Hello, well, this story took a lot of turns and became something I didn't expect not even myself. Weird, but true. Now, with my writing skills getting more and more rubish i decided to throw everything trough the window (i don't even know if that has any sense in english) and finish with this.

I'm sorry, it's fluff and crap writen but anyways, thanks for that seven people who followed this story, and to BlackSparklesAndLeather,, Fauryn, Lean Aviliansa, LynAndAnnie, Q195, theghostkingnicodiangelo andxliviaolteanu. And thanks the other people who just read it without following.

I hope you enjoy this crappy little bit too.

Unknown Reasons


January arrived and Bokuto started training with the Fukurodani team once again.

All the team was really happy to have him back. All of them knew about his mood swings and didn't care about it.

Akaashi, who skipped the first three practises because he had exams, arrived on the fourth day of training.

He was training with the rest of second years when he heard Bokuto's voice.

"I'm horrible… just a burden… leave me, stop tossing to me… I'm not worth it."

"Bro, you've got to keep playing. Come on!" said Kuroo.

"I'm just an obstacle… not good enough…"

"You made me do this. AKAASHI COME HERE!"

All the team looked at him. Akaashi just sat beside Bokuto-san and talked to him in whispers. Then Bokuto hugged him and stood up. In a few seconds Bokuto-san was as loud and happy as ever.

"What kind of dark magic is that?!" Screamed on of their teammates.

And Kuroo smirked.

Everything started on the first week of January.


It was January the 3rd. Akaashi was already back at college and was waiting for Bokuto's arrival that evening.

Kenma was still at his parent's with Kuroo, so Akaashi was alone at their room.

He took the chance to study all day long for his exams. All his nightmares had stopped; he had been sleeping every night perfectly fine.

He was sure that he'd get full marks on his next exams now that he didn't have to worry about falling sleep in the middle of a test.

But he missed Bokuto.

He knew that, even without him, he would be fine. He knew that, even if Bokuto helped him overcame his fears, it was something that he did on his own. And he didn't need Bokuto, he didn't depend on Bokuto, he just wanted to be with him.

He was grateful for the help the older boy gave him and for waiting for him to confess, but that was not relevant.

He loved him. Even if he hadn't helped him with his fears, Akaashi would have loved him.


Bokuto was on the train, this time a not delayed one.

In five minutes he would have the chance to finally meet Akaashi.

In five minutes…

He couldn't forget that kiss…

He was awake…

He smiled feeling stupid. Akaashi was awake the day Bokuto told him about his feelings, and he didn't answer half sleep, he was fully conscious. He was awake.

The train stopped and he started carrying his suitcase through the snow.

He was entering the campus when someone suddenly came running.

Akaashi hugged him and Bokuto returned the hug, leaving his suitcase behind him.

"I missed you" murmured Akaashi.

"I missed you too."

They parted and looked at each other eyes.

"I really love you Keiji." Said Bokuto-san

"I love you too, Bokuto-san."

"Call me Kotarou!" said Bokuto while hugging aggressively Akaashi and making both of them fall to the snow.

They both laughed and when they stopped Akaashi just said:


And then Bokuto kissed him.


Kuroo and Kenma arrived toghether on the next train and, while they were arriving to the campus they saw Bokuto helping Akaashi stand up.

Once both of them were up again Bokuto held the younger boy's face softly and put his forehead against Akaashi's while whispering something that looked like "This is just the beginning"

Kuroo started fangirling over seeing his friends and Kenma nudged him.

But that didn't stop Kuroo from running towards them and charge against Bokuto.

Kenma stopped beside Akaashi and, while looking at the two idiots that laid on the snow, he whispered to Akaashi:

"Congratulations. Good luck"


Thanks for reading ~ feel free to comment

PD: I'll may do a Unknown reasons 2, i've got everything prepared, I just want to improve my writing first. So keep an eye on me ;) Actually, no, it might take some time.