She's Worth It ch. 1
Hey everyone, I've taking on a prompt from Jade of Shadow.
Prompt: Rachel and Quinn are in love with Santana, who's also in love with them, but is with Brittany who's physically and mentally abusing her. Also Rachel and/or Quinn has a GP.
Just to be clear, Quinn has a penis while Rachel doesn't. In this Santana hasn't meet them yet but it's definitely gonna be love at first sight. Let me know what you guys think and if I should continue this or not.
Santana's POV
I find myself wondering how my life turned out like this as I sit the bathtub, soaking in warm water to ease the pain that I'm feeling all over my body because Brittany decided to kick my ass up and down the apartment that we share because she wasn't happy with the way that I had cooked her food. She yelled that I was trying to poison her and that I was out to get her but it wasn't fucking true because I love her… at least that's what's I keep telling myself every time she yells at me that I'm good for nothing before slapping me hard across the face.
The dancer will get so angry over the tiniest thing and nothing that I can do is ever enough for her as she beats into the ground then she will apologize to me, saying that she would never get hit me again and that I shouldn't provoke her like I do like it's my fault that she beats me. I can't leave her because I don't have anywhere to go and I know that I can't go back home because of the fight that I got into with Mami about Brittany the day after graduation.
She didn't want to go with her because she knew that something was wrong when I told her that I was leaving Lima to follow Brittany to New York so she could become a backup dancer as I didn't have a plan as to what I wanted to do but it didn't matter. I talked myself into thinking that once I get to the Big Apple that I would figure what I wanted to do and I did as I wanted to become a singer before auctioning for the position of the front woman for this jazz band at this night club.
It was amazing and I was awesome at it naturally but it all went downhill once the dancer's dream didn't take off as quickly as it did for me, forcing her to take a job teaching dance as a local community center and it only pissed her off that I wasn't spending as much time with her like she was expecting to.
Brittany told me on a daily basis that I wasn't good enough to be a singer and that the band will see it soon enough before dropping me on my ass when they open their eyes to see how untalented I am. I muttered to myself that I'm not the untalented one but it was loud enough for her to still hear before slamming her beer on the coffee table as she walks up to me, grabbing me by the long raven locks forcing me to look into her bloodshot eyes as she asks me to repeat myself and I apologize to her over and over again.
She pushes me onto the floor, kicking me over and over again in the stomach, yelling that I was a stupid bitch, that I was never going to be nothing more than her housewife and I had to quit the band. Everyone that comes into contact with Brittany thinks that she's sweetest and nicest person that they ever met but I know the truth and she's smart as hell because she never shows her true color in front of others.
She hangs with guys like Finn Hudson and Will Schuster who huge douchebags and asshole that think that they're God's gifts to women and horn dogs as they're always staring at my ass or making wolf calls as I passed them. It takes everything in me not to go off on them because I know that the dancer will defend them before calling me cocktease when she knows full well that I'm not interested in doing anything with those two in a million years but she can't see beyond her jealousy.
I don't know why I stay so long with Brittany when all she does is abuse me and hurt me. Why did I talk myself into believing that she loves me? That I love her? Do I love Brittany? Do I even know what love is anymore? What am I doing with my life anymore? Why am I staying this relationship? Am I waiting for her to change? Who am I kidding? She's not gonna change and it's stupid for me to think she will. God, I'm such a idiot! Why didn't I listen to Mami when she said that Brittany wasn't any good? How could I be so blind?
I pulled the plug out of the tub, letting the water drain before throwing on an oversized t-shirt and boy shorts with a towel around my neck to dry my wet hair. I walked into the bedroom, throwing the towel on the floor and climbing into bed, pulling the cover over my head when the door opens and closes as I feel the bed dip slightly then an arm wraps itself around my waist.
I feel a warm body pressing up against me and a warm breath, brushing the shell of my ear before teeth lightly sink into it as the hand finds its way into my boy short and I curse myself for forgoing wearing underwear to bed. I squeaked out in pleasure when Brittany uses two of her fingers to play with my clit before slipping into my wet folds while using the other to roughly tease my nipple as she licks my neck before letting out a low chuckle.
"God, you're such a filthy slut. Not wearing underwear to bed. You wanted me to touch you or maybe I should leave you high and dry" Brittany growls.
"B-Britt please" Hating how desperate I sound but I need relief.
"Beg for it, slut. Beg for me to let you cum"
"Please Brittany, let me cum! I need to cum" I said bucking against her hand.
"Cum bitch, fucking cum on my hand" Brittany demands.
It wasn't long before I feel myself orgasming on Brittany's hand as she feels her hand from my shorts, leaving me feeling dirtier than I have felt in my hand as she undresses then pulling me on top of her. That night I silently cried myself to sleep because this isn't the life that I imagine for myself and I hate myself even more for letting it plan as I feel utterly helpless to it getting better then I find myself doing something that I haven't done since I was a little girl: praying.
My abuela used to take me to church all the time growing up and that God listens to prayers but I didn't understand how praying to someone in the cloud makes things better but she laughs before kissing me on the head as she tells me that I would understand when I would get older. I prayed to God or to any higher that was listening to send help or give me the strength to walk away from this relationship but I don't care which happens because I don't know how much longer I will be last because Brittany has been becoming increasingly dangerous and I'm getting more and more fearful of her.
Rachel's POV
I'm walking hand in hand with my long term girlfriend Quinn through Central Park, taking a leisurely walk with the stars twinkling in the night sky as I rest my head on her shoulder, sighing in content. The writer and I have been together for almost four years at a mutual friend's dorm party and I have to say that I was attracted to the confidence that she exuded when she walked into a room in a tight white V-neck shirt, black/red flannel shirt, dark washed jeans with rips on the knees, and black combat boots.
Our eyes met and there was something in those hazel green eyes that attracted to her as Blaine introduce the two of us as I was curious as to how they know each other since they don't seem like they would run in the same group of friends. Comes to find that they went to Yale together while myself and Kurt, Blaine's boyfriend, went to NYADA went to Yale and were paired up on an assignment consisting of getting to know someone you normally wouldn't talk to.
There's something about Quinn that draws me to her and I couldn't seem to help but want to get to know her better but she went beyond my expectations as I was expecting her to be cocky borderline arrogant but she wasn't at all, just self-assured of herself and very confident although she could be cocky at times. We spent most of the night wrapped in our own little bubble and I flirted with her, she flirted right back leading for the bad girl to ask me out on a date which I immediately agreed.
Kurt was a little concerned and wary of Quinn's intentions as he warned me to careful but I know that I can take of myself and she treated me with respect and like lady, opening my doors, pulling out my chair, and other chivalrous things. After a few dates, the writer asks me to be her girlfriend and I happily agreed by kissing her passionately but as time went on it felt like she was holding back somewhat and I couldn't figure out why. I asked her multiple times but she would change the subject or kiss me senselessly until I would completely forget about my question and as the weeks dragged on, I was getting annoyed and worried that she might be cheating on me.
I went to Blaine with my problem because he is Quinn's best friend and he knows her a lot better than I do but he simply smile sympathetically that it's something that my girlfriend should tell herself. I went home to find the bad girl sitting on my stoop of my complex with an unreadable expression on her face before walking up to me, wrapping her arms around me then leading me up to my apartment where she explains that the reason why she's been so secretive is because she was completely sure if she could trust me with her secret.
She's been hurt many times in the past by past girlfriends that claim that they cared only to find out that they were testing out it would like with an intersex woman causing me to get mad at the women that she dated. I told Quinn that I'm not like those woman and I'm not in this relationship because she has a penis instead of vagina cause I want her as person and what I seem is someone who's amazingly beautiful and kind-hearted. That night we cuddled with being the big spoon and I couldn't be happier in the moment as I didn't want it to end but I'm pulled out of my thoughts by a pair of lips being pressed against the top of my head.
"What are you thinking about?" Quinn asked curious.
"That night when you told me about not-so-little friend" I said looking up at her. "I'm glad that you trust me enough with your secret"
"Me too" Quinn said smiling.
"Yeah, I was scared as hell about telling you though but I wanted to clean" Quinn said squeezing my hand lightly. "It was well worth it"
"Yes it was"
"But I can't help but feel like something's… missing though" Quinn said scratching her head.
"You feel that way too? I've been this way for awhile but I thought that it was just me" I said surprised.
"Seriously Rach? Any idea what it might be?" Quinn asked curious.
"I'm not sure what it is exactly but I'm sure if we put our heads together that we'll figure it out"
"Well Quinn Junior wants us to together right now" Quinn said pulling in me close by hips.
"How can I say no? Lets get back to my apartment" I said smirking.
Nicole The Dragon Rider signing off.
End of ch. 1