Arthur sighed and sat down on his cot. It was in the dead of night but he couldn't sleep. Not only was it freezing cold, but he was frightfully worried. He had just submitted his report and thought it might mean his his downfall.
"I didn't deserve that promotion anyway…" he mumbled. "I should just admit it, I'm horribly worthless. They'll probably demote me in the morning…"
Arthur walked over to the small cradle and peered into it. Meta was sleeping peacefully and for once was quiet and perfectly still. The little lad had grown so much but was still so dependent. Arthur hoped he could keep him but…but he felt horribly rotten doing so. He wished Meta had a real family.
Feeling downright depressed, the knight made his way to the cafeteria. At first he thought he was all alone but in the corner, he spotted Sir Nonsurat. The blue knight was drinking heavily but still seemed quite sober.
"Are you sure you should be drinking something so…strong?" Arthur muttered as he approached the knight.
"Why should you care?" the blue knight rumbled.
"I dunno…" Arthur took a seat and looked out the window. Cool winds wrapped around the GSA building as leaves fell solemnly. Arthur felt like those falling leaves. At first they were splendid with all their radiant colors but now they were falling and becoming a dull brown.
Nonsurat took another swig and began to stare at Arthur. "Don't let it get to you." he spoke suddenly.
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"I overheard that you're having a tough time. Don't let it bog you down."
"Why should you care?" Arthur mimicked the knight's former grumpiness.
"You like stories? Well, here's one. I've bet you've gossiped like everyone else. Always wondering why I'm so slow and such a loser. You've probably wondered why I never get promoted and why all the younger knights surpass me. Well, I'll tell you." Nonsurat's tone suddenly became remorseful and dismal.
"You don't have to tell me…" Arthur replied, figuring that the knight didn't like speaking about his past.
"I'm telling you this because it might do you some good. Don't you go telling anyone else, alright. Now were to begin… It was three months since I joined the GSA. I was quite a good soldier and I was the best of friends with Galacta Knight. The both of us were assigned to save a particular clan of people from Nightmare's tyranny. This clan just happened to be where Galacta came from. He was deeply worried about his folks so I decided to do my ultimate best. Unfortunately, the idea was so strongly put in my head that I sneaked over to the occupied city alone. I knew that once we opened fire, lots of the civilians would meet their doom. In order to avoid that, I made an escape route."
"It was a good little path and all I had to do next was inform the villagers about it. My plan was working out perfectly and in little time I was secretly evacuating the people. However, I should have realized that, in such heavily guarded city we would eventually be caught. I didn't though and kept sneaking people through. It was only a matter of time before the enemy spotted us."
"Most of the escaped people were put to the sword. Galacta's parents were among them. I couldn't defend them because…well, I had been in a few battles and I had seen men die but it was never so in my face. I had always been somewhat a coward but until this point, I kept it in check. Not then though. I ran, like the yellow coward I am."
"Galacta's family was entirely massacred but that wasn't the only thing wrong. Our small army was planning a surprise attack but because of the commotion I started, we were found out. Our camp was invaded and many lives were lost. We were able to fight back and take the city but it wasn't worth it with all those casualties."
"Galacta Knight hates me now and my name is horribly disgraced. I'm such a coward that I can't fight hard and nobody trusts me with anything. You might think that unjust of them but it's not. That ordeal wasn't something you forget about and live normally. I'm lucky to still be in the army at all."
"Well, I suppose you were wondering about me. Now you know. I probably could have mended things but I didn't even try. I don't want you to fall into the same lot as me so whatever you do, fix your mistakes and don't give up. I know losing Galaxia was rather a horrible thing to have happened but you can get it back. Unlike me…I can never restore those lives…"
"Now don't you give up or anything like I did. Promise me you won't" Nonsurat muttered and slowly rose.
"I promise." Arthur said solemnly. "Thank you, for giving me hope."
For this first time, Arthur saw the blue knight smile. "Think nothing of it kid. You just go ahead and fix up the mess you started."
A/N: Happy Thanksgiving!