Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars

Here is my new story; I know I haven't written in a while if you follow me. But I had so many things on my plate this summer Marching Band which was fun and I miss doing that, my brother injured my hand. Anyways here is my new story.

Ahsoka and Anakin were prepping their ships and squads for this mission. They are sent to destroy a secret separatist base on Ryloth. "You know Master, why does the separatist always go after Ryloth?" Ahsoka asked her Master as she continued to check her Fighter.

"Because Ryloth has no armed forces to help them, they are a planet that just takes care of their people and wouldn't guess that the separatist would attack their planet." Anakin replied.

Then Master Obi-Wan and this female who looked liked a Jedi walked up to Anakin and Ahsoka.

"Anakin, this is Lena Sea. She is the Jedi to accompany you to Ryloth." Lena kept staring at Ahsoka. Ahsoka was kind of nervous about that stare Lena was giving her. Ahsoka didn't dare be snippy at Lena about looking at her like that when Obi-Wan was right next to her.

"I lived on Ryloth as a child; I know my way around the mountains where the base is located." Lena said.

She continued to stare at Ahsoka, Ahsoka was getting this feeling like something bad was going to happen during this mission but she didn't want to tell them now, it was already too late. Their ships have been prepped and the squadrons were just waiting for the signal to board the gunships.

"Lena, your Star Fighter is right over there." Anakin pointed to a Dark Blue Star Fighter.

Lena walked over to the Star Fighter assigned to her and once Lena's stare left Ahsoka, Ahsoka felt kind of dizzy and used her Star Fighter to hold her balance. Anakin noticed how dizzy Ahsoka was and asked how she felt.

"Are you alright?" Anakin asked with a little worry in her voice.

Ahsoka closed her eyes. She saw the mountains in Ryloth, and an avalanche that blocked their path, she didn't see Anakin but she saw Lena with her Lightsabers out, it glowed red and Lena had a grin that wasn't making Ahsoka feel comfortable.

Ahsoka's eyes shot open with fear and there stood before her was her Master with a worried expression.

"Ahsoka what did you see?" Anakin asked.

Ahsoka was speechless in fear, and then she shook it off her and said. "I saw something very bad happen to Lena, me, and you."

"Ahsoka tell me exactly what you saw." Anakin asked

"Master, I really don't want to talk about it, we should get going. I'll tell you what I saw after the mission." Ahsoka said instantly. Ahsoka hated the fact that she knew this was going to happen and she didn't want her Master to leave her behind when she knew something was defiantly not right with Lena.

"Alright Ahsoka," Anakin said then contacted Rex on his com link and said. "Rex tell the men to board the Gunships, we are ready to go."

Anakin turned to look back at Ahsoka but saw her getting into her Fighter; he saw the worry on her face that whatever she saw surely scared her.

Anakin contacted Ahsoka and Lena on their coms and said. "I'll lead first, Ahsoka behind me then Lena you follow Ahsoka."

"Yes Master." Ahsoka replied, though she did hate the fact that Lena was right behind her.

"Yes Master Skywalker." Lena replied with coldness in her voice that shook Ahsoka.

"General we are ready." Rex said through the com channel so everyone heard him.

Anakin did feel coldness in Lena's voice but didn't make sure of why she had coldness to her voice but he could feel Ahsoka feel worried still.

Anakin left the Hangar then Ahsoka followed behind. Lena was close behind Ahsoka; she tried not to worry as much because she could tell her Master knew very well that something was bothering her. Once they arrived on Ryloth they landed their ships and hid them as best as they could.

Lena was to go with Ahsoka's Squadron while Anakin led his further up the mountains. Ahsoka's mind was swirling in worry. She was just waiting for whatever was going to happen to happen; of course she wanted to stop whatever was going to happen. As they continued up the mountain the whole place shook.

It cut the path in half killing some clones but it divided Ahsoka and Lena from Anakin.

"Ahsoka, Lena! Are you both alright over there?!" Anakin yelled over the stack of boulders.

Ahsoka looked at her legs and arms and noticed that during the avalanche one of the rocks sliced her left arm open. "My arm was sliced during the avalanche Master. It's pretty deep." Lena smiled at Ahsoka wickedly.

Ahsoka slowly turned around and sighed but her arm started to hurt and blood was starting to drip from her wound.

"What's wrong Lena?" Ahsoka asked Lena with worry and pain in her voice.

"Don't try to fool me child, I knew that you knew what was going to happen, you were worried on the entire way here, your Master is a fool too." Ahsoka grabbed her Lightsabers and ignited them get ready and fight Lena.

Ahsoka's squadron had their guns up ready to shoot Lena. "Hold your fire, this is my fight. Captain Luck, try and contact my Master and reach them."

Lena laughed and ignited her Lightsabers that were bright red that were almost brighter than Anakin's Lightsaber. "Foolish child!" Lena growled and lunged at Ahsoka. Ahsoka was ready to fight off Lena as long as it took to contact her Master and carry on the mission.

Well there is my first chapter, I hope you all like it, I will be posting more soon and on my other stories. Also please don't give any negative comments I'm not back into my typing yet after a long break of typing but please review.