Currently, Nexus and Virus were fighting one another with Nexus losing. Nexus threw a punch at Virus, who blocked it then punched Nexus in the gut. Virus punched Nexus twice in the face then roundhouse kicked him in the same place. Nexus tumbled on the ground then looked up at Virus and said," Okay, this may have been a bad idea. "

" I could've told ya that. He obviously has been trained in fighting. ",Arc said in a unimpressed tone. Nexus stood up and hit the N on his belt making arc say," Ow. "

" Your driver is sentient. Must be because it's that robot I saw earlier. Arc was it's name, right? ",Virus said as he walked towards Nexus.

" Wait he can hear me? ",Arc said. Nexus looked at his buckle then said," Why are you asking that? "

" You have noticed that when I speak as a belt, no one else responds. I am speaking to you within your mind Ginji. ",Arc explained. Nexus nodded then was kicked in his side and tumbled on the ground. Virus stood in place and said," You're unfocused, that can lead to your death. "

Nexus jumped to his feet and took out his shooter form level synchro and his gun. He put the level synchro into the magazine of the gun then closed it while saying," Military henshin. "


Nexus changed into his shooter form and aimed his gun at Virus. Virus grunted before revealing a level synchro that had the vein lines on it but it was burgundy in color. The panel on Virus's driver opened and he ejected the virus level synchro and inserted the burgundy one before closing the panel, making the driver say," LEVEL TWO. "

Virus slammed his fist onto the B button while holding the A button down. The driver said," INFECTION! VIRUS: MARKSMAN FORM! "

Virus's armor changed so that the violet parts of the armor changed to burgundy, the black parts changed to grey, and he gained a burgundy and grey combat shotgun in his right hand and a wrist mounted machine gun on his left that was grey. The armor on his left arm transfers to his right as well as the armor on his right leg transferring to his left leg. His visor had changed so that broken goggles were over them, the green eye being show while the red one was covered by a crosshair.

Nexus gasped and said," You have more than one level synchro?! "

" Of course. One must be prepared for situations such as this one and mine are level infecters. ",Virus said before quickly aiming his shotgun at Nexus and firing at him. Nexus rolled to the side, avoiding the shot, before he fired at Virus twice.

Virus easily took the shots and dusted his chest off. Virus aimed his wrist mounted machine gun at Nexus and fired continuously. Nexus jumped out of the way of the bullets then began to fire at Virus, who shot Nexus's energy bullets out the air. Virus stopped his barrage of bullets then said," Continuously dodging can only get you so far, Nexus. "

" Well until it stops working, I will keep doing it. ",Nexus said. Virus grunted then aimed his machine gun at Nexus, before aiming it upwards and shooting above Nexus. Nexus looked up and saw that a few pipes were about to fall on him and he rolled forward, dodging them effectively.

" You have made a grave mistake Nexus. ",Virus said before he held down the B button on his driver before slamming his fist on it making his driver say," MARKSMAN DEADSHOT! "

Virus aimed both his guns and fired a burgundy energy bursts out of the shotgun and many grey energy bullets at Nexus. Nexus was hit by both attacks and they caused a huge explosion which made Nexus fly backwards and his transformation cancelled.

Ginji landed on his back and grabbed his chest in pain while looking at Virus, who slowly walked towards him. Virus stopped in front of Ginji and said," You have potential but are sloppy in fighting and are too distracted. Until you have overcome those flaws, do not get in my way. "

Virus then looked up when he heard Marina run up him and Ginji. Ginji looked at his sister and Marina said," Get away from my brother. "

Marina ran at Virus and threw a punch at him. Virus easily blocked the punch then said," Please, do not try that again ma'am. "

Virus put Marina's hand at her side then turned on his heel and walked away from the two siblings. Marina just stared at Virus then went over to Ginji and said," You okay Ginji? "

" Yeah. I may need a lot of pain killers though ",Ginji said as he was lifted to his feet by Marina. Ginji then looked at his waist and didn't see his driver. He looked around and said," Arc? Where are you?! "

" I am here. ",Arc said as he floated next to Ginji. Ginji looked at the small robot then asked," Where did you go? "

" I was thrown to the side because of the explosion. I am still repairing myself. ",Arc said as he shook his head. Marina looked at them both then said," You guys know who this Virus guy is? "

" No, all we know is he showed up, beat the venrix then beat me. ",Ginji said while grabbing his chest in pain. Arc shook his head in agreement then Marina said," Well, let's get you home Ginji. I need to patch you up. " The three then began to walk back to Marina and Ginji's house.

At a shrine, Mayunka and Denji stared at a statue before Denji said," My venrix was destroyed. "

" Well you did send a crystal venrix. Didn't you think it would break easily like normal crystals do. ",Mayunka said with confidence. Denji looked at Mayunka and said," Mayunka, it takes immense strength to break a crystal. You're thinking of glass. "

" Oh. Well, what are you gonna do? ",Mayunka asked his partner. Denji raised the necklace then touch the diamond and ruby, making them come out and change to a diamond and Ruby venrix. The diamond venrix was taller than the Ruby venrix and it's right arm was a blade while the left had, what appeared to be a shield on the left forearm.

Denji looked at both Venrix then said," Go and kill Nexus. "

Both jewel themed venrix nodded then ran out of the shrine.

At Ginji's house, he winced in pain as Marina rubbed alcohol on his wounds. Marina sighed and said," Quit moving around. "

" It hurts when you're boring into my wound with alcohol. ",Ginji said to his sister. Arc sat on a chair and said," This is very entertaining. "

Suddenly, a knock could be heard at the door and Marina went to it and opened it. She smiled and said," Xavier. "

" Xavier?! ",Ginji and Arc said while turning to the door.

Xavier walked in and said," Hi Marina, I wanted to see Ginji for a sec. I may know someone who would offer him a job. "

Marina nodded then said," Ginji, go with him. " Ginji looked at Marina and said," Marina. "

" Shush. Go with him. ",Marina said. Ginji sighed then got up and walked to the door. Outside, Ginji looked at Xavier before asking," Why are you here? "

" I am here to check on you and to make sure that you understood what I told you earlier. ",Xavier said while crossing his arms. Ginji sighed then said," Yeah, I get it. You think I am sloppy at fighting. "

" No, you're sloppy at fighting. You could've easily countered my attacks yet you continued to try and match my strength. It's like you're untrained. ",Xavier said.

" I am untrained. I've never fought a day in my life until I became Nexus. ",Ginji said. Xavier nodded then said," Well, then fighting the next venrix will be a good training exercise. "

" What? But Arc hasn't said anything about. ",Ginji started.

Suddenly, Marina and Arc came out of the house saying," There's a Venrix out. "

Xavier smirked then changed his attitude and said," Venrix? What's a venrix? "

" It's nothing Xavier. We just have to go and do a thing for a friend. Let's go, Ginji. ",Marina said before she grabbed Ginji by his wrist and ran away from their house with Arc following. Xavier watched them leave then said," Let's see how he does without these. "

Xavier then looked at his hand and it was revealed that he had taken Ginji's base and shooter level synchros. Xavier put the level synchros in his pocket then followed Ginji and the others.

At a park, the diamond and ruby venrix were terrorizing many people when Ginji came in and kicked the ruby venrix in the gut. Ginji picked up the person that was being terrorized and said," Run now. " and the person did so.

Ginji dodged a punch from the diamond venrix before he parried a stab from the ruby venrix's sword arm. Ginji grabbed the sword arm of the ruby venrix before being hit in the chest by the diamond venrix. Ginji flew back and tumbled on the ground before getting and saying," Guess it's time for me to transform. "

" Ya think? ",Arc said from his belt form. Ginji reached for his level synchros and became worried. Ginji looked at where he reaching then felt all over his body while saying," Where are they? Where are my level synchros? "

" Why are you asking that question? You have them with you, right Ginji? ",Arc asked in a worried and slightly agitated tone. Ginji looked at his buckle and said," You think I would be searching for them if I did, Arc?! "

" Look out! ",Arc said making Ginji look up. Ginji ducked a punch then kicked the ruby venrix in the stomach. The diamond venrix threw a punch at Ginji, who jumped back then took out his knife and blocked a slash from the ruby venrix.

Beside some trees, Marina and Xavier stopped there and Marina asked," Why isn't Ginji transforming? " Xavier crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against a tree.

Ginji slashed the diamond venrix three times before getting grabbed by the throats and thrown to the side. Ginji tumbled on the ground then said," This sucks. I can't fight without a level synchro and I don't have any on me. Wait a sec, Arc is that new level synchro ready yet? "

" Yes it is. It's called Caster and is based off something known as an Rpg. ",Arc said. Ginji smirked then said," Give it to me dude. "

Xavier saw this and said," He has another? "

Ginji held the Caster level synchro, which was blue and had a staff on the front, and said," Fantasy Henshin! " as he put the level synchro into his knife making it shout," LEVEL THREE! "

Suddenly, blue static sparked from the knife as it changed into a blue and silver staff that had a light blue N on the tip of it.


Ginji had silver circuits appear above his body then his armor appeared. His armor was now light blue with silver circuits over it and the under suit was black. A navy blue cloak, that went to Nexus's ankles, was on Nexus's back and it had a silver stylized N on it as well as a hood over Nexus's helmet. Nexus's helmet was navy blue with a silver visor, it was the same shape as base forms.

Nexus readied himself and said," Sweet. I like the staff. "

" I thought you would. ",Arc said.

Xavier nodded and said," He should pay attention. "

Nexus was slashed across his chest by the diamond venrix and stumbled back. Nexus dodged a slash from the Ruby venrix then hit it twice with his staff. Nexus spun his staff around then hit the Ruby venrix twice before thrusting it into the venrix's stomach.

The diamond venrix slashed at Nexus but a blue energy shield appeared and blocked the slash. Nexus turned around kicked the diamond Venrix in the gut while saying," Ha ha. "

Xavier sighed then said," I'm tired of watching. " as he put on his driver and took out his level infecter.

Marina looked at Xavier and said," What do you mean by that? "

" Henshin. ",Xavier said as he put his level infecter into his driver and slammed his hand on the A button while pressing the B button.


Xavier changed into Kamen rider virus then turned to Marina when she said," Xavier? You're that other rider that beat Ginji? "

" I will explain when I am done. ",Virus said as he walked onto the battlefield.

Virus grabbed the diamond venrix and flipped it over on its back. Virus looked at Nexus and said," I will handle this one. "

" Hey, quit stealing the spotlight. ",Nexus said in annoyed tone. Nexus then bashed the Ruby venrix twice then holding up his staff and having a light blue energy burst fire at the Ruby venrix, slowing it down.

" FREEZE! ",the staff called out.

The Ruby venrix stood in place and Nexus said," Whoa, that's cool. "

" I added some more features too. ",Arc said.

Nexus pointed his staff at the ruby venrix's feet and it crashed into the ground, creating a crater. The staff shouted," GRAVITY! " The ruby venrix began to have cracks form on its body. Nexus chuckled then lifted his staff in the air, making the staff shout," LIGHTNING! " making blue lightning bolts come down and hit the ruby venrix multiple times.

" Ha ha, I can smite people now! ",Nexus said in a happy tone. The ruby venrix stood up and stumbled back before falling on its back and exploding. Nexus nodded then he looked at his belt as Arc said," Aw, we didn't get to use the finisher I made. "

" There's still the diamond one. ",Nexus said before he saw the diamond venrix fly past him.

The diamond venrix stood up and readied its sword then ran at Virus, who activated his finisher.

" HISSATSU, VIRAL DESTROYER! ",Virus's driver said as violet, red, green and silver energy covered Virus's right boot and his left hand. The diamond venrix tried to slash Virus but Virus put his left hand through its chest then delivering a roundhouse kick to it's head, making the venrix explode.

Nexus and Marina, who stood beside him, looked at Virus in amazement as he regained his calm stance. Virus turned to the siblings and walked towards them.

Once he was in front of Nexus and Marina, Virus looked at Nexus and said," Tomorrow, I will be by to train you. Be ready. " Virus then looked at Marina and said," I apologize for lying to you but I couldn't have you knowing who I was until I knew if Ginji was a great ally. I also want to say that I enjoy the time we spend together and hope to do it again sometime. "

Virus then walked past Marina and Nexus while changing back into Xavier. Nexus and Marina looked at one another then Nexus said," That was odd. "

" Yeah, but there is one good thing. ",Marina said while looking at Xavier. " I now know I have a chance with him. "

Nexus's head dropped and he sighed in sadness.

" That's what she focused on? Your sister is weird. ",Arc said.

In a shrine, Denji and Mayunka looked at all the artifacts and pots then Mayunka groaned and said," This is so boring! When do we get to fight Nexus again. "

" Soon Mayunka. ",Denji said in an annoyed tone. Mayunka groaned then leaned on a table and a pot fell and shattered on the ground. Denji spun around and shouted," Mayunka! " Mayunka looked at the shattered pot and said," Sorry. "

" Don't be. Thanks for letting me out. ",Mayunka and Denji heard coming from behind them. The two venrix generals turned to the sound of the voice and saw a toned man with light brown hair standing their. This man was shirtless but wore a pair of black pants and was barefoot.

" How are you here? ",Denji asked.

" Vakreen. ",Mayunka said. The mystery man, known as Vakreen, looked at the two and said," Hello my fellow generals. "