Chapter 5: Summer Nights

Sakuno knew that living in a very low budget apartment complex would mean that power outages would occur more frequently than average homes. So after the light went out for the second time she's been there, she lit some candles, turned on the battery powered fan, and then opened her balcony to let the breeze in.

As she slid the door open, she noticed that Ryoma had yet to open his.

'He's probably sleeping now,' she thought, going back into her apartment. Sakuno laid down on her futon and placed herself in front of the fan. Trying to fall asleep, she started to hum to herself.

Ryoma didn't realize that living in a low budget apartment complex meant that any power outages would happen. Ever since he was young, any blackouts in the area would immediately be resolved by the backup generators that they had. Thinking back on it, Ryoma hadn't acknowledged his wealth at all. If it wasn't for the fact that this was the perfect location for him, he wouldn't have given living there a second thought.

Of course, the only reason he's only thinking these things is because he had clumsily forgotten to buy a fan… even though he'd been there for more than a month now. He looked at the transparent balcony door and opened it slowly, trying not to disturb the other tenants assuming theirs was open as well. The last thing he needed was to mess up the peacefulness of the night.

As he slid it open, he felt the summer breeze creep up on his face. How was it that the summer air was cooler than his own apartment?

He could hear Karupin meow in pleasure as he too came out to feel the breeze. Ryoma lifted him up and started petting him, regretting the fact that his pet's fur was really warm. The cat started purring quietly as it nuzzled its head into Ryoma's chest.

Taking in the cool breeze, he closed his eyes. That's when he heard someone singing softly.

The cherry blossoms fell, fluttering down

Embracing every bit of my fluttering love

Even now, I'm dreaming the dream I prayed for with you that spring

The cherry blossoms scatter

Leaning on the wall adjacent to hers, he smiled to himself and listened further. There was something about the air in the night that made him desire to hear the sound of her voice.

From the train I could see

The traces of one day

The big bridge we crossed together

Graduation time came

And you left town

On the colorful riverbank, I search for that day

She looked at her ceiling and continued singing while reminiscing about her time at Seishun Gakuen. More specifically the brief time she had with her prince. Though every moment had been painfully short, she always treasured the fact that she was able to meet him. To know him. And to love him.

We went our separate ways

And brought our spring to an end

My future is in full bloom

But it fills me with panic

This year, once again, the cherry blossoms are reflected

In the window of the Odakyuu train

In my heart

I hear your voice

Karupin purred pleasantly as he began to fall asleep. He knew it wasn't the fact that he was in his arms that was making him fall asleep. It was her voice.

The cherry blossoms fell, fluttering down

Embracing every bit of my fluttering love

Even now, I'm dreaming the dream I prayed for with you that spring

The cherry blossoms scatter

She knew her voice was nothing compared to that of a professional, but on this quiet evening, she had an inexplicable desire to express her feelings. Even though she didn't know why, she felt sentimental.

The start of my letter to you

Says, "I'm doing okay"

You'll see through that little lie, won't you?

Even the town going past

Is taking in the spring

The flowers are opening their buds again this year

He glanced at one of the boxes he still hadn't unpacked. It wasn't just his laziness, no, there were things he didn't want her to see. The letters that he didn't want her to know he'd still had.

I'll get through these days without you

And I, too, will grow up

Will I forget everything?

"I really loved you"

I hold out my hands to the cherry blossoms

Now my love is wrapped in the spring

It had been years since they saw each other. Years since they truly spoken. And years since her heart skipped too fast. They may have grown up, but she knew she'd never forget her feelings.

The cherry blossoms fell, fluttering down

Embracing every bit of my fluttering love

Even now, the strong words you gave me

Remain in my heart; the cherry blossoms dance

He remembered receiving her first letter when he left for America in middle school. She said the cherry blossoms were in full bloom.

The cherry blossoms fell, fluttering down

Embracing every bit of my fluttering love

Those days I dreamed of on that distant spring day

Disappear into the sky

Even if she was afraid of the heartbreak of them separating again, she was glad that at least at that moment, she got to be by his side. Because those dreams of finally meeting him again finally came true.

The cherry blossoms fall, fluttering down

And I walk into the spring

I clutch the dream I promised you that spring

Tightly to my chest, the cherry blossoms dance.

He looked up at the sky as her voice started to fade out. The cool air was now gone and instead replaced with torrid air. But even if the heat was uncomfortable and the apartment would undoubtedly have more power outages in the future, there was absolutely no way he'd leave.

Like her, he wanted spring to come. The cherry blossoms were, after all, the most beautiful in Japan.

A/N: Ah, that was very short compared to the last couple chapters. Does anyone know what this song is? It's translated to English, but it's Sakura Hira Hira by Ikimono Gakari. Of course, I prefer the Japanese version better. But for writing purposes (and the fact that this story is in English), I wanted to properly convey the words. Honestly, this song had always screamed RyoSaku to me after seeing OVA 26. I seriously recommend listening to it while reading this chapter. And since the other chapters have been comedic, I wanted to write something really nostalgic for a change. Anyway, I really hope you liked this chapter despite how short it was. And the next chapter will be posted next Saturday!