elements to create a barrier. Patience, Justice, Integrity, Bravery, Perseverance, Kindness, and DETERMINATION. There, the DeMobians lived for the rest to the lives, eventually growing off the fear of Mobians to be replaced with despisement. It was made forbidden to ever go near Mt. Ebott, for whoever went there never comes back. The Mobians eventually began to forget about DeMobians, simply regarded back to as monsters to only equal to that of fairy tale. Those who survived the war, know this is no common folklore, and see it as Mobian kind's greatest deed and sin. Some say that they never existed at all. Some say it's all a wonderful ideal of fantasy. But the monsters did not forget the Mobians at all, for they knew they were the very reason this had happened to them, for they knew they had not committed an act of treason towards anyone.

Overtime, seven Mobians total had already climbed the Mountain, and never came back. They were claimed dead after each had not returned for four months. No one had known their intentions of doing do or rather their motives, but it was later disregarded and heavily implied it was forbidden to enter the home of the exiled DeMobians, now degraded back to as 'Monsters'. Exactly one century later at the date of the ending of the war, two children were born among the Mobians, who were more unique and peculiar than any other Mobian. A prophesy was therefore told, that the testament of the Mobians will soon be judged and atoned for through one of the children, and they will either destroy them or save Mobian kind. This is the story of those children, and the tale they will take under themselves. They will face challenges that will impact not only their being, but the beings of others surrounding them.

Fourteen years pass...

"B-Blaze wait up!" The young adolescent hedgehog said to his feline cat companion. "Blaze!" His companion finally stopped only to peer over her shoulder and throw him a smile. "C'mon Silver, you're so slow! It's about to start!" She began to run again ahead of the struggling adolescent. " I know, but I can't keep up with you! You're too fast!" He panted and squeezed all he had to run to maintain the same pace Blaze did. "Were finally here! And just in time too! C'mon Silver!" She grabbed his hand and dashed into the crowd. The event they made it to was the festival of Ebott, the anniversary of the monsters sealing into Mt. Ebott. The ceremony included a parade of Mobians dressed up as the soldiers in the old war, and some in monster costumes. "Hey Blaze, do you think the Monsters were real?" She looked at him and grinned. " Of course I do silly! I mean, why else would these festivals be for?" She made Silver rethink his question, actually making much more sense. " That's true, but all the adults say it's just a fairy tale. They never existed." Silver tried to argue back to Blaze's reply earlier, but nevertheless, he was not successful. "Silver, they were and are real. And...I just know they are." She final stated it with ,uch more clarity in her voice. Silver did not understand at all, but deep inside, he believes as well.

"Ladies and gentlemen, today is the one-hundred and fourteenth anniversary of our glorious sealing of the monsters! We all hope you enjoy today's festivities. But please do keep watch of your children this year. Have a great time!" The Announcer left while everyone went to try out the festivities. Soon enough though, Silver walked over to one of the parade floats. It was a supposed to be the City of Soldrean, the last battle place of the war. " this is what Soldrean looks like." As Silver gazed at the float in awe. "Blaze come check this out!" Blaze ran up to his side as also began to stare at the float in awe. After some time of appreciating the marvelous piece of art, they went to Sonic's Chili Dog stand to visit Silver's currently only known living relative.

"Hey cousin." Silver greeted him with a hug and smile. "Hey kiddos, what can I get for ya both today?" He asked after the consent freedom of Silver's hug. "I'll take a Onion Chili dog and Blaze will have the Tuna Chili cheese dog with a side of fish chips." Silver smiled and turned around to Blaze, only showing a slight blush at Silver. "You know me so well Silvy, you surprise me sometimes." Silver grinned in pleasure as Blaze said her words. "Well yeah, that's what best friends do, right?" Sonic eyed the two as they stared into each others eyes whilst blushing. If it was one thing he knew, is that these two were born perfect for each other. They've been together since they were very young and got along no better than anyone else. "I'm surprised you two aren't together already." Both Silver and Blaze looked at Sonic in confusion, for neither of them had ever been in a romantic relationship. So in turn, they did not understand what Sonic had meant. "Of course we're together, we're always together!" Blaze firmly stated against Sonic's statement. "Oh you guys have? I didn't know." Sonic grin grew wider with pleasure. "Oh Sonic, stop it. You know they don't understand what you mean." A pink hedgehog walked over from behind the stand. "I know Amy, but give me some fun you know?" Sonic scratched his head and turned to he two adolescent 14 year olds and handed them their orders.

"Thanks Sonic! We appreciate it!" And at that the two left Sonic and Amy alone. "Those two really are adorable you know?" Sonic turned to see his beautiful wife and smiled. "Yeah, I agree. But I hope those two don't get in any sort of trouble." Little did Sonic know, that something big was about to change the rest of everyone's lives. After Silver and Blaze finished their food, they began to walk around o enjoy the festivities. Games, prizes and food was like paradise for your average teenager.

"So Silver where to?" Blaze asked the white spined hedgehog.

"Good question. So how about... karaoke?" Silver waited to see if there would be disappoint of boring-ness on Blaze's face, but what he got was the opposite instead.

"Sure, let's go there!"

And so they did karaoke and many other things together. They played so much, it was nightfall by the time they were done. "I think we should head home Blaze. I don't think being out this late is safe." Silver said holding her hand tightly. "Yeah alright, let's go home Silvy."

Whew! Well there you go! I may have gotten a tad bit lazy at the end, but overall it's good don't you think? If you have any ideas for the story, don't hesitate to PM me!

SilverLight 22 out!