Chapter 1

"be careful Lou, don't be out all night" my over protective mother screeched with a freakishly fragile voice, it was at this point where she started to ramble on and on as if I was a five year old and still needed my mummy to hold my hand. "let her be Josie" my dad appeared from out of the living room, wearing the same clothes as yesterday, although I think there were more food stains on his shirt. You see my father was a kind and loving family man, but since loosing his job, he just lingers (and not in a good way) he seemed to have given up hope assuming he will never get a job again but when my mother reassured him that something will pop up he just shrugged and walked of. "let her be" he repeated again reassuring my mother that I would be fine.

But how was I to know that it wouldn't be.

I was supposed to be meeting up with Patrick my boyfriend, for a drink but I assumed I was early because Patrick wasn't to be seen. Patrick was known for standing me up, it was very clear that he preferred sports over his girlfriend, it seemed he had a better relationship with the running track then me. I waited and waited just in case he was running late but I received a text on my phone. Surprise, surprise it was from Patrick .

"sorry babe, I had a meeting, the coach says that im ready to do the iron man triathlon, isn't that incredible? Anyway I sort of promised Katie that I would help her train. You remember Katie right? - I did remember Katie, who couldn't, a tall blonde with a super thin body, she had all the features of one of those supermodels you see in the magazines.- hope you didn't wait up to long for me- no I thought to myself, only 2 and a half hours- anyway I promise I will make it up to you, see you later love you ;)"

I didn't know how to reply, I was just so furious, I texted Treen
" hey, are you free? "
within minutes she replied
"my dear sister, what happened did Patrick stand you up again? x"

I replied with "yes" and treen just put "thought so" then another text came through "I would love to but Thomas isn't feeling very well maybe another Time xx ? " I typed "okay, well give him an aunty Lou hug from me xx"

It wasn't long before my phone had died so I decided to order one more drink to pass the time, around half an hour later I had decided to leave so I grabbed my bag and attempted to walk out the exit in my 5 inch heels, it probably wasn't my best idea to wear a skirt so tight it made me feel like a sushi role. But hey I was a 20 year old girl wearing what most 20 year olds would wear on a night out. As I waddled my way past the beer garden I could sense all eyes on me. It made me feel quite self-conscious and insecure. I tugged down on my skirt trying to get it to pass my knees and tried to make it look like I could actually walk in my shoes. I heard a few wolf whistles and some comments which I truly wished hadn't overheard. I made my way up the hill opposite the castle, it was huge, since a child I always dreamed of living in a castle just like that exact one and I dreamed of being a beautiful princess , but some dreams are just plainly impossible. I decided to take a long walk back, I didn't particularly want to come home smelling of booze, I could just imagine the look on my mums face and her yelling at me saying "how could you be so irresponsible" and "what time do you call this " I just needed to walk and sober up.

However when I started to walk I had this really bad gut feeling like someone was watching me, I decided to walk faster but it didn't help, I could still feel this flutter in my stomach telling me that someone was watching me, I decided to change routes "breath Lou, breath" without even realizing it had seemed that I had walked into the castles maze. It seemed that I had been panicking to much that I wasn't even playing attention to where my legs where taking me. I reached for my phone, but I completely forgot that it had died when I was in the pub. This had started to make me feel even more panicked.

I was not very good at jigsaw puzzles let alone getting out of mazes. Then suddenly out of nowhere there was a man staring me up and down, he looked familiar but I couldn't tell where I knew him from, and to be completely honest I wasn't completely sober so my mind was blank. Then suddenly he started walking towards me, I started to back away from him and began to feel really claustrophobic. Then suddenly out of the darkness there were about 5 men around my age surrounding me. One of them said something which made my stomach fill with fear and anxiety. Then it all started coming back to me, they where the whistling men in the beer garden. I began to breath heavily and told them to "leave me alone" but my voice came out all crumbly and weak. One of them turned to me and started to touch my hair and said "why would we want to do that" they all laughed sarcastically. I began to feel hot tears drip down my cheeks. I could feel them, every single hand that touched my body, trying to break me apart. I could feel there lips press fiercely against mine, I was being passed around like a toy. I tried to scream, but they would pin me up on the floor and say "nobody can hear you" I screamed loudly one last time but I gave up and the hot tears from my eyes blurred my vision and I shut my eyes waiting for the pain to stop. I didn't know how long it lasted but it felt like hours.

I opened my eyes to the sound of shouting and running, I sat up and saw a tall dark figure walk towards me, he looked like a business man as he was wearing a large winter coat over the top of a smart suit and had one of those ear pieces in that you only see important people wear. He stared at me and said "your okay now" he looked at me and said it with a reassuring smile and with a fragile voice. I didn't know what to say, I had frozen, it felt like my mouth had been sown up. I had felt all tingly and tight chested and I looked down at my red, bruised bare skin and the remaining pieces of my outfit that just hung on to my bear body. Suddenly I started to tear up, I cant remember the last time I cried so much. "hey, its okay" the man had told me as he took of his winter coat and wrapped it around me. His hand had touched my back in the process which made me jump out of my skin, he apologised and said "sorry cold hands" and smirked, I think this was his attempt to make me smile, but I just sat there. "my names will. Will traynor" he smiled politely, then he offered me his hand, at first I hesitated but I decided it would be best if I took it. He held onto me, and I held onto him as to tell him "don't let me go" but something inside me felt rather calm in wills arms. I didn't know him, but what I did know is that he saved me, he was kind, caring and he helped me. We finally got out of the maze and he looked down at me as I turned my head to face his "Louisa, my names Louisa Clark"