Yuzuki Seo, being her usual Seo self, plowed down the basketball court, dribbling the ball violently and dodging, juking, and dashing around other players like a madwoman.
The Roman High boys' basketball team had a game coming up against a team that was known to be particularly rowdy. As such, the coach had once again called on Seo's services to "whip the boys into shape".
More accurately, the coach had made Wakamatsu sweet talk her into playing with them, figuring her rough play style would again serve as an effective simulation of the opponent team.
Since it had been a while since Seo's last game with the boys, Sakura had come to watch her friend go at it, and Nozaki had tagged along to witness the beast in her natural habitat. Nozaki took active notes on the goings-on of the gym, game, audience, and all, while Sakura took a few pictures with her cell phone.
Any other day, Wakamatsu would have welcomed his friends' support of the team; today, however, his thoughts were preoccupied.
One of his teammates called to him, "Senpai! She's headed right for you!" as though this was not the most obvious thing in the world. Seo was indeed charging toward Wakamatsu, as he happened to be standing in between her and the basket she was aiming for.
Tired of running and getting pushed around, Wakamatsu decided to try a new approach. "All right, Seo, come and get me!" he shouted, planting his feet and spreading his arms wide in a defensive stance.
As Seo closed in, she prepared to ram right into poor Wakamatsu; however, before she could, he caught her off guard by leaping towards her. As quickly as her reflexes would allow, she raised her arms, preparing to attempt a last-ditch half-court shot, when—
Wakamatsu threw his arms around her and planted her with a kiss.
Action on the court ground to a halt. One player ran headfirst into the wall while staring. The ball dropped from Seo's hands, bouncing away behind her. After a few dumbstruck moments, she too closed her eyes, threw her arms around Wakamatsu, and melted into the kiss.
Nozaki's fingers flew as he sketched the scene before him and jotted notes all at once. Sakura's thumb remained frozen on her phone's camera button, capturing dozens of shots of the passionate couple.
Finally regaining his composure, the ref blew his whistle and shouted, "Uh, Penalty on both of you! For—delay of game, I guess?"
This awoke everyone else, including Seo and Wakamatsu, from their stupor. Seo chuckled, playfully smacking Wakamatsu on the shoulder.
"Whoa, Waka! I didn't know you were this bold! You told me you didn't wanna do that in public yet."
"Oh... oh yeah..." Wakamatsu paled, then blushed, looking around at his teammates' shocked expressions. He grabbed Seo's shoulders for support as he hung his head. "Yuzuki, can… can we just go sit on the bench, please..."
Wakamatsu didn't have it in him to complain when Seo took his hand and led him to the penalty bench, nor did he complain when she didn't let it go after they sat down.
(He was slightly bothered, however, by the looks Sakura and Nozaki kept giving him for the next two weeks.)
(A/N) Thanks for reading! Yes, I know this would actually more likely be a defensive foul on Waka's part, but I liked the sound of the title. Sue me. :3
This was mostly a quick piece to help get me in the mood to write a longer GSNK multichapter fic i've been planning! Look forward to it!