for Habari
Holiday on Aardia (Anakin POV)
To most people, Aardia must be a beautiful place. An incredibly lush world, yet not wild, with a lot of water that keeps the heat at bay and long, long white beaches at oceans of clear, unpolluted water.
Most people would be delighted to walk along these beaches, perhaps take a swim in the cool water, too. I, however, am not most people. I hate sand. It reminds me of home, of my childhood as a slave, it reminds me of things I would prefer to forget. It's coarse and rough and whoever had to swallow half a litre of sand because the bloody wind kept increasing just before a sand storm and you weren't inside yet will share my distaste for its ability to get everywhere.
"Haaah ..."
Ahsoka sighs a bit woefully. Clearly, my padawan thinks different.
"Master, do we have to go?"
I look at the young Togruti girl standing besides me in her usual red skirt and tube top with matching gloves and boots. One of the first things she'd done when we came here was ditch her leggings and complain about how hot it was. Now, it looked like she'd rather stay and melt here than return to Coruscant and the big eyes with which she's looking at me are begging me to agree to a prolonged stay.
I wish she'd stop looking at me like that, it makes me feel horrible when I have to turn her down. And she knows. I'm sure of it, she knows how her eyes melt me.
But I resist.
"You know we do, Ahsoka."
We look down at the beach and the space ship we had landed there when we came in. Ahsoka sighs again.
"I know, I know. But … just a day? We did what we came here for and for once without blowing anything up. That earns us a vacation, right?"
I smirk. She's creative, my padawan. Unfortunately, I have to betray the hopes in her eyes again.
"You know our holidays need to be pre-approved. We can't just take them whenever we feel like it."
"Oh, come on!"
The orange girl besides me puffs up.
"Since when do we care about rules, Skyguy?"
We don't. I just want to get as quickly and as far away from the sand as possible.
I can't tell her that, though.
"Come, we're due to report to the council."
Ahsoka groans.
"You're starting to sound like Obi-Wan!"
We make our way to the ship. Ahsoka is very crafty when it comes to making up more excuses as to why we absolutely need to stay for a day or two but I do my best to ignore her. By the time we reach the space ship, my young padawan is pouting.
Oh well, she'll get over it.
I make my report to the council.
They seem to be pleased and want us to return to Coruscant right away.
"Of course, Masters", I reply obediently, grateful to be rid of this planet, "We'll leave right away and – "
"No, actually, we won't leave for another day or two", Ahsoka interrupts me. I look at her.
"Snips, I thought we – "
"It's not me, Master."
Ahsoka holds up a small mazka oil pump.
"The darn thing has caught sand. We don't replace it, we risk the hyperdrive's blowing up mid-flight."
I take the pump from her and look at it. Yup, sand gets everywhere, even into pieces that normally never break down. I don't think we have a spare on board.
Internally, I sigh. Well played, Snips.
"She's right", I say to the holo projection of the council's, "We'll have to trek to the nearest village and fetch a ride to a city large enough to sell these things. Could take us another day or two."
"In that case, return when you can."
"We will, Masters. May the force be with you."
"And with you."
The holo flickers and disappears. I look at my mischievous padawan.
"Alright, alright, we'll stay a day or two", I yield, "Now fork it over."
Ahsoka tilts her head in question but her innocent eyes can't deceive me.
"Give it here, Ahsoka, I promise we will stay."
The grinning orange girl reaches for a pouch on her belt, takes out a small pump in protective sheeting and holds it in my direction.
"You knew?"
"I was curious why you'd gone into that mechanic's shop."
I take the pump from her.
"You didn't rat me out, though."
"I … I didn't want to rat you out. Besides ... I guess I really could use a vacation, too."
And your damn glittering eyes made me weak in my knees, you she-devil. I won't tell her that, though.
Ahsoka smiles brightly. She jumps at me and hangs herself around my neck.
"I love you, Skyguy."
I feel her soft lips on my cheek before I can reply and the unexpected kiss stuns me.
My devious padawan lets go of me and drops back to the ground. And I, thunderstruck, gawk at her like an idiot.
She laughs, twirls, then takes me by the hand and pulls me towards the ship's exit hatch.
"Come on, come on, come on!", she exclaims, hopping more than walking, which sends her lekku flying, "We have two days, let's make the most of it!"
"Easy, Snips!", I manage, "Let me at least get rid of the darn pump."
I lay the replacement onto a shelf near the hatch, then look at the giddy girl who's almost bursting with excitement as she pulls on my arm to urge me on.
"Where do you want to go so desperately, anyway?"
Ahsoka points away at something, though I see nothing but an endless white beach and a lush forest somewhat more inland.
"I don't ..."
My padawan harrumphs.
"Seriously, Skyguy, you lack the appreciation for this planet's beauty."
That is true. Sand isn't beautiful, especially not when there's so much of it.
Still, I let her lead me onto the cursed sand and towards the water that keeps gently lapping up the shore before it retreats just to repeat the exercise.
The ground beneath me is unsteady and I sink a few inches in as we walk. My boots should still be empty, but in my mind, I already feel the irritating grains entering them, tormenting my feet, like they used to do on –
"Do you really hate having a day off with me that much?"
I look up into the bright blue eyes of my protégée … who seems to be in tears.
For a moment, I'm confused … then it dawns on me that my disgust for the sand must have shown on my face. She's simply misunderstanding.
"Don't be silly, Snips", I answer, "I just … need to get used to walking on this sand."
She sniffed.
"Really? You wouldn't make this up?"
"Really", I confirm, "Sorry I made you worry for no reason."
Her mood immediately improves and I sigh in relief. Seeing sadness in her beautiful eyes always makes my heart ache and given we're at war, I've had to see it far too often. I will need to be more careful.
For her sake, I try to meditate as we near the water.
There is no emotion, there is peace. The sand doesn't bother me.
And again.
There is no emotion, there is peace. The sand doesn't bother me.
And again.
There is no emotion, there is peace. The sand –
Suddenly, Ahsoka disappears from my sight and there is a loud splash. My clumsy padawan has slipped on some slippery wet stone and fallen into the clear water – the same water she's now spitting out very audibly and with disgust.
"Bah! How can something so beautiful taste so horrible?"
I chuckle as I help her up.
"And here I thought you just couldn't get enough of the landscape", I tease her.
The young Togruta looks aside, embarrassed, which also gives her a very charming air.
She mumbles something about her 'stupid boots', then reaches down and takes them off, along with the cut-off leggings she had used as socks.
"Ah", she sighs as she steps into the water, "This is bliss."
After another sigh, she looks at me, questioningly.
"Are you sure you don't want to join me, Master? The water is wonderfully cool."
It's tempting, especially because it's so hot. However …
"I … I don't like sand between my toes", I turn her down.
I don't like sand. Period.
"You're silly, Skyguy."
We continue walking along the beach. She in the water, I on the ground alongside her.
I'm not proud of it, but I keep secretly glancing at her. Her drying tube top sticks closely to her skin and as she is not wearing anything beneath it, I am reminded that she has indeed become a woman, the wet red fabric doing nothing to hide the comely shape of her small breasts.
Relax, you dolt, I chastise myself, she's your padawan!
I know, I know. But still, she's growing beautiful … in more ways than one.
Somewhat half-heartedly, I try to shoo away these thoughts, only to find that I do not want to shoo them away, not truly. The softly bobbing breasts entice me, make it difficult to concentrate. I try to remind myself of Padmé back home, but she is far away and Ahsoka's spell on me is strong.
I'm a horrible person.
"What's on your mind, Skyguy?"
"Nothing!", I answer quickly, too quickly, "I … I'm just wondering where you're taking me."
"It's a surprise", my padawan claims secretively and smiles.
A surprise, eh? Very well, Snips, surprise me.
We reach a river. It's not a particularly large river, but it's not too small either. We couldn't cross it without swimming but Ahsoka doesn't seem to want to cross it. Instead, she turns inland and starts walking into the directory the river comes from
As the ground becomes more rocky, she puts her boots back on and we continue.
Little by little, vegetation returns until we are walking through a sea of green, against which my padawan's orange skin stands out beautifully. The contrast suits her, she's absolutely stunning… and I'm absolutely stupid.
I clear my throat and try to think about something else.
"What is that, Master?"
Ahsoka points at a large bird with golden feathers, the likes of which I have never seen before.
"I … have no idea, Ahsoka."
"Hm … I'll call you Goldfeathers", she declares and extends an arm, "Come here, Goldfeathers!"
I can feel her calling to the bird in the force.
Goldfeathers tilts its head, blinks, then chirps and leaps down from the branch it was sitting on landing on Ahsoka's arm after a short glide.
"Impressive control, Snips."
"Thanks, Master, but I'm not controlling him. I just invited him, and he came."
Ahsoka carefully strokes the golden bird that happily chirps and rubs its head against the small Togruti hand.
"Aww … look at him, Master! He is not afraid at all."
"True. Kind of surprising. I guess there aren't many predators around here."
Goldfeathers shrieks softly and Ahsoka tries her best to imitate the cry, which makes the proud bird cluck, as if laughing about her horrible pronunciation.
It shrieks again, then looks at Ahsoka with expectant eyes, as if wanting to teach my Padawan the proper way to produce the sound. Ahsoka tries again, which triggers another series of clucks.
I smile. Ahsoka – despite her embarrassment about being laughed at by a bird – seems happy. And that's all she wanted, just a bit of peace in a galaxy constantly at war. I'm an idiot for resisting at first.
The bird lets itself be carried along, for a bit, alternately shrieking and clucking.
Ahsoka tries her best to match the sound but I guess Togruti throats just aren't made to produce the slightly trilling sound Goldfeathers wants to teach her.
"I know, I know, I'm trying!", Ahsoka apologises to the golden bird on her arm, "Like so?"
She shrieks and again, the bird clucks.
I chuckle softly, which results in my being stared at by both, my padawan and her bird.
Yup, they seem to get along perfectly.
After we've followed the river for a while, Goldfeathers ruffles his feathers and removes a small one with his beak. It looks at Ahsoka, blinks, then places it in her hand when she extends it.
"For me?"
The bird rubs its head against her hand, shrieks once more and flies off.
Ahsoka shrieks a goodbye after him, which is promptly answered by a very last shriek from the golden bird.
"You never told me you were part bird", I tease her.
"Oh shut up, Master", she replies with a soft smile.
Ahsoka takes a small box from her belt and carefully lays the golden feather into it before putting the box back on her belt.
"He was a sweet little guy", she says.
I almost said that loud.
We continue to walk.
The vegetation around us is alive, always chirping and tweeting and crying. I don't know much about birds, admittedly, but I don't think we heard another member of that golden species Ahsoka has taken a liking to.
A few steps later, a faint rushing joins in and quickly gets louder as we approach what appears to be a lake. Behind the lake, there is a mountainside and the source of the rushing – a waterfall – springs from it down into the lake.
The water is clear and of a deep blue colour. Near the mountain, the forest starts getting thick and unpleasant. On this side of the lake, however, there are only a few trees and some shrubbery. Enough that you don't see the lake from the beach but few enough so you could move without any impediments.
We move closer and stop at a bank that is rocky – and thus not overgrown -and look at the lake. There seems to be an abundance of white flowers on the trees, and especially closer to the mountain, there are a lot of blossoms in the lake, though the current only sparsely distributed them over the rest of the blue surface.
"So this is where you wanted to come so desperately? It's beautiful."
Ahsoka nodded and smiled.
"I had hoped it would be."
"How did you know, though?"
My padawan's head turns abruptly towards me.
"I used my eyes, Skyguy. Saw it on our landing approach."
The two of us sit down in the shadow of a nearby tree, lean against its trunk and just stare at the water for a while, neither of us saying anything.
It's cooler, here in the shade, very pleasant.
And there's no sand here.
I'm glad Ahsoka made me agree to this, it's very relaxing.
"So … two days."
Ahsoka says it as if it was a death sentence.
"Oh come on, Snips, we'll have plenty of opportunities to visit other beautiful places."
"Yeah, to blow them up."
I feel the anger in her voice but I don't know what to say.
"Don't you sometimes get tired of this stupid war, Master? Times where you just want to … run away and stay somewhere beautiful? Grow old and die in peace?"
"Of course I do, Snips."
In fact, I have very real fantasies about Naboo and a certain republic senator.
I think if Padmé would agree … but no, this can't happen.
I'm a Jedi. We are forbidden from domestic bliss. Fuck whatever broad would have you – but no attachments, no emotions, no feelings. Sating your bodily urges is tolerated by most, but a hardy core even shun that as they view it as what they call 'bodily distractions' which a Jedi – in their view – was supposed to overcome. A view I most decidedly do not share. After all, Padmé and I … I push away the thoughts. I don't want to think about Padmé and what could be but isn't.
"You're too young to think about dying, Snips."
Ahsoka's crystalline eyes look at me intensely.
"We're always in danger, always fighting in this stupid war. Every day could be our last. A stray bolt, a ship blowing up, just standing in the wrong place at the wrong fucking time. How am I too young to think about dying? If anything, I should stop thinking about growing old."
Her words somewhat shock me. She's usually so strong and composed, it's easy to forget she's just a girl that hasn't known anything but war.
"The war will end", I assure her, "There will soon be peace, you will grow old and eventually die in a beautiful place, but not for a long, long time."
She doesn't believe me, of course she doesn't.
"How can you be so certain I won't die on our next assignment?"
I have to say something… something encouraging. My mouth opens before I'm done thinking.
"Because I will be with you, Snips", I say, "And together, we rule the galaxy."
Tears well up in Ahsoka's eyes. I cringe. Not good?
But she just rolls over to me and hugs me, silently crying into my chest.
I'm … I'm not sure what I should do.
Somewhat clumsily, I wrap my arm around her and hold her tight.
The young Togruta sniffs.
"Sorry, Skyguy. I don't usually..."
"You're strong..."
More so than I have ever realised.
"… But that doesn't mean you have to bottle everything up. It's alright to be afraid, everybody is afraid. So long as you keep preventing that fear from dominating you, you'll be fine."
Ahsoka sniffs again.
"Can we stay like this for a while?", she asks shyly and cuddles up to me, "Please?"
This is bad, I can feel her small soft body push into me and the gentle touches are giving me thoughts that are altogether inappropriate for a Jedi to have about his padawan.
But I can't turn her down. Not when she's looking at me like that, not after everything I said. And if I'm honest, neither do I want to.
"Sure Snips."
The sun is standing much lower when I open my eyes again.
Wait, was I sleeping?
I feel a soft pressure on me and look down.
Ahsoka isn't sleeping, but neither has she moved. She's looking a lot more cheerful, though.
"Good morning, Master", she greets me with a broad smile.
"I'm sorry, Snips, I didn't mean to sleep so much on the vacation you tricked us into."
"Hm … does that mean you owe me something?"
"Er ..."
Now that came unexpected.
"I … I guess I do. Anything specific you want to do?"
Ahsoka gets up and stretches.
"You could say that. I'm all sticky from the sweat. What say you, Skyguy, up for a swim?"
She's already kicked off her boots and is now pulling off her gloves.
"A swim? Sure, I could do with a – what are you doing?!"
I gawk at my padawan who has just pulled her tube top over her head.
Her small perky breasts are completely exposed and the nipples that are as dark as her lips still jiggle a bit from the motion.
Wait … I shouldn't be paying that much attention to her nipples.
"Undressing, of course?", Ahsoka answers innocently, then grins, "What, you shy, Skyguy?"
That's not the problem. But seeing these orange tits …
I swallow and try to maintain eye contact with my protégée.
"Or do you expect me to jump into the lake fully dressed?"
This is not good, this is not good at all. But I'm her Master. I … that's makes it alright, no? It's not like we're doing anything wrong, right? We're just going for a swim. An innocent swim. Nothing wrong with that.
"O-of course not", I reply in a less-convincing voice than I should have liked and shed my tabard, dropping it to the ground behind me.
My padawan has a strange look on her face when the shirt I was wearing me follows it.
Well, it was your idea, Snips.
Ahsoka removes her belt and carefully lays it on the ground next to the tube top she's already put there. I watch her bend out of the corner of my eyes, watch her little breasts swing freely as she bends down and I quickly look away when she straightens back up.
This … this is bad. Like really, really bad.
I try in vain to calm my violently beating heart. My hands are shaking from all the adrenaline coursing through my veins and I'm sweating.
No, I believe the sweat is just due to the heat. The point is, I'm nervous.
I somehow manage to get my boots open without breaking my fingers and pull them off, along with the socks.
I glance at Ahsoka – yes, I'm a guy, ok? I can't help it – the little orange girl is fiddling with the edge of her skirt, taking an eternity to open it at the side of her hips.
I straighten up to grasp my pants and pull them down.
I glance again and finally, the red fabric falls.
Now if Obi-Wan could see me – almost naked with Ahsoka in the woods what would he say? Because I'm pretty sure nothing of this kind ever happened when I was his padawan .. thankfully.
Well, one last piece of clothing.
I glance at Ahsoka who – as I notice with some surprise – is also trying to secretly glance at me. Well, of course she is, I doubt a curious mind like hers would be satisfied with depictions in biology holograms.
But … is it really alright to –
Ahsoka answers that question for me and quickly pulls down her panties.
I notice there's some kind of markings on her mons, right above her – wait, I shouldn't stare at …
I quickly pull down my own undergarments so I'm doing something, rather than staring at her like an idiot.
I straighten up and look at Ahsoka. The young Togruta has her eyes fixed on my crotch and is heavily blushing. I guess that's a normal reaction, but her stares do make me feel uncomfortable.
Besides, I have until now somewhat miraculously avoided getting a boner, but I really want to get into the water before… too late.
Ahsoka's eyes widen as my member swells to its full properties, but she doesn't avert them for another long moment.
Then she looks me in the eyes.
"Uhm … Master?
Her innocent eyes burn right through me.
She clasps her hands behind her back and pushes her breasts forward, obviously showing them off.
"D-does that mean you … like what you see, Master?"
My mouth claps open.
What the fuck am I supposed to say to that?!
"I … "
I glance at her body. Would be rude not to look if she's showing it off, wouldn't it?
Despite myself, my cock twitches as I feast my eyes on the little buds on her comely breasts, her sleek waist, and the marking just above her …
Ahsoka endures my very impolite stares with a heavy blush but doesn't look away.
Her eyes demand an answer, and I …
"Er ..."
I cough, still not sure what would be an appropriate thing for a jedi master to say to his padawan in a situation like this.
"You're a healthy, beautiful girl, Ahsoka", I finally manage.
Of all the stupid things going through my mind, I think – hope – that's the least stupid thing to say.
"Please don't misinterpret my bodily reactions, it's just reacting to a beautiful girl. Yes. Nothing out of the ordinary. Because you are, you know, a beautiful girl. Very beautiful. I'm just reacting to your beauty. Er … wait, I … I mean."
Well, that was about as stupid as it could get.
"T-thank you, Master", Ahsoka mumbles, finally averts her eyes and smiles as she happily plays with her lekku.
She is pretty darn cute, my Ahsoka. Er, my padawan, of course.
And from our time under the tree, I also have a very keen memory of how soft her body is.
I … I have to stop thinking about her body. I have to think about something different like … soft orange Togruti tits.
Wait, no!
"Er ...should we … swim?", Ahsoka asks shyly.
"Swim? Oh, yeah. That's why we got undressed after all, didn't we? Swimming."
I laugh nervously. For a moment, I was expecting her to propose actions that would have been inappropriate. Yes, very inappropriate actions for a jedi master and his girl – his padawan!
Get your brain together, idiot!
Ahsoka slowly steps into the cool water and shudders.
"Woah!", she exclaims. "Quite a difference in temperature."
I look at my young padawan. Her back is turned to me, she's helpless, unsuspecting.
Should I …
I grin. No, I simply cannot resist the temptation.
With a flick of my hand, I use the force to push her forward. Strong, but gently enough to avoid hurting her.
My victim lands in the lake a few metres away with a loud splash.
"Anakin!", the now soaked Ahsoka splutters.
I laugh.
"You're in trouble now, Skyguy!"
I don't have time to avoid the wave that leaps out of the lake and soaks me head to toe. A shiver goes through my body, the difference in temperature really is remarkable.
I shake and jump into the lake, ready to retaliate. Now it's personal, Snips!
After a glorious water battle that left no clear victor, we both laugh as we exhaustedly drift next to each other. I'm glad that silly push of mine cleared the uncomfortable air we had created.
"And to think I almost missed out on all this...", I think aloud.
"See? You should listen to me more often, Skyguy."
Yeah, my smart-alec padawan has a very keen hearing when it comes to such comments.
Still, I cannot deny that she had been right about wanting to stay here a day or two … two, let's make it two. Coruscant and the war wasn't running away – unfortunately.
"Aaah", Ahsoka sighs, "Sooo relaxing."
She spreadeagles, holds the position for a moment, then relaxes her body again.
Her breasts break the water surface as she does and I must admit, I was hoping they would.
I notice the small ochre nipples are erect and hard from the cold water and I can feel something of mine growing erect and hard … but most definitely not due to the water.
Ashamed – yet reluctantly – I avert my eyes. I'm a terrible master, lusting after my own apprentice. She deserves better.
Ahsoka is smiling as she turns and swims closer ... dangerously close … too close. I can almost feel her breath as she talks.
"Race you to the rocks over there? Winner gets to ask something of the loser."
She points at the other side of the lake. Must be three, four hundred metres at least.
"You're challenging your master, Snips?"
"What, you afraid to lose, Skyguy?"
I smirk.
"Bring it on, Snips."
Ahsoka is an impressive swimmer.
I had intended to let her narrowly win, especially since I was curious about what she'd ask of me, but the water spirit of a padawan forced me to fight very hard to make her win at least narrow enough for me to not lose face.
"Ha! Take that, Master!"
My Togruti padawan cheerfully pumps the air, raising her breasts a bit out of the water by so doing.
"Well done, Snips", I praise her, trying my best to ignore it, "You win."
The orange girl grins.
"And to the victor the spoils, right, Skyguy?"
The spoils? Well, I guess I can humour her. What favour would she ask of me now?
"That's what we agreed … what does the victor want?"
The orange she-devil looks at me with big eyes, blushes, then averts her eyes.
"A … a hug and a kiss from the loser."
Thump! I nearly drown.
"Ahsoka, do you really think that's – "
"Oh come on, just a playful peck on my cheek. I'm sure you're man enough to manage that?"
The kiss is not the problem … believe me, the kiss is not the problem at all!
She swims even closer.
"Or", she asks weakly, "Do I disgust you so much you can't stand to be near me?"
"Of course not, Snips! I ..."
I don't know what to do, how to react, what to say … I'm helpless before the gaze with which she captures me.
"Such a small thing", she continues, "Just a small reminder we've not yet become battle droids. Will you deny me that?"
Her tearful blue eyes pierce me to the very core.
"I … I … aw, fuck it."
I make up my mind and pull her to me. She's blushing heavily and I too feel the heat in my head.
Before I have the chance to reconsider, I embrace my padawan and press her soft body against me, her soft nude body, which feels so smooth on my skin.
She's quivering, but she hugs me back, wraps her arms around me.
And now for … for the kiss.
I gently press my lips against the orange cheek. Much, much longer than I had first intended to. Her embrace becomes stronger and I … I kind of lose myself in the moment. The last sun rays paint the sky above us in orange and red – my padawan's colours – and I … all I can think about is the small fragile Togruti girl in my arms.
"Snips, I ..."
"Shh, Anakin. I want to enjoy this moment to the fullest."
That's not the problem. The problem is, my erect dick is stuck between me and my soft padawan and it's gently rubbing against her belly.
I pray she doesn't notice.
We stay like that for a while longer, then get out of the water.
The sun's set and the water is quickly becoming cold and it will be much easier to retrace our steps to the starship while there's still some light.
"Eww, I'm not putting that on, it's sticky!"
Ahsoka picks up her clothes and carries them in her arms.
"Let's go, Skyguy."
Give me a break.
"You're not intending to walk all the way back completely naked?"
"And why not? The next settlement is kilometres away and you've already seen me nude. I don't have anything to hide, do I?"
Probably not, but come on, my dick can only take so much. It's already twitching again as I imagine her small soft breasts bobbing gently up and down as she walks – a fantasy that only moments later becomes reality.
We both walk naked. Because as she so audibly remarked, the thought of slipping back into the sticky sweat-drenched clothes we wore on our way to the lake is disgusting.
Interestingly, I don't even care about the sand that gathers between my toes as we walk on the beach because I can't stop thinking about my padawan.
It's dark by the time we reach the ship and we wash our feet.
"Master ...", Ahsoka asks somewhat shyly, "… will you go swimming with me again, tomorrow?"
'No' would have been the reasonable answer. Today already was a mistake and I shouldn't. But I don't have the heart to turn her down. I … I simply can't turn her down.
Nor do I want to, to be honest, but I can't help feeling I should be wanting to.
"It's your holiday, Snips. Up to you to decide what we do."
She hugs me again, pressing herself against me once more.
"Thank you, Skyguy", she says before she kisses me on the cheek again, "Good night."
My padawan walks – though dances would probably be a better description – out of the compartment with a happy smile on her lips. I just stand there and wait until she's out of sight, then I quietly leave the starship and walk out of earshot without bothering to put anything on.
A bit farther away, I sit down on the beach, no longer caring about the sand, and start stroking my erect cock. There's only so much I can take and I've been past my limit for quite a while.
I close my eyes, I don't even have to concentrate. The image of my orange-skinned padawan with the bright blue eyes and the fascinating lekku comes quite naturally to me. And her breasts, of course, her little orange breasts with their hard ochre nipples, her breasts that feel so soft when pressed against my body.
I lean back and imagine being embraced by her.
We can't, Snips! I'm your master, you're my padawan. We're Jedi!
"So?", I hear my imaginative Ahsoka interject, "What of it? Face it, Skyguy, you want me you want me very, very badly."
I imagine us back in the lake, embracing, kissing. No, not on the cheek, this time, I go for her lips. And I stroke her lekku as I gaze deep into her blue eyes, while she's stroking a very different part of my body.
I imagine her pulling herself up at me, pushing her soft breasts into my chest and wrapping her legs around me. She's slowly letting herself glide back down until her crotch brushes against the tip of my hard cock. She gently grasps it with one hand, positions it, then slides even lower.
I inadvertently call out for real. My dick twitches, then spurts as I finally release the tension I felt for so long with a groan.
Yes, my body feels great...
But I also feel a certain disgust with myself.
I masturbated … to my padawan.
What kind of jedi master masturbates to his padawan?
I awake in my bed on the starship, the next morning, to the scent of fresh toast and tea and I slowly dress – Just a shirt and pants, nothing too heavy if we're going out again – before making my way to the board kitchen.
My padawan, clearly high-spirited, hums a happy tune as she pours two cups of tea. She's wearing her usual outfit, the red skirt and tube top, though she hasn't put on gloves and boots yet.
"Good morning, Master!", she sings and smiles at me in a way that puts my mind at ease about her.
"Good morning, Snips", I sigh, "Busy already, are you?"
Ahsoka averts her eyes and plays with her lekku.
"We only have the rest of the day before we have to leave this beautiful place and must return to the horribly cold and life-less Coruscant. I … I intend to use it to its fullest."
I feel a stab in my heart. Last night before falling asleep, I told myself I wouldn't go swimming with her again, after all, that it was too dangerous and that I needed to stay in control of the situation. I reminded myself of Padmé and chastised myself for what I had felt had come close to cheating on her.
All that was now blown away in an instant when I saw the anxious expression on my Padawan's face.
I swallow.
"Snips … I ..."
It's no use. The determination I had last night is gone. I am again captured by the innocent blue eyes with which my padawan keeps melting me and I just can't resist.
She's my padawan, my little girl whose only wish is a brief break from the horrible war the Jedi Order has condemned her to. How could I ever think of turning her down?
"I'd love to go swimming with you."
It's not like we'll do something wrong, is it? Last night was just a fantasy. Fantasies don't hurt. And I'm a jedi master, I'm in control of my emotions. I must be.
Besides … I wouldn't mind seeing her naked again.
I feel like punching myself in the guts. Did I really just think that?
I have no time to feel guilty, however, because the beautiful smile that appears on Ahsoka's face leaves no doubt that I've made the right decision. This … holiday is obviously important to her. As her master, I should be empathic, right?
We break fast and quickly set off along the beach.
Ahsoka seems very excited. She has decided to leave boots and gloves at the ship and happily splashes through the waves beside me. Her lekku that she usually simply lets hang from her head are constantly in motion, almost as if they too were fluid.
It's an enticing sight and a balm on my soul.
At the river, we turn inland again. Out of the corner of my eyes, I notice my padawan's carefully observing the surroundings. I think she may be looking for that golden bird of hers. To her disappointment, 'Goldfeathers' doesn't show up.
But her mood immediately improves when the lake comes into view.
She turns to me and grins.
"Skyguy? Last Jedi in the water is a loser!"
And with that she pulls her tube top over her head, causing the two nubile proofs of her womanhood to plop into my sight without warning.
The contest is unfair, of course, because she's wearing a lot less clothing than I am. Still, I somehow manage to cast away my shirt, boots, pants and undergarments and dive into the water before her.
When I break surface again, I notice she's still standing there, topless, fumbling at the side of her short skirt.
"What's the matter, Snips?"
"Damn thing is … stuck!"
She pulls at the zip on her skirt for a while longer, then gives up and crosses her arms in front of her, pushing her small breasts up.
"Think you can take a look, Master?"
But I am looking… oh, damn, that's not what she meant.
I get out of the water again and approach my embarrassed padawan. The tips of her lekku are slightly whipping to and fro in annoyance and her lips are pressed tightly together. That's cute.
I kneel down in front of her and take a look at the zip on her seducing hips. Carefully, I slide a couple of fingers between her skirt and her body to grasp the cloth. Her hot skin feels very smooth against my wet fingers. And ...
Trying to shoo away such thoughts, I grasp the zip with my other hand and pull.
"Yup, stuck."
I try a few pulls in different directions, but none seem to work. Just when I was ready to give up, I feel the zip move – just a bit, but enough to make me keep trying.
Then suddenly, her skirt rips open and slides from her hips.
I'm stunned.
Not only did I completely underestimate how much force I was using, she's also completely naked, now, as she wasn't wearing anything under her skirt.
Her crotch, her most private body part is no more than a handbreadth or two away from my face.
I stare at her for a moment – a long moment – then my brain starts functioning again and I look away, up into her eyes.
"I … er, sorry Snips."
She's blushing. Well, of course she is. I don't think she expected her Master to ever tear the skirt off her the way I just did.
I'm still trying to come up with the proper words to say when I'm lifted off the ground and flung into the lake. Cold water suddenly surrounds me and back at the surface, I gasp for air.
"I said I'm sorry!", I exclaim.
"I don't care about the bloody skirt", Ahsoka shouts back, "That's revenge for yesterday!"
Now that was unexpected.
I smirk. You're amazing, Snips.
Still, I am the master around here. I must teach my padawan a lesson.
I carefully grasp her in the force, then quickly yank her to me.
She hardly has enough time to shriek before she lands in front of me with a very loud splahs.
"Gyaah!", she exclaims as she comes back up.
She hugs me tightly and shivers.
"Cold, cold, cold!"
I don't feel cold, I feel very hot, all of a sudden. Her soft body unexpectedly pressed against me once more, I find it very hard to keep my thoughts in check.
The sensation lasts for a moment, then she realises what she's just done and lets go of me.
"Uhm, sorry, Skyguy", she mumbles.
I don't really know what to say, so I just nod.
She glances at me, looks away again.
"So, er … guess you're the victor, this time. I will submit to whatever you have in store for me."
She looks at me once more and keeps the eye contact, this time.
"Whatever you demand, Master", she breathes softly.
I inhale sharply as her seductive eyes lay their spell on me.
Oh, I have an idea, I have an insane idea what to demand of her.
But I can't.
No master can ever demand such a thing from his padawan. None. Ever.
"How … how about a hug and a kiss from the loser?", I stutter.
Yes, that's the more intelligent demand. Pay her back with her own demand. Don't ask for anything my defective brain suggests.
Ahsoka's eyes grow wide in surprise, then she smiles and swims closer.
"Are you sure about that, Master?"
She wraps her arms around me and pulls herself tightly against my chest, her wonderfully soft breasts serving as tiny cushions between us.
"You could have asked for anything, and this is what you want?"
My erect dick slips in-between her legs. I'm not sure she noticed, but she sure isn't making any effort to remove it from there. Instead, my twitching member is surrounded by the soft flesh of her thighs and the gentle friction sends shivers down my spine.
"An embrace", Ahsoka whispers and brings her face very close to mine, "And a kiss."
She leans closer and for a moment, I'm afraid she might kiss my lips. I must admit, I certainly hope she would, but I have no idea how I should react if she does.
Fortunately – or unfortunately, I can't quite decide – she tilts her head at the last moment and kisses me on my cheek.
Still, she doesn't let go of me for quite a while.
"You … you shouldn't tease your master like this", I complain when she eventually does.
My heart is thundering, and I can still feel her body on mine, even though we are now separated by the cool water.
"No, I shouldn't", Ahsoka agrees and grins mischievously, "But I want to."
I find myself returning the grin.
Oh Snips, you're amazing.
I look away at the waterfall on the other side of the lake and the mountain side. Trying to think about something else than my padawan's orange skin. This gives me an idea.
I start swimming towards the other side of the lake.
"What are you up to now, Skyguy?"
Once again, I'm reminded that Ahsoka is the superior swimmer amongst the both of us. She easily keeps up with me, even when I start using the force to help me, and we cross the lake in the blink of an eye.
"Jumping!", I finally reply.
She raises an eyebrow, then looks up the mountainside and at the waterfall.
"From up there? Are you crazy, Skyguy? That must be what, 200 metres? Two fifty?"
I glance up to where she's looking.
"Good eyes, Snips, that's what I'd guess too."
"That's insane!"
I climb out of the water and start scaling the mountain.
"Insane! You don't need to impress me, Master!"
No, I don't, but I want to. Something to restore my self-esteem after losing to my padawan in swimming ... and something to clear my head of the orange tits I still feel on my skin.
I climb higher.
"Your body won't be able to take this!", Ahsoka somewhat hysterically protests, "Anakin, listen to me!"
"Relax, Snips, I got this."
I smirk and climb higher. I won't ever let her know, but I'm actually happy she worries about me. Of course there's no need to worry. After all, I'm supposedly one of the most powerful Jedi alive – or soon will be.
I look down and see Ahsoka's nervously walking in circles and casting worried glances my way. She's adorable, even when she's like this.
I shake my head and keep climbing.
I exhale forcefully.
From up here, Ahsoka's become really small. I may have underestimated the height.
Still, no going back. I'd never hear the end of it.
I inhale deeply and calm myself.
"There is no fear, there is peace", I mumble to myself, "There is no fear, there is peace."
There is no death, there is the force, my macabre mind reminds me.
Thank you, that's just what I needed.
I exhale again and take a few steps back.
Well, Snips, I hope you're paying attention because I don't plan to repeat this.
After a short dash, I jump, long and high, aiming for the middle of the lake.
I extend my arms over my head and let my body flip in the air until they are pointing straight down.
Then I use the force to shield my body and create a small force spike in front of my hands that I hope will help break the water surface.
The very next moment, I already impact.
Cold water surrounds me, swallows me.
Even shielded, the forces on my body are enormous.
I'm still conscious, though and nothing hurts. That's a good sign. I think I pulled it off.
Which gives me a great idea on how to get back at my padawan who's so fond of teasing me.
I spreadeagle and let myself drift to the surface, limply, playing dead.
I don't have much time to imagine Ahsoka's worried face because small orange hands are already turning me around and lift my head so my face breaks the surface.
My padawan's voice is shrill and panicked.
"Anakin! Don't do this to me!"
Alright, the joke's gone far enough. I grin and focus my eyes.
"Don't worry, Snips, I won't."
I instantly regret my joke when I see the tears in her eyes.
I expect her to beat me in anger, perhaps drown me. I could totally understand it. I was being an idiot to make her worry.
But nothing of the sort happens.
She just hugs me. Hugs me tightly, and sighs.
"Thank the force!"
I embrace her. I think that's the sensible thing to do in this situation.
"Sorry, Snips, I got carried away."
"Really", my padawan complains, "You're in trouble now, Skyguy!"
But she doesn't do anything to me just yet, we just keep floating until the weak current washes us onto a bank.
I'm below her, she's lying above me, still hugging me, refusing to let go.
That brings back the very problem I was trying to escape in the first place: I'm being aware that there's a nude girl pressing herself against me. A nude girl that also happens to be my padawan.
"Snips, I ..."
"If you tell me to get off now, I'll kill you."
"But ..."
My dick has already returned to being hard and erect and it's pushing against my padawan's belly. Not that it would have been uncomfortable, quite on the contrary, the smooth skin felt wonderful on my twitching cock, but that was precisely the problem.
"I don't care. I'm not getting off and that's that."
Ahsoka stubbornly clings to me and I … I surrender, trying desperately not to think about the lower parts of my young padawan's body.
"I'm sorry", I apologise again, "I shouldn't have – "
"No, you shouldn't have!"
I fall silent. She has a right to be angry with me.
Her soft belly pushes more strongly into my – into me as she takes a deep breath.
"Don't do it again, Skyguy", she says a lot calmer.
"I won't."
And I mean it. I don't want to make her worry.
"Can I make it up to you, somehow?"
She raises her head and looks at me, looks at me with her clear blue eyes. I wish she wouldn't, because the motion presses her breasts more firmly against me, makes it hard to think. And her eyes, her hypnotisingly beautiful eyes …
"Like how?"
"Like … I don't know. Anything."
Ahsoka ponders for a moment.
"Anything?", she shyly asks.
"Anything", I repeat without thinking. I really do want to make this up to her, so I'll subject myself to whatever punishment she would inflict on me.
Ahsoka averts her eyes, glances at me, blushes and averts her eyes again.
I'm not sure what to make of this, but it's making her look even cuter than she already is.
She takes another deep breath.
"In … in that case..."
I gasp.
She's pulling herself up at my shoulders, sliding over my body, over my dick and her smooth skin gently massages my erect member until our eyes are aligned.
"In that case ...", she repeats, "… don't resist, Skyguy."
And with that, she kisses me. Not on the forehead, not on the cheek, her hot lips burn directly into my own.
I … I can't think. I can't move. I just lie there, paralysed, and let her kiss me.
It's not even a very skilful kiss, she's doing barely more than press her lips against mine, but it's leaving me utterly helpless. Even if I wanted to resist, I wouldn't known what to do.
'Even if', I say, because to my horror I discover I don't want to resist. She's my padawan, the girl entrusted to me to take care of, and I want her to kiss me. Somewhere far away, Padmé's waiting for me, and I want to kiss my padawan, want to embrace my little Snips, want to love Ahsoka. I feel disgusted with myself but I can't push the naked Togruti girl away from me. I can't. Nor do I want to.
The soft ochre lips retreat, no more than the breadth of two of her sleek fingers, and she looks me in the eyes, straight into the eyes until I drown not in the lake surrounding us but in the blue of her eyes.
This isn't good, I … I must resist.
"Snips, I … we're Jedi", I mumble, "I'm your master, we can't – "
And she kisses me again. Without saying a word, she kisses me again, the orange devil, and her soft lips blow away any of my weak and futile attempts to resist her.
I open my mouth and kiss her back, embrace her, pull her tightly against me, savouring the feeling of her smooth skin on my body. Fuck reason. Fuck the Jedi. Fuck being faithful. I embrace her and pull her tightly against my chest, kissing her passionately.
When we re-open our eyes, I roll us around so she's beneath me and push her a bit further up the bank.
There's no going back, it's too late. We're both insane, hopelessly insane, and it's intoxicating.
She shivers, yes, of course she does, she must be even more nervous than I. But although she's shivering, she's lying there, looking at me with big expectant eyes. No fear, no resistance, just lying there and waiting. Waiting for me.
I kiss her again, and this time, I move my hand up and carefully cradle her small soft chest. She twitches when she feels my hand gently massage her little tit, but she doesn't resist and I push my hand into her soft chest and massage her, massage her as we kiss.
The kiss ends and I slide lower, bringing my other hand up to massage both the small orange tits.
I kiss her just below the jugular notch. She tilts her head up to allow me and I explore that notch with my tongue while I part her legs with my own.
As I slide lower, I run my tongue down her sternum, past her belly button, down, down, over the orange mons with the small markings and finally … I dive my tongue into her crotch, seeking her little lust centre. I find it.
"Anakin!", Ahsoka gasps and twitches, and I gently hold her at her hips to prevent her twitching away from me.
My padawan leans back and gasps again when I keep running my tongue over her clit – carefully, but very persistently.
I glance up at her.
Her breathing has become deep and passionate, and the air is escaping her very audibly with an arousing 'hhhhhhhh', 'hhhhhhhh' as her little chest heaves up and down.
And she's growing wet, she's getting ready to accept me. Her crotch is making loud wet noises in response to my tongue's caress.
"Ah. Anakin", she breathes my name, and then again, "Anakin."
Softly, gently, and I respond by moving my tongue more quickly, slide it over her clit more powerfully. Slowly, my padawan's gasps become moans.
"Hhhhahh … ahhh ..."
I revel in the sounds her delicate throat produces.
"Aahhh … Anakin … hhh-nh!"
She starts moving her hips up and down, pushing her crotch into my movements.
I smile. That means she's liking it.
She's softly quivering. Her hands are moving above her head, trying to find something to hold on to. When she doesn't find anything, she simply leaves them lying where they are and balls them into fists.
Ahsoka inhales sharply.
"I … I can't, I … "
Her body shakes once, twice. She arches her back, tilts her head up and moans.
She shakes a couple more times, then lies still, breathing heavily.
I pull myself up and bring my crotch closer to hers. She's ready know, I've been for quite some time.
My dick slides into her effortlessly, as if her lust cave had been designed to accommodate me. I'm a bit surprised I don't feel the tearing of a hymen. I don't know whether her species simply has none or if she's torn it herself during some of the more extreme Jedi-acrobatics she's been taught, but I'm happy. Happy because that means she won't feel any pain. Still, I start moving very slowly, very carefully, just to be sure.
Her depths surround my member in a very hot, very wet embrace. She feels incredible, my little padawan, and I gradually begin to move more strongly, trying to feel her more intensely..
I look into her eyes, her beautiful blue eyes, and I kiss her again as we embrace. And I keep kissing her as I slam my hips into hers, I kiss her while my dick slides deep into her over and over again.
Her tongue, her lips, her little tits, she's incredibly soft, my Ahsoka.
She wraps her legs around my hips, which allows me to penetrate her incredibly deeply and we both shudder when we find out just how deeply.
Our lips part as she twitches her head upwards in response.
I use the chance and straighten up a bit which allows me to move my hips much more violently. And I do. I do move my hips more violently. I impale my padawan strongly and deeply and I enjoy the jolts and quivers with which she reacts to my thrusts.
Her arms fall to her sides and I grasp her at the hips and switch to a kneeling position.
Over and over again I bury my hard cock in her helpless crotch. I'm so hard, I'm convinced if it were not tightly embraced by Ahsoka's hot flesh, my dick would burst.
My young Togruti lover bucks and twitches and moans, and I too am breathing heavily. Her orange pussy is holding my tightly, almost as if sucking me in. And I … I just can't take this much longer.
My hips speed up, almost as if on their own, and the smacking sounds with which our hips meet echo over the lake.
I lean forward again and change back to the lying position we had been in before.
It's much more satisfying to feel her closer, and I embrace her once more.
We can't kiss, though. If we were to kiss, we'd suffocate.
Our lungs greedily draw in air and I thrust my hips as violently as I can.
Then with one last thrust, I push my cock deep into my quivering padawan and spurt. And spurt, and spurt, more than I've ever spurted before.
I roll us on the side so I don't crush her beneath me, then – still embracing her – I lie down, exhausted but satisfied, and I kiss my padawan again.
For the longest time, we just lie there.
Ahsoka cuddles into me after the kiss and I hold her warm body close while we catch our breath.
Then suddenly, she rolls me on the back and straightens up.
I look at the blushing padawan sitting on my belly.
"We're not finished yet, Skyguy", she mumbles, smiles and leans forward to kiss me before sliding down my body.
I feel her smooth orange skin tickle my cock, as she does, and I fell myself grow hard again.
My erect member pushes into her soft body as she slides even lower, producing an incredible feeling.
Then my throbbing shaft is level with her eyes.
"My turn."
I don't get to say anything, there's simply no time before my wildly twitching dick is enclosed in a very wet and warm feeling. I nearly come from the realisation alone that it's Ahsoka's mouth that's wrapping itself around it.
"Lighe sho?"
My padawan's head slowly bobs up and down. She's gently sucking on it, as she moves and the stimulation is incredibly light, but it's enough to make my heart beat more quickly and my body quiver in excitement.
"Can … can you use your tongue, Snips?"
"Mah tongh?"
A hotter wet touch slowly crawls up and down the underside of my shaft. Just when I am about to ask her to go a bit higher, her tongue starts exploring my frenulum, making me gasp.
"Yes! Like that!"
My curious padawan continues to examine the tip of my cock with her tongue, carefully observing my reactions. It doesn't take her long to figure out just where and when she needs to touch me to drive me absolutely crazy and her caress grows much more intense from it.
I lean back and groan. She's a quick learner, my little padawan, I won't be able to take much more of this.
"Snips ...", I try to warn her, "I'll come ... any moment, now."
She doesn't stop her caress, doesn't change anything, she just keeps exploring my dick with her tongue, her tongue that so gently gives me pleasure.
"Snips … you should pull back."
My padawan doesn't listen to me and keeps going and going and going.
Her tongue coils around my glans, retreats and tickles the very tip of my trembling member before sliding back down and … that's too much.
I groan and tilt my head up, leaning as far back as I can.
Then I shoot. I shoot into the mouth of my little orange padawan, My balls empty into her – quickly, forcefully – and I see stars.
"Khaff! Khaff!"
The little Togruti girl reflexively coughs out the cum that had caught her by surprise.
"Gee! They never write about that little bit in the darn books! Aheh! Always make it seem so easy!"
Still cursing, she crawls back a bit and washes her mouth in the lake.
"Bah! Should have listened, eh?"
"Oh, I don't know about that", I object with a grin, you were pretty amazing."
Ahsoka turns red as if she had only just realised what she had done, then mumbles something about having to 'polish her form'.
Right, my turn again, I'll –
Ahsoka crawls back out of the water and onto me, gently pressing me back to the ground.
"Don't get up just yet."
The blushing orange girl above me slowly spreads her legs and lets them slide to either side of me.
"I'm not finished yet", she mumbles as she straddles me.
Her crotch touches my dick. It's still limp but it's quickly hardening again.
My kinky padawan slowly grinds her hips, gliding her wet privates over mine until my cock is harder than the ground beneath us. Then she grasps it – very gently, very carefully – and guides its tip to the entrance of her lust cave.
And as she straightens up …
I sigh as I slip into her again. Her hot and slippery depths welcome me with a wet embrace.
My eyes meet my padawan's who gasps.
"Mmmh … I think I'll like this position, Skyguy", Ahsoka comments.
She starts moving her hips. Slowly, shyly, and tries to get a better idea of what she's in for.
I groan.
The pleasure feels overwhelming and I wish she would move faster, but I restrain myself. I'm a Jedi, I'm patient … I'm fucking my padawan.
I grin and start to push my own hips into her motions to help her.
Ahsoka bites her lips and looks so damn cute as she does.
My hands glide up her legs to her hips, almost on their own, but the orange girl riding me removes them and gently pushes them onto the ground.
I understand. She's in control of this.
My dick twitches happily.
"Nnnnh! Yes, I most definitely like this position", Ahsoka breathes as she speeds up.
The orange hips rhythmically rock back and forth causing my cock to slide deep into her and she gasps.
Her small breasts jiggle merrily in response to her ride and I can't take my eyes off the dark erect buds on them.
"Hhhaahh … eh … hhah ..."
Snips starts breathing more deeply. I can feel her snatch contract around my hard, hard cock, grip it tightly before releasing it for a moment, as if it wanted to milk me.
Ahsoka leans forward a bit and puts her small orange hands onto my chest.
Supported like this, she can move her hips much more violently, and she does.
"Y-ah! Haah! Ooh. Aaaah!"
Her moans echo in my ears and I push my hips hard into her own. Our bodies produce lewd slapping sounds as they collide and they collide many, many times.
"Anakin ..."
Ahsoka breathes my name, then and moves her hips so hard I fear I'd break my dick if I were to twitch the wrong way.
"Anakin ...", she breathes again, "Hh- hahh … ahh… haaah … haaaaaah."
Her gasps grow more frantic.
"Nnnh – yeh … hhheh … by the – "
The young padawan's orange body starts quivering.
"Hhhh … Force! I … Ehhh!"
And she shudders, shudders in orgasm then lies down onto my chest.
I haven't come yet, but I can hardly control my self.
Grasping the limp girl at her hips, I thrust into her quivering flesh over and over again.
She's twitching in response, moaning, gasping, but not protesting.
"Hhhhah! Aah – Anakin!"
I grit my teeth and frantically shake my hips.
Sorry Snips, just a moment longer, I'm just about to …
And I come. I come again deep within my padawan, deep within my little Ahsoka.
I come and her quivering womb greedily drains me.
Exhausted, I just close my eyes and embrace her.
We stay at the little lake for the entire night.
I've done something awful, today … we've done something awful, today.
But neither of us cares. We continue doing awful things with each other until the morning sun comes up.
And when we leave for the starship, naked, tired but happy, we don't regret it.
After all, we've found a wonderful way to pass time on the long and boring journey home to Coruscant, my little Snips and I, and on any other long and boring journey we may have to take.
Author's Note
I had fun writing this.
I don't usually write POV or in the present tense, so it was a bit more challenging than usual, but I'm rather satisfied with how it turned out.
But POVs only provide a limited view. What's Ahsoka thinking about all this?
Well, that's what the second chapter is for. ;)
Oh, and credits were credits are due: cover is a crop of an image by Tourbillon