Chapter 13

This is the last chapter! Thanks guys for reading! I want to thank everyone for the reviews, follows, and favorites!


Doyle came home and placed his hat and coat on the rack by the door. It was late and he knew Kingsley and Mary were already asleep in bed. He went upstairs tiredly and sat down at his writing desk. Notes were sprawled across it including one from his publisher.

"This is a good one Doyle. Keep writing." It read.

Maybe his publisher was right. Maybe he needed to write more Holmes stories. It wasn't that he hated them, it was just that he wished he could write more intelligent works. Writing the same type of story over and over again didn't challenge him as a writer. Doyle yawned loudly and looked over at his bed. How he wished Touie would be sharing a bed with him tonight.

Back at the hotel, Harry entered his room. Bess had been sitting there waiting for him.

"What's wrong," she asked.

"Nothing. Just a friend of mine needed some comfort," he said sitting on the bed.

Bess looked down.

"Well, I better tell the concierge that I need a room," she said heading out the door.

"You can stay with me if you want," Harry said stopping her.

"Well, we'd have to share a bed," she responded blushing.

"Well the more the merrier am I right?" Houdini said flirting.

Bess giggled.

"You're remarkable Mr. Houdini," she said the phrase that she had said the first time they had met.

"Erich," He said to her.

"Erich," She said correcting herself once again. "But if you don't mind I'd rather have another room," she said.

"Okay," Harry said as he waved goodbye to her.

Bess smiled at him as she left the room. Harry laid back on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. "Bess," he thought. "Has the perfect smile," he said as he closed his eyes no longer afraid of his mother's ghost that had been haunting him. This time his dreams would be filled with Bess and her rose colored lips.