Hello friends


It's been about three years since the day I uploaded this story, and about two since I stopped writing it, but I decided to finally continue and finish this story.

I read over it, and believe me I had never cringed so much, so I've changed the story a lot and fixed a lot of mistakes, so if you had read this story before I suggest you look over it once again :'|

I don't usually put A/Ns before the chapters start so I'll put in more info about the story at the end of the chapter (:


Percy knew he shouldn't have come to London. He should've listened to voice at the back of his mind that said "don't go to London! Bad idea!" but alas, here he was, in the middle of London, trailing behind his mom and carrying shopping bags.

His mom had won some kind of cooking competition, and as a reward, she got a 7-day vacation to London. At first, she had planned to take Paul with her, but she decided to take Percy instead, to "take your mind off things." As she had said.

Now, Percy had nothing against London. The first few days were awesome, until he got an iris-message from Chiron.

Apparently, wizards were real.

And apparently they had a school named after a pig skin disease.

And apparently Percy had to go there.

for a whole year.

Just because he was in London and "the closest demigod to their school," as Chiron had put it. The school wasn't even in London..

Although, Chiron did tell him that this wasn't a quest, because all he had to do was observe the wizards and report to Chiron about their lifestyle and stuff. Apparently, some of their recent activities had sparked the goddess of magic's interest. Yay.

When he had told his mom this, she had been so guilty that she promised to get him a skateboard (which he had wanted for a long time) when he got home.

He was supposed to stay in the 'leaky cauldron' (seriously? Leaky cauldron?) until the school year started at September the 1st, and he also had to get some wizarding stuff from somewhere called dragon alley.

"I think it's time to go back to the hotel, honey." he heard his mother say. He nodded, relieved, and started walking towards their hotel, which was not far away, thankfully.

He was exhausted by the time they got to their room. Trained demigod or not, no one could carry countless shopping bags for gods-know-how-long without getting tired.

"Percy, I think you should get ready for tomorrow, I don't think you'll have time to pack in the morning,"

Oh right.

Percy groaned, but started to gather his stuff nonetheless. Tomorrow was the day he was going to the leaky cauldron.


"I'm going to miss you so much," his mom sniffled as she hugged him tightly. They were at the airport, and his mom was about to go back to America, while he had to stay here in the land of wizards.

"I'll miss you too, mom." he mumbled. He hated goodbyes.

"Promise to call me when you get the chance. I don't care about monsters, just call me and tell me that your safe, okay?" she pulled back to look at him in the eyes. Percy nodded. For his mom to say something like that, she had to be dead serious.

"I promise."

After saying their final good byes, they departed and each went their separate ways.

Only, there was a problem.

Percy had no idea where the leaky cauldron was.

His heart sank at this realization.

He looked around frantically, looking for the nearest bathroom, and after spotting one, he started running in its direction. Only too late, he realized, it was a ladies' bathroom.

After some curses, some yelling, some purses and other unknown being thrown his way and an iris-message with Chiron, he learned the location of the pub.

The leaky cauldron was, for a lack of better word, weird.

The people looked weird, the bartender looked weird, and the place in general looked weird.

it was very dark and shabby. A few old women were sitting in a corner, drinking tiny glasses of sherry. One of them was smoking a long pipe.

He made his way over to the weird looking barman, and asked for a room to stay in.

"Goin' to Hogwarts, eh? Never seen you around. Where you from?" the barman asked in a gruff voice. Percy froze. He had no idea what to tell the man, as he and Chiron were meant to make up a cover story when he got to the leaky cauldron.

"America." A smooth voice replied, just behind him.

"Holy shit!" Percy exclaimed and spun around, his hand already reaching for riptide and his heart pounding.

There, in all his dark glory, stood Nico.

Nico shot Percy a look that said 'shut up and nod your head so your ignorance won't blow our cover', then turned back to the barman.

"Could you please show us to our rooms?"

Just after the barman -who they had learned was named Tom- left, Percy turned to Nico.

"What the ever loving fluff are you doing in London, Nico?"

The son of hades shrugged.

"Chiron told me about your not-quest thing, and I was bored and didn't wanna be stuck running errands for father all year, so I decided to join you on your not-quest thing, so I shadow travelled here."

Percy only stared at him disbelievingly.

"You decided to come to London, stay with me for a whole year in a freakin' wizarding school, and leave Will for a year just because you were bored?"

"Yep," Nico nodded "Also, Will is going to live with his mother to attend school this year, so I couldn't stay with him. Although I'll probably iris-message him every day." He shrugged.

"Alright." he nodded. "Do you have a drachma with you? Cause I don't have any more drachmas." Percy asked and mentally slapped himself for being so stupid and not bringing more drachmas with him.

"If you want to call Chiron for our cover story, I already know it." Nico said, as he started to unpack his backpack.


"Yeah. Apparently, we're from a school called Brunner's academy -which, by the way, is a private academy and no one knows where it is for security reasons- and the reason we're here is because our dads, who are business-men, got a new job in London and we had to move. Chiron pulled some strings and enrolled us as transfer students in Hogwarts," He snickered at the name. "He also insisted on keeping our cover, because it was 'very hard' to convince the headmaster to let in transfer students."

Percy took a moment to process the information, then clapped his hands and grinned.
"So, you ready to visit this Dragon alley and get our wizarding stuff?"

"Percy, its Diagon alley."

"No difference."

Hi again

So a few things about the fic:

-this is set after the giant war and during the order of the phoenix (original, I know)

-Percy is 16 and in the fifth year, Nico is 15 and in the fifth year also. I know this doesn't add up, but please bear with me (:

-the story will mostly be cannon, except some parts that I have to change for the plot.

-I don't really have an updating schedule but I'll try to update more and write longer chapters :D

Also, reviews are what keeps me going and the reason I started this fic again so please please tell me your thoughts and ideas or if I've made a mistake somewhere !

Thank you 3