Prolouge Scarlet Stains

Febuary, 1987

Scilence reigned, except for the dark clouds releasing a heavy downpour outside. Vincent wiped the sweat off his forehead as he looked down upon the mess of animatronics he had hacked to pieces one by one with his axe. Gears, and a hodge podge of other robotic parts were sprawled across the tile floor. The flickering dim lights of the Horror Attraction reflected off of the various, multicolored puddles of oil, blood and other internal fluid from the robots that now decorated the floor. Vincent had finally managed to finish up the job he had started months ago.

Vincent had been the father of two sons. Unfortually his youngest who had been in a coma since the accident at FredBear's Family Diner, had passed away. He died in the hospital only six days after he was bitten on the head thanks to his horrible older brother. Vincent had managed to get his revenge on his oldest for breaking their family apart, he lured the boy out back behind the diner and murdered him. But that just wasn't enough to satisfiy his thirst and hunger for revenge. The man wanted something more, he wanted to make other parents feel the same way he felt after losing his own kid.

He managed to obtain the Golden Freddy suit from the back of the restaurant in the new Freddy Fazbear's Pizzaria. Using the suit, Vincent lured five unsuspecting kids into the back room, separating them from their parents. After shutting and locking the door, the man got himself out of the costume and smirked at the kids. They tried to scream for help and run, but Vincent cornered them. Raising his knife, the man murdered the crying brats one by one, leaving scarlet stains on his hands and clothes.

Knowing that he had to cover his tracks afterwards, Vincent hid their bodies inside the five mascot costumes; Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy and finally the special one, Golden Freddy. They were just like coffins for his five little victims. After carrying out his onslaught, he drug the occupied suits to the back room and then walked out, acting as though nothing had even happened. On the other hand, the parents of the kids panicked frantically about the loss of their little ones.

Vincent however, didn't feel anything...not a thing. He had gotten a kick out of what he had done. But little did he know that they would be back to seek their revenge in the future.

It had been three months since both the 'Bite of '87' and the 'Missing Children Incident'. But to the man in purple, those events felt like they had happened just yesterday. Over and over again, he played them in his mind. Gazing down upon the remains of the robot bodies once more, Vincent felt relief wash over him. He was home free.

Or so he thought.

"Finally done, those machines are nothing but hacked up pieces now. I still can't beleive that I managed to get away with murder, five...whole...times." Vincent scoffed as he dropped his axe, "These stupid robots and their disqusting stench, it's not like anyone cares about this place anymore. But still, it's good to cover my tracks." He chuckled, that was something he hadn't done since he cornered those annoying, screaming kids months ago and put them in their place. All before the resturant closed down due to a bad report from the health company. All thanks to the fresh blood and mucus emitting from inside the costumes.

Vincent was about to walk out of the Safe Room when he felt something. Something didn't feel right. He scanned his surroundings, feeling as if he wasn't alone here, but there wasn't anything. Nothing but an empty, old, decrepited building being worn down by the weather. The former guard shook it off and started walking. He thought he spotted something out of the corner of his eye, but played it off as a trick of light, while a icy chill shot down his spine. Vincent placed a hand on his chest, "Ok, calm down Vincent, there's nobody else here. I'm all alone." He told himself.

"Oh really? You're all alone hm? I beg to differ." Quickly whipping around, the man came face to face with a translucent being. Carefully analyzing the small figure, the killer reconized who it was right away. Vincent was staring face to face with the ghostly rendition of his first victim.

The angered spirit floated tword his killer. Vincent made a break for the exit but jumped back when he saw four other figures in the doorway. He was trapped, just like what he had done to those poor tykes in the pizzaria before he slaughtered them. Only now, he was the being cornered. The tables had turned. Giggling, the ghosts came closer and closer. "We know what you did." The Freddy boy whispered.

"We never forget." Replied the Bonnie girl.

The murderer covered his ears to block out their words. He screamed when he felt ghostly claws latch onto him and started scratching multiple places on his body: his legs, his arms, even clawing at his face. To Vincent, they felt so real. "Leave me alone!" Vincent cried, grabbing his axe and swinging at the kids who weren't ripping him up. The weapon had no effect on spirits, the blade just went right through them, not harming them one bit."Don't you dare touch me again!" Vincent needed to escape.

He had to get away from those...those...BRATS!

Spotting the Spring Bonnie suit over in the corner hidden behind dust covered boxes, the man had found his hiding place to escape the angered spirits. Vincent dropped the axe, dug out the suit, and brushed it off. Failing to check and see if the spring locks inside the suit were properly in place, Vincent slipped it on. Inside it was hot, muggy, and it reeked of wet fabric. The man didn't care, he just wanted to get away.

The kids looked at one another and then back at the suit, confused. Leaping to his feet, he just laughed. "Ha! Can't hurt me now can you!? No you can't! I bested you you little bastards, I win!" Vincent shouted at them. The murderer flinched when he felt something splash onto his arm. "What? How can moisture be getting inside the suit?" Looking up above him, he saw the rain falling heavier now. Droplettes fell through the holey roof and dripped into the spring lock costume.

Vincent's ears pricked up when he detected something click on the inside. "That can't be good." Looking back at the spirits, all five of them smirked. The ex guard thought they were mocking him, but soon he yelped and jumped as he felt something poke him in the side. He screamed when he felt more stabbing and prodding. The spring locks had failed and were now slicing the killer to pieces. Blood splattered everywhere as the children gazed on, happliy watching their killer die. They didn't feel any sorrow or remorse. Just like how Vincent felt way back when.

Bones cracked and broke under the pressure, internal organs were squished like ripe tomatos, and fluids seeped out of his new/old dying body. Something even cut into the back of his head right through his skull. Metal stocks peirced through his eye balls. The man screamed bloody murder at this point as his vision degraded, "Ahhhhh! Somebody help me!" His words and cries of pain and agony were soon muffled and cut short as more parts puncured his lips and cut deep into his jaws before going out the other side. Vincent's speech was quickly replaced by gurgling as he choked on his own blood.

The ghost children vanished into thin air, leaving Vincent alone and pain striken as the suit fell backwards into a fresh, wet, oozing, crimson puddle. The Spring Bonnie suit that had annihilated him completly slowly transitioned back into it's original slumped position against the wall. The killer had been brought to a painful end. While at the same time, the restless, angered spirits of the children had finally been put to rest as the raging storm outside began to quiet down.


Hi guys... this tale which a remake of my old story on what I think happened to Phone Dude is to make up for me giving up on so many of my FnaF stories in the past. I'm not gonna run down the whole list, but I can tell you that they included a possible trilogy, collab, a oneshot on a crack pairing I did, a suicide story, a tale on an evil Jeremy, and so many others. XD Hope you all can forgive me for all the things I've given up on in this fandom alone.

Also, as you can see, my writing has improved a ton! ^_^ And I'm truly greatful for that. Stories only improve with rebooting, and believe me I've done enough of that over the years. XD

One other thing I should mention is: I've got the rest of this story (which is three chapters) already planned out. I've spent like the last five days straight planning, plotting and preparing. PPP XD

Ok guys, that's it. Until next time, R&R and keep smiling!