The cold air brushed past my face, my wedding dress flowing around my thin legs as I stood on the balcony overlooking the darkest land of Wonderland. The light from Time's castle lit up the area a bit, considering that I had returned and he used it to symbolize that his "light-of-his-life" came back for him. Oh, Time was such a dork, but that's what I loved about him. I propped my head up by my hand and felt the coarse fabric of the veil still attached to my hair. I let out a sigh of disgust and ripped it off of my head.
My mother forced me to marry someone that I could very much live without in the cold reality. I honestly would be better off with being single the rest of my life, rather than ending up with a fool like Gregory. "I guess?" What kind of response was that?! It truly showed how much of a selfish man he was. I'm sure he hadn't been always like that; perhaps raised into a snobby family tainted his kind behavior before Gregory even grew into it.
Why am I thinking about this? I, Maisie Croft, was stronger than this. I had the power to chose whom I wanted to marry and whom I despised. Why couldn't they see it?
I let my fingers slip from the veil, watching it sail through the breeze into the night sky. My eyes followed it and noted that there were a few stars in the sky that I could hardly spot due to the vicious looking clouds. Still, it was nice to see some form of light. I smiled again and rested my head back down onto my palm.
The thought to be back in this world after so many years was simply perfection, but something was missing. I still had a gaping hole in my heart from where my best friend buried her trust in me. I felt awful to leave her in that world all alone without me, but if I had my own way, I would ensure that she came with me. I drew in a sigh, feeling a bit panicked. What happens after I leave Wonderland like last time? I'm more than sure my mother will not allow me back in her home with the behavior that I displayed, and I knew that my relatives would turn me down too.
What should a girl do when all hope is lost in her own reality? I suppose I should enjoy this time in Wonderland, but the whole situation is going to bug me for the rest of my stay. I heard footsteps behind me, breaking my thoughts on the ground like empty light bulbs and I craned my head to see whom it was. Of course, I didn't expect it to be anyone other than Time. He was holding something behind his back, and one of his trademark smiles upon his pale face. I turned to face him, the wide skirt swishing against my legs once again.
"You seem rather ecstatic," I commented and wrapped my arms around my back, swaying slightly on the balls of my heels. "What happened?" I saw a flash of nervousness in his bright blue eyes, but Time walked directly next to me and coughed awkwardly.
"Ah, well I had a revelation," Time answered my question. The object in his hands shifted again, so now he held it in his right palm. I tilted my head, moving it so I could attempt to see what he was holding. He backed up quickly, shaking his head at me. "No, no, no! Not yet!" I pouted, folding my arms cutely.
"I don't like it when people hide things from me," I said, moving closer to him. I tried to peek over his shoulder, but Time moved away once again. "What is it?"
"It's something for you," he replied. I giggled happily and nearly pounced on him, scrambling up over him to reach the object. Time stood there, astonished at my behavior and carefully pushed me down off of him. "Maisie, please. You are acting like a child." I snickered, poking one of his shoulders.
"Puh-lease! I'm not being a child, it's called having fun!" I remarked. Time raised an eyebrow, and I automatically followed his lead, mocking him.
"Let me explain-"
"Let me explain."
"It's important-"
"It's important."
He huffed, staring down at me with his eyebrows narrowed. I just continued to give him a goofy grin, wobbling a bit on my heels.
"I love you!" I chirped happily. Time cracked a smile, regaining his posture and moved the object once again in his hands.
"I love you too. Now will you allow me to tell you?" Time asked, his voice growing softer. I nodded my head, wondering what he had to tell me that was this important. I allowed my back to lean against the railing as he cleared his throat for a second time. "Maisie, I was doing a lot of thinking while you were absent and I asked for the others opinions on the matter." He shifted nervously, and I could hear his clock even skip a few ticks. "I want you- I mean, I would like it if you- Erm, no that's not what I'm supposed to say.." I giggled slightly.
"It's okay. Take your time," I said with a wink. Time lightly chuckled, but continued on,
"I love you more than anything imaginable, and that's why I wanted to ask for your hand in-"
"Sir! Sir!"
A tiny robotic butler rolled into the room, his eyes widening when he noticed Time's death glare in his direction. His wheels sputtered a bit and backed up slightly.
"Ah, did I come at a wrong time?" he questioned. Time slowly held up the mystery item in his hand, which I could now see was an ordinary black box and continued to stare at the butler. The robot gasped, his eyebrows shooting up and immediately began to back away. "Oh my goodness, I am so sorry! So sorry sir! I shall give you the time you need." I held my breath and my gaze caught on the box.
What did that meant? What was in it? Maybe a-
Oh. My. God
My eyes widened with shock as I stared at it, realizing finally what he meant to do. I could feel my heart race at the pure pressure my poor little heart was taking in all at once. Time cleared his throat, noticing that I had seen his secret.
"I wanted it to be a surprise," he stated. "Unfortunately, it was too good to be true." Then, he moved so that he knelt down on one knee. I felt my face blush brightly with crimson and I held a hand over my cheek. Didn't this just happen to me? "Dear Maisie, the love of my life, my light in the darkest of times, will you do the impossible and marry Time himself?"
Time held up the black box, exposing the most gorgeous ring that I had ever laid my eyes on. The band was golden, and in the center was a shining diamond in the shape of a small clock. My breath hitched, knowing what my answer was going to be until-
"Sir! This is important! Mirana, she's missing!" the butler came back, crying out frantically. He didn't seem to care that we were obviously sharing a moment and wheeled in-between us. I suppose my answer would have to wait until later.
"Wilkins," Time began, his voice dripping with irritation. "I do care about the disappearance of the White Queen, but I was asking Maisie a very important question and you ruined the whole moment." I smiled softly; he knew the answer as much as I did. I knelt down to the butler and poked him in the side.
"Spill the beans," I began. "Tell us about Mirana."
If only I knew what sort of trouble I was going into, I would have saved Alice a long time ago. Unfortunately, I have to fight this battle alone. Wilkins wheeled down the walkway, and I trotted after him. I was quite curious to why the White Queen out of all people had been mysteriously taken. He turned the corner and puttered along. Time followed behind me, seeming more mopier now that his proposal had been ruined. I nudged him slightly and gave him a grin, letting him know that our time would come once more. Time returned the smile, his hand entangling in mine as we walked.
In the center of the castle was McTwisp, looking as nervous as always. He lightly tapped his large, white paw against the marble ground before he noticed us three arriving in his presence. He twitched his nose and took one hop towards us.
"Hello Maisie!" he greeted me with a small smile. "It's good to see a familiar face." I curtsied towards him, and then scowled at my wedding dress. Ugh, how I despised it. Hopefully I would be given new clothes in the future. "I'm sure Wilkins has told you about our little problem?"
"Yes, he has," Time cut in, glaring down at his robotic butler whom whimpered slightly.
"What happened?" I asked, bending down to his level. The rabbit twitched his nose again and seemed to draw in a breath to explain the long story.
"Today started out like any other day. I was taking my morning stroll with Bayard and Mally through the White Queen's estate, and then I heard a frightful cry coming from her home. Bayard was the first one on the scene, and all we were able to find was her crowned that had been knocked off during a struggle. There was also a trail of black sand that went from the inside of her chambers, and finally outside of her window." McTwisp wiped his eye. "She's the Queen of Underland. If she dies, I do not know what we will do!" He let out a soft cry, in which I wrapped my arms around him to comfort the poor animal.
"You poor dear," I murmured. "Don't worry. I will find Mirana and find out who has taken her!" I gave a brave smile, and then dropped it. Wait, I had no leads on anything except for the trail of black. I had no idea what that even meant. I nervously chuckled and looked down at the rabbit. "Do you have any idea to whom pulled off this act?"
"I do have my suspicions," the rabbit murmured. "It is someone you should know all too well- Iracebeth; the Red Queen."