Thorne spun the Poke-stop, grinning when he got five Pokeballs. The redhead worker moved over. "Here to tell me I can't just sit here?" He said, looking her up and down. Scarlet put her hands on her hips. "We're closing. You need to leave." He let a charming smile slip onto his face. "Sure your not trying to get rid of me?" Scarlet gritted her teeth. The bell by the door rang. Scarlet whipped around, growling softly. It ceased when she saw her half brother Strom. He saw the man and frowned. Moving to them he said guffly, "Bistro's closing sir, you need to leave." The blonde paled but stayed where he was. "And why are you here?"

"I would listen to my brother sir."

Thorne rises an eyebrow, they looked nothing alike. No wait, their eyes were both brown, deep walnut brown.

He shrugged as he stood. The siblings; they had to be adopted, half siblings maybe, followed him out. They locked the door and waited. Once Thorne was out of sight Strom relaxed slightly.

"Why'd you ditch me today? I had to with 5 Poké go-ers who just would not leave." He turned to his sister, only barely pitying her dilemma.

He smirked at her slight pout. "I told you, I had to pick up a friend." Scarlet eyes widened, "My antisocial older brothers has a friend who isn't me?" He shoved her softly. "Funny, Lottie."

"Don't call me that. Race you home" the ginger girl sprints to her car. Strom hurried to his. "Game on."

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• the next moring 7:50

Cress tucked her laptop into it's bag and hurried down the stairs. "She had fifteen minutes to disappear or Sibyl would find out she slept in. She glanced towards the kitchen. No time to eat,

she'd have to get something from out. She paused, that meant she'd need money. Which was upstairs.

You're an actress, and you're filming an adventure movie were you have to sneak past an evil guardian to get to the treasure. She thought to herself, than taking a deep breath she quickly tiptoed upstairs. She had grabbed her purse and was heading to her bedroom door when she heard the door down the hall open.

She gulped and looked around. Her window was the only way out. You're an actress, and you're filming an adventure movie. She reminded herself. The window is just a prop, you won't fall, you have a harness on. She opened it and tugged the screen out, the way she'd seen on the people in the show did.

Climbing out, she thanked the patio roof. She tucked the screen under her arm, and pulled the window shut. Then she shoved the screen back into the holder. It wasn't prefect but it only had to last untill she got home, then she could fix it. She clung to the edge, her feet a foot form the railing. She aimed for that. Once she was on it she started to climb down. But,instead of climbing down like she planed, she slipped and fell off the railing.

Her back screamed at her. She gritted her teeth, tears stinging her eyes. You're an actress, you can do it Cress. All you have to get up and get to the bus stop. You can do it.

She struggled to her feet and half crawled half jogged to the bus stop. She was barely on time and the bus driver, a kind woman named Iko, gave her a once over, "Everything alright Miss Mira(?)?" The 17 year old student teacher nodded. "I had a bit of difficulty with the stairs this morning." She faked a smile and sat on the row behind her. Iko began to drive the bus to the school, taking a note of the gyms and poké-stops she passed.


Cinder snickered as she read the sign. "Poké-Stop Is For Paying Customers Only! You Will Be Kicked Out!" She pulled her phone and snapped a picture. She sent it to Iko and Peony, with the message 'Hope you have money.' Then she pushed open the door. Scarlet looked up and a relived, glad it was someone who wasn't going to complain about the new rule. Strom was getting tried of having to deal with them. She knew that soon either the police or her pistol were going to have to get involved.

"Welcome to Benoit Bistro. What can I get you?" Cinder gave the girl a half smile. "I suppose it's a little late to get an egg and cheese Soufflé?" The red head glanced at her watch, 11:12. They stopped serving breakfast in three minutes "I think I can get it before we stop serving breakfast."

"Thanks, and can I have bacon and orange juice with that?"

"Of course, is that all?"


"That'll be five dollars." Cinder paid and moved to a table. At exactly 11:14 Scarlet placed her meal in front of her. Cinder noticed an extra piece of bacon on her plate and grin. Scarlet had some of the best ways to show the regulars that she appreciate them.

"Thanks Scarlet." Her friend winked, "You need it." As Cinder dug in, she thought about the red head. She was one of her best friend, but she was sure most people don't becomes friend with the barista who works at their favorite café. Before she could ponder it further her phone chimed.

Please tell me this is a joke. Peony and Iko had sent the same text less than half a minute apart. True as thruth can be. She looked up and filmed a quick video of Strom who picked up a young man and carried him to the door. Opening it he unceremoniously dropped the Poké go-er a few feet out side the door.

She sent video with the caption And I don't think Strom is in the mood to be tested.

I best warn Thorne. Iko sent. Thorne was a friend of Iko's and a loyal customer of Cinder. Cinder was sure he could have been up to half the Pokémon problem.

She was about to replied when she saw she had 15 minutes until she had to be at work. Hurrying through her meal she throw away her trash and sprinted down the street. She really hoped it was a slow afternoon, she'd had to deal with too many idiotic people that morning.