Harry stood there looking over the ruined grounds of Hogwarts, bodies were strewn across the ground, the bodies of his friends, his loved ones, his family, yes no one say him was left, the battle at Hogwarts took every one he held dear to him.
He stood up and levitated all of his loved ones into straight lines, leaving the DeathEaters for the vultures that he could just see circle Ing overhead. After doing that he walked one last time up through the ruined castle up to Griffindor tower, where he found his trunk still intact, he threw out all of his books, except his photo album, he took one last look around of what had been his home for 6 years then he apparated away to Gringrotts.
When he arrived at Gringrotts Griphook was all ready waiting for him.
The Goblin motion for Harry to follow him and they entered a small room where Griphook motion for Harry to sit, while the Goblin sneer at Harry saying;
"Mister Potter we appear to have a problem between the paper work you requested from us we found an adoption document that was signed by your late mother Lily Potter and your father James Potter. There is also a letter addressed to you, would you like to read the letter?"
"Yes please" Harry said.
Griphook past Harry the letter and Harry took the letter and unfolded it and started to read it
To our dear son Harry James Potter,
Your mother and I write you this Letter to let you know that we have kept a secret from you one that we were going to tell you when you turned 15.
At this Harry raced an eyebrow, ;a Secret? Wonder what it could be?; He thought.
On 31 July 1985 was the day our son, the real Harry Potter had died just a few minutes after being born, your mother and me where morning the lost of our first child when you suddenly appeared out of nowhere in the crib of where our baby Harry was laying a few minutes before, we noticed that you where of Asian heritage, you had silky black hair with beautiful green eyes.
It took Lily a few minutes to hold you in her arm's before she fell in love with you, we put a strong glamour charm on you because we didn't want to take away your Asian heritage that's why you look like an exact copy of me, together with this Letter are two potions, the first one is a blood adoption potion if you take this potion you will finalize the adoption process but if you refuse to take it you won't get in trouble you are still the Potter heir. The other potion will remove the glamour charm and your person. and I hope you won't hate us for this. Me and your mother wish you good luck. Oh, and before I forget the name that was on the blanket you where hugging was Kaito Z. I suppose that was your real name, I wish you the best son.
With lots of love,
Lily Marie Potter and James Potter.
Harry looked up from the letter to Griphook and said; "I wish to withdraw all the money from the Potter's vaults, becouse I am leaving Britain for good."
Griphook's eyes when wide then he smirked at Harry and left the room after a few minutes he was back with the biggest trunk Harry has ever seen and the potion to remove the glamour.
Griphook shrunk the trunk for Harry, while the young man was drinking the nasty potion, win Griphook was done he turned and said;
''I wish you luck in your new Adventure, because knowing you, you will need it.''
Harry gave the goblin a smile as Griphook said;
"Have a nice life Mister Zala.''
with that said he left Harry who was enjoying his new look in the window of Gringrotts.
After admiring his new look for a few minutes, Harry walked out of the wizardIng bank and apparated into an alley next to what was left of the leacky cauldron, Harry pulled a stone out of his pocket, and thought back to something that Dumbeldore told him when he gave Harry the stone...
''Harry... Dumbeldore started, ''I want to give you this stone, this stone is called a wishing stone, it does what the name suggests, it grants you one wish, it is one of the most rarest stones in the wizardIng world, and I believe you are serving to a wish granted after everything you have done in most likely will do for this world. So have a high say thank you young one for doing why most others fear.''
And with that Dumbeldore took his last breath and Harry weept tears of sorrow for his beloved headmaster.
( end flashback)
He look at the wishing stone and he closed his eyes and said;
"I wish with all my heart, take me back home, take me to where I came from!"
And with a flash Harry James Potter vanished from Britain and to never be seen again.