Hello everybody! If you're reading this, then I must thank you for checking out my humble story. I would really appreciate it if you reviewed this first chapter. Leave some advice. This is my first story. I would much rather you people enjoy my story as well, so leave some advice and tell me what you think. Thanks again! :D

Chapter One: A Turning Point? (First Half: A Mysterious Pokemon?)

? the Espeon's POV

I laid down on my side, my pink fur messed up and bloody. I let out sharp, ragged breaths. Anyone could obviously see that I was in pain. That is if anybody was around. Too bad I was in the middle of forest that was Arceus knows where. I was too busy bleeding out to realize that i it starting snowing. Great. Snow. Just what I needed. Maybe I can just freeze out here. Better than getting stabbed again...

No. Now wasn't the time to think about what happened earlier. Besides, the pain my body feels at the moment is nothing compared to the pain I felt in the past. Not the getting stabbed bit. It was much... much worse. I could still feel the marks left from that pokemon's-

Stop it! Now's not the time... Well, I'd rather not spend my last minutes alive thinking about my past, which was a living hell. A living hell... That was a pretty good word to describe his life, which had been a total of 14 years. It was a short life. Not a very good one either.

"Ugh... I said... I would...stop thinking... about my... past..." I don't know why I decided to talk. Until only a few days... weeks... maybe months ago. I really didn't know. Despite being free from my past... for the most part... I was still haunted by it. Thus, the stab wound in my arm.

Oh no. Was that the sound of leaves crunching?! Crap... Crap crap crap crap crap... CRAP! It must be one of them. It has to be. There's no other explanation. But how did they find me... More importantly, why would they want to find me? I am one step away from death... Maybe they wanted to do... those... things... to me before I left this world.

I didn't have enough energy to open my eyes, much less move, to see who was approaching from behind. Even though I was sure I knew who it was... Then again, maybe it wasn't them. Maybe just another pokemon that lives nearby that wants to eat me... Knowing my luck, it was one of the two. Nobody else would approach me... right?

Well I got my answer when a voice I had never heard before spoke up. I could tell the pokemon was only a few feet away from my body. What suprised me most about the pokemon was that its voice obviously belonged to a female or maybe a really feminine guy.

"Oh my Arceus! You're bleeding! Can you move?! Should I carry you?! Ohmyarceusohmyarceusohmyarceus! What do I do?!" She obviously sounded panicked. Then again, I think anybody would if they saw what I looked like...

My first thought was, 'Hey, do you think I can move?! I have a stab wound in my two front shoulders and my side. I'm sure I'm fine!'. I very well might have said that with my smart-alek-attitude... if I could talk. I only realized how dry my throat was when I tried to get smart with her. My lips were dry and stained with blood. I would try to lick it off my lips... if I could move any part of my body.

I suddenly coughed up blood when I tried to talk again on a small patch of snow that had formed in front of me from the falling snow. Still, maybe that would get the same message across as me speaking to the mysterious girl. How she responded surprised me.

"Alrightalrightalright... Calm down... Calm down..." Was she still freaking out and talking to herself while I was thinking? "Alright! I guess you can't even answer me. Maybe you're not awake? Am I talking to a sleeping pokemon? Nonono. That doesn't matter. You're bleeding. I gotta get you some medical help. And quickly!"

...Wait what? A pokemon wanted to help me? She didn't want to hurt me? No... I won't be fooled. Not again. I would have resisted when she lifted me up and put me on her back. I finally saw a tiny bit of her when I cracked my eyes open. I saw a small bit of blue fur... Wow... Her fur was... really soft... Now, if I was a stereotypical teenager, I would have blushed and smacked myself for thinking that. But, I wasn't normal.

Besides, she could be an enemy. Maybe she was going to heal me so I would have to endure that pain I've felt for years. Or... maybe... just maybe... she could be nice? No... I couldn't be that lucky. I was going to go back. Back to my terrible past. I would have cried at the thought of that oak again... but I couldn't. I had already shed as many tears as my poor 14 year old body could. I doubt I would be able to cry with everything I had for another year...

The last thing I heard was the sound of the mysterious pokemon's paw thundering against the now snow covered forrest floor. Then I lost control of my senses. Most likely from blood loss. Or maybe it was from shock from getting help when I was prepared for death. I don't really know. I just hoped that when I woke up, I wasn't in civilization. Or maybe, if I was lucky, I would wake up facing Arceus himself...

That was the last thought I could come up with before I lost consciousness.

There it is! The first chapter! Or the first half. Anyways, what did you think? Like it? Have any ideas for the story? Like I said at the top of the chapter, please review. Thanks for reading! I appreciate it. :D