
~Sylvester's POV~

I arrived at support group earlier today, I'm not sure why, though. The only people here are the high school volunteers, including Paige. I stare at Happy's math book with the piece of paper peeking out of the top. I haven't seen her since Sunday at Kovelsky's, when she left in a hurry after Toby mentioned her being the system. To be honest, I'm a little bit angry at him, after all, he made my best friend (she's like a sister to me) pretty much cry.

I look up at the sound of someone coming down the stairs, it's not Happy because the steps are coming down too fast, and I see Toby. I want to glare at him, but Megan told me not to. She occasionally comes to support group, but sometimes she can't because of the work she gets at the hospital. I hope she comes today.

Toby smiles at me and sits next to me, on my right. "Hey, buddy," he greets. I respond with a quick, "Hi." It seems like he wants to say something, but he keeps his mouth shut. Just when the session is about to start, Megan comes running down the steep stairs. She grins widely and sits on the other side of me. She ruffles my hair and leans close to my ear and whispers, "Is Happy here?" I frown, "I haven't seen her since Sunday." Megan offers a supportive smile, "I hope she's fine. She probably is."

Support group was played out as usual. We finished up and started to leave.

"Sylvester!" Toby calls from behind Megan as we are about to step outside. I stop and face him. "Please tell me you've heard if Happy is doing well," he says worriedly. "I haven't heard from her," I respond. Toby sadly walks away. I look at Megan, "Does he know something I don't?" She shrugs. "Here," Megan hands me her phone, "try calling her." I take the device from her hand and click on the speed dial for Happy. I push my glasses up as I listen to the constant ringing on the other end.

Finally, the irritating sound ceases, at first, I think it's because she answered the call. But I'm wrong. I sigh and give the phone back to Megan. "Can you come with me to her house?" I ask. She grins, "Of course." The two of us sit in the backseat of my father's car and he takes us to Happy's.

We stop in front of her house and Megan and I get out of the truck. I lead the way to the front door with Megan close behind. I hesitantly knock. A few seconds later, the door opens and Happy's foster father looks down at us. He seemed to know why we're here. "Happy has been asleep for most of the day, I didn't want to wake her up just for support group." He steps back and holds the door open wider. Megan and I go up the stairs and knock on Happy's door. It opens a minute later. Happy motions us inside and she closes the door behind her. "Sorry I wasn't there this morning," she apologized and sat on the corner of her bed. "Well, you didn't miss anything," I tell her as I put the math book on her dresser, "and Toby was worried about you." Her expression softens when I say that. "He was?" I nod.

Megan sits by Happy and grins mischievously. "Why do you think he was worried about you?" Happy shrugs and adjusts the cannula around her ears.

"Does he like you?" Megan asks.

Happy quickly replies. "No. Definitely not."


"Oh, Happy that may work with other people, but it cannot work on me. I know you're lying." Megan says with a sly smile.

~Megan's POV~

After I politely ask Sylvester to leave the room, I turn to face Happy. "Talk to me. Girl to girl." She just glares at me, but I know she's thinking about something. "Tell me about Toby." She doesn't look at me. When I think she's about to say something, her phone starts to ring. She picks up her phone and hurriedly moves into her bathroom, closing the door. I take a deep breath.

~Happy's POV~

As soon as I shut the bathroom door, I accept the call. "Toby?" I hear him exhale on the other side. "Thank goodness you're okay. I have been worried sick about you. Where were you?"

"I was sleeping." I answer.

The conversation ended quick, because said I was tired, but I'm really not. I walk out of the bathroom, and to my surprise, Megan is still sitting on my bed. "Who was that?" she asks. "No one." I persuade her that there's nothing 'special' going on between Toby and I, so she finally leaves.

Later that day, around 5:30, I wander downstairs because it is awfully quiet. Usually the TV is on with the volume turned up to its max. I make it down the stairs and look around, to find nobody. But, I do find a piece of paper taped on the fridge. I peel it off and read.


Moriah and I are going out for dinner and such; we won't be back until around midnight. There are some leftovers in the fridge.

I roll my eyes and throw the paper away. The only food Steven's talking about is bland asparagus spears, which I hate. Since I can't really cook without getting tangled up in the tubing connecting to my oxygen tank, I consider ordering pizza, but decide against it. Knowing Moriah, she probably has some way to find out about everything I do. So, before I can change my mind, I call Toby. He picks up instantly. Before he can start babbling about who knows what, I start to talk. "Can you come over?" I hear him smile on the other end, "Yeah." I also tell him about the food dilemma. "Don't fear, The Tobester has magical powers in the kitchen! Prepare your taste buds for mastery cuisine crafted by yours truly!" With that, we hang up, and I sit on the couch in the living room.