Positive. Positive. Positive. All three tests. Petunia Evans couldn't believe it. How could all three tests be positive? There had to be some mistake. She decided to go ahead and take the fourth one she purchased. Needless to say, the result was the same as the previous three. . .

"Oh God," Petunia broke down right then and there.

She was only eighteen. Too young to be a parent, in her opinion. If only she had been more careful. . . If only she hadn't let her emotions get the better of her. . . If only she had made Severus Snape go home when he turned up on the doorstep that cool dreary night looking for her sister. . . Oh, but God, had it been worth it. The feeling of doing something her family would disapprove of had given Petunia the greatest thrill. Making love to Severus, the feeling of his strong calloused hands caressing her skin, the taste of his kiss. . . It had all been worth it. Or so she thought. . . No. She wasn't going to do that to herself. Having a baby was no big deal. She could handle it and if her family wouldn't support her, well. . . She really didn't want to think about that. Composing herself as best she could, Petunia left the safety of the bathroom to make the big announcement.