Hey everyone, Flapjack here! I've been taking habitual visits to this side of Fanfiction for a while, and I figured I should take a shot at writing something. So let's get to it, here's a couple of things you need to know about this fic. 1: this is an AU and the story is completely mine. 1.5: Judy knows Clawhauser beforehand. This is so she at least knows one person beforehand. 2: the size differences in this story aren't nearly as drastic as the movie's (for the sake of some of the characters you'll meet in the story). 3: there will be some OCs, but you'll see a lot of the original characters too. 4: There will be a lot of Fall Out Boy, Paramore, Relient K, Shakira, and more so brush up on your music, kiddos.

Disclaimer: Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. Zootopia is Disney's and all that.

Personal Disclaimer: Nick excels in rock, so a little bit like NeonJackal's fic, but I PROMISE that I'm stealing nothing.

Okay, Here we go!


After the train to Zootopia pulled into the station and opened its doors, its passengers spilled into the already crowded floors of the station. Amidst the chaos, a lone bunny carrying nothing but a suitcase and a guitar bag slung over her shoulder stepped onto the platform and took a look around. She stared in wonder at the number of flashing signs and diverse collection of mammals rushing here and there. Being from the rural town of Bunnyburrow, she was used to crowded spaces, but the diversity of the city, though was expected, was surprising nonetheless. In the corner of her eye, she saw a timber wolf clad in old jeans and a worn black coat, playing guitar as people tossed coins into his case, and for just a quick second, a hint of fear flashed over her face, but she quickly shook it off. She proceeded out to the front of a station and looked around for a minute until-

"Judy! Over Here!" the Bunny turned her head around to see a plump cheetah in a police uniform waving frantically, a goofy smile plastered onto his face. Judy laughed and ran over to him as fast as her suitcase allowed her to. She jumped up and wrapped her arms as far as she could around the cheetah's neck.

"It's good to see you again Benji!" the Cheetah, Benjamin Clawhauser, was a cop in Zootopia, and he had met Judy Hopps during his time at the ZPD Training academy. The academy wasn't too far away from Bunyburrow, so a lot of the training officers would come and walk around the town.

"It's good to see you too, Judy!" He helped her back down to the floor, grabbed her suitcase and they began walking towards the parking lot. "So you came after all!"

"Yeah, I figured a year of thinking about it was long enough."

"Well, I'm glad you came." He stopped at an SUV and opened the back door, placing the suitcase and the guitar bag inside. "After all," he said as he closed the door and opened the passenger door. "This is the city where anything is possible."

It was 9 o'clock and the red fox sleeping in his bed could do no more to avoid the light that was now piercing through his eyelids. He sat up in his bed and went to stretch his arms upward, but then yelped at the stabbing pain in his right shoulder. He rubbed the spot and winced at the pain it caused. Opting out of changing, he got up and headed out of his room. Outside, the first thing he saw was a fennec fox sitting at the kitchen counter scrolling through his phone. He looked up at him, then went back to scrolling.

"You look like crap." He stated nonchalantly. The red fox looked down at his disheveled fur and boxers and couldn't help but smirk.

"Good morning to you too, buddy." He walked over to the cupboard, opened it, and grabbed a mug labeled 'Nick's'. "So, where are-"

"They went out to grab some stuff for tonight." He looked up to see Nick rubbing his shoulder again. "You good to play?"

Nick's smirk returned and he stopped to look at the fennec with feigned doe eyes.

"Awwwww. Is Finnick worried about me?"

Finnick huffed. "Not even close. I just need the money that we'll get from tonight. So, are. You. Good. To. Play?" he asked as he slid a pack of strings across the table

Nick poured some coffee into the mug then placed a hand on the strings, stopping them.

"Yeah, I'll be good to play."