It was late night in Amity Park, at the jewellery store everything seemed quiet; too quiet and then suddenly all the jewellery from the glass cases began to float and phase out of the cases. Danny and Dayla phased into the store in their ghost forms and knew it could only mean one thing, ghost trouble!

"And I thought that merchandise was flying off the shelves was just an expression" Danny said.

They both then fired a few ghost rays and hit whoever was holding the jewellery which revealed a female ghost with a red acrobatic uniform named Elastica, a large muscular ghost named Goliath, a small midget sized ghost named Midget-Ghost and another female ghost named Lydia whose face and body was covered by a red cloak, all their eyes were glowing a pupiless red.

"WOAH! Who are you guys?" Dayla asked.

Midget-Ghost however just did a flip and jumped right onto Danny's head and blind sighted him.

"Hey! I'm not a hat person! Especially if the hat is a dwarf!" Danny exclaimed as he walked around struggling to knock him off.

Dayla ran over and knocked him off Danny with a ghost ray, causing him to go smashing right into one of the glass cases and triggered off the burglar alarm. Danny and Dayla suddenly found themselves caught in the grip of Goliath.

"Okay all things considered, maybe the tiny hat guy was better" Dayla said.

They both screamed as they were suddenly thrown towards Elastica who stretched herself around the poles and made them bounce right off her and hit the ground hard right in front of Lydia. They both stood up and watched as Lydia removed her cloak and revealed what she looked like, she had no hair except for a few spikes, a nose piercing, black boots, black two piece clothing and both her arms and legs were completely covered in tattoos.

All her tattoos suddenly came to life and floated right off her body, they then began to swarm and attack Danny and Dayla, they tried swatting them away but they just kept on coming right at them, they both then combined their power made a large burst of green energy blast right at the tattoos, knocking them back and hit all of them dead on.

"You know its ghosts like you that give ghosts like us a bad name!" Danny shouted.

They all then saw the police pull up in front of the jewellery store, Lydia retracted all her tattoos back onto her body and then covered herself once more with her cloak and then phased out of the store, the other ghosts then followed pursuit dropping some of the jewellery on Danny and Dayla.

The police slammed the door opened and they both shouted, "FREEZE INVISO-BILL AND INVISO-JANE!"

"Although it's hard to come up with a worst name than that" Dayla said and then they both dropped the jewellery on the floor and phased through it making their escape.

The cops walked inside and looked down at the jewellery, one of the police officers then suggested with a grin, "Hey wanna take this stuff and blame the ghost kids?"

The other officer sighed and said with annoyance, "You're under arrest"

The officer then groaned in disappointment. The next morning Sam was asleep in her bed but was immediately woken up by the curtains being opened and the sunlight hitting her face. She frowned as she saw it was her parents Pamela and Jeremy Manson opening the curtains and allowing the sunlight to come into her room.

"Good morning sunshine! And how do we greet the brand new day?" Pamela said cheerfully. Jeremy then said, "With a smile on your face and an attitude of gratitude!"

Sam groaned and muttered while hiding her head under the pillow, "AGH! I'm a creature of the night doomed to a family of morning people"

Pamela then came over and sat on the edge of the bed and said, "Uh Sam sweetie, I thought we try and mix it up a little with the wardrobe today"

Sam's eyes widened as she pulled out a pink dress with flower patterns all over it.

"Nothing says hey world look at me like floral prints" Jeremy said encouragingly.

"Okay but I need to add just one little personal touch" Sam said.

Pamela's smile dropped as she pulled out some spray paint and sprayed the entire dress black and then with a pair of scissors she made the dress shorter. A few minutes later, they were all in the kitchen eating breakfast and watching the morning's programs on the television.

They all heard the reporter say, "Up next is your teenage daughter moody? Is her outlook on life blacker than her eyeliner?"

Sam turned to her parents and noticed them staring at her with furrowed eyebrows. The reporter continued, "Take an active interest in your child, know who her friends are and learn to recognise a bad influence when it walks through your door"

Danny and Dayla then walked into the house through the door, Danny was holding a CD in his hands as he said, "Hey Sam! I got that Morbid Anti-social Youth CD you wanted"

Pamela and Jeremy frowned at Danny. Dayla then said, "What? Have you heard My Parents Reek? That cut rocks"

They both then frowned even more at Dayla. They all then watched the TV as a commercial came on revealing a bald headed pale faced man, wearing a bowler hat, a black over coat and a black and red ring master outfit, he was also holding a red bat shaped staff with a glowing red crystal ball in his hand, his name was Freakshow.

"I am Freakshow ringmaster of the Circus Gothica where your nightmares come alive! Circus Gothica where the clowns never smile! Circus Gothica come and get your freak on with real freaks! Circus Gothica! Coming to Amity Park! Cross over to the dark side" Freakshow announced while showing off his crystal ball.

"Crossover to the dark side" Danny and Dayla said quietly in a trance like voice and both their eyes flashed red as they looked at the crystal ball.

"Now there's some evil mind pollution we won't be seeing any time soon sweetie" Pamela said as she turned off the TV.

"But we already bought our tickets" Sam protested earning a frown from her parents. "We'll be fine! It's just harmless entertainment right guys?"

"Cross over to the dark side" Danny and Dayla once again repeated in a trance like voice, both their eyes still glowing red.

"Hilarious!" Sam said sarcastically. She then pulled Danny and Dayla towards the door while saying, "Let's go before you two corrupt my grandmother"

Grandma Manson then said with a grin, "Cross over to the dark side"

Pamela and Jeremy looked at her strangely and with worried looks. Grandma Manson then dropped her grin and said, "I'm just kidding! Lighten up!"

Sam shut the front door and then stood next to Danny and Dayla and asked with a frown, "Will you both quit messing with my parents? That's my job!

Danny and Dayla broke out the trance and rubbed their heads. Danny then said, "What? Uh sorry Sam we both must've got a little spacy"

"Well we were up pretty late last night" Dayla said.

Sam dropped her frown and said, "Its okay just watch what you guys say around them. They already think I'm on the road to troubled teen hood"

She then began to walk in the opposite direction. Danny then asked, "Where are you going? Schools that way"

"The Circus Gothica train pulled into town last night, I'm cutting first period to watch the opening ceremony at the train station" Sam said with excitement.

"Sam! You could get into serious trouble" Dayla said with a frown. Andrew then came up to them as he was heading for school and asked, "Serious trouble for what?"

"Hey Andrew. I was saying that Sam could get into serious trouble for cutting first period to go see the opening ceremony of the Circus Gothica" Dayla answered.

"Take it easy guys. Tucker's got first period free, he's covering for me" Sam said and then she left.

"Don't blame us if you get caught!" Danny yelled.

They were walking down the path when Andrew started saying, "Hey guys there's something I need to tell you"

"What is it?" Dayla asked.

But before he could say anything both Danny's and Dayla's ghost senses went off, they all then watched as Midget-Ghost suddenly zoomed under their legs with a sack full of money.

"Uh I just remembered that Danny and I forgot to get something off Sam! We'll run and quickly meet you at school Andrew! Bye!" Dayla quickly lied and she and Danny then ran off.

Andrew stood there in silence and then thought, "It must've been a ghost! Darn! Just when I was about to tell them I know about them being half-ghost! I better follow them and tell them when they've finished fighting"

Andrew immediately began to follow them but stuck to the shadows and followed them in secret.

"WE'RE GOING GHOST!" Danny and Dayla shouted as they jumped onto the top of a truck and then jumped off transforming into their ghost forms and chasing after Midget-Ghost and the other ones they now saw flying through the air with bags of money they obviously stole.

They both saw a police car chasing after them as well as they continued to follow them, both were still unaware that Andrew was still behind them watching them in action.

"Opening a new bank account? Don't forget your free toaster!" Danny shouted as they both fired an ecto blast and hit Midget-Ghost dead on, causing him to drop the sack of money.

The money fell right out the sky crash landed onto the police car's hood causing the officer that was chasing them to crash into a fire hydrant.

"Curse you ghost kids!" The officer shouted in anger and waved his fist at them.

"Oh great! More fans!" Dayla groaned and then they continued to chase after the ghosts.

"Okay they are awesome!" Andrew screamed in his head as he continued to follow them.

All four ghosts phased through a large billboard of Freakshow holding his staff as an advertisement for Circus Gothica. Danny and Dayla both stopped and gasped as they looked at the red crystal ball and suddenly felt themselves in a trance again, they both shook it off and phased through the billboard, they all then saw that in front of them was the tent of Circus Gothica, the train and there were so many Goths around who came to watch the opening ceremony.

"Terrific! The crooks got away, we're officially late for school and I've never seen so many Goth's out in broad daylight" Danny said.

"Well look who decided to slum it with the troubled teens" Sam said with a smirk.

They both floated down to the ground and Dayla retorted, "We're not in trouble!"

They all then heard the police sirens go off and police cars pulling up at the train station. Sam then said sarcastically, "Oh yeah! You both are such upstanding citizens"

Danny and Dayla quickly ran behind some old oil barrels and changed back into their human halves, they came out and whistled nervously as they watched the police run past them.

"COME BACK GHOST KIDS!" One of the officers yelled out.

Sam then smirked again as she noticed someone running from behind the wall. She then said, "Looks like you two aren't the only ones"

They both turned around and saw it was Andrew! Danny then asked, "Andrew! What are you doing here?"

"Oh uh…uh…I uh wanted to stop…uh Sam from getting into trouble? Yeah that's right!" Andrew answered nervously with a smile.

"Well since we're all here we might as watch the opening ceremony" Sam said.

They all went to the circle surrounding the train cart and watched as the door opened, a platform fell down and Freakshow walked out with a wide grin holding his staff.

"Greetings fellow outcasts! I am Freakshow your master of ceremonies! Are you ready to smile, relax and forget all your troubles at the diversions of the circus?" Freakshow asked.

"NO!" All the Goths yelled out.

"Then you've come to the right place! Prepared to be disturbed and appalled by a small sample of the bizarre and abnormal world of Circus Gothica!" Freakshow announced.

A tightrope suddenly sprung from the cart and attached to a pole, the audience gasped at the sight of a tightrope walker crawling across the rope on her hands and legs, a tall man in a black leotard then came out riding a unicycle and juggling skull heads, another woman then came out in a spinning wheel with spikes all around it and then a tall skeleton walked out of the cart. Danny and Dayla looked on at Freakshow and as soon as they saw the crystal ball both their eyes turned red and they felt themselves in a trance once more.

"This is the greatest moment ever! Nothing could ruin this for me!" Sam exclaimed with a smile.

Her smile dropped when she suddenly heard her mother over a megaphone, "Parents of Amity Park! We urge you to stop this morbid assault on the morals of our children!"

Along with her parents were so many other parents of Amity Park and also other citizens who didn't exactly like the idea of Circus Gothica being in town. All the Goths booed in response.

"Are those your parents Sam? Oh no my mother's here as well!" Andrew exclaimed as he noticed a brown haired woman with hazel eyes wearing a pair of jeans, a dark grey shirt and black boots. Her name was Kimberly Isabel Knight or most people called her Kim instead.

Sam groaned and whispered, "Why can't they have day jobs like regular parents!"

Freakshow jumped on a box and said, "Don't the let the rantings of the close-minded norms beat you down. Show them your true colours! And when I say colours I mean all black! Make them see you for who you are!"

"Make them see us for who we are" Danny and Dayla muttered in a trance, both their eyes became red.

All eyes were on them when they both shouted in unison with smiles, "Hey everyone! We're Danny and Dayla Fenton, Sam Manson and Andrew Knight! We all cut school and we're proud of it!"

All the Goths cheered for them, Andrew and Sam then watched as a Goth came up and painted both Danny and Dayla's shirts black with face paint.

"You two are one of us now" The Goth said.

"SAM/ANDREW?" Jeremy, Pamela and Kim asked in unison as they all saw them.

Sam and Andrew face palmed themselves, they were in trouble now! Danny and Dayla broke out of their trance as all four of them were dragged back to Casper High and now stuck in Principle Ishiyama's office with their parents sitting down in front of her desk to await punishment.

"Some might call this little act of rebellion a cry for attention but I call it a cry for detention" Ishiyama said.

"I'm surprised at you Andrew! You've never cut school before! Accident or not" Kim said looking down at her son.

"Nice job guys! Maybe I should've cried 'Hey! It's Inviso-Bill and Inviso-Jane!" Sam whispered angrily.

"Sorry! I don't know what came over me back there" Danny said. Dayla then added, "Me neither"

"It was bad judgement that's what! Next time think before you both act" Jack said pointing his arm out.

A small blaster then came out of his jumpsuit and blasted goo all over Pamela and Jeremy. They both frowned at Jack and Maddie, Pamela then said, "Obviously the apple doesn't fall far from the overbearing, orange jump suited tree!"

Both Maddie and Jack stood up angry at that insult, Jack then asked furiously, "You got a problem with jumpsuits?"

"Jack let me handle this. You got a problem with jumpsuits?" Maddie then asked furiously as well.

"Samantha I forbid you from seeing these two or any other of your troubled friends" Pamela said.

"My friends are perfectly normal!" Sam protested.

They all then watched as Mr Lancer slammed the door opened and revealed Tucker dressed up as Sam with a wig, make-up and all!

"This is so wrong!" Ishiyama exclaimed covering her face with her hands.

Meanwhile back at Circus Gothica Freakshow walked into the tent and commanded holding his staff, "Slaves centre ring!"

All the performers from the opening ceremony removed their disguises and revealed themselves to be the ghosts that had been robbing all those places for the past two days, they all gathered in the centre ring in a straight line.

"For generations my family has controlled ghosts with this! Untold power and all they could think to do was to entertain the masses, whereas I have found a much more profitable use for you minions" Freakshow said as Goliath brought forward a case filled with stolen goods. "And as soon as our newest members of our cast joins us, this entire town will be mine for the taking!"

He looked at his crystal ball and smiled as it showed him an image of Danny and Dayla in their ghost forms. The next day later that afternoon at Casper High Danny, Dayla, Sam, Tucker and Andrew were all in the library doing detention for cutting school and for making Tucker cover for them.

Sam looked at her ticket and said, "I wanted to experience something horrific and unimaginable, this isn't what I had in mind"

She looked back up in disgust as they saw Mr Lancer sitting in front of them cutting his own toe nails. (A/N Okay that's just gross!)

"We can always go to the circus tomorrow that is assuming we're not grounded and your parents allow me and Dayla within two hundred feet of you" Danny said.

"That's still a little extreme though, putting a restraining order on you two" Andrew said.

"Guess we'll have to settle for the live web cats of opening night" Tucker said as he turned on his PDA to reveal Freakshow on the screen.

"Creatures of the night, unleash your dark side at Circus Gothica!" Freakshow announced.

Danny and Dayla once again looked at Freakshow's staff and suddenly felt themselves in a trance and they said, "Unleash your dark side at Circus Gothica"

They both stood up and began to head towards the door but only to be stooped by Mr Lancer who asked, "And just where you think you two are going?"

Danny and Dayla's eyes changed to a full red colour and they both smiled evilly, they both turned invisible and overshadowed Mr Lancer. They both made him walk into the closet and then phased out of there in their ghost forms, Danny then locked the door with the key. Sam and Tucker's eyes widened in fear because Andrew was in the room which could risk him finding out their secret!

"Garden of the Purple Dragon! Let me out! Let me out!" Mr Lancer demanded as he began to bang on the door.

"Hey ghosts we've never before in our lives! Stop causing trouble!" Sam shouted nervously.

"No such thing as too much trouble! Unleash your dark side at Circus Gothica!" Danny and Dayla said with grins and then they phased out of the building and left.

Andrew then stood up and said, "Come on guys we better follow them"

Tucker and Sam gave him strange looks and then Tucker then tried lying, "Uh what are you talking about Andrew? We don't know anything about those ghosts"

"Guys don't worry, I know that it was Danny and Dayla" Andrew said.

"You did?! When?! How?!" They both asked with shock expressions.

"Remember when all the ghost hunters were in town a few weeks ago, well I saw Danny and Dayla transform at the Nasty Burger when I went to go and study for a test with her. That's why Sam I was there during the opening ceremony yesterday. But don't worry I'm not gonna tell anyone, I know they are both good and not evil like everyone says they are" Andrew answered.

Sam and Tucker both sighed in relief. Tucker then said, "Well let's get a move on"

"Oh no! That would mean skipping detention and going to the circus!" Sam said sarcastically. Andrew and Tucker just gave her strange looks but then she said, "Hello? Irony"

They all then left and headed straight for Circus Gothica. At early evening Freakshow was running a show, he stood in the centre ring as a spotlight shone down on him.

"Please welcome the performers who put the death in death defying acts, The Grim Reaper and The Gothic Witch" Freakshow announced as he gestured towards the high wire above him.

Walking across the rope was someone with a Grim Reaper cloak on and holding a scythe, walking behind him was female teen wearing a long witches dress, black hat and a black mask. The audience gasped as they stopped in the middle of the rope and wondered what they were going to do, everyone could see that there was no net underneath them and knew that if they fell they were doomed. To everyone's amazement Gothic Witch leapt into the air while Grim Reaper balanced on his weapon and held her up by one foot, the audience cheered and roared in excitement.

Sam, Andrew and Tucker arrived at the circus and split up in different directions, Andrew went with Sam and Tucker went off on his own. Sam and Andrew went inside the cast only section and looked around for Danny and Dayla.

"What are you two doing back here?" They both heard a voice ask. They turned to see Freakshow standing there with his staff.

"Woah! Freakshow! This is so cool!" Sam said with awe.

"Ah Sam focus!" Andrew said. Sam shook her head and said, "Oh yeah! Um we're looking for our friends who were acting kind of weird"

"Oh that narrows it down to everyone in this tent! HA! HA! HA!" Freakshow said jokingly.

He suddenly got a little annoyed when he saw Grim Reaper and Gothic Witch enter the room and said, "What are you two dolts doing?! Get back out there and do your encores!"

Both of them removed the hood and mask from their faces to reveal Danny and Dayla in their ghost forms, both out of the trance.

"Sam? /Andre?" They both asked with confusion.

"What's that? Is that free will? Obey me minions!" Freakshow demanded pointing the staff in their faces.

Danny and Dayla both felt themselves being placed back under his power once again.

"You're controlling them?" Andrew and Sam asked with anger.

"Get them!" Freakshow commanded.

They both screamed when they both were suddenly grabbed by them and blindfolded. A few minutes later, Freakshow was back in the centre ring doing the next act.

"Please welcome two new vict…uh talents to the high wire in their first and final performance!" Freakshow announced and once again directed the audience attention to the high wire where Andrew and Sam where standing on the rope blindfolded while Danny and Dayla stood on the platform.

With one swipe of the scythe Danny cut the blindfolds off them and they both screamed as they wobbled a bit almost losing their balance at the sight of how high they were off the ground. Tucker ran in and was shocked to see them up there.

"Guys!" Tucker shouted.

"Guys listen. You both don't want to do this, you're both being controlled!" Sam said. Andrew then said, "It's Freakshow! You have to break free of the spell!"

But all Danny and Dayla did was smile evilly at them and then with a laugh Danny cut the rope with his scythe and sent them hurtling towards the ground screaming. They both then lost their smiles and broke out of Freakshow's control as they saw them falling, they both then flew down and grabbed them both saving them just before they could hit the ground and while the audience cheered, Freakshow frowned in anger and walked over with the staff.

Danny and Dayla placed them both on the ground and held their heads in pain.

"Guys! Don't scare us like that!" Andrew exclaimed.

They were both back under Freakshow's control as they went right into their faces and growled, "How should I scare you?"

They both walked away leaving them with Freakshow who walked up to them and growled, "Consider that a warning children"

He walked back to the ring, Tucker then ran up to them and exclaimed, "Geeze guys you both nearly gave me a heart attack! Can we take time off from all this Goth stuff and look for Danny and Dayla?"

"Tucker that was Danny and Dayla! In those costumes" Sam said.

"Freakshow is controlling them both with some kind of crystal ball which explains all their behaviour in the past two days" Andrew said.

"Come on guys! We have to save them!" Sam then yelled and they all left running out of the tent, only to run into Sam's parents and Andrew's mum outside along with other protesters.

"Sam? Shouldn't you be in detention?" Pamela asked with a frown.

"Uh…Lancer let us out" Sam lied.

"Are we late for the protest?" They heard Maddie ask and turn to see them holding some signs and Jack holding a large bazooka in his hand.

"I brought the riot gear" Jack said and then he accidently fired the weapon destroying Pamela and Jeremy's signs.

Pamela frowned at Jeremy who then protested, "What? I didn't invite them!"

"Hey isn't Danny and Dayla supposed to be with you?" Jack asked them. Pamela then walked in front of him and said while holding a document, "Not according to this restraining order they're not"

"Well they're not here and they're not at school. So where are they?" Maddie asked.

The answer to her question was at the Amity Park Museum, the alarm went off and all four of Freakshow's ghosts phased out of the place carrying different kinds of stolen goods. Danny and Dayla then phased out of the building with their hands glowing, Danny had a crown on his head and Dayla was wearing a really priceless necklace around her neck.

"Ecto butts in gear!" Dayla shouted as she and Danny fired a few ecto blasts at them making them move.

"This party is just getting started!" They both exclaimed and then flew off.

They both looked down to the sounds of sirens and saw that they were being chased by the police in their cars. They both smiled evilly and fired their ecto blasts at their tires, causing them to pop and swivel off the road.

Sam was in her room watching the news as the reporter announced, "In wake of parental protests, Circus Gothica ringmaster Freakshow made this challenge to his critics"

Freakshow then announced on the news, "I'd like you to attend a free performance for parents, police and other concerned authority figures. Come and see the show and see for yourselves that we're harmless entertainment"

The news reporter then announced as she showed a video of Danny and Dayla stealing in their ghost forms along with Freakshow's other minions at a bank, "In other news police got a break at the recent rash of mysterious robberies as a security camera revealed the ghostly culprits"

With a wide grin Danny and Dayla flew up to the camera and destroyed it, Sam turned off the TV and then turned to her computer as she heard the webcam ringing and answered it to reveal Andrew and Tucker on different screens.

"Guys! Did you catch the news? We gotta do something to save Danny and Dayla!" Tucker exclaimed.

"How ironic is it that I'm stuck under house arrest while my parents go to a free Circus Gothica show?" Sam asked sarcastically.

"Only slightly ironic that your parents your right about it being evil" Andrew then said.

Sam threw a ladder out her window and climbed out, she was about to run off when she was caught by Grandma Manson who was looking at her with a smile.

"And just where do you think you're going bubala?" Grandma Manson asked.

"You don't understand Grandma! My friends are in trouble and if I don't do something about it right away…" Sam began to exclaim when she was cut off by her as she said, "You know I had a wild streak when I was your age"

She pulled out a photo album and showed her a picture of herself when she was 14 on a scooter. Sam then looked at her in confusion and asked, "Why are you showing me this?"

"Who knows? Maybe I'm old and babbly or maybe you should sneak out and help your friends while I'm lost in my memories" Grandma Manson answered winking at her.

Sam smiled, kissed her on the forehead and then ran off to meet up with Tucker and Andrew, Grandma Manson took off her jacket to reveal her wearing one of Sam's shirts and then placed on a wig while saying, "This is so wrong but I dig it!"

Meanwhile at the circus Pamela, Jeremy, Kim, Maddie and Jack were all sitting with each other in front row seats getting ready to watch the free show, but Pamela and Jeremy were getting more annoyed with Jack as he accidently spilt some food and drink on them.

"Is he on the list of things you don't like about this circus?" Jeremy asked. Pamela then answered, "Right now he is the list!"

Meanwhile Sam had arrived at the train, she then gasped as she saw two shadows, one of them was bat shaped and they were both approaching her, she quickly hid under the train to avoid being found.

"Sam is that you?" Andrew asked.

"Guys?" Sam asked back as she came out and frowned as she saw Tucker wearing a bat on his hat.

"Is this a great Circus Gothica hat or what?" Tucker asked.

Sam just slapped it off his head with annoyance. They all then went inside the train cart and found it was filled with all the stolen goods from Amity Park, they all then gasped when they saw Freakshow's staff standing in a pile of money.

"There's the crystal ball!" Sam exclaimed.

They were about to grab it when they were suddenly blasted out the door by Danny and Dayla, they all looked up to see them floating beside Freakshow, the train then began to move along the tracks further away from them, they all stood up and began to chase after it.

"NO!" They all screamed.

"Yes scream! A shame that anyone who might help you is too busy enjoying my free show! HA! HA! HA!" Freakshow exclaimed as the train went faster and faster.

Meanwhile back at the circus tent the audience watched as Lydia phased into the tent and floated in the centre ring, she removed her hood and then sent her tattoos everywhere attacking and scaring the audience, everyone screamed in fright at the sight.

"GHOSTS!" Jack and Maddie yelled out as they stood up.

Pamela, Kim and Jeremy headed for the exit but when they pulled back the curtain, they found that they were all trapped by a brick wall.

"We're trapped!" Kim exclaimed. Pamela then wrote down, "Okay that is object able, immoral and obnoxious"

Back outside Sam, Tucker and Andrew stood on top of metal bars as the train moved underneath them.

"We have to jump!" Sam shouted.

"You crazy! I can't jump!" Tucker exclaimed. Sam then shouted back, "And I can't abandon Danny or Dayla!"

"Neither will I!" Andrew said in agreement.

They all then jumped onto the train and held on. Sam then said, "Plus I'll never hear the end of it if my parents find out they were right about them being evil"

Back in the tent the audience was still being terrorised by Lydia and her tattoos, Jack and Maddie ran over to the centre ring and stood in fight positions.

"Stand back everyone!" Jack shouted.

Both their jumpsuits suddenly started sprouting all different types of blasters from their knees, elbows, heads and belts. They both then started spinning in circles as the blasters activated and began destroying each one of Lydia's tattoos one by one, Lydia was then blasted back and out of the circus tent. Maddie landed in front of Pamela and Jeremy.

"I ask you again, you got a problem with jumpsuits?" Maddie screamed out.

Kim couldn't help but laugh as Pamela and Jeremy raised their hands in defence and gave them weak smiles.

Back on the train Sam, Tucker and Andrew were running across the roof heading towards the front of the train in hopes of stopping it, unfortunately Freakshow along with his remaining minions and Danny Dayla heard them from inside the treasure room and frowned.

"What are you waiting for? GO!" Freakshow commanded.

Elastica, Midget-Ghost and Goliath all phased through the roof bringing them to a stop and Danny and Dayla phased from behind and cut their escape. They all gasped when they Danny and Dayla grinning at them.

"Guys it us! Sam, Tucker and Andrew! Your best friends remember?" Sam tried.

After a few moments of staring at them, Danny and Dayla suddenly felt confused as they broke out of Freakshow's control.

"Guys? I….I…." They both began to stutter as they fought against Freakshow's hold.

Both their eyes were suddenly changed back to red as Freakshow gained control of them again and they both said, "We are ghosts! We have no friends!"

Freakshow climbed up on the roof of the train holding the crystal ball while saying, "Don't waste your breath children, they are under my control now"

Back in the tent Jeremy said to Jack and Maddie, "We owe you Fenton's a debt of gratitude and an apology"

"Save it for the bake sale! We need to bust out of this tent!" Jack exclaimed.

"Leave it to us. If there's one thing we Manson's know how to do is whip an angry mob of parents into a frenzy" Pamela said.

True to their word all the parents attacked the walls and before they knew it, the wall was destroyed and they all ran out of the tent. Jack, Maddie, Pamela, Jeremy and Kim all headed towards the RV as Jack yelled, "We'll cut those spooks off at the pass!"

Back on the train Freakshow ordered, "Well don't just stand there finish them!"

Tucker noticed that they were coming up to a metal roof and he then suggested, "Maybe you should hold that thing up a little higher?"

Freakshow did just that but he gasped as it was suddenly knocked out of his hand and was sent flying through the air towards them, Tucker jumped up to try and catch it but missed as it barely touched his hands, they all then watched as the staff was caught by Danny and he landed on the roof with Dayla beside him.

"Way to go man! Give me five!" Tucker exclaimed and held his hand up, but Dayla just blasted him back into Goliaths hands were he was held still.

"Very good my minions. Now boy bring me my staff" Freakshow said.

However Danny and Dayla looked at him and the staff in confusion unsure what to do, Dayla suddenly dropped to her knees gripping her head as a headache began to form.

"Fight it guys! He's not holding the crystal ball anymore, you are Danny so fight it!" Sam tried and then Andrew said, "You can do it guys! He is not the boss of you!"

Freakshow grabbed onto them and shoved them away, nearly causing them to fall off the side of the train.

"SILENCE! Obey me ghosts! Bring me my staff" Freakshow commanded again.

Danny kept looking more confused than ever a headache started to form in his own head and Dayla's one got worse as she continued to fight for control.

"We both saw you two on that high wire, you both were fighting him the whole time! So fight him now!" Sam pressed.

"You're not just ghosts! You both have friends who care about you and you two are not evil! Fight him!" Andrew then pressed.

Danny then gripped his head and shouted, "Quiet all of you! I need to think!"

"MY HEAD!" Dayla screamed as she managed to stand back up.

"STOP THEM NOW!" Freakshow commanded as he became angrier.

They were coming over the bridge when Midget-Ghost and Elastica started making Sam and Andrew walk backwards towards the ledge. Sam then said, "Well it's the crystal ball or your friend's guys! Your choice!"

They both then fell backwards and screamed, "Not literally!"


"SAM! ANDREW! NO!" Tucker screamed.

"Sam? / Andrew? SAM! / ANDREW! " Danny and Dayla both screamed in fright and then flew off the train straight for them.

Danny let go of the staff and both he and Dayla reached out their hands to grab them. Danny grabbed onto Sam and Dayla grabbed onto Andrew bridal style and flew back towards the train, the staff continued to fall and as soon as it hit the ground it smashed into a thousand pieces. Danny and Dayla felt themselves no longer under Freakshow's control and their eyes turned back to normal.

"Are you two okay?" Sam and Andrew asked in unison.

"I think so. Dayla how about you?" Danny asked. Dayla answered, "Yeah. What happened? I can't remember"

"Neither can I? It's all a blur. We did some pretty bad stuff didn't we?" Danny asked.

Sam smiled and answered, "Nothing you can't fix"

"Wait Andrew you know about us?" Dayla asked. Andrew smiled, "Yes I do. I'll explain later I promise"

Dayla just smiled as they all landed back on the roof of the train with the others.

"Good maybe you can convince Tiny to let go of me" Tucker said.

All of Freakshow's minions suddenly broke out of the crystal balls control and their eyes were no longer red. Goliath then let go of Tucker.

"What happened? Where are we?" Elastica asked in confusion. Midget-Ghost then asked with hope, "Are we free? Finally free?"

"Only one way to find out" Danny said with a smirk and all of them then grabbed Freakshow and phased him back into the treasure room.

Freakshow looked up in fear as he was surrounded by his now ex-minions who were all smirking at him with wide grins.

"Okay uh when I called you uh minions it was really a term of endearment like, 'I love my minions'" Freakshow lied nervously.

"You wanted a big haul? Try this in for size" Dayla said as she and Danny fired up their energy and blasted the loot causing it to fall on top of him.

The train stopped as they were surrounded by police, Maddie, Jack, Pamela, Jeremy and Kim. Danny then suggested, "So what do you say we stick around and explain to the cops we were being controlled by an evil ringmaster"

All the ghosts however just turned intangible and left. Dayla then said, "I had a feeling that would be their answer"

They both then phased out of the room and met with Sam, Tucker and Andrew outside where Andrew explained everything to them knowing their secret. He was officially made a member of Team Phantom, Danny and Dayla transformed back into their human halves and stood with their friends along with their parents as they watched Freakshow being shoved into a police car. All the credit for Freakshow's capture was given to Danny, Dayla, Sam, Tucker and Andrew!

"Nice work kids! You caught that weirdo Goth punk thief red-handed" Jack said with pride.

All of them smiled at each other as Pamela then said, "I'm just happy you're all safe!"

"More than safe they're heroes!" Jeremy exclaimed with a smile.

"We're so proud of you" Maddie said. Kim then said, "I am too. You kids did a great thing tonight"

The next evening however at the Manson's library….

"BUT YOU'RE ALL STILL GROUNDED!" All of the parents shouted.

Danny, Dayla, Sam, Tucker and Andrew were all sitting at the table being forced to study as part of their punishment for sneaking out.

They all looked down at their books wasn't expecting this at all.

"Grounded shmounded! This is cruel and unusual punishment!" Grandma Manson exclaimed as she gestured towards Sam who was being forced wot wear one of the dresses Pamela bought her.

Sam frowned as she said, "I know! But it was the only way I could convince them to lift their restraining order on Danny and Dayla"

All the parents and Grandma Manson left the room and allowed them to be alone.

"At least Freakshow's in custody and all the stolen goods were returned" Danny said.

"Yep and another bright note, we have a new member of Team Phantom" Dayla said and they all smiled at Andrew who returned a smile back.

Tucker then asked, "Why do I get the feeling we're forgetting something?"

They all then wondered but then they all remembered Mr Lancer and exclaimed, "OH SNAP!"

Mr Lancer was still trapped in the closet at Casper High banging on the door screaming, "IS ANYBODY OUT THERE! LET ME OUT! THIS IS SO WRONG!"

He walked away from the door in despair, a janitor then walked in and placed his mop in there and said, "See you Monday"

He then locked the door before Mr Lancer had a chance to get out and he once again began to pull and bang on the door trying to get out. Poor Mr Lancer!



Well that's then end of Season 1! AWESOME! Season 2 will premier sometime this week or next week so stay tuned and make sure to review!
