Edo Tensei: Resurrecting Gods
Chapter 1
New story!
If you haven't read my other probably really bad story go read it! If you can be bothered...
revised as of 4/12/16
Beta'd by Spooder. Many thanks
Chapter 1
Kuchiyose: Edo Tensei or Summoning : Impure world reincarnation. A S-rank technique that binds the soul of a deceased person to a living vessel, restoring them as they were when they were alive in order to do their summoner's bidding. It was originally created by Senju Tobirama, after which he declared it a kinjutsu and placed it in the Scroll of Seals.
Before this technique can be performed, the user must first acquire a sample of the DNA of the person they intend to reincarnate. The soul of the intended must also reside in the Pure Land; souls trapped in the stomach of the Shinigami, for example, cannot be reincarnated so long as they reside there. A living sacrifice is also required for the reincarnated soul to use as a vessel.
To actually perform the Impure World Reincarnation, the DNA of the person to be reincarnated is smeared on a special scroll. Once the scroll is activated, the remains spread out in the form of a special seal with the living sacrifice in the centre. Then dust and ash encase the sacrifice's body, giving them the same appearance that the reincarnated had at the time of their death; the process is apparently painful for the sacrifice. The sacrifice's chakra signature is completely overridden with the chakra of the one being reincarnated. Although the sacrifice is still technically alive so long as the technique is active, their body will never again be theirs and the body will die when the reincarnated soul is released.
Although Tobirama was the technique's creator, his usage had two flaws: the reincarnated souls were nowhere near as powerful as they were while alive and he could only control so many at a time.
Of course these stipulations couldn't and wouldn't stop Uzumaki Naruto. A boy with an insane amount of luck and near unlimited chakra coming from the Kyūbi no Kitsune on his side.
And so our story begins. In a forest, with a blond haired boy and a scroll.
Naruto was feeling good about himself. How couldn't he with the accomplishments he had achieved today:
Well, this morning was bad because he had failed the Genin Graduation exams but it had gotten better from there!
Mizuki-sensei had came to him after the exam and told him about the secret exam; Stealing the Scroll of Seals.
That night he had successfully sneaked into the Hokage Tower, past the patrolling ANBU and into the Hokage's secret library.
But the Hokage, a man named Sarutobi Hiruzen – who he called Jiji – caught him just as he was about to reach for the scroll.
In a spurt of genius Naruto utilized his Oiroke no Jutsu (sexy technique) and managed to knock the Hokage out. Through a massive nose bleed...who knew that jiji was such a massive pervert!
Sneaking back out, he ran to the clearing in the forest that Mizuki-sensei told him to go to, settled down and opened the scroll, eager to learn a new Jutsu.
He spent about two hours give or take learning the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu, this technique was really easy! He didn't know why but these clones were easier to make than the clone jutsu that they taught in the Academy. He could make hundreds! The clearing was filled with clones of him, they were solid as well, a total replica of him... Hehehe he had planned to paint the Hokage mountain as a Genin Graduation celebration. These clones would make it much easier as there would be hundreds of him's painting. Take that Iruka-sensei! You won't find me this time.
He had an hour left till Mizuki-sensei was supposed to arrive, so Naruto reckoned that if he learned another technique he could get extra credit!
So he skimmed through the scroll once more looking for another bad ass jutsu to learn! Naruto couldn't understand most of these techniques. They involved complicated processes and stuff, he thought he saw some Jutsu made by jiji in there as well!
Near the end of the scroll There was a technique that caught his eye.
Kuchiyose: Edo Tensei.
A technique to resurrect the dead. It looked simple and only needed five hand seals; Tiger → Snake → Dog → Dragon → Clap hands. What's this...Living Sacrifice? DNA? Hmm...
Naruto frowned at the technique. He didn't want to kill anybody just to do the technique and he didn't have any DNA. He sighed in disappointment, it was no use, time to move on.
"Oi gaki!"
"What the hell! Who's there?" Naruto shouted, turning around wildly, looking for who ever just spoke.
"Doesn't matter gaki, I'll explain later. I can help you do the resurrection technique, go to the end of the scroll there should be two seals that can help."
"Why should I trust you?!" He questioned nervously, the voice was scary.
"You shouldn't. I'm just helping you because I'm bored. Now hurry up you only have forty five minutes left."
Naruto looked back at the scroll. He couldn't trust the creepy voice but it couldn't hurt to try, eh? He further unfurled the scroll until he reached the centre wood piece. Upon the wood lay two identical drawings with the kanji for 'seal' in the middle.
Naruto stepped back and glared at the innocent ink markings."How the hell do I work these?!"
"Smear a little blood and channel chakra on each seal, it should work."
Still a little wary, Naruto only cut his thumb, he smeared the gathered blood across the two seals channelling chakra when he had finished.
In a puff of smoke appeared two vials filled with a red liquid that he reckoned was blood.
"Who's blood is this?"
"I have no idea whatsoever, I just knew it was here." The voice seemed ashamed.
Naruto held the vials up,"We just need a sacrifice then... Hmm... Aha!" He rushed back to the scroll and reread the jutsu.
"What are you thinking of Gaki?"
Naruto smirked,reminiscent to a fox, "The Edo Tensei thing. It basically turns the sacrificed person into chakra doesn't it?"
"From what I can see... Yes it does... You don't mean!..." He could tell that the voice was surprised by his idea.
"We could use shadow clones, from what I can work out the Kage Bunshin jutsu is totally made of chakra, if we use the clone instead of the person for the sacrifice..."
"Heh I never knew you were so smart gaki... It probably would work... What are you waiting for... Get to it!"
"Aye Aye sir!" He mock saluted the air and set off to work, curious about the end result of the super sneaky jutsu.
Summoning two clones he had them each take a vial of the unknown blood and stand a few feet apart from each other.
"You don't have enough chakra for this. So I'll give you some of mine."
Suddenly Naruto felt a rush of chakra filling his body, it felt amazing flowing through his body but it felt evil at the same time, deciding to get it over with, he went through the hand seals and then channeled all the chakra he could into the technique.
"Kuchiyose: Edo Tensei!" The blond shouted, slamming his hand upon the seal on the scroll.
Glowing red lines spread from the scroll of seals towards the clones, forming complex formulas on the ground and on the clones. When the clones had been completely covered they started screaming in pain.
A minute later ash started forming at the feet of the clones rising up and engulfing them. Forming into new skin and material as it rose.
When it had finished two men stood in front of Naruto, two very iconic figures looking very much alive(ish).
Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara. He only knew it was them since he had once gone to the library looking for information on powerful ninja for a class project.
"Haha it worked!" Naruto crowed triumphantly, ignoring the two resurrected men.
The two resurrected men looked towards the orange clad boy as he was jumped around in apparent joy.
"It seems we've been resurrected... Madara." Hashirama said turning to look at his former friend.
The black haired man looked at the blonde haired boy curiously, the boy looked a lot like...
"So it seems... Hashirama-baka the boy acts like you." Madara was wondering what the hell was going on.
Hashirama fell into a bout of depression, rainy clouds forming over his head. "So mean..."
Naruto stopped celebrating and looked at the black haired man – Uchiha Madara he reminded himself.
"Who are you? Where are we? And what the hell are you doing messing around with the forbidden scroll?" Madara's voice was stern, this was not how he was supposed to be resurrected...
"Me? Well... I'm Uzumaki Naruto! We're in a forest to the east of Konoha... Uhhh can't tell you about the last one..." Naruto trailed off anxiously near the end, not wanting to get in trouble for what he did.
Hashirama suddenly recovered from his depression and looked at Naruto curiously. "Huh? Uzumaki? You don't look like any other Uzumaki I've seen. They normally have red hair..."
Naruto looked at Hashirama with wide eyes. "There are others with the Uzumaki name?! I thought I was a clanless orphan."
The Senju looked confused, "Clanless? When I was alive there were an entire island full of them. Mito-chan; my wife, was an Uzumaki."
Naruto was about to respond but Madara cut in, curious about something.
"Uzumaki. How exactly did you resurrect us? The technique feels a bit different than the normal one described."
Naruto's eyes lit up and a wide grin overtook his face.
"I used shadow clones instead of real bodies, the Edo Tensei jutsu said it changed the body into chakra so I thought the clones could work since they were made of chakra. I didn't want to kill anyone, so that may have changed it a bit. I don't know much about this technique. I was just trying it because it sounded cool and then a weird voice came out of nowhere and told me what to do."
Madara and Hashirama's eyes went wide. Shadow clones! The boy was a genius if he though of that! and the first time seeing the jutsu. Definitely a genius. Although the weird voice sounded suspicious. They reached out to the boy with their sensing and felt a familiar presence...
The boy obviously didn't know he was a jinchuriki, Hashirama was about to tell him but two flying blurs landed in the clearing.
"Run Naru-"
"Give me the Scroll Naruto!"
They both stopped looked at the scene in front of them.
"W-w-what the h-h-hell?!" Mizuki stuttered, the Kyūbi brat wasn't supposed to be able to learn anything from the scroll!
"Shodai-sama, Uchiha M-madara… How are you alive?" Iruka stuttered, eyes wide staring at the men between himself and Naruto.
"I have no idea whatsoever!" Hashirama sounded a bit too cheery "But we're back! Kind of.. I don't know exactly why though..." Hashirama frowned.
Madara crossed his arms and channelled some of his KI, making the two chunin fall to their knees. "The Uzumaki boy resurrected us with a technique from the scroll, that's all you need to know." He drawled, bored now.
Iruka looked at Naruto with amazement. Naruto was the one to resurrect the two legendary Shinobi?
Mizuki, who was blinded by his hate for Naruto, Didn't really see them as a threat, thinking that this was some sort of elaborate illusion cast by the Kyūbi.
"Naruto there's no point in you having the scroll... I'll tell you the truth." Mizuki was starting his monologue, he had planned this speech for years.
Iruka started panicking, sweat running down his tan face. "NO! Mizuki that's forbidden!"
Mizuki ignored the other Chunin, instead focusing on Naruto. "Twelve years ago the demon fox was killed, right? But that's wrong it was actually sealed. Sealed into a newborn baby. Since that day a special law was made for the village..."
Naruto looking confused muttered "A law?"
"But this law was never supposed to be mentioned to you... The rule that nobody is allowed to talk about the fact that you are the Kyūbi!"
Hashirama looked over to Madara. "Is this guy an idiot?" He deadpanned.
Madara looked at the raving teacher and sighed. "Yes. Even more of an idiot than you are."
"Hey I'm not that idiotic!" Hashirama protested.
They looked back at Naruto to see him almost in tears, then at the idiotic teacher, watching him preparing to throw a massive shuriken.
Hashirama sighed. "Let's stop the idiot then, shall we Madara?"
"Hashirama I'm not going to dance with such a weakling, you take care of it." Madara turned his back and focused on his sensing technique, processing everything he could sense.
Hashirama sent a glare at Madara, but it was a lost cause, he sped through a set of hand seals ending on snake.
"Mokuton: Daijurin no Jutsu."(Wood release: Great forest technique)
Hashirama's right arm transformed into sharp branches of wood and extended towards Mizuki who had recoiled in shock, he still thought it was an illusion however and didn't even try to dodge.
His mistake was the thing that killed him.
Impaled on the branches of wood, Mizuki widened his eyes in shock as he died. His last sight being Hashirama and Madara.
"Well... That takes care of him." The wood branches holding the silver haired chunin retracted, letting the dead shinobi fall to the ground.
The two resurrected men turned back to Naruto, seeing him frozen to the spot, staring at the body of Mizuki. Hashirama walked forward and crouched before the boy.
"Are you OK Naruto?"
Naruto looked at the brown haired man with a sad gaze. "Am I really the Kyūbi?"
Hashirama shook his head, and smiled encouragingly at the boy "No it is merely sealed within you... You're not the fox... Hmmm think of it like a glass of water. Does pouring water into the empty glass make the glass water?"
"Think of you and the Kyūbi as that then. You are the glass and Kyūbi is the water. Do you understand?"
Naruto nodded, his face considerably happier.
Hashirama grinned and ruffled Naruto's spiky hair. "You will always be Naruto, never the Kyūbi. You know my wife, Mito, had the Kyūbi inside her too."
"Really?!" Naruto looked amazed at the Shodai Hokage, someone else was like him! Holding the Kyūbi...
Madara suddenly jerked his head up and looked to the forest "There is a group of strong shinobi approaching, a Hokage and some ANBU."
Iruka stood awkwardly next to the trees, unsure whether or not to go and talk to his student.
Just then nine people flickered in a mass whirlwind of leaves into the clearing, the Hokage - clearly recognizable by his red and white robes - and two teams of ANBU.
Sarutobi looked at the resurrected Shinobi in shock. "Sensei?..." His voice trailed off.
Hashirama turned to the Sandaime with a wide grin on his face
"Saru! It's good to see you again. God, you're so old!"
Madara snorted and muttered something. Sounding similar to 'speak for yourself baka' but Hashirama seemed not to hear as he swung Sarutobi around in a hug.
"H-how are you here Hashirama-sensei?" Sarutobi choked out after Hashirama released him from the rib-breaking hug.
"Naruto here." he started hugging Naruto around the shoulders. "Somehow managed to revive me and Madara-chan with Edo Tensei and shadow clones, amazing eh?"
Hiruzen and the ANBU just looked stunned and Madara scowled at Hashirama, no one called him Madara-chan!
"Edo Tensei and shadow clones huh? Hmmm very interesting." Hiruzen looked at the uncomfortable Uzumaki, He was intrigued. Naruto had been the one to resurrect the two without a sacrifice?
"Gather up the scroll and let's go back to my office, we can talk more of this later. ANBU take Mizuki's corpse to T&I, maybe we can glean some information from it."
The ANBU just nodded and two from the group picked up the cooling body, disappearing in a swirl of leaves.
The remaining people flickered away, leaving nothing in their absence; bar a cloud of smoke.
An idea for a story that popped into my head and prevented me from writing my other story, probably other writers out there know how this feels. Writers block as well... Hate that.
Yup not much here.
If this has a positive reception I may continue. Even if its really bad ...Well I'll continue it anyway!
Ja ne ;3