Hello, I'm not going to hit around the bush. This is a 4-5 chapters story. All planned, it's not going to be really long (I think) and i'm going to write it quite fast. Just letting you know 'cause as a reader, I know how horrible the waiting for an in-progress story can be.

As always, if there's any mistake in grammar, spelling, characters out of character, anything at all, tell me, don't be shy.

First time writing about BokuAka.

I hope you'll like it and thank you for reading!

Unknown Reasons


College has been always a mystery to Akaashi. People met and became friends for unknown reasons. It was the case of Akaashi's roommate: Kenma, a silent, not really social, computer science student. Akaashi and he became friends easily, after all they liked the same videogame and with Kenma that was the key. But that was not the surprising thing about Kenma. The mystery was, how the hell did Kenma end up being friends with Kuroo.

Kuroo was cool, at least in Akaashi's point of view, but he was, well… too cool sometimes. Like a cat, he seemed the kind of person who would stab you in the back. However, even if it didn't look like, Akaashi tolerated and even liked Kuroo. Not at the very beginning of course. The first time Kenma introduced his childhood friend, Akaashi felt like kicking him. But with time Kuroo proved to be clever and at the same time a really good friend to Kenma, caring and funny.

And this is how Akaashi and Kuroo became friends. But that's not the point here. So let's go back to that October morning in which our story started.


Akaashi was finishing an essay about the human anatomy when Kenma entered the room. Instead of his normal silence, he said:

"Akaashi, you remember Kuroo, right?"

"Hmm… "nodded Akaashi while stapling the multiple pages of his essay. He already knew what this conversation was going to be about and he was regretting not having a bet with someone about it.

"Well… we are… erm… dating"

"Congratulations" Said Akaashi turning to face Kenma. "I'm really happy for you"

"Yeah, well, about that… Kuroo insisted that telling you this would be the best so… Erm…" Kenma looked as if he was sorry for what he was about to say "well, as Kuroo and I are together, Kuroo said that we might want to share bed sometimes, and that you might want to change room with him that nights."

"That's fine with me" said Akaashi calmly.

"That's not all… erm… you might have to meet Kuroo's roommate, Bokuto."

"Wait… What?" Answered Akaashi who didn't expect that turn of the events. "I though Kuroo-san had an individual room"

"Well, yeah, that was until this September... They added one bed in his room and now he is sharing with one of his best friends."

"And I'm going to have to sleep with that guy who I don't even know?" asked Akaashi coolly, but with a subtle tone of worry on his voice.

"I told Kuroo you'd say that," said Kenma while sighing "and he said that you should meet him first. So… how about going for a coffee with Kuroo and Bokuto tomorrow morning?"

"You won't come?"

"I have a lesson at eight in the morning tomorrow, so I can't come, sorry…"

"Don't mind."

"Are you going, then?"

"Sure…" said Akaashi looking unconfortable with the idea of sleeping with an unknown guy.


*Knock, Knock, Knock*

"Oya, oya?" Came a voice from the other side of the door.

"Oya, oya, oya" answered Kuroo.

And the door opened revealing a boy with white hair, all messy and wet from the shower. That was, obviously, Bokuto.

"Hey! Bo! Forgot the keys!"

"¡Hey, hey, hey, Kuroo! You're late, what were you doing?"

"I had to talk to someone. Bro, I've got to tell you something." They sat down in their respective beds and Kuroo started. "I'm finally dating Kenma"

"Wooooooooo, that's really cool, bro!"

"Yeah… well… would you do me a favour?"

"Sure" said Bokuto immediately.

"You know that maybe, now that we are dating, Kenma and I will want to spend more time together and well… would it be okay with you if I changed bedrooms with Kenma's roommate for a couple nights?"

"Yeah, sure." After a pause Bokuto seemed to realise something " But who is his roommate? Do I know him?"

"I don't think so. I arranged for you to meet tomorrow morning."

"Cool, and what's his name?"

"Akaashi" said Kuroo.


And the morning came too early in Akaashi's opinion.

Kenma was already getting ready for his lesson when he saw Akaashi wake up.

"Had a bad night?" asked Kenma.

"Horrible, but not the worst" answered Akaashi from his bed, the top bed of their bunk bed.

After that, Kenma got up and with a simple "see you" left the room.

Akaashi had a shower and dressed up, ready to meet Kuroo and The Roommate. And then he got a glimpse at his reflection and realized that he looked horrible. He had dark shadows under his eyes and his hair was a disaster. He sighted and just left without even trying. It was one of those mornings when Akaashi had learned that giving up was the best tactic.

He arrived four minutes earlier at the coffee shop. At nine o'clock, surprisingly punctual, arrived Kuroo and The Roommate. Bokuto was wearing his white hair spiked and was far too awake for having just woken up. Kuroo on the other side looked as sleepy as Akaashi felt. They entered and, after ordering, they sat around a table.

"So, this is Bokuto." Said Kuroo "Bo, this is Akaashi"

"Nice to meet you, Bokuto-san" greeted politely Akaashi.

"You too, mate" answered Bokuto.

Kuroo looked from one to the other, trying to figure out what they were thinking. Akaashi looked as cool as always and Bokuto as exited. Nothing seemed wrong.

However, first impressions are complicated.

As they were talking Akaashi though Bokuto was:

~Too energetic

~Too loud

~Too cheerful

~Too friendly

And on the other hand, Bokuto thought Akaashi was:

~Too polite

~Too cool

~Too good-looking

~Too serious

Both of them, secretly hoped that it would be a long time before they were forced to share a room.

And both of them were terribly wrong.


I've always wanted to say that ·