He thought it was going to be a normal movie night…

They just got home from what felt like the longest case ever. Car chases, explosions, shoot outs, really just a regular day on the job. Today though, they were too tired to do anything else but relax on the couch. Of course they had to stop and grab some dinner first. Chinese. Their favorite.

When they finally got home they both took off their shoes, he walked Monty, she got changed into something more comfortable, and when he got back from walking the dog, he did the same.

They sat on the couch eating their Chinese food talking about the crazy day they had, like there was nothing else to talk about. Game of Thrones was on. They finished eating. Deeks put the garbage in the trash. He knew if he left it up to Kensi, it would stay there for over a month.

When he came back from the kitchen he asked if she wanted to watch a movie. She said yes. He didn't even need to ask which movie. He knew. Titanic. They've watched it probably a good one hundred times since they've moved in together. He put the disk in the DVD player and switched the input on the TV.

He sat down, next to her. He sat in the corner of the couch. She moved in close to him. She laid her head on the side of his chest, listening to him breath. He put his arm around her, and held her tight. They loved movie night. They loved snuggling on the couch even more. Tonight is a perfect night to just relax. Even if they fell asleep on the movie, (which he usually did, waking up hours later hoping she didn't notice, all while she never fell asleep) it was still a great night.

When the beginning credits started he asked "You want popcorn, Kens?"

"Don't forget the beer."

As she sat up for him to stand up. He laughed all the way to the kitchen. That's my girl he thought.

He got to the kitchen and was staring at the open pantry for at least 10 minutes.

"Kensi, do you know where the popcorn is?" he yelled from the kitchen to the living room.

He heard a weird noise along with the laugh of a ladybird he could pick out in a crowd full of people.

"Kens? You okay?"

He grabbed two beers from the fridge and walked back into the living room to find what looks to be a fort, made of pillows blankets, and Christmas lights?

"Woah, where did this come from?"

"Well the pillows cam from the couch, the blankets cam from over there, and the lights, well… they were in the closet. I thought it might add some life to it."

"Add some life to what exactly?"

"The fort!"

"The fort?"

"Yeah, I made a pillow fort, I thought it might be more fun than just watching the movie on the couch."


She looked at him from the tent of blankets she was under.

"This is awesome!"

He crawled underneath the blankets to sit next to her. The movie had already started, but that was okay, it's not like it was a new movie or anything.

They watched the movie and drank their beers. They had such a fun time just the three of them sitting under their pillow fort (Monty had to join in on the fun of course).

The movie was almost over when he heard a little snore. He just assumed it was Monty. Then he felt her head fall to his shoulder. There is no way he thought. There is no way my Kensalina Marie Blye fell asleep while watching Titanic. This is her favorite movie, she would watch this every single day if she could. He grabbed the remote, trying to not move his body to wake her up. He turned the volume really low, almost on mute. He wrapped his arm around her and laid them both down with Monty as their pillow. He pulled the blanket slowly out from underneath them and covered her up so she wouldn't be cold. He kissed her on the head.

"We should build a pillow fort every night."