Hello dear readers!
I'm so excited about this story! I hope you like it!
I desired dragons with a profound desire ― C.S. Lewis
He looked around the room and started to analyze the people around him, searching for anything unusual.
A blonde woman rose from her chair and walked towards the restroom. She glanced at him and offered him a mischievous smile. He looked away and pretended to read the bar menu he was holding in his hands.
His eyes scanned over the tables, trying to recognize some face from the files his brother gave him. The people he was hunting looked harmless during the day. They preferred to show their true selves in the night. They worked in the shadows – like him.
He had been stuck in his hotel room for an entire week, memorizing every information of the Frey family file.
The first plan was to make a quick work of Walder Frey and his men but when Dany and Rhaenys invaded the man's house and found a woman locked in a room, the plan immediately changed. The woman had bruises all over her body and looked terrified.
They already knew that Walder Frey was a dangerous man but they didn't know he was also an abusive man.
They decided to focus their attention on the Frey family. After months of research Dany found out that the Freys were also involved in human trafficking.
Very few things disturbed Daenerys Targaryen. She could watch a man bleed to death without even flinching but knowing that Walder Frey was responsible for human trafficking made her feel angrier than ever. He and his men needed to die.
Jon noticed that only a few tables were occupied.
He saw a middle aged woman reading a book. Her bored and disinterested facial expression made him wonder what kind of book she was reading.
A few tables away he could see an old couple chatting. The man was drinking a cocktail and the woman was eating an Italian Salad. Just two normal people enjoying their staying in one of the best hotels in the island. The man held the woman's hand and she smiled.
Jon was watching the couple interacting when a voice caught his attention.
"… I know, mum, but my flight is just tomorrow morning…"
He turned his head and spotted a beautiful girl sat near the bar counter, talking on the phone.
He was stunned by her beauty.
Her auburn hair was in a long braid that draped elegantly over her shoulder. Contrary to most people in the hotel she wasn't wearing any jewels. She was wearing olive green shorts paired with a delicate white top. She had porcelain skin and amazing long legs.
Amazing long legs
He shook his head.
Perturbed with his thoughts he tried to survey the perimeter of the room but his eyes refused to obey him.
The girl – the woman – was still talking on the phone.
Jon looked at her lips and noticed that she was chewing a pen.
No, not a pen, a pencil – he corrected himself.
She put the phone in her leather saddlebag and focused on the paper sheets scattered on the counter. There was also a plate with two small lemon cakes next to a pencil case.
Jon watched her taking the pencil out of her mouth and grabbing one of the papers. She looked at it for a few seconds and frowned. That action made Jon smile.
The woman bit her lower lip and lay the paper down, then she opened her sketchbook.
He got lost in her movements, watching her hand work the pencil on the sketch paper. He watched her features soften and the tension disappear from her brow.
Minutes later she finished eating her last lemon cake and rose from her chair.
As she made her way towards the door, Jon noticed that one of her drawings fell to the floor.
Without thinking twice he rose from his chair and picked the paper off the floor. His eyes widened as soon as he saw the sketch. It was the sketch of a dragon flying towards the horizon.
She was a very talented artist.
He took his eye off of the sketch and looked at the bar entrance. He quickly spotted her.
Jon hurried forward.
"I think this belongs to you" – the words stumbled out of his mouth, practically on their own.
The woman turned her body and he was suddenly out of breath. She had the most beautiful blue eyes he'd ever seen. Deep, royal blue eyes.
She looked fairly confused at first, but then realization dawned in her eyes when she looked at his hand. He handed her the sketch and she smiled shyly.
"Thanks" – she said, meeting his eyes again.
"You're very talented" – the words continued to stumble awkwardly out of his mouth.
"Not really, I just like to draw, that's all" – she said, tucking the drawing safely into her sketchbook – "Thanks again" – she added, before leaving the bar.
Jon entered in his room and moved to his laptop, deleting all the files and the browser history.
The room was adorned with golden window shades, silken duvets and furniture that was entirely handmade. It was a five stars hotel. Guests could also enjoy a museum-worthy art collection and for a few seconds Jon considered it but then he changed his mind. He needed to focus on the plan. He couldn't let himself get distracted by bronze sculptures and the possibility of seeing a certain red-haired person. Nothing could go wrong. The hotel guests couldn't be collateral damage.
Walder Frey and his men would be arriving at any minute. Jon already knew that they were going to stay in the fifth floor, second hallway. He had already planted the bombs in the rooms and in the rest of the hotel.
There were cameras everywhere but most men in the hotel uniforms were not actual hotel employees; they were Targaryen employees.
Exploding buildings was not exactly Jon's modus operandi but he didn't have time to prepare a slow and painful death. Daenerys was the one who liked to explode things but she was in Russia, dealing with the Bratva. Her sharp tongue and her blonde hair allowed her to blend in.
He had to act quickly before more women and children were sold and forced to be slaves.
Jon had come up with the best plan he could.
There was going to be a small jazz concert near the hotel pool at 10pm. All guests would be there. Walder Frey had reserved the fifth floor. He had planned to meet with a drug dealer there, so he and his men would remain in their rooms.
After making sure that no hotel guest were inside the building, Jon would activate the bombs and Walder Frey would cease to exist.
Minutes later firemen and cops would start appearing. Jon would have to drive to Undercliff and stay hidden in the woods. Then he would walk to Woody Bay and wait for the helicopter.
Sansa drank her orange juice and looked over at the stage where the band was playing a jazz song written by Gerald Marks and Seymour Simons: All of Me. It was a popular song, she remembered hearing versions of that song performed by Ruth Etting, Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald.
The Isle of Wight was the perfect place to enjoy some peace, quiet and natural beauty. The island was also known for its world-famous sailing and lovely resorts but Sansa wasn't there for any of that. She was there because she needed to get away from Riverrun. Her birthday was in a month and her mother was already planning a big party.
She didn't want a party, much less a party with two hundred people. She tried to explain that to her mother but she ignored her.
Her mother was the CEO of Wolf Industries. She was friend of a lot of important families in Liverpool and most of those families worked in the company, which meant that the Bolton family would be invited to the party.
She shivered and tried to focus her attention on the old couple sat next to her table but his face refused to disappear from her mind.
She finished her drink and grabbed her leather saddlebag. She needed to draw. Drawing always calmed her.
She quickly realized that her sketchbook was not in the saddlebag. She let out a heavy breath and rose from her chair, the song coming to an end.
You took the part that once was my heart. So why not take all of me.
Jon was hidden behind a tree, looking at the hotel entrance. He grabbed his burner phone and dialed the number.
"We checked all the rooms. The hotel is empty. All employees and guests are out of the building" – a man said – "Only Walder Frey and his men are inside"
He hung up and grabbed the C4 remote detonator.
All he had to do now was to trigger the button and wait fifteen seconds. After those fifteen seconds the bombs would explode and Walder Frey would disappear from this world.
"Dracarys" – Jon said, triggering the button.
He took his eyes off of the remote detonator and looked at the hotel. He just had to wait fifteen seconds. Fifteen seconds and then one of the most hideous men on the planet would cease to exist.
He was mentally counting seconds when a woman running towards the hotel entrance caught his attention.
His heart stopped as soon as he watched her disappear from his view.
It was the woman from the bar. The woman kissed by fire.
His feet started moving and he could hear his father's voice echoing in his head: You can't save everyone. There will always be collateral damage.
Jon knew that he was not a hero. Killing bad people didn't make him a hero. He was a criminal. He killed people. He tortured people. He was not a knight in shining armor. He was dark.
The Targaryens were a shadow organization. Their primary objective was to take out organized crime families but in order to do that, they had also to do illegal things: moving drug shipments, laundering money and many other things. They hadn't grew greedy and corrupt like the Freys, the Starks/Tullys, the Boltons and many other families, but that didn't mean that they were better than them. In the end they all had blood on their hands. Innocent people died during their missions. Despite Jon's best efforts no plan was perfect.
He ran towards the hotel as fast as he could. The family words kept following him: Fire and Blood.
The Targaryens only risked their lives for one thing: family.
There's us and there's everyone else – Aegon used to tell him every time people (innocent people) were caught in the crossfire – We can't risk the whole operation. You know the family words.
Jon knew all of that … but he didn't stop running.
The first thing Sansa noticed when she stepped in the hotel was how quiet it was. There was no one in the lobby.
Strange – she thought, tightly gripping her shoulder bag.
She was walking towards the elevator when the peaceful silence was suddenly replaced by the sound of an explosion.
Sansa's body was jerked forward by the impact and her head hit the wall in front of her. Her vision became blurred and she fell heavily to the ground. Smoke invaded her nose and lungs. Her eyes burned from the searing ashes. She held her breath but choked on the smoke.
Her brain started to show her images of her family.
She could see her mother brushing her hair.
She remembered Robb and his warm smile. He used to bring her a present every time he returned home from his trips.
She saw Arya taunting her into a horserace. Her sister loved to ride.
She saw Bran sat in the middle of the library, reading a book, and Rickon playing in the garden.
The image of her father appeared right in front of her eyes, making her smile. She wished she could turn back time and be a little girl again.
He used to kiss her brow and tell her bedtime stories – stories about wolves.
"Why must all the stories be about wolves?" – she asked one night – "Why can't they be about dragons?"
"I thought you liked wolves, sweetheart" – her father said, pulling the sheet up to cover her body.
"I do" – she said – "But you could tell me another story … about dragons"
"I don't know any stories about dragons" – he said, after a few seconds of silence – "Do you know any stories about dragons?"
"No, but I know they have claws"
"So do wolves" – her father retorted.
"And they have fangs" – she insisted.
"Wolves have fangs too" – he said and she frowned.
She thought about that for a long time, her eyes squinting at him.
"But dragons don't get burned. Wolves do" – she finally said.
"Not if they are fast enough" – her father said, winking affectionately at her.
She tried to stand up but she couldn't. Her head hurt – her entire body hurt. She knew she was going to die. She wasn't fast enough. She couldn't even stand up.
Did her father feel the same? Did he try to get out of the car before the explosion? Did he feel his body hurt too? Did he spend his last moments thinking about his family?
The colors around her started to fade and the image of a dragon invaded her mind.
Thank you so much for reading this chapter.
Please share your thoughts with me! I'd love to know what you think! (: