Kim, Josuke, and Ron were on the path to Kim's house. Ron was starting to get to know Josuke.

Ron was walking with a relaxed lean, not a care in the world. "Josuke, My man. That was so some impressive stuff you pulled off back there."

"Thanks, Ron."

Kim back straight and formal her walk cycle, "Yeah. Honestly, that was remarkable. You saved us and beat him with ease." Kim curiosity, her need to know what happened and why. "Just one question."

The teen with the outrageous hairdo glances at Kim to meet her eyes.

The red haired maiden was not trying to sound ungrateful for the help but, with the weirdness, she has been subjected to over the years. It is always good to ask questions. "Where did you get the tire from? It kinda just appeared out of thin air."

Josuke flinches at this line of questioning. I have to hide my powers for now, "Oh, I knew he had electric powers... Uh, so I took a tire off a nearby forklift and used it as a shield. You just didn't see me have it when I was in the sky because of the sun. The light made it hard to see me."

"Oh, that makes sense. Kim, Josuke here is a pretty smart guy." as he playfully elbows his best friend. Ron taking the answer at face value because he learned to trust this guy. He was not sure how or why, however, he was certain he was the reason Rufus is okay. The pink rat pops out of the blonde teen pocket to give Pompadour teen a thumbs up with his claws with a grin."Ah, Rufus already likes you, dude. It normally takes him awhile to warm up to people."

"This is the brave rat that saved your lives at the last min." As he gently rubs the rat on his head.

The teen with the scarlet hair looks at Josuke. She raises an eyebrow at the story in her head poking holes in it. He is hiding something, I don't know what but, I am going to find out.

The trio walks to the front of the Possible house, a mid-size home with the modern ascetic beautifully design. Josuke whistles when it comes into complete view in the sunset light it is gorgeous to see. "This is a beautiful house, Kim. You live here, what are your parents' doctors or something."

"Yep. Mrs. Possible a brain surgeon and Doctor P a rocket scientist." Ron blurts out cutting off Kim before she can speak.

Kim holding back some annoyance, "Yes, Ron. I would have liked to say that."

Meanwhile on the top floor looking through a bedroom window seeing the trio approach the house. Two shadows smirked, "So that is the exchange student who will be staying with us." "Yes, let's give him a warm welcome." Jim and Tim short and pudgy ten years olds super geniuses. They both love the same things Super Science, Pro Wrestling, Pranking their sister the only to tell them apart is Jim wears red and Tim wears green. They looked at their next target with joy and excitement like getting a new toy on Christmas day their faces alight with happiness.



Little did the trio know the house was turned into a massive Prank Trap the twins had prepared. All of the tricks was made least a week in advance of Josuke arrival. The trick was about to be unleashed, a paint can on a simple system of pulleys cause the can to splash the first person to open the door. Kim grips on the door knob and opens the door unaware that she activated the trap, the Paint can drop into the view of Josuke. In an instant untraceable by most peoples' untrained vision, Josuke pulls Kim and Ron out of the splash radius. The floor was Splattered in the scarlet mess but, not a drop on the three teens.

Josuke boisterously laughs as he holds his guts with one of his hand "Hahaha! So, is this part of the reason why you were worried about me meeting you family. You must have a prankster in the family, and a lame one at that paint can that is it."

Kim grits her teeth through her teeth with hate, "TWEEBS!"

Ron speaks up answering calling the Tweebs prank lame "This is odd they normally have more to their tricks." As the blonde teen pulls on the paint can causing the string to break and sudden fly away out sight. The red head and Pompadour teen followed up behind Ron to see paint can. When they heard motor revs, they looked in the direction of the noise and see an odd contraption that looked to be made of kitchen tools like wooden spoons and pots at the top of the stairs. Kim instincts flare up as she shouts, "MOVE!" she dives out of the away as the machine starts up and fires eggs like bullets from a machine gun.

Josuke's mind races as he takes the open paint can from Ron and uses it to catch the eggs, each time the shells shatters releasing this noxious sulfuric odor, Ron curls ups behind the towering teen for cover. The Pompadour roars out "They're ROTTEN!" The onslaught ended just as quickly as it started Josuke held the paint by the handle with the foul rotten goop inside the can. "Okay, that was impressive. But still not a scratch."

The blonde teen weakly laughs as he remembers how smart and cunning Jim and Tim can be. He cautious comes out from behind Josuke,"haha. Okay, this is more like them."

Two youthful voice begins to taunt the teens"So, have survived first two without harm. impressive but, we aren't done yet. "

"Tweebs! You two are minced meat when I get my hands on you!"

"Well, I guess it is time for the last leg." The Twins wearing green and red comes out of the doorway. The one in green with an odd tube and one in red with something looks like a bazooka. In sync, they shout "FIRE IN THE HOLE!" The room was suddenly filled with feathers the white blocks out everyone's vision like they were trapped in a blizzard.

When the feathers settle on everyone like a layer of fresh powdered sugar, Kim, and Ron was confused. Aside from the feathers everywhere, everyone was puzzled by the lack of real damage.

The redhead smirks at her brothers, "Was that it? Feathers, Please."

A drop of sweat rolls down Josuke's cheek, "Kim, Ron don't move."

Twins smiled proud of their genius, The floor was a spider web of paste. A one-two punch they had to hope to paste and feather the new guy with the first shot, even they missed or a quirk of fate they would have a layer of defense. "This time we will hit you dead on." The twins were about to finished their fun with a quick reload.


"Please don't beg that is so lame, uh..." Tim said.

"It is Josuke."

"Thank you. Please don't beg that is so lame, Josuke."

"Yeah this is just our way of greeting you into the Possible home. Getting pranked by us." Jim continues.

"That fine. but that is not why I wanted you to wait."

Jim and Tim look at each with a raised eyebrow. intrigued and confused they let him continue.

Josuke pats the back of his head, "Your pranks are absolutely impressive."

Kim annoyed by this display, "Josuke don't encourage them."

"No, I am being serious. All of them have a good amount of surprise and misdirection and the mechanical prowess to make it you two have to be a genius."

Twins egos expanded as the praise was heaped upon"Aw, tha-"

"But, your misdirection was too childish." as he points his finger at them. Ron and Kim were impressed by his cool in the situation and a puzzled by what he was doing.

As Josuke points his finger up at the ceiling everyone looks to see the paint can cover in glue and feathers. "Your plan was never to just glue feathers on me But, to hit me with everything. That is why you had a paint bomb in the can."


As the stream of Paste was coming at Josuke he hurls the can at the line of paste, can part-filled with the rotten egg filled the can and the can spun out of control, as a result, knocked the paste away. But, it was sent to Pompadour kid again. He couldn't grab the can because it was covered in paste. When a Bubblegum pink giant man in blue armor appeared, Crazy Diamond and punched paint can to the ceiling. Can hit the ceiling like a dart it stuck there like one right over the twins one could see this in the mess of feathers.

As Josuke said the last line the paint can erupt like a volcano of Rotten Egg-paste-paint all over the twins as feathers that weren't glued down coated every inch of them. The twins were prone looking like chickens crushed by the weight of their defeat.

"You two had planned case I blocked or dodge everything else. and you had hoped that at the end you would glue my hand to the paint can. I saw through the deception because the can felt slightly too heavy with no paint in it. Like I said you two are genius your pranks are far better than my dad's. but your misdirection is too far below his."

Kim and Ron were shocked at the turn of events, "Spankn'." "Booyah."

"HAHAHAHAHA!" Jim and Tim were just laughing everyone was surprised by how well they defeat.

"Josuke you are like" "Really cool due." "Harly anyone can get us like this." "I still can't believe you did. " "GOOD GAME" "GOOD GAME"

Josuke smiles softly, these kids are alright but I can see why Kim was worried. This is a rough way to get invited to a home.

Car doors slam shut outside and a chill ran down the spine of the twins. Their parents are home already.

A soft feminine voice calls out, it belongs to Ann Possible Kim mother a red head with shorter hair than Kim and a few inches on her you could easily mistake her for Kim's sister, "Kim, Twins I am home. Your father has to stay late at wo-"

Her face was scrunched with shock and infuriation at the mess she sees before on this was a war zone of feathers, paints, egg. She drops her purse and balls her fist in rage"JJJIIIIMMM!TTTIIIIMMM!"

Meanwhile, Akira was in the back of a police cruiser."Okay, you Slash wannabe you are going to be spending a long time in the slammer." He didn't notice that the rockstar took off his Cuffs. Akira opens the door and rolls out he violently hits the grounds."Son of a gun." Akira leaps into a telephone line and makes his escape. The only thing left was his rubber shoes. Eventually, made it to his hideout in the city and his partner. Shrouded in shadow she spoke,"So did you manage to fix your stand?"

Sweating like he was dessert in the summer, and out of breath like he finished a marathon, Absolutely exhausted in his current state using RHCP to travel was taxing. "No, not completely this redhead bitch and some annoying Jewish kid stopped. Worst yet Josuke is here."

"Kim and Ron they are going to be a problem but, we can work around that. We just need some allies."

Jim and Tim were cleaning up their mess while they were doing that Ron and Josuke were in the kitchen with Ann. Josuke took a sip of cola, "I really want to say, Ann. Thanks for opening up your home."

Ann smiles and waves Josuke off "Now it is no trouble. Gosh, you are quite the well-behaved young man." She starts to cook dinner for the family.

Josuke took a sip of cola ask Ron asked him a question. "So, Jojo do you read any mangas?"

Josuke relaxes as he answers "No, I do not. However is an avid collector, American, French, British, Korean, Japanese he buys them all. I don't really know why most stories don't connect with."

Ron was a bit disappointed he didn't like manga but, his dad sounds cool a prankster comic collector. He sounds awesome."Hey, that is fine maybe you will like one of about Video games."

"I love those especially fighting games and rails shooters."
"Like Star Fox?"
"Yes, course I love that game."
Ron and Josuke start doing a crazy handshake on spot with an arm bumps, ending on manly hand clasps. They start to connect on their shared love of video games.

Kim was on up-stairs in her room talking to Wade on his device.

The black boy was confused, "So, why do you need me to research Josuke?"

"Because there is something off about him. I can believe he is kind and brave no problem. but he made a car tire appear out of nowhere and he beat the twins at one of their pranks, I mean that was funny but, it is just Bizarre."

"I will look but, I don't know if I will find anything important."

"Please and Thank You."

Kim lays down on her bed looking at the ceiling with a focused look in her eyes. "Your hiding something Josuke, and I am going to find out what."

I thought this would a nice fun chapter. Please leave a review.
I have binged read all 358 Chapter Air Gear, Jesus I thought I sucked. and I need some time to recover so Not to go insane.