So I know the poll is 50/50 but I know people who can't actually vote so they told me which one they wanted and it ended up being 4 to 1 so now I'm going to start my first multi chapter Zootopia fic

~Right after the concert~

Everyone was heading back to their cars.

"Hey carrots, wanna ride?" Nick asked Judy. "I'll just take the subway." She replied to her new partner. "C'mon it'll be faster" Nick turned around and pulled out the puppy eyes. "Alright alright" She complied.

Nick's usual smirk returned as he opened the door for Judy.

"Sly Fox" She smiled at him. "Dumb Bunny" He replied

Nick tried to get out of the parking lot first but couldn't thanks to all the other mammals trying to leave at the same time. He decided to just turn off the car and wait. He started to get a feelings which have been coming recently but had ignored, which in turn came back tonight right after the hip bump. He knew he couldn't deny these feelings anymore and he needed to get them off his chest.

"You ok Nick?" Judy asked him concerned. "Y-yeah, I'm fine" He replied in a shaky tone. She furrowed her brows at him wondering what his problem was but knew not to pry.

"Will we ever get the hell out of here?!" Nick said, very frustrated at the current situation.

He hit his head on the steering wheel groaning. Judy laughed and rubbed his back and to her surprise his tail started to lightly swing back and forth at her touch. She giggled at his reaction.

"What's so funny" He raised an eyebrow at her. "It's kinda cute how you wag your tail like that" His cheeks turned a light shade of red which Judy didn't seem to notice. 'Could she actually like me the way I do her, who am i kidding she meant that in a friendly way,' He thought to himself disappointedly.

"What's with that look? You seemed really happy a second ago.." She said to him concerned. "I told you I'm fine Carrots, believe me ok" He looked at her with a reassuring glance. "Ok…."

Eventually traffic started to let up as they finally got out of the parking lot and onto the actual road.

"That took forever" Nick exclaimed finally happy that they could go home. "Yea…." Judy said worriedly about what happened with Nick earlier. 'Does he have feelings for me? No no no no, it's just platonic.'

A ding went off and Judy looked at her phone and saw she got a message from Bogo. 'Be at the precinct at 8:00, no one is getting tomorrow off, I don't care if it's late, be there.' Judy sighed as she closed the message and put away her phone.

"What's wrong fluff?" Nick asked recognizing that sigh of hers as one of irritation.

"We have to be at the precinct at 8:00 no exceptions…" She retorted dreadfully. "C'mon it'll be fine, don't worry, get home, go straight to bed, wake up at 7, then shower, it won't be so bad."

"Maybe not for you…" She said getting tired already. "Where's this laziness coming from Carrots? I thought you were the uppity rabbit ready to go to work." He stated with his usual smirk. "I still love work but I'm still tired, we didn't get any breaks today, you know with Flash and everything, and then the concert."

"DId I wear you out?" NIck asked with concern. "No no you were fine, in fact you are a pretty good dancer slick." She replied with a smile plastered on her face."You weren't so bad yourself Carrots." He returned her smile. He pulled over.

His heart began thumping in his chest. 'You can do this, you can do this' He thought to himself. "Thanks Nick" She hopped out of the car but before she could she was grabbed by Nick."Wait Judy I have to tell you something…" He said looking down. "Well what is it?"

"I know you probably don't feel the same but in all honesty after the concert I knew something was different, and it isn't a bad different it's just…" He finished before his ears flattened against his head. Judy looked at him awestruck at what she just heard. "Try everything" She whispered to herself. "Wha-" Nick was cut off when a certain rabbit decided to kiss him.

Whelp that's the first chapter of this new story of mine, thanks for checking it out and any reviews or feedback will be appreciated. And my friend doesn't have an account yet but he will be writing Alien/Predator fics, he's planning on doing a crossover with Star Wars. I will be giving him a shoutout next chapter so look out for that. Thanks again.