2047, San Diego California...

"Sir it's ready." said a maintenance worker

"Start it up" the man said to the maintenance worker

"Yes sir. Alright start it up" the worker said into the radio.

the view pans out to show the Missiouri docked, with maintenance workers around the relic of a ship. The view then goes inside the ship's engine room, where there was a small dark grey container, with dark blue lines and symbols it hummed quietly, until a worker came up to it and and flip a switch on the back of the container. in a explosive flash of light, the container grew appendages, which attached to the main components of the ships engine. Very quickly the engine grew a lighter shade of dark grey, and that color soon engulf the room.

Outside the stern of the ship began to transform. On the stern, two fins began to form, the guns grey that same shade of grey, and the barrels detached and reformed it self. Soon the whole ship was transforming and turning that shade of dark grey, and new weapons appeared on the bow, but disguise as decking. Below the water line, a familiar Fog weapon finished its transformation. The last part of the transformation began, first the stern displayed, the same ark blue symbols that was on the container, and proceeded to reach the bow. Finally the World War Two ship, looked different. Tsame he ship's number was also the same dark blue.

"The transformation is complete sir" The maintenance worker replied.

"Good, initiate operation Cassie" The man replied back to the worker.

A small flash of light appeared, and materialized into a young woman. The woman surrounded herself with dark blue rings, and checked the status. it read: 'Weapons online, Klein field deactivated, Gravtion readings nominal, Engines online and nominal. Welcome C.A.S.S.I.E.'

The young woman looked puzzled.

"Counter Algorithm Social Scientific Integrated Experimentation." a voice said.

The woman look in the direction of the voice, and there stood an man in a white military officer uniform.

"You're Captain Johnathan McGuire, US Navy, a veteran of many battles, Including the battle with The Fog Fleet." she replied

"That is correct. This ship you are connected to is the USS Missouri, an Iowa class battleship used in the second world war"

"Why am I connected to a war relic?" the woman asked

"This is an experiment conducted by the US government, to be on the same level of the Fog" the captain replied.

The woman smiled.

"Well should we test my new ride?" she asked

The captain laughed,

"Yes, we should." he replied.

Soon the the Fog ship Missouri exited the docks, and headed to the training waters, men bustle about on the bridge making sure every function of Cassie work.

"Initiate weapons practice." McGuire said to Cassie.

She nodded, and the two bow turrets changed, its barrels revealing dark blue rods. The sides of the turrets bent outwards to allow the weapon to cool

"On my mark" McGuire said

"Target locked." Cassie replied.

"Fire" he said

The dark blue rods fired a series of blue bolts at the target, the bolts destroying the target in seconds.

"Target destroyed" Cassie replied back

McGuire was in deep thought, maybe it was fate or dumb luck that before the rise in water levels the Missouri was moved to San Diego. But what ever it was, they were able to kick start this program. And maybe it was also dumb luck that they manager to synthesize a Fog warship using a dead core. Who knows maybe Missouri might be the answer humanity was looking for. Then again Japan is in the midst of creating the vibration warhead, what ever that is.

"Shall we continue more testing McGuire?" cassie asked

"Hmm, oh yes lets continue " McGuire replied.

Near the now submerge Hawaii...

The real fog ship Missouri and her escorts are once again patrolling the area

"Gravtion readings are off the charts" replied Iowa

"What is the location of the readings?" Missouri asked.

"30 miles of shore of San Diego" Iowa replied

"Notify fleet command, you, Washington, and I we'll investigate. Tennessee Arizona and Utah will stay behind along with the escorts"

"Don't you worry that it might be a rouge battleship?" asked Washington

"I highly doubt it, Iowa's radar has been malfunctioning for a few months so it might be a false alarm." Missouri replied.

Iowa crossed her arms

"My radar works just fine" replied Iowa

"Lets get going" Missouri told the other two.

Soon the three ships were heading towards the location of the readings.

"Man why do we always get stuck baby sitting this sector?" Arizona whined

"We are older ships, Missouri can't afford to lose us." Utah replied

"This sucks." Arizona replied back

30 miles off the coast of San Diego...

"So when do I get to use my supergravity cannon?" Cassie asked the captain.

"Soon but not right now." McGuire replied.

The ship was moving at a fairly quick pace, the men on board will have no idea what will happen next.

Cassie stood up and surrounded herself with dark blue rings. Her radar detected three contacts. The captain looked at the radar.

"Its the Fog, they must have picked up your gravtion readings." McGuire replied.

"Boy they are in for a surprise." said a crewman.

"Ready turrets 1 and 2 , put corrsive torpedoes in tubes1-8. On my mark fire the missiles, Cassie activate the Klein field." McGuire ordered to the crew and Cassie.

30 km away from the Missouri.

Missouri was confused, it's a fog ship but it's also an Iowa class ship. But thus one is different, for it had a lighter shade of dark grey, and had dark blue symbols with the number 63 on the bow. She also saw a flag flying on the mast of the ship.

"United states are trying to fool us? Hah nice try " Missouri mutter to herself.

"Formation, target that human battleship." Missouri replied

"Roger" replied Iowa and Washington.

Back on the Uss Missouri...

"All three contacts are battleships, two Iowa class and one North Carolina class." Cassie replied.

The view splits screens showing the eyes of McGuire and Missouri

"Fire" they both said at the same time.

The guns of the the ships opened up on each other, signaling the begining of the battle.