
Power. I crave it. Whether I wield the power or control the one who wields it does not matter. Salem promised me power beyond any Huntsman, Huntress, Government or Military. All I needed to do was pollute the four Kingdoms with fear, turn them on one another, and watch as their hope for peaceful lives fades before them. But to do so I need powerful allies. Well… less so allies and more like servants. I had two in mind already, one an assassin with an impressive reputation. The second, was far more mysterious, which is why I sought this one out first. Salem had told me of a strange village south of Vale, beyond even Mountain Glenn, that stood in relative safety. Not because of their own strength, not because the area possessed no Grimm, but because someone powerful protected them. I travelled to this village, Wilderock, a quaint settlement placed at the base of a strange rock formation for which the town got its name. Combined with the surrounding hillside, this formation created an almost natural tower. I say almost natural, for the one I was looking for had carved a home out of the rock.

Neither my master nor I knew much about this strange defender, other than they possessed both the skill and strength to fend off many Grimm by themselves. As I wandered through the village, children laughing and playing, I made it my mission to discover more about this individual before confronting them. Naturally the easiest place to gather information would be the local inn, a nest of drunks and illegal happenings. Wilderock may have appeared idyllic from the outside, but every place has its underworld. Entering the cosy looking inn, I could feel gazes of lust and intrigue upon me as I made my way to the bar. I will not doubt my beauty, as I dressed in a crimson skirt and matching arm length gloves. I had mid-length hair, some falling over my left eye. Despite my attractive appearance, I had no time for men who do not know their own league. Even the barman had no control with staring, but he had enough professionalism to keep eye contact as I rested my arms on the counter.

"What can I get a fine lady such as yourself today?" He began politely. "A drink? A meal? A room? No doubt you are a traveller."

"None of those," I spoke with my sultry voice, planning to entrance the man into giving me what I wanted. "Just information please."

He stared quizzically at me with a raised eyebrow. "I can do that, but what information are you looking for?"

"Information on your guardian that resides in the tower." I stated bluntly, that turned more heads than just the drunks and perverts. Only murmurs could now be heard as I felt the stares, the barman also disliked the tense attention.

"Getting back to your own damn conversations or I'll kick you all out!" He declared across the inn, producing grumbles amongst the patrons as they resumed their own trivial conversations.

I smiled at him sweetly, "Thank you. I'm only interested in knowing what sort of a person this guardian is. This town has quite the reputation because of your protector, even in Mistral."

"I'm not surprised." Agreed the barman plainly. "Can't say I know her personally, but she's willing to protect this village by herself so long as we provide food and privacy."

A female… interesting. I highly doubted it was Raven, the one Salem had warned me about, but it was a possibility. An unwelcome possibility.

"What about appearance? And weaponry?" I pressed for more information.

"Appearance-wise she always has a grey traveller's cloak on, hood up all the time. All the kids who she allows to approach her say she's young and pretty." Described the barman with a thoughtful tone. "Weapon wise, no-one knows. She insists that we all remain indoors while she deals with the Grimm. Then again… some nights there is a strange blue glow from the tower and a weird humming. My best guess is a lightning Dust based weapon."

I processed this information, hand to my chin as I wondered who this girl was, and how she was so powerful. Based from the fact that she's young, I eliminated Raven from the mental list. This meant that it was someone unknown to myself or Salem. Either way I had to see her in person to persuade her to my cause. My main issue was that this guardian seemed set on defending the innocent. An ideal I could exploit perhaps? Or an obstacle that would make recruiting her impossible. With a curt nod and words of thanks, I left the inn, eyes following me until I was far beyond its windows.

Evening crept up on Wilderock, so I set out to ascend to the tower before dark. It was a gruelling ascent, even when I strode leisurely up the winding paths of the hillside. I truly hoped that this journey was worth the effort, I had little patience for time-wasters. Nearing the summit of the hill, the tower greeted me with an ominous entrance carved into the rock. There was no evidence of civil habitation, no doors or décor. Overall I was slightly disappointed, but my concern was not with the tower, rather its inhabitant. Entering slowly, my heels clicked and echoed off the cold stone. I did not care that the guardian knew I was coming, in fact, I preferred it. After survey all the barren rooms on the floor I entered, I felt a presence above me. Backtracking to the uneven stairwell, I took careful steps up one floor. It was then I came across the one I sought. Sat in a meditative stance, crossed legs and arms resting on her legs, was the guardian. True to the information, she was cloaked in all grey, her face now hidden by a combination of the hood and the dying light. Only candles illuminated the room dimly.

"My name is Cinder." I greeted with a short bow. "I've come to request something of you, Guardian of Wilderock."

"I'm listening." Her voice was soft, serene, and young. It instilled me with calm and my heart skipped a little. I had not expected something like her, and it threw me off my composure a little.

"I… I've come to ask for your help in my mission." I could not believe I had stuttered, but I could not show my nerves anymore or persuading her would be difficult.

"And what mission is this?" The soft voice echoed about the walls, but this time it did not catch me off guard.

"Humanity has become arrogant, complacent. I wish to prove to humanity their faults and rebuild a better society." The first half was somewhat true, directed at the leaders of the kingdoms. The second, mostly a lie. I wished to crush the kingdoms and destroy all their hope so that Salem would grant me the power I desired.

The Guardian shifted a little before speaking. "While that is a noble goal, you seek to deceive me."

"Deceive you?" I feigned shock.

"Yes." She said calmly. "I sense the despicable cravings that lead good people down dark paths on you. I sense your lust for power, but you lack it as of now."

I could not believe that this girl had seen through me in mere moments. And I was someone who had been taught the arts of manipulation and deception by Salem! Shifting my tone, I made my appearance more aggressive, aiming to drive my point in.

"I do not lie of humanity's arrogance. I seek power to ensure that we never fall back into such a disgusting existence."

"Seeking power for good intentions is a precarious balance that often falls to the darkness." The Guardian's tone became graver, the serenity replaced with experience. "I will not aid you unless you stray from the pursuit of power. Now… leave my home."

With a scowl I began to leave, but asked one more thing. "Very well. If I wish to seek you out again, then give me your name so I may find you."

"I will reside here for as long as I need to. But you may have my name, Cinder." Standing up, the girl pulled back her hood to reveal a slim, pale girl who looked no older than eighteen. Blonde hair tied back in centred ponytail radiated in the candlelight. Deep blue eyes glimmered, set entirely on my amber orbs. "I am Corlena Sho'ryn." She made no movement, steadfast as we stared each other down. Finally I turned and left, on the surface disappointed, but inside almost livid. Eventually I would return to deal an ultimatum, but I needed to come prepared. Perhaps Marcus would make my job easier.


Cinder had been a worrying sign for me. My peaceful watch over Wilderock was disturbed by her five months ago, but I did not let it get to me. The woman had not returned and no significant changes had happened in the town. Holding the persona of a wise guardian taxed me greatly, but my training and meditation help tide over the stress. Of all the things I was grateful for during my incomplete Jedi training, the teachings from the masters over inner balance aided me the most. All the memories, the nightmares were held back by my faith in the Force and my self-discipline. On top of that I possessed a few holocrons, cuboid devices usable only by wielders of the Force. They were my duty, my guidance and my confidant on this world. Holocrons had many potential uses; journals, training instructions and the vaults for secrets of the Jedi ways. One such holocron I had just finished using for my monthly journal entry, setting it aside on a pedestal to differentiate it from the others. Life seemed simple for me, and I enjoyed the days in which I could experience peace and quiet. I found out that today was not one of those days.

My first indication was the presences I sensed. Aura, an ability unlocked amongst the population of this planet gave off a signature not unlike Force Wielders. Those without immense control of it could be felt by me from a distance, which came in handy for dealing with visitors. Four presences approached my tower, allowing for the second indication, chatter. They were a loud bunch, or rather two of them were. Young and energetic came to mind as I heard the two noisier ones squabbling like siblings, only to be berated by an equally young voice, but more severe. As they got closer to my tower, I could make out more clearly what they were discussing.

"All I'm saying is that this will be a piece of cake!" Declared a young girl's voice as they got louder.

"Probably strawberry cake in your mind, Rubes." Retorted an older girl who shared similar enthusiasm.

"Ugh, we are getting off topic here you dolts." Intervened the more severe girl, not amused by the other's conversation.

"What Ruby is saying is that compared to Mountain Glenn, this should not be a problem." Piped up the last girl calmly.

"Exactly! Thanks Blake!" Responded the voice I identified as Ruby. "Professor Ozpin asked us to just talk with this guardian lady and ask her nicely to come visit Beacon."

'More recruiters' I thought to myself as I listened in on their conversation. Although they sounded honest, I could not jump to conclusions. Waiting for them to arrive in my room, I sat down in my meditative position and listened again.

"This place is a dump, no decorations or anything." Complained the older, now less enthusiastic girl.

The one called Blake corrected her. "Yang, this guardian has been living off only the essentials really. This isn't exactly Vale or Atlas."

"Yeah, yeah. But a little homely design wouldn't hurt." Agreed Yang dismissively.

Each of their footsteps made it to the stairs, cautiously ascending. They were nervous and I could not blame them. From under my hood I caught a glimpse of a red cape flutter behind a small girl as she entered my home. Under her cape she was dressed in a black and red corset, with a red metal box poking out from behind her back. Her hair was black with red tints on the tips, unusual, but not the weirdest I've seen. Immediately it struck me that this one was Ruby, given her much younger appearance compared to the prideful girl who strode in after her.

Wearing a light blue bolero jacket and a similar skirt to her crimson cloaked companion, this girl gave an air of superiority as she walked in with her heels clicking against the floor. I, however, could feel the underlying doubt in her. I also noticed a scar over her left eye, which did not detract from her pale beauty at all. Her name still eluded me, yet her white hair and demeanour seemed familiar. Additionally, a rapier hung off her waist.

Third came a girl dressed in mostly white and black. Long raven black hair flowed behind her with a black bow sat atop her head. A slender frame and calm posture gave away very little other than my assumption that this was Blake. She was mysterious, scanning the room with amber eyes. She was someone I could not read so well, which made me cautious. Her weapon I could not see so well, hidden by a sheath attached to her back.

Lastly came the one called Yang, who was much different from her colleagues. Radiant golden hair flowed down to her hips. She wore a brown jacket over a yellow crop-top that accentuated her chest. Undoubtedly she took pride in her appearance, wearing black shorts and a brown belt that allowed for plenty of skin to be shown. Striding in, her enthusiasm earlier was also combined with confidence. Unlike the others, she showed no obvious signs of a weapon.

All noticed me sat in the middle of the room, unsure how to react to my semi-meditative state. In the end the young girl, Ruby, spoke up.

"Uh… hello?" She greeted cautiously.

I slipped into my calm persona, replying to the young girl formally. "Welcome. What brings you to me?"

Ruby was about to reply, a little stunned by my voice, only for the one in white to interrupt her. "Allow me, Ruby." With a small curtsy which produced a snicker from Yang, she introduced herself. "We're sorry for intruding on your home. My name is Weiss Schnee, and we are Huntresses-in-training."

"I see…" I replied unemotionally. "And you wish to recruit me to join you?"

Weiss stumbled back in surprise, her face mimicked by the other three girls. From under my hood I smiled slyly, enough that they would not notice. Resuming my neutral expression, I waited for their reply. After the brief pause, Yang stepped forward with her hands on her hips. The mix of personalities provided different approaches for them.

"Our headmaster wants you to visit him at our academy. For what reason we don't know, but recruitment might be right." Yang grinned proudly as she bent over a little to look down on me. "Though I don't see what he would see in you." I tilted my head back to meet the blonde eye to eye. It was then some of the bad habits I picked up from being in the presence of Master Kenobi's wit shone through.

"Most of one's potential comes from within. Though the odd person possesses the reverse." I grinned with a wry smile, my hood no longer hiding my face. While the others stared intently at my appearance, Yang soon caught the meaning of my jest, growling at me.

"Why you little-" A blur of rose petals drifted in front of Yang as Ruby appeared between us, trying to appease the angry blonde. I blinked a few times while trying to comprehend what the young girl had done. I remembered how those with Aura possessed a unique ability, a Semblance. Obviously this girl had incredible speed. Rising to my full height, just under six foot, I flicked my gaze between each of the girls.

With Ruby holding Yang back, Blake spoke up. "So… Will you follow us to visit Beacon?"

"No." I said bluntly, all the girls staring at me a little disappointed. "I have my own duties and the life I live is peaceful here. Minus the occasional Grimm attack-" A small beeping distracted my attention. I turned to the beeping device in the corner of my room, a small early warning system. Letting a sigh escape, I turned back to my guests. "Like that one."

"Then let us help!" Chirped Ruby eagerly.

I shook my head. "No, this is my duty, and I will not be long. Wait here and do not touch anything."

Without a further word, I left my tower for the village. Making the easier journey downhill, I could feel the Grimm approaching from the obvious direction of the deep forest that stood south of Wilderock. Patiently I waited for them, striding a little closer to the forest and reaching into my cloak. Soft leather brushed against my fingers as I then closed them around the handle of my weapon. Rather than the cold metal of a lightsaber handle, I had wrapped brown leather around it for comfort and discretion. Gingerly I ran my thumb over the ignition button of my weapon, waiting for the foul creatures that haunted humanity. Upon hearing the deep growls of the monster I drew my weapon of my belt and held it in a two-handed grip before my face. Igniting the lightsaber, it hummed in my hands as the blue plasma blade illuminated me. Once the first Grimm crawled out of the treeline I dropped into a combative stance, levelling my blade with my eye level and stretching out a hand in front of me.

And so I danced the dance of death that I had performed for this village for years. Calm, elegant and driven to protect the innocent.


First impressions of the 'guardian', not great. At first I believed her to be as cold as Ice Queen and as mysterious as Blake. But then she had the nerve to insult my intelligence subtly and grin at me. After all of that, she just stalked off to fight some Grimm and turned down our help! The urge I had to smash up her hovel of a home was great, but I knew that would get us nowhere. My team was scattered about the room, Blake studying but not touching the stack of books piled on a crude stone table. Weiss stood impatiently, tapping her foot while watching Ruby gawk over the strange cube sat on a pedestal. It intrigued me as well, so I snuck up behind my sister and leaned in close.

"Watcha lookin at?" Ruby jumped a little at my close proximity, acting like when our dad caught her raiding the cookie jar.

"I-uh was just, um… studying this!" Ruby gestured to the cube.

"She wants to see what it does." Weiss corrected with disapproval. "If it actually does anything."

I glanced at the cube. "Of course it does! Aren't you curious as well?"

Weiss sighed in admittance. "Yes I am. But I have enough decency to not pry into our host's things."

"Then it's settled! Ruby, open it up!" I ordered my leader with energy.

Weiss raised a finger to protest, but she knew she couldn't stop us. "Wait! I didn't say- oh forget it!"

Ruby snatched the cube off the pedestal, attempting to twist and pull each angle to open it. Childish concentration filled her face as she stuck a tongue out and grunted with effort. I couldn't help but laugh at her attempts.

"Why don't you try it?" Ruby pouted, holding out the cube for me.

I shook my head. "Nah, I'd probably break it. Then we'd definitely fail this mission." Ruby huffed in defeat, placing the cube back and slumping onto the ground with crossed legs. I mimicked my sister, but leaned back and propped myself up with my elbows. Blake soon joined us, having studied the entire room without touching anything. Even Weiss then flopped down in boredom. Silence filled the room, only the faint howls of Grimm being slain echoing through the air. In my relaxed pose, I closed my eyes and felt calm wash over me.

"Hey guys…" I received hums as answers. "Doesn't this place make you feel calm? Just close your eyes and relax for a sec." Sounds of shuffling forms complied with my suggestion.

"You're right, Yang." Agreed Blake. "I feel I could be quite comfortable here. Waiting for the guardian shouldn't be too bad like this."

"Yeah." "It is pleasant." Came Ruby and Weiss' replies respectively, and so we enjoyed the tranquillity for a while. Then something strange happened. The first thing I noticed was a blue glow piercing my eye lids, which made me open my eyes and find the source. All the others had noticed too, all eyes focusing on the cube that Ruby had tried to open. Now it floated above its pedestal, opening up to produce a hologram of the guardian.

"Journal of Corlena Sho'ryn, entry thirty-eight." Narrated the hologram of the guardian.

"The cube is her journal." Stated Blake obviously.

"Nothing of note has changed regarding entry thirty-three, which is a relief. However, Grimm attacks have dwindled over these past months. While the reasoning escapes me, I welcome the change. It allows for more training and meditation time. I even spend the odd day visiting the village children to sense for potential and relieve my mind of my duties for a while."

The hologram of Corlena frowned before speaking again.

"All the Order taught me has aided in holding back the nightmares. I try not to remember, but my duty forces me to. All I can do is keep strong in my faith and master our ways with the resources I have… for the time when we will rise again. This is the journal of Padawan Corlena Sho'ryn, may the Force be with us all."

On the final line, the hologram flickered out, the cube dropping back into its pedestal with its corners twisted out of place.

"I have so many questions." I said for everyone. "Because that… was a thing."

"Did Ozpin know about this?" Questioned Ruby.

I shook my head. "Dunno, sis. All the more reason to get her to come with. Am I right?"

"Well… yes." Blake said, her eyes intently focused on the cube. "But I have a feeling she will realise we somehow peeked into her diary." I felt a little chill run down my spine as I heard the slight shuffling of feet come from the stairs.

"Oh, it is more than a feeling." Came the irritated voice of Corlena from the doorway.


Never before had I been so conflicted since my arrival on Remnant. The four girls had ignored my instructions and quite obviously messed with my journal holocron. But the issue came with how they had messed with it. My journal holocron was unlocked. Unlocked! Meaning one of them was Force sensitive. While I should be scolding them for abusing my hospitality, the fact that one of them had potential held me back. Now I glared at them, all rigid like inactive droids. If I had any less self-control, I would have been screaming at them, forcing them from my home. Yet, I could not bring myself to do it, because of what I now had to do. Walking to the holocron, I picked it up and held it out in my palm. With a small tap into the Force, it floated above my hand and locked itself, the corners realigning into a complete cube.

"You have no idea what this means." I said to all of them as I placed the holocron back down gently. I knew it was a stupid question, but I had to ask it anyway. "Which one of you opened the holocron?" All four glanced between each other, unsure on how to answer my question. I sighed with exasperation. My age was pretty much the same as theirs, yet here I was making a choice that should have been made by a Jedi Master. My façade of wisdom and experience faded as my shoulders slumped.

"Go… go wait outside. Please." I ordered weakly, mostly consumed by my own thoughts. They looked between each other, leaving one by one. Alone, I pressed my hands to the sides of my head, my fingers clutching tightly to strands of my blonde hair. On the surface I did not believe myself to be ready. Taking on an apprentice was a huge responsibility, and I had not even achieved the rank of Jedi Knight, and never would. Deep down, however, I knew I had the resources and the basic knowledge to educate them in the Jedi Way. This world was not Coruscant, nor did the Jedi Order exist anymore. I could teach the one enough to control the Force and resist the temptations of the Dark Side, then leave to continue my commitment to Wilderock.

Salvaging all necessary mechanical parts for repairs and tinkering, I crammed them into a small satchel. After that I walked up to a wall in my room, reaching out with the Force to slide it aside. I applied great effort to move the slab of stone which hid my most treasured possessions: the Jedi holocrons. Retrieving another, larger satchel, I placed all of the holocrons carefully in it, including my own journal. Finally I collected a small assortment of books relevant to this world and my previous life, placing them on top of the holocrons to hide them from prying eyes. Scanning my bare home, I made sure not to leave any important pieces of equipment or information behind before making my way to the entrance of my tower. Beyond the doorway stood the four girls, faces of guilt and confusion mixed between them. I pulled up my hood as I addressed them in guardian guise.

"Allow me time to speak with the mayor, then we shall be off to Beacon."

I recently finished watching Star Wars Rebels and realised, I really want to write a Star Wars crossover.

So now I'll be writing 3 fics for all you lovely readers!

I hope you enjoyed this introduction. Don't forget to review as I love feedback!

Wardtortle, out!