A/N : Well, people, that's it! Last chapter. I hope you've enjoyed this, I had fun with Nina though I probably won't revisit this AU unless I get really inspired. I now have one thing left in my prompt pile, and it's taking me ages to write. Obviously there's still "Ink Fever" to tie up (last chapter of that coming very soon) but aside from that, I'm looking for requests AGAIN!
Got a prompt, vague idea, or suggestion for me? I write any genre and rarely refuse. Thanks in advance, and thank you for supporting me whilst I write this and my other stories. Enjoy! xx
When he'd returned to the Academy just over a fortnight later, Peter had wondered if he shouldn't take a mid-term break more often, such was the overwhelming warmth of the welcome he'd got. Immediately bowled into by a gaggle of Very Small Mutants as he had walked in with Lorna, who had kindly driven him back, unable to move with them pinned around his legs like a horde of affectionate chain-links intent on welcoming him back in style. A hug and a pat on the head for every one of them, just about managing to put his bag down as several of them had run to let some of the older ones know that their favourite Big Brother was home at last.
Angela hadn't needed telling, had been one of the few who'd been told he was arriving, waiting for him in the hallway and running into his arms with a force that was rivalled only by the collective strength of the littles, releasing him only to welcome Lorna too, then grabbing straight back on to her boyfriend.
"I have missed you *so* much!" she exclaimed, squeezed him so tight he had to wriggle out to have room to breathe, "Are you feeling better? You look much better for a break"
"A lot, thanks hon" he grinned. His old, relaxed and cheeky grin she was pleased to see, "Littlest's been taking good care of me, don't you worry"
"You can say that again – Lorna, whatever you've been feeding this boy, you need to bring some to the Academy for us. You're positively plump, Puppydog, I like it"
That was a wild exaggeration, but he did look a lot more well-rounded than he'd been when he left, much needed food and relaxation having done him the world of good. Lorna laughed, squeezed her older brother tightly with one arm
"Mostly everything, in quantity" she said, grinned at him, "Honestly I don't know what he gets up to, but he really needed that little rest. It's good to see you Angie – is, ummm… You-Know-Who around?"
"Your Dad?" she asked
"No…. the little monster"
"Oh... she's around somewhere" Angela gazed up at Peter, who looked a little concerned, "She's been behaving herself though. Got a darn good talking-to from your father, I don't imagine you'll have much trouble with her now"
"I hope not," Lorna squeezed him again, "She'll have me to answer to if you do. And Wanda. And Mom"
"I really don't like her chances if that happens," Peter remarked, "C'mon, let me at least get out of the hallway. You'd think I'd been away a year, you guys!"
They obliged him, waiting in the common room and happily catching up with each other's news until he had emerged from putting his things away in his room and plonked himself down between the two girls, knowing that Angela would want to be cuddling him as often as possible, and that Lorna was equally tactile even if she'd just had him for two weeks to herself. They had been happily chatting, fussing Peter between them like a much-loved pet, when they'd felt him stiffen and immediately followed his gaze over to the common room door.
Nina had her hair in one long plait down her back today. Scrubbed and shining, looking as if she was wearing her best dress and shoes, but despite her smart appearance hanging back and looking nervous, loathe to approach them all. Peter took pity on her, extracted himself from the two women petting him, and went over to her, kneeling to her level and putting his hands very gently on her shoulders. She allowed it.
"Hey Even-Littlest-er" he said quietly, "You have something to say to me?"
She nodded, studied her shiny shoes. Looked a little tearful when she met his eyes again.
"I'm sorry I was so mean" she whispered. "I was scared"
"Now are you saying that because Papa is scary as heck, or because you mean it?" he asked, let her think a moment before he had laughed and scooped her into a gentle hug. Glad to feel her little hands grasp around him, "I'm kidding Nina. Apology accepted"
"Really?" she murmured into his shoulder, "Just like that?"
"Yeah, just like that. What's the point of holding on to bad feelings, huh?" he pulled her away gently, stroked a hand over her silky head, "it doesn't make anyone happy. I'd rather we just started over and tried to be friends. Can we do that, d'ya think?"
Nina nodded. A tiny smile, sweet but without malice, crept onto her face. She really was pretty when she smiled like that. Allowed Peter to take her by the hand and introduce her to Lorna, whose deep forest-green hair fascinated her and with whom she had soon become firm friends. Had been down there with the three of them for almost an hour when the news of his son's homecoming had finally got to Erik and he had emerged into the common room.
For any observer, the effect may have been comical. As though some universal remote-control had been suddenly flipped to 'pause' the figures on the sofa froze, each looking up at him with varying anticipation and horror. All but Peter, who swung Nina down onto her feet and led him after her whilst he went to fling his arms around his father. Accepted the patting on the back, the bone-crushing squeeze. Finally stepped away when oxygen really became an issue.
"Missed you, Dadneto" he grinned, "How you been?"
"Oh well you know," Erik smiled back, "Busy. Trying to keep roe deer out of the pantry for the past week. Did you know we had roe deer here?"
"Um, I don't even know what roe deer are, dude"
"They're very handsome creatures. But they make an awful mess"
"I can show you some, if you want" Nina offered. Peter squeezed her hand kindly, grinned down at her and nodded.
"I'd like that. Tomorrow maybe"
"You look well, Peter" Erik remarked, regarded him critically, "A break did you good. Have you put on weight?"
"A little – blame Lorna, seriously she's the best cook I ever met but don't tell Mom that. How's things with.. y'know….?" He subtly inclined his head to indicated the girl
"Nina, go play with Miss Goldsmith a moment" he said to his daughter, led his son away with a gentle hand on his shoulder, satisfied they were out of earshot before he continued "Nina has admitted she had been very cruel to you"
"Yeah, she had" he said quietly, "What did you do about it?"
"I, personally, have done nothing but tell her in no uncertain terms that I wouldn't accept such behaviour. Your young lady, on the other hand, has done wonders with her"
Peter gazed over to where Nina was stood between Angela's knees, chattering away animatedly. So much less the sullen, damaged child he had left.
"She's pretty good with kids, isn't she?" he said, paused a while, then looked back at his father and quietly said, "Thanks, Dad"
"What for?"
"For checking on me. For, presumably, standing up for me. And for helping me get to know Nina-Pain-In-The-Butt"
"You're welcome," Erik smiled thinly, "Get used to it. She'd going to be here for a long while yet"
"Good" his son grinned back, "Because I cannot *wait* to prank the living daylights out of her"
Erik watched him zip back over to the three girls on the sofa, could not help a small smile. Glad that the war between the children was over and that he could begin the long, difficult job of helping Nina to heal from the things she had experienced with the help of some of the most loving people he had ever encountered. Dreading the day that Nina would become able to hold her own against Peter where it came to practical jokes, and vowing that he would never have another child with anyone.