Stan and Ford were walking around their old town, exploring and seeing new and old things.

"Man, the last 30 years really changed, eh, Ford?" Stan chuckled, nudging his brother.

Ford didn't answer. He was still pondering about why Stan had lied to him about their ma and pa being alive.

Suddenly Stan noticed a Toffee Peanut stand. His eyes widened. "Wolf! Toffee Peanuts! I didn't know they still made them! I'm getting some!"

Stan purchased some Toffee Peanuts and then walked back to Ford. He tore about the bag and gleefully shoved some in his mouth. "Oh, yeah, these taste just as I remember them," he moaned in joy. He shoved the bag in front of Ford. "Want some, Sixer?"

Ford had no response again. He still stood still, staring straight ahead blankly, not even facing his brother.

Stan eyed his brother in confusion. "What's the matter with you, Sixer? You've been silent almost the entire time!" He frowned. "Is something up?"

"You lied to me," Ford muttered.


"YOU LIED TO ME!" Ford shouted at his brother, looking very upset, turning to face his brother. "How could you?! Why did you say they are alive if they are not?!"

"Oh," Upon hearing this, Stan grew nervous. He looked down at the ground. "Well, uh… it's uh…." He shook his head. "It's nothing! Just ignore it!"

"Ignore it! How can I?! I can't ignore this situation!" Ford stared at his brother with a hurt expression. "Just tell me the truth, Stanley." He touched his arm. "Why did you say were alive when they were not?"

Stan looked at his brother. It was so hard for him to tell him, but he grew tired of his brother's constantly urging him and he finally bluttered, "They are alive in my head!"

"Wait what?" Ford gasped.

Stan sighed. "Ma and Pa, oh and ESPECIALLY Pa are alive in my head. I can still hear them inside my head, complaining about me. And Pa, saying all the time that I am weak and I will never get through life. I can still hear him saying that," He started sniffing as he said this. A tear even started to trickle down his cheek. "That's why I wanted to go to New Jersey in the first place. To show them my money. To finally prove to them how wrong they were. To stop those dumb voices in my head. It was the only reason I even wanted to come here!"

"Aw, Stanley," Ford finally understood. Even he started to tear up after hearing this. He affectionately hugged his brother. "It's okay, Stanley. I understand how you feel. I know how hard it was for you that day when Pa kicked you out."

Stan nodded.

"But I don't understand why you let them haunt you so much. I mean, look at you! You've made it and gone through life! You actually made my shack into the most successful market in all of Oregon!" Ford smiled. "Who cares what Ma and Pa had said? You made it out there on your own! Don't you see Stanley?" Ford smiled. "You are successful to yourself! Does it really matter what Ma and Pa think?."

Stan thought about what his brother said. He soon gave Ford a smile and wiped his eyes. "Yeah, I guess you're right!" It was kind of silly. Why had he wasted time thinking about how his mother and father thought he was weak? He was successful now to himself.

"Now come on, whatta say we head back out on the ocean and head out on a new adventure in a different land," Ford grinned, extending his hand out to his brother.

"You bet!" Stan laughed, taking his brother's hand.

And so, Stan and Ford headed back to their Stan O' War boat, ready to go out and take on another new adventure that was coming their way.

Only this time, Stan wouldn't let his Ma and Pa get in his head anymore. To him, he was a successful person and that was all that really mattered.