Balamb High Forever

A Final Fantasy VIII Fan Fic

All rights to the characters and names of locations are owned by SquareSoft

The Highwayman Copyright Jim Webb

Rated R for language and sexual content

By Toysaurus

Chapter Eight

I was a highwayman
Along the coach roads I did ride
With sword and pistol by my side.

And many a young maid lost her baubles to my trade
And many a soldier left his life blood on my blade.
They finally hung me in the spring of '25
But I am still alive.

I was a sailor
And I was born upon the tide.
And with the sea I did abide.

I sailed a schooner around the Horn of Mexico
I went aloft to furl the main sail in a blow
And when the yards blew off
They say that I got killed
But I am living still.

I was a dam builder
Across the river deep and wide
Where steel and water did collide

A place called Boulder on the wild Colorado
I slipped and fell into the wet concrete below
They buried me in that great tomb that knows no sound
But I am still around.

It all goes round and round and round and round and round and round.

I'll fly a starship
Across the universe divide
And when I reach the other side
I'll find a place to rest my spirit if I can.

Perhaps I may become a highway man
Or I may simply be a single drop of rain.
I will still remain
I'll be back again.

The Highwayman
All rights reserved Jimmy Webb

Quistis was sitting on a bench outside the front doors of Balamb High School. She was busy studying physics and writing notes from it into her small note book. Quistis was patiently waiting for football practice to end and Seifer to join her.

She heard people approaching her and ignored them, hoping they would take her unspoken hint and go on their way. As soon as Quistis observed a pair of brown boots, she realized she was out of luck.

Quistis raised her eyes up from the book and observed Selphie, as she had expected and also that strange long-haired young man, who always wore cowboy boots and hat, as if he were an old retro hero from a western movie. He really is quite good looking. Funny I never noticed that.

"Quistis, I want you to meet Irvine," Selphie explained.

"Irvine? As in California?" Quistis asked wearing a grin.

"Is that a crack?" Irvine said, while smiling in return. Doffing his hat in a slight bow, Irvine replied, "So very pleased to meet you."

Before Quistis could respond, Selphie slapped Irvine in the shoulder. "Knock it off, Irvine. You're so corny." Turning to Quistis, she explained, "I swear he wasn't like this when I first met him. Then he was real sweet and shy, now he's trying to hit on every girl in school."

"Not every one," Irvine protested. "Just the cute ones."

"Whatever," muttered his new girlfriend.

"Pleased to meet you," Quistis finally managed to get a word in edgewise.

"Quisty, you waiting for Seifer?" Selphie asked.

"Uh huh."

"You think he'd be willing to double date this week with me and Irvy?"

"I don't know," Quistis answered sounding doubtful, "but I can ask him."

"Yeah, do that, it could be fun. Come on, Irvy. I wanna go to the mall," Selphie directed.

"Your wish is my command, my lovely," Irvine cooed.


After Selphie and Irvine set off down the front walk, Quistis shook her head and thought, What a pair!

She once again began intently studying her Physics text.


As soon as Rinoa observed Squall waiting patiently for her to arrive for lunch the next day, she realized he appeared apprehensive. Sure enough, as soon as Rinoa enthusiastically greeted him, Squall only laconically answered, "Ready to go?"

She and Squall were expected in the school counselor's office as soon Rinoa arrived on campus. "Are you worried about this?" Rinoa asked him.

They began to walk down the hall towards Edea's office.

"Well, I'm not looking forward to it, that's for sure."

"Then like you told me, just stay close to me," Rinoa spoke with a smile.

"What did you say?!" Squall exclaimed surprised.

"I'm talking about when you told me to stay close to you," Rinoa replied sounding rather petulant.

"I don't remember telling you that."

"Oh, you never remember telling me that," Rinoa complained.

"When was this?" Squall questioned.

Rinoa suddenly realized she really couldn't remember when it had occurred, but she distinctly had a memory of Squall saying it to her when she had been badly frightened. What is going on with me? Why can't I remember?

Beginning to feel weird about the entire episode, Rinoa murmured, "Never mind, Squall, it's not important. Let it go."

Squall was more than happy to follow Rinoa's advice, as the conversation had been beginning to give him a sharp headache. When they reached the school counselor's office, Rinoa knocked gently on the door.

"Come in," Edea amiably invited from within.

Rinoa opened the door and entered the room with Squall reluctantly following a few steps behind her. Edea stood up from behind her desk and greeted, "Hello, thanks for following through on your commitment. Please sit down."

As Rinoa did as directed and seated herself, Squall still remained standing in the doorway. His expression of pure fear and revulsion spoke for itself, as Squall stood petrified in fright as he got his first look at the new school counselor.

Rinoa finally realized Squall was not going to sit down and, when she turned around in her chair to see what the holdup was, a chill ran through her. She had never observed such a look of horror.

"Squall, what's the matter?!" she exclaimed, feeling completely panicked herself.

It's the woman from my vision - the one dressed in the long black dress! For the barest second, Squall felt the actual ice shaft she had shot into him and almost fainted.

When Squall didn't respond to her, Rinoa jumped up and crossed the room quickly to him. She placed her hand on his shoulder and said, "Squall! What's the matter?"

As soon as he felt Rinoa's cool touch on him, Squall no longer observed anything, but the new school counselor. What is going on with me? Am I going crazy?

"I'm okay," he finally murmured. "Sorry," he spoke to Edea.

Edea realized she too had felt some strong connection with the student. "It's ok, but please take a seat."

Rinoa and Squall seated themselves and Edea introduced herself to him.

"I've ask you to come talk to me today for the simple reason that usually students who no longer attend school here aren't allowed on campus," Edea explained. "Principal Cramer has agreed with me to make an exception for Rinoa, but only under specific conditions."

Rinoa breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "What are they?"

"There can be no undue display of public affection, for instance. Also you need to leave the premises directly after the lunch period and of course it goes without saying no fighting, cursing or conflicts in the lunch room. And you must follow any directions given to you by the teachers in the lunch room."

Rinoa offered the counselor her best manipulative smile and cooed, "Oh, but of course."

Edea wasn't fooled in the least by Rinoa's machinations, but she looked troubled at Squall. "Have we ever spoken before?" she asked him.

"No, I don't believe so," Squall answered slowly. She knows something about this.

Edea stood up while saying, "Well, unless you have any questions, you can be excused to eat lunch."

Both Squall and Rinoa stood up with some alacrity and with Rinoa bidding Edea goodbye, they quickly made their escape. Edea stood and smiled at their antics. Kids! she thought, but the counselor still remained troubled by the weird vibrations she had felt in the room during the interview.

Out in the hall, Rinoa smiled at Squall and asked, "Now, that wasn't so bad, was it?"

"Yeah, it was," Squall answered.

"Oh you!" Rinoa exclaimed, slapping at him playfully. Slipping her hand into his, she spoke, "Let's go eat lunch."


The confrontation between Squall and Seifer that practically every student in the high school thought destined to occur never seemed to develop. It was true, though, that the two of them stepped around each other in the hallways very carefully whenever they passed, as though they were two lions trapped in the same small cage.

The situation grew ever worse whenever Rinoa was by Squall's side. Seifer would stroll by the couple with a smirk on his handsome face, obviously directed at Rinoa. Whenever Squall would observe the slight, he would tighten perceptually and would only not answer the obvious disrespect, because Rinoa would tighten her grip on his arm, warning him away from a situation that would cause her to be banned from the premises.

Later in the day as Squall was walking into the parking lot after school had let out, he was surprised to espy Rinoa waiting for him by the side of his motorcycle. She usually was in class at that hour.

"Hi," he greeted her, while walking up to her. "What are you doing here?"

Rinoa placed her hands on her hips in her familiar gesture and leaning her upper body slightly down, she exclaimed, "Well, I like that. Aren't you glad to see me?"

"Of course I am, just surprised. What are you doing - skipping class?"

"No, no," she rushed to assure him. "The class was cancelled due to lack of interest."

"Oh, ok," he replied phlegmatically.

"That was a joke, Squall."

"I already told you, I don't-"

"Do jokes," Rinoa interrupted with a laugh. "I keep hoping I would change you."

"You've already changed me a lot, isn't that enough?"

"I guess, shall we go?" Rinoa invited, anxious to be off the school property as quickly as possible.

Squall swung his leg over the big Harley and then sat down. Reaching out to help Rinoa mount behind him, he noticed a chain with two rings on it hanging around her neck.

"What's this?" he asked, while holding the two rings in the palm of his hand gently.

"My father gave them to me. One of them is my mother's wedding ring, the other one has a lion's face on it. It's inscribed with the name Griever.

Griever! Squall thought, suddenly frightened.

"Squall, what's wrong?!"

Squall shook his head. "Oh, nothing, I just had a slight chill."

"I hope you're not coming down with something. I keep telling you that you should take better care of yourself."

"Yes, mom," Squall sarcastically retorted.

"Very funny," Rinoa retorted. "Speaking of which, how come you never mention your parents?"

"I've never known my parents," Squall answered softly.

"Oh my God, I never realized you were an orphan."

"I'm not a orphan, I mean I don't know who my parents are," Squall replied in a somewhat stronger voice.

"Oh, I'm so sorry."

Squall flushed and responded," Come on, just get on the bike and let's go."


A short while later, Squall and Rinoa were settled in her bedroom. Rinoa was seated on her bed, while Squall was sprawled on one of the many comfortable upholstered chairs in Rinoa's large bedroom.

"Why don't you come over here and get more comfortable?" Rinoa flirted, while patting the bed beside her with her hand.

Squall blushed and mumbled, "I'm fine over here."

"Okay for you, you meanie."

Squall attempted to play it off with a smile, although it came out as more of a grimace. "Seriously Rinoa," Squall spoke haltingly, "I would love to, but the time isn't right."

"What are you talking about?" Rinoa asked bewildered.

"I can't explain it, it just feels to me that this isn't the right time and the right place."

That statement stopped the flow of conversation for the moment, and then Squall suddenly asked, "What's this I heard about Seifer giving you a hard time?"

"Oh darn, who told you?"

"Selphie, of course," Squall answered, attempting to smile to hide his angry feelings.

"That big mouth! It's nothing, Squall. Seifer complained to someone about me being on campus when I didn't go to school there anymore. Just forget it, he's just jealous."

"I'll forget it after I close his big mouth for him," Squall angrily vowed.

"Squall, Miss Arcane specifically said I would be allowed to come back to campus to visit only if there was no trouble. Now promise me you'll let it be."

"All I can say is Seifer had better stay out of my face," Squall replied.

Rinoa sighed and shook her head, but secretly was thrilled at Squall and Seifer fighting over her.


Seifer and Raijin were dressing after taking their shower following the football practice. "So what was your double date like, ya know?" Raijin asked with a chortle.

"It wasn't that bad, not near as bad as I expected. Of course, they're dweebs, but that little messenger girl is pretty cute."

"Little messenger girl? What are you talking about Seifer, ya know?"

"Oh, you know the way she runs around the school talking to everybody about everything. I just call her the little messenger girl. Why?"

Raijin answered slowly, "I'm not sure, it just sounded so familiar all of the sudden, ya know."

"You probably heard me say it before."

"No, I don't think so." For once in his life, Raijin sounded thoughtful.

"Well, gotta run, Quistis is waiting for me," Seifer explained, while slipping on his long coat.

"Hey Seifer, when are ya gonna finally let me introduce ya to Fujin, ya know?"

Seifer blanched. "Rage, probably never. There's just something about her that bothers me. Whenever I just get around her, my mind kinda goes blank, or something. I can't explain it. It's like she knows too much somehow. Sorry, gotta go, talk to you later."

And Seifer was gone from the locker room.

What the hell is he talking about, ya know?"


"Quisty, can I talk to you for a minute?" Selphie asked.

She slid on to the bench next to Quistis outside of the school's front doors, where she was waiting for Seifer to meet her after football practice on Friday afternoon. Quistis looked up from her Advanced Physics book, glad for an excuse to stop studying for a moment.

"Sure, but keep your voice down, there's a teacher attempting to eavesdrop right over there."

"Yeah," Selphie agreed. "That Mr. Valentine is a real spook, isn't he?"

At the mere mention of his name, they both glanced around until they ascertained that he hadn't heard them.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Quistis whispered in agreement. "Yes, he certainly is weird - always dressed in black and wearing that cloak. What do you want, anyway?"

"I want you to help me with the upcoming Homecoming Dance," Selphie explained. "Practically everyone on the committee has dropped out, except for Rinoa and I don't even know if they'll let her help anymore."

Homecoming Dance? Yuck! Quistis thought. She was all set to turn Selphie down, but observing the look of concern and worry on her new friend's normally happy features, Quistis replied, with some trepidation, "Well…I guess so. What do I have to do and when is it?"

"When's the Homecoming Dance?! Good Grief! Don't you know anything?" Selphie asked sarcastically. "It's this weekend."

Quistis was tempted to respond that she may not have known when the dance was going to be held, but she could name off every known element in the universe. Assuming that reply would just fly right over Selphie's head without even slightly denting the young woman's consciousness, Quistis just murmured, "Sorry, it must have slipped my mind for the moment."

"Well, I guess," Selphie retorted. "Let's get with it, shall we?"

Hoping to shorten this interaction because Selphie was beginning to greatly irritate her as usual, Quistis asked, "Who are we playing, anyway?"

Selphie glanced at Quistis as if her friend had suddenly announced that she was from Mars. "Garden High school, of course. Our annual Homecoming game."

Garden High School! Quistis thought. Even one as insulated as Quistis was from normal high school activities realized that Garden was Balamb High's biggest rival and therefore most important game of the entire season.

"Well, come on," Selphie spoke, the exasperation clearly presently in her voice as she yanked on Quistis' hand.

"Wait a minute!" Quistis responded panicked. "I'm supposed to meet Seifer. He won't know where I am."

"So go tell the rent-a-cop over there who you are and where you went. Seifer will surely ask him if he's seen you when he doesn't find you waiting," Selphie intoned matter of factly.

Quistis realized her friend wouldn't be thwarted at this point and timidly went over to the high school security officer and did as directly. Soon the two young women were walking down the hallway towards the open gymnasium.

The gym wouldn't normally be open this late unless one of the teams had practice there, but because of the upcoming Homecoming dance it was held open in order for the planning committee to meet.

Quistis was surprised and a little shocked when she walked into the large gym following behind Selphie and observed a number of people had already arrived before them. Among them were Rinoa, Kristine, Zell, and Squall.

Squall's here! What in the world would Squall be doing here?

Quistis was most shocked to see Fujin smiling at her from across the room. "Selphie, what am I doing here?" Quistis demanded. "You told me you had no help on the committee."

Selphie's pretty face took on a rueful expression. "I'm sorry I had to lie to get you to come, but she insisted you had to be here."

"Who insisted?"

"Why Fujin, of course."

"Fujin?!" Quistis replied, her voice full of wonder. From across the room, Fujin distinctly winked at her.


"Come on Rage, hurry up or I'm going to leave you," Seifer exhorted his comrade.

The tall blond was standing by his locker in the football dressing area completely dressed down to his, by now completely recognizably, long gray coat. Raijin was striving to quickly pull on his outer clothing.

"Alright, alright, ya know, I'm trying to be quick. What's your hurry, anyway, ya know?"

"I want to spend some time with Quistis, before we're due back here. We only have a couple of hours."

"Man, you're really gone on this girl, aren't you, ya know?"

Seifer blushed and tapped his foot impatiently. "Let's just go and quit with the twenty questions."

"Okay, I'm ready, already, ya know."

The two young men strode quickly from the locker room and down the long hallway towards the front doors of the school.

"What are ya doing Seifer after you meet Quistis, ya know?"

"Oh, we'll probably go over to 'Balamb Burger' for a quick bite. I'll probably see you and Fujin over there."

"Naw, we ain't going over there. I'm supposed to meet Fujin in the gym. She's on the Homecoming Dance committee, ya know."

Seifer threw his head back in his traditional guffaw. "Haha! I can't believe it, Fujin on the dance committee? What's next? You and Squall becoming dance partners?"

Before Raijin could respond to such an absurd question, Seifer and Raijin had reached the front area of the school. Seifer glanced around, slightly bewildered at not observing Quistis waiting for him. He quickly hurried over to the police officer on duty and spoke to him.

As Seifer returned to his friend, Raijin asked, "So where's Quistis, ya know Seifer?"

"She's in the gym with all those dweebs working on the dance committee," he retorted angrily.

Even Raijin knew better than to comment at this particular time. Striding down the corridor doubletime, they soon came upon the open gym doors. Seifer couldn't believe his own eyes as he saw his Quistis helping to hang streamers from the ceiling from high atop a tall stepladder. It didn't help defuse his anger any, when he glanced around and observed, Selphie, Irvine, Fujin, Zell, Kristine, Rinoa and Squall also present.

"Quistis!" Seifer bellowed, bringing all activity to a standstill.

As everyone stood and stared at him in shocked silence, Quistis casually replied, "Oh hi, Seifer. I'll be done in a moment."

The lovely young woman in no way felt as calm as her voice indicated, but she was hoping to play off the situation before it got out of hand; although she soon discovered it was far too late for that. As soon as Squall had heard Seifer's booming angry voice, he began to clench and unclench his fists in an effort to control his own rising temper.

Beside him, Rinoa softly lay a hand on his shoulder to offer emotional support. Zell had pounded his fist into the gym floor twice, hard enough to cause a crack in it, while Kristine was holding her hands to her mouth in fear. Selphie and Irvine stood dumbfound and it was an extraordinary occurrence indeed when the green-eyed young woman could think of nothing to say.

Before anyone could act further, Fujin crossed the decorated gym to stand before Seifer.

"Seifer," she spoke lowly, so only he could hear her words. "Everything depends on you, what are you doing?"

"What the hell you saying, you crazy witch? Get away from me!"

To emphasize his point, Seifer pushed Fujin away from him, only to have her plant herself squarely in front of him once again. "You're worried about football games and college scholarships," the young woman literally hissed at him, "when you should be worried about your eternal soul and everyone else's too."

Wide eyed with fear and feeling completely panicked, Seifer exclaimed, "I said to get away from me!"

And he pushed her once more, but this time substantially harder, due to his increased adrenaline, knocking Fujin roughly to the gym floor. She did not cry out in pain, but merely looked up at him and winked.

"Try to remember," she entreated him. "Concentrate, Seifer."

Squall had seen more than enough and ran at the tall blond man pushing him backwards. Seifer gave way easily, as he was just standing in shock at what he had just done.

"I'm so sorry," he apologized to Fujin.

"Too late for that, Seifer. You've got a beating coming and I'm going to do it," Squall shouted, while pushing Seifer back one more time.

Squall managed to obtain Seifer's attention this time and he snarled in return, "Right now, puberty boy, outside - I don't want your blood to ruin the gym floor."

A few minutes later they all stood outside of the school. Early arrivals at the football game were thronging the parking lot and had been drawn to the confrontation. The police officer looked on at the possible fight with disinterest from his position inside the school. His duty lay there and not outside, his only requirement was to call for backup, which he idly supposed he would do in a moment.

As Squall and Seifer squared off against each other, Rinoa glanced nervously around and noticed the sky had turned an ominous gray-black color and lightning was striking somewhere in the distance.

Oh this is too weird, she thought and then things grew even stranger, when Rinoa happened to look down and saw a dog standing at her side.

It's Angelo! "Where did you come from, girl?" Rinoa murmured, leaning down to pet her. "Where have you been, my guardian?" Oh sweet Hyne! It's Angelo! What in the world is going on here?!

Lightning was striking more frequently and closer to them, as now thunder rumbled more and more ominously. Rinoa was struck still in amazement at the sight of the school buildings becoming insubstantial before disappearing altogether. Individual school mates were blinking out of existence right in front of her and suddenly she observed Ellone waving to her from a distance and calling out to her.

Rinoa looked at Quistis in abject panic, as the young strawberry-blonde woman had just noticed she had a whip hanging from her waist. Where did this come from? she thought confusedly for a second and then her mind was flooded with memories.

Quistis glanced at Fujin who was staring at her and smiling. "You knew all the time, didn't you?" Quistis shouted. Fujin only offered a wink as her answer.

Meanwhile Squall and Seifer continued to have at each other. What they both lacked in the sweet science of fisticuffs, they more than made up for with the power of their punches. They were standing toe to toe walloping each other with tremendous blows.

Both Squall and Seifer were so preoccupied with battering each other, neither of them appeared to notice when their right hands were suddenly filled with gunblades! The late afternoon was filled with the clashing sounds of the gunblades striking each other.

"Squall!" Rinoa screamed. "Stop it! Don't you see what's going on?"

Neither young man acted as though they had even heard her, much less comprehended her words, as they continued to bash each other. Seifer stepped back suddenly and let loose with a blast of Fira directly at Squall. It passed through him causing intense pain.

What the hell is that? Squall wondered. Some kind of magic?

Students began to scream in terror, as they observed others disappearing right before their eyes, along with all of the buildings now being gone. Rinoa and Quistis simultaneously rushed between Seifer and Squall, both risking being seriously injured.

"Seifer!" Quistis shouted in his face, now finally receiving his attention for the moment.

"Get out of the way!" Seifer snarled, momentarily appearing totally crazed to his new girlfriend.

"No!" she insisted. "We're in time compression! Look around you."

Both Seifer and Squall now confusedly followed the strawberry-blonde woman's simple directive and were struck with amazement at what had occurred around them in the last few minutes.

Squall suddenly understood it all and he grabbed Rinoa roughly by the hand. "Come on everybody!" he shouted out instructions. "Let's head back to the orphanage."

A split second later all that was left was the darkened skies and the cracked brown earth. Hurtling through absolute time and space, Rinoa was horrified to observe Squall wrested from her grasp by the extreme forces of gravity and quickly whisked away out of her sight.

"Oh no!" she screamed. Oh great Hyne, please get me back to the flower field, Rinoa silently prayed, as she too disappeared into time compression.

The End