Hello to all of my HTTYD readings! Returning and new readers.

This is an important and update message of what's been happening to me for the last...how many yeas I have not updated an HTTYD story? I guess it's been awhile but anyway...

To the returning readers, as you know I have been trying to deal with some nasty kidney stones, correct? Well I'm still trying to get better.

I have been going in and out of the ER ever since I dropped the Extended version of More than Life. The doctor found out that my kidney is not working properly so they had to place a tube behind my back so that I can...um will you know, go bathroom normally.

Not too long ago, the did a scan to find out how the kidney is working now but the results...were not so good. The kidney only has been working 50% as it's normal rate and that is with the tube on.

The doctor had the tube and bag changed to a new one and if the kidney has not improved for the next three months, I will be undergoing a real surgery in order to save the kidney.

I will still be trying my stories including the Extended version but it will be slow, sorry about that.

Anyway, there is another reason for this author's note instead of a chapter...'blush' you see since it was revealed in HTTYD 2 that Hiccup's mother was alive and then the new dragons appearing when Hiccup and his friends are like 20 years old or something, I planned to add a few things from the movie and shows.

Now where is where you guys step in! Like in the original, I need help for you guys.

I need to know what type of dragons you guys want to read in my remake of More than Life. The other if you want, you can make an OC that Hiccup would meet up throughout his training with Merlin and when he and his Scotland friends were exploring around the lands.

Almost like the series that is happening but minus the Berk gang.

If you are going to give me an OC, make sure you detail him/her. Please make sure that I can understand the details as you know, my returning readers...my grammar is still not good but I am getting better at it.

Lastly, if there is a scene that you want to know about like how Hiccup gain his Night Fury wings, just point out the scene and I will put it. Though I have a feeling you guys want to know about Pandora's history and how she got involved with those pirates, don't worry that will be added.

Mm...I think that's pretty much it...I hope. If not, you guys can just tell me.

Well, that's said and done. Chat with you all when I have the first officially chapter out! (Hopefully by the end of November or October)