AN bleuxe: There no excuse I just over think everything all the time. Enjoy cause I don't own Naruto.

"All of you stand back, but don't let them leave!" Danzō commanded his Root.

"What is the meaning this! Why are you preventing us from going home?" Shisui demanded still keeping Obito protective behind him.

"You said home, but we both know that the Uchiha clan doesn't see Konoha that way and even at this very moment they are planning a coup d'etat," he said stamping his cane hard on the dirt because he wasn't going to be fool by him.

"S-Shisui what is he talking about?" Obito asked scared dropping the fishing poles and fishes on the ground. He didn't understand why this old man wasn't letting them pass through, why he was saying such horrible things about their clan and why were there several men in animal masks surrounding to attack them.

Shisui was furious because this not how he wanted Obito to find out about this. Shisui and Itachi was trying their best to convince the rest of the Uchiha not to go through with this coup d'etat. As a last resort he was going to use Kotoamatsukami on Fugaku to force peace.

"Your plans to save your clan is futile. The only way to keep Konoha safe is to eradicate the Uchiha clan completely and in order to correct this timeline is to get rid of that abomination," Danzō said pointing at the child. He was convinced that Uchiha clan needed to go along with Obito who shouldn't even be here in the first place.

"Don't you dare talk to him like that he is only a child and I will not let you or your Root touch a single hair on his head!" Shisui shouted the angriest Obito ever seen him. The young Uchiha was shaking like a leaf in the wind unable to think straight.

"Child or not you can't deny the true and if you do your foolish!"

Shisui had had enough of this conversation and believe that this was Danzō's plan all along. He was disregarding what the Third Hokage promised to Shisui about the Uchiha clan which was to let him handle it. He used body flicker to be front of Danzō and deciding to use Kotoamatsukami on him to no longer see their clan or Obito as a threat.

Obito watched with his Sharingan carefully as the terrifying old man went limp standing up, but he had felt like something was still wrong. Shisui stepped back from him hating that had to waste such a special technique since he couldn't use it again in until the next decade, but he needed to protect his family.

Suddenly Obito ran up to Shisui and grabbed his hand to pulling him back just in the nick of time from Danzō trying to snatch one of his eyes.

"Damn you I had him!" Danzō gritting his teeth because he just used the Uchiha eye had hidden on the right side of his face. Izanagi was the perfect counter for Kotoamatsukami because it changed his fate and the only downside was now the blindness in the eye which Shisui's eye would have been his perfect replacement.

"You are not fit for this world," he had every intention in killing this abomination first then getting his new pair of eyes while he rushed towards Obito with a kunai.

Before the older Uchiha could reach for his Tantō that was strapped on his back to block the attack. Obito held on tight to his other hand and could feel his chakra being drained by him as the ground beneath them began to quake.

"I won't let hurt me or Shisui Nii-san again!" Obito uttered with all his might. Just then ground broke up into rumble with gushed up water with such force it literally turned into a geyser. Shisui with little strength left was able to tuck and roll the both of them out of the way as Danzō took the full brunt of the of the blast.

"Lord Danzō-sama!" his foundation shouted unison complete bewilderment.

Shisui held Obito in his arms sensing they were no longer in danger, but too weak to really pick himself from off the dirt road.

"Are you ok!" Obito asked crying at this point because he really thought they were going to die there.

"I'm fine j-just a little tired…" he was trying his best to play it off as he struggled to get up.

"I'm so sorry I just want to save you and make him go away I didn't mean to almost hurt us too!"

"Obito calm down. You mean to tell me you've done this before?" he said in disbelieve at what he was blurting out.

"Yea when me and Hinata was trapped in that burning house I did it then, but it was nothing like I did now… I kind of forgot to tell you that sorry," Obito apologized sheepish rubbing the back of his neck.

Suddenly everything just clicked with Shisui because he remembered reading the report about all the pipes bursting in the main house, but he just figured it was from the high temperatures from the fire not knowing it was his defense mechanism. Him stealing his chakra to blend with his own was something he didn't think his tiny childlike body was capable, and the white smoke that would come out of his mouth every time he did the right of passage was actually steam. It was clear now Obito was a prodigy with water release just like the Second Hokage, he could make water appear when there wasn't any nearby.

Shisui watched as the masked men was able to get Danzō from the geyser with his legs all mangled up. If wasn't he dead, in the end he was going to wish he was with all he emitted and attempted murder he tried to pull with Obito's life.