What a Difference a Year (or Five) Can Make

I don't own the characters. I just enjoy them.

This idea just popped into my head. It's slightly AU.

It started out as just another ordinary day at the office; however, what is ordinary, really? We were doing paperwork, working on our current case and waiting our latest suspect's lawyer to arrive so that we could all finish up with him and finalize his deal. Well, most were doing paperwork. I finished mine a couple hours ago and have spent my time finishing my latest crossword puzzle and annoying Flynn. He's easy to annoy, especially as he keeps texting "someone" on his phone and glancing toward the Captain's office, coincidently after each text. Like I always say, "There's no such thing as a coincidence."

Movement out of the corner of my eye caught my attention, and all of a sudden, I saw a frazzled Rusty fly through the murder room with some girl trying to tag along behind him.

"Lieutenant, I mean…Andy, can I talk to you?" asked Rusty.

"Sure kid, what's going on and why are you all flustered?" as Andy glanced to Rusty and his tag along.

"Well, I sort of locked myself out of the house…again, and this is Jenny from class. We were supposed to study together at the house. I can't tell Mom because"

"Yeah, yeah, Sharon told me. You've locked yourself out of the house three times in the last week already. We may have moved houses, but you still need keys to get into them."

"YOU WHAT?" boomed a voice that I hadn't noticed entered the room. Suddenly, my crossword puzzle isn't as interesting as the domestic goings on of Flynn. It didn't take me any time to recognize that voice and his unwelcome presence in our space.

"Jack, to what do we owe the pleasure?" I asked. "I'd say we were delighted to see you, but you already know the police lie sometimes."

"I'm here to see my client, your suspect, I presume, and of course, I'm here to check on my wife."

"Oh great," I hear Flynn say from across the room as I take a look at our least favorite defense attorney. Jack has looked better, but at least he seems to be working. I glance at Flynn, expecting to see WWIII erupting, but to my surprise, Flynn is as cool as a cucumber and seems to be unbothered by Jack.

"Ahhh, Andy, what was that about young Rusty changing residences? Why is he asking you for a key?"

Now, I may not have noticed Jack enter the room, but I definitely noticed the Captain rising from her desk to see about the commotion in the office. She seemed to glance around as she walked across her office, notice Jack, and I'm sure I saw her roll her eyes. She quickly came out her side door and walked up next to Flynn.

"Rusty," she said completely ignoring Jack's presence in the room, "What are you doing here, and who is your friend?"

"Ummm, well, I kind of needed a favor from the Lieutenant. Ok fine, I locked myself out of the house again and this is my study partner, Jenny. I was here to ask Andy for the house keys."

As all of this is going on, I'm watching Jack's reaction. Clearly, he has no idea Flynn and the Captain have bought a new house and moved. Score one for the Captain's kids for once. Unlike Flynn's dust up with the car, and his medical condition following, it doesn't seem like the Captain's kids have told their dear dad about their mom's new living situation. Jack is funny to watch as he continues to fume.

"Ummm, Shar-ron, are you working here or are you playing house? Oh wait, with your lieutenant, it seems like you are playing house now. So, you've taken in another stray from the office. That's just swell, Sharon. Flynn, you just had to steal my wife away."

"Hello Jack. I assume you are here for a client? My family business is none of your business since well, we aren't family anymore. Rusty, I believe Andy had several more keys made this week just for this reason."

"Yup, here you go kid," said Andy as he handed Rusty a set of keys. "Try not to lose them or lock yourself out again, seriously and hello Jenny."

"Oh, umm, thanks Andy. Yeah, everyone this is Jenny, a friend of mine who is in several of my classes. Jenny, this is Lt. Provenza, Detective Syke's, Detective Sanchez, Lt. Tao, Buzz, and these are my, my"

"Ohhh, you must be Rusty's parents! He's told me all about you. You have a lovely home. Nice to meet you both," said Jenny.

"Umm, yeah, Jenny, my parents."

I about did a double take. Did I actually hear Rusty call Flynn part of his parents? Oh, this should be good with Jack.

"Parents! What? You introduce Flynn as one of your parents and you don't even have the decency to introduce me? Flynn hasn't been a parent to his own kids, and you think you can call him a parent now?"

"Umm, that's Jack, and he's…well, he's Jack. Jack, we've also had our bad times, mostly bad times, so yeah, I'd like to forget them."

"You've got to be kidding me, Sharon! You, Flynn, and the kid are playing house? Unbelievable. What a pathetic bunch of groupies you now have. She's a cold one," yelled Jack. "Sharon, when were you planning to tell me? The kids are coming to visit soon, and I was planning for them to bunk with me."

"Umm, Captain," I interjected, "As much fun as this is to watch, perhaps I should escort Mr. Raydor here to his client."

"Thank you, Lieutenant. Jack, your client is ready, and from what I know, both kids have said they can't wait to see the new house. You'll have to chat with them about their rooming arrangements. Have a lovely day, Jack, and please don't stop by our new home. We are trying to keep toxic things out of it."

As I stood up to usher dear old Jack to his client, I had to shake my head and laugh. The rest of the team was sitting there, mouths open, watching the scene unfold. Rusty and Jenny's exit drew me from my thoughts…

"Well, umm, sorry to interrupt your day, everyone, and I'm really sorry about locking myself out of the house again. Thanks for the keys. We'll get out of your hair now, " Rusty said as he and Jenny quickly withdrew from the room.

At last glance before Jack and I entered the interrogation room, I almost laughed as Flynn and the Captain, stood there, staring at each other and quietly heard them say, "Did he call us his parents?"

Yes, what a difference a year can make. What a difference five years can make. We could barely stand the Captain five years ago, and he we all are, defending her-our friend-to her no good, ex-husband. And, Flynn, well, he's more than defending her. He's got a family with her. Let's not even get started on Rusty. He actually seems happy to have what he called, parents. Yeah, what a difference…