Hokage tower
Ino sat outside the hokage office waiting to be called inside. Since the war ended, she hadn't been called in for a mission and she suspected that it was because the hokage thought she wasn't over her father's death yet. Genma stepped out of the hokage office and waved at me.

Kakashi: "You can come in now, Ino."

Ino stepped in and noticed that Lord Kakashi looked tired. However, he was still reading his favorite little book.

Kakashi:"I have a mission for you."

Kakashi sighed, put his book down, and looked at Ino.

Kakashi: "I know you haven't had a mission in a while, but you were specifically asked for...It's an A rank mission...However, if you decide that you are not ready to take on a high rank mission, I'm sure I can work something out with the contractor."

Ino: "What's the mission about?"

Lord Kakashi handed Ino a scroll containing all the mission details and Ino quickly began reading through it.

Ino: "When does the mission start, since there's no start date on the scroll."

Kakashi: "You leave tomorrow first thing in the morning. Kotetsu and Genma will accompany you to the sand village since they have a mission there too. That was all."

The hokage picked up his book again so Ino bowed and walked out of the hokage's office.

Ino walked out of the hokage tower planning on what she would pack for the mission. She decided that she should probably visit Temari since she was in Konoha on ambassador business and ask what was absolutely necessary for Suna.

Temari's apartment
Ino knocked on Temari's door and patiently waited.

Temari: "Hey Ino! Come in."

Temari pulled Ino into her temporary apartment by the neck of her shirt and gave her a quick tight hug.

Temari: "Take a seat. Would you like something to drink?"

Ino shook her head and sat on the couch.

Ino: "I actually came by to ask what was an absolute necessity in Suna."

Temari's facial expression changed from happiness to one of utter surprise.

Temari: "What?...Why do you want to know that?"

Ino: "I leave for a mission in Suna tomorrow and I'll be staying for at least a month."

Temari's expression changed once again.

Temari: "I hope you brought some paper and a pen because it's a long list."

The next morning
Ino barely got any sleep the previous night because she was excited and nervous and about her mission. She had spent most of her day gathering the long list that Temari had given her and spent a part of her night informing her friends that she had a mission so she needed someone to water her house plants.

Ino and her luggage were standing by the village gates waiting for Kotetsu and Genma to arrive. After 30 minutes of waiting, they finally arrived.

Ino: "Are you two ready to go?"

Genma and Kotetsu each grabbed one of Ino's bag and began walking.

Ino: "I can carry my own stuff!"

Ino walked after them.

Genma: "We don't want you to strain yourself, princess."

Kotetsu nodded then winked at Ino.

Ino: "I'm not that weak." Ino fake pouted and beamed them a smile.

I would like to thank Smartasswolf23 for the review and suggestion of naming the characters that are talking.

R&R are appreciated