Disclaimers: I do not own Buffy, MASH, Stargate or Charmed. I can not even claim any original characters for this story.

This is purely written for fun and not for profit.

And a HUGE DEBT of gratitude to DavidEmpey. He has graciously volunteered to help Beta. Any mistakes found they're all on me.

If you have not read Xander and the Ferula-Gemina than this will probably not make much sense. This story takes place at around Chapter 19.

Also Please leave a review if you like the story. It really is encouraging, at least to me.

Chapter 1 Surprise, Surprise, Surprise.

As SG1 exited the Stargate in Cheyenne Mnt. the voice of General Hammond came over the speaker. "Welcome home, SG1. Report to my office as soon as Dr. Fraiser clears you."

The team looked at each other and Jack said "Well you heard the General. Move it, people."

"I wonder why he wants to see us?" Daniel said.

"Don't worry about it, Danny. Probably has some news for us. Maybe one of the other teams captured Nirrti."

"That would be welcome news indeed, O'Neill," Teal'c said.

"I agree, sir. I just hope the General doesn't hold us too long. I have some experiments I wanted to run," Sam added.

After being released from medical, SG1 reported to Gen. Hammond's office. Entering the office Hammond said, "Take a seat. I called you because a possible security breach has occurred. One of Major Carter's programs picked this up on a language translation forum. It was asking about any legends surrounding Ra and his Jaffa. It also specifically asked for legends about his enemies disappearing in a flash of light."

"Gen. Hammond, that seems pretty vague," Daniel said.

"How is this a possible security breach, sir?" Jack asked.

"Normally, the program Maj. Carter wrote would not have flagged this as very high priority. But the program cross checks locations and names associated to the location. This question was uploaded from a store in Sunnydale, California. The store owner's name was Rupert Giles."

"Dr. Rupert Giles?" Daniel asked. "Formerly a Curator for the British Museum?"

"So since Daniel knows him, my program flagged it at a higher priority."

"That is correct. Since a known associate of SG1 is asking these questions, we need to know why." Gen. Hammond continued, "When we tried to get more information about the situation, we encountered several roadblocks. I was unofficially told that there may be a NID unit operating there. And several of the people I contacted told me of reports from the local Army base claiming they had seen men with yellow eyes."

"You suspect a Goa'uld presence?" Teal'c asked.

"If the NID is in that town, you can bet there'll be problems. So when do we leave, sir?" Jack asked.

"Officially, you are going to Sunnydale base to check out some possible recruits. I have scheduled you to be there nine days. Since Sunnydale is an hour from Vandenberg, I have arranged for you to fly into Vandenberg." Hammond paused. "Unofficially, I would like you to investigate, find out what is going on, and make a determination as to whether or not we are dealing with a foothold situation. Your flight leaves in four hours. Good luck," Gen. Hammond said.

Once the team was on board the C130 and they were in the air, Jack said "So Danny, tell us about Dr. Rupert Giles."

"Rupert is a Dr. of Ancient Mythology and Languages. He specialized in Babylonian and Sumerian cultures," Daniel yelled over the sounds of the engines. "I started corresponding with him when I was a grad student. After three months we discovered that our fathers had been friends. We continued to write each other for almost three years. I lost touch with him after what happened with publishing my book."

"He no longer wished to be associated with you, Daniel Jackson?" Teal'c asked.

"No, I was the one who stopped writing him. He had warned me that even if many of my arguments were well put together, just as with his own work to present it as fact would cause too many problems for people to accept it. He once gave the example of what if he put out a paper arguing that the demons and gods of myths were really aliens." Daniel said.

"What did he work on?" Sam asked.

"Primarily myths. He even sent me several papers he wrote on cross culture myths of demons and vampires. He used to joke that based on those myths, I should never invite anyone into my home. Instead I should only open the door; if they could enter then they were fine. He also said in many ancient cultures, the people would never have any signs that welcomed someone into their homes. It was considered an open invitation to evil demons."

"What are demons and vampires, Daniel Jackson?" Teal'c asked.

"Vampires, T, you know, they want to suck your blood?" Jack replied.

"Demons were monsters that may appear human, but were disfigured in some way. The Unas would have been seen as demons. Some also would have horns and claws. Vampires are supposed to be the recently deceased who rise from their graves and feed on human blood. They can't come out in the sun, and holy icons repel them," Daniel explained.

"You speak of the Orak Ha'taaka? The Tau'ri have legends of them as well?" Teal'c asked.

Daniel was trying to translate the phrase, Orak Ha'taaka, Unspeakable Killer? "What legends do you have about demons and vampires?" Daniel asked.

"I do not know those tales well. Most of the tales say Ra led the forces of the gods against them. That their battles lasted thousands of years, but Ra was victorious. However I am still learning all of the old tales," Teal'c responded. "It would be better to ask Master Bra'tac to come and share them with you."

"Sir, before we left I set up a sniffer program. By the time we arrive in Sunnydale we should have more information about Rupert Giles. And any known associates in Sunnydale," Carter added.

Once the plane landed, they were issued a vehicle from the base. They arrived at the Sunnydale base just as the sun was setting. The guards at the gate house seemed to first check them, through the mirrors that were posted at the top of the gates. They visibly relaxed after seeing the reflections.

Once they had presented their identification and orders they were directed to the OOD. He proceeded to log them into the base and issue them their base identification and housing. The Sunnydale base was odd. The housing, instead of being standard base housing, was built as an actual house. And the paperwork was more along the lines of a rental agreement than temporary housing. They were shocked when the Officer On Duty required that they each pay a one dollar rental fee.

The OOD also apologized saying, "Your quarters were recently vacated by the former base chaplain. Due to budget cuts we have not removed some of the religious symbolism. I hope that won't be a problem."

Jack assured him that it would be fine. Taking the keys they headed to a large five bedroom bungalow. Once inside everyone stored their bags and met in the kitchen.

"So anyone else notice the strange and the weird going on here?" Jack asked.

"Indeed," Teal'c said. "The guards at the main entrance were most cautious as we pulled up. Their apprehension only eased after they looked at us through the mirrors posted over the gates."

"Sir, I know the OOD stated this house only has religious icons because of the last occupant. But I noticed almost every single one of the base houses has a large cross attached to the door," Sam said.

"Danny, you got anything?" Jack asked.

"Did you notice on the drive in we passed four large cemeteries?" Daniel asked.

"Well, they are probably no longer in use," Sam said.

"No. I saw either actual funerals taking place or what looked like the gravediggers just finishing up at each of them," Daniel replied.

"What is the significance of this, Daniel Jackson?" Teal'c asked.

"T, for a city this size, one cemetery that size would be too large. To have four of them active is strange," Jack replied.

Sam looked at him strangely. How did he know that? "What?" Jack asked. "I can know things too."

"Yes sir, of course sir," Sam quickly replied.

"We need to plan what we're going to do. Tomorrow I think Danny and Sam should walk around town. Perhaps just accidentally encounter Danny's old friend by browsing his store. Do we have the name of the store?" Jack asked.

"Yes sir, it's right here." Carter held up a folder. "According to our intel it's the 'Magic Box'." As Sam read she looked more and more displeased. "According to this, sir, it's a new age wicca shop. Selling potion and spell ingredients."

"What is a 'new age wicca'?" Teal'c asked.

"It's a store where people can go to buy things to perform magic spells," Daniel explained. Seeing that Teal'c did not seem to comprehend, he continued "Wiccans believe that through spells they can change the environment around them: cause rain or good luck, bless or curse things, cause plants to grow."

"And do many of the Tau'ri possess these abilities?" Teal'c asked. "I would think they would be a great aid in battling the Goa'uld."

Jack laughed and an indignant Maj. Carter said "None of them possess those abilities. It's just superstitious nonsense. Science has proven that magic does not exist."

"Yeah, but wouldn't it be great if we could use magic to curse the Goa'uld?" Jack laughed. "While Danny and Sam are exploring the town, I'll take Teal'c and we will check out the possible recruits here. We'll meet for lunch at 13:00 hours. Sam, it's your job to find a decent place to eat when you're checking out the town. Danny likes too many strange foods to trust him."

"Sam, what has your program turned up so far on Rupert Giles?" Jack continued.

Pulling out her laptop Maj. Carter accessed the program. "Rupert Giles came to the States in late 1996. He had a work visa, was expedited at the request of his sponsor. He was sponsored by an international group listed as the IWC."

'What's the IWC?" Jack asked.

"It's a non-profit with close ties to the English monarchy. They specialize in preserving ancient cultural artifacts. I know many of the Anthropology and Archaeology students, have ran into them on digs. Also their library is considered one of the best in the world," Daniel replied.

"So why are they listed as a sponsor for Rupert Giles?" Jack asked.

"I think his father was a member of the group," Daniel said. "He might have some legacy connections that he used to expedite a visa."

Sam continued, "He was employed as the Sunnydale High school librarian until this year, when the school apparently exploded during last year's graduation."

"What?" Jack asked.

"According to this, sir, the school suffered a gas leak during the graduation ceremonies. The explosion destroyed the school. Notable deaths were the Mayor of Sunnydale, Richard Wilkins the third, and the principal, Romulus Snyder."

"Romulus? Really? Who names their kid that?" Jack asked rhetorically.

"It's California, Jack," Daniel supplied.

What else do you have, Carter?" Jack asked.

"According to records, Dr. Giles is listed as the sponsor for the school's Archeology and Ancient Cultures club. The club had three core members with membership rising as high as five over the three year period. Buffy Summers, Alexander Harris and Willow Rosenburg are the three original members. Daniel Osborne and Cordelia Chase were both members the final year." Sam continued, "We may have found the connection to Dr. Giles decision to come to Sunnydale. I found an amended birth certificate. It shows that Rupert Giles is actually the biological father of Alexander Harris. Another document shows that as of three days ago Alexander Lavelle Harris's name was changed to Alexander Lavelle Giles. The same day another amended birth certificate was filed for a Tolerance Tara Giles, also based on biological verification of paternity. Her current residency is listed as student housing for UC Sunnydale."

"The records for Alexander show he was a mediocre student taking all AP classes. His teachers thought he lacked ambition. Hospital records also indicate from the age of three he was admitted numerous times for 'accidents' at home. Based on the reports he was heavily abused. In fact based on this I don't understand how child services left him in the home. Reports were filed on both the Mother Jessica Lavelle Rayne nee Harris and Anthony Robert Harris. None of the reports show any follow up," Sam said.

"If Dr. Rupert Giles discovered his son was being abused, perhaps he came to Sunnydale to assist him," Teal'c commented.

"That'd make sense. Rupert never mentioned having kids, but he did say he was a rebel when he was younger," Daniel added.

"The other two members of the club are very interesting. Willow Rosenberg was a budding hacker. Her parents are noted psychologists Ira and Sheila Rosenberg. She was actually flagged by the DoD and CIA for possible future recruitment. She is listed as an introvert personality, with a high desire to prove herself. Sir, her intelligence scores are almost as high as mine." Carter continued, "During her Junior year, the high school computer teacher died. Ms. Rosenberg taught the class for the rest of the year. After that her interest in hacking appeared to die out."

"Or she got skilled enough to quit leaving trails," Jack said.

"Yes, sir. Buffy Summers is the last of the three. She is listed as the daughter of Hank and Joyce Summers. According to the information I found she was the prime suspect in a fire at her original high school in LA. Hemery High suffered a fire which they believe contributed to over twenty students dying. Buffy was considered a suspect because several witnesses at the scene stated she had been fighting a gang that attacked the school prom. Her record indicates that shortly before the prom she was suspended for breaking another student's arm, but no charges were filed due to lack of plausible evidence. The student in question was six foot six and weighed almost three hundred pounds. Buffy Summers is listed at five foot two and weighing one hundred and ten pounds.

"After the fire her parents briefly had her institutionalized. We haven't gotten ahold of the records for that yet, but she was there for three weeks before she was released," Carter said.

"Three weeks would be enough for a drug rehabilitation program," Daniel said.

"It's a possibility," Jack said.

"According to the records Joyce and Hank Summers completed a messy divorce one month later. Mrs. Summers filed for divorce based on infidelity. She received sole custody of her daughter, and a large settlement. Using the settlement money she bought a three bedroom house and a small art gallery in Sunnydale. Records also indicate that the house was renovated this last summer. It is now a five bedroom five and a half bath house. Sir, something strange seems to have happened. My program shows signs of being compromised," Carter said.

"What?" Jack exclaimed.

"Something in the search parameters for the Summers family has triggered someone to attack the program. It looks like the program shut down rather than be compromised. I built that in as a safety measure," Carter said. "According to the logs, it was when accessing information regarding Joyce Summers. And the attack came from Langley, sir."

"What does the CIA have to do with a suburban mom?" Daniel asked.

"Good question. Add the fact that she has ties to your Dr. Giles, add a possible NID operation in town, and we have a mystery," Jack answered.

"Tomorrow I'll contact General Hammond, see if he can shake anything free about Joyce Summers. Aside from that we'll follow the plan." Jack stood up. "Let's get some shut eye, campers."

The next morning found Maj. Carter and Daniel leaving the base in one of the base vehicles. Sam was in civilian clothes. As they headed into town, Sam said, "We should drive around the town until we get a feel for it. If there's a foothold situation we need to know the terrain."

After driving around for over an hour Daniel asked Sam, "Sam, have you counted how many cemeteries we have passed? And all of them were in use."

"Twelve, Daniel. I counted twelve. And I noticed a town of less than forty thousand people has their own Zoo, Museum and a College. All looked to be about the same size you would expect to find in a city five times this size," Sam replied.

"I think we should get some coffee. Just sit for a while. Watch the people, maybe check out the local paper if they have one," Daniel suggested.

Pulling up in front of the Espresso Pump, Daniel parked the car. Getting out, he almost ran into a young college aged man who had been talking to someone behind him as he exited. The guy behind him called out, "Watch where you're going, Graham."

Graham turned to them and apologized. Then yelled back to his friend, "See you back at the house, Riley."

Sam noticed both this Riley and Graham carried themselves like soldiers. Probably Army; either Green Berets or Rangers.

Once inside she and Daniel ordered their coffee and Sam watched the people while Daniel was looking through the local Sunnydale Times. After about fifteen minutes, Daniel passed the Obituary section of the paper to Sam. Surprisingly it was almost three full pages. "Hey Sam, check out the number one cause of death."

Sam read through glancing at the pages. "Are you serious? Exsanguination caused by an accident with a barbecue fork?"

"Yeah, and the next most common cause of death? A wild animal attack." Daniel added, "Have you noticed a large population of stray dogs today?"

"No." Samantha Carter did not like mysteries. And the facts they had found so far were not adding up. "I think we should go visit the 'Magic Box' and possibly the gallery to see if we can find anything out."

Exiting the coffee shop, Daniel and Sam headed down Sunnydale's Main Street. They began casually browsing various shops, entering in more than half the stores. The Summers gallery was interesting, combining both new age artwork and more traditional African tribal art. They briefly met the owner who was present and Daniel had a short conversation about the tribal art work she had displayed.

After that they made their way to the Magic Box. Entering the store they could see an older man and young blonde woman. The older man was dressed in a conservative fashion and the young woman in a stereotypical wiccan style of Earth mother dress.

On entering the man spoke with an English accent, "Welcome to the Magic Box. Please feel free to browse, and if you need any assistance myself or Tara here would be happy to help you."

Sam was taking the lead. "Thank you, we just wanted to browse. But I must say I think you're the first English accent I heard today. It is an English accent, right?"

"Oh yes it is. Excuse me for my manners. Rupert Giles, owner of the Magic Box," Giles introduced himself.

At hearing his name Daniel acted surprised. "Dr. Rupert Giles? Of the British Museum?"

Giles looked at him. "Well, yes, several years ago I did work at the museum."

"Dr. Giles, I don't know if you will remember me after all this time. I'm Daniel Jackson. We used to write each other. You were a great sounding board for my theories. And I really am sorry after you proved you were right about my presenting them I stopped writing," Daniel said.

"Oh bollocks," Giles exclaimed. Daniel, Sam and Tara all looked surprised at Giles statement and in Tara's case his unusual outburst. "I do apologize, Daniel. That was not directed at you. A new friend of my son's has a habit of surprising us. Something he did recently just made sense. And I am afraid I just connected the dots so to speak. It really has nothing to do with you."

"Dad, do you mean Xander's friend Shemp?" Tara asked.

"Yes I could almost wish that he was not so friendly. But over all he hasn't done any harm," Giles replied. Turning to Daniel. Giles asked, "Daniel, delighted to finally meet you in person. But come, you must sit down and we can chat. Perhaps I could offer you and Ms…?"

"Carter, Samantha Carter," Sam introduced herself. "But please call me Sam."

"Ah yes, perhaps I could offer you both some tea?" Giles said. The three sat and talked, Daniel giving his cover story of working for the military in linguistic analysis. Sam explained she was a high energy physics researcher. All three of them danced around the truth.

After almost an hour Sam asked if they had a bathroom she could use. Giles directed her to the store's bathroom. Once inside Sam noticed in the trash can a torn yellow legal notepad paper. Picking it up she was shocked at what she saw. She quickly pocketed the paper. After coming out of the bathroom she noticed the door to the back of the store. A quick look verified that no one was watching her. Opening it she quickly glanced around.

The back room seemed to be part storage for the store and the other half was set up as a dojo. Training mats, practice dummies, a heavy bag and lots of medieval weapons. Definitely not something she was expecting to see in a new age wicca shop. Closing the door she quickly made her way back to the front of the store.

"Daniel, Rupert, I hate to break this up but we have a lunch date soon with some friends. If we are going to make it I think we need to leave now," Carter said.

"Oh, well, certainly. If you'll be in town for long you must come back and visit. And Daniel, remember, it really is inviting bad luck to invite anyone into your home. I hope you would recall that. Especially as Sunnydale seems to abound with bad luck," Giles added.

Daniel laughed, "I'll keep that in mind. And hopefully we can meet again soon."

Leaving the store Daniel asked Sam, "What's the rush? We still have over an hour before we are supposed to meet Jack and Teal'c."

"Once we are in the car I'll explain," Sam said. "And I'm driving." Getting into the car Sam handed Daniel the torn yellow paper.

As Daniel read it he exclaimed, "We need to get this back to Jack. Can you drive faster?" Sam smiled and stepped on the gas.

When they were almost to the base Sam's phone rang. Daniel answered it. A brief conversation followed. After hanging up Daniel told Sam, "There's a problem with Jack on the base. Head to the house as soon as we get there."

Earlier that morning, Jack and Teal'c started the day with a call to Gen. Hammond. Jack, after explaining the connection between Joyce Summers and Langley, asked the General to see what he could find out. Hammond said he would make some inquiries and get back to Jack when he had something.

Jack and Teal'c were beginning preliminary evaluation of ten possible recruits. They started with hand to hand skills. They had been going through the recruits and were almost done when a private came up to Jack.

"Col. O'Neill?" The private began, saluting Jack. He continued once Jack returned the salute. "Sir, there is a video call for you in building C4 room 14b. A Gen. Hammond has asked that you be brought there immediately."

"Right, let me grab Murray and we'll head over," Jack replied. It looked like George had found something.

"Negative, sir. The orders were for you to come alone," The private replied.

"Alright, I will just inform Murray so that after he's done he can come and wait for me." Jack called Teal'c over. He explained what was going on and followed the private to building C4.

Once in the video room, he was connected to General Hammond. "Sir, what's going on? Orders said for me to come alone," Jack asked.

"Col. O'Neill, I have some potentially difficult news for you. As a result of your call earlier I was contacted by the Director of National Intelligence." Jack was shocked; how could a suburban mother have been involved with someone so high in the government? "He had some very interesting things to tell me. And son, you better sit down."

Gen. Hammond waited for Jack to sit down. "In 1982 a rogue CIA operation started a clandestine eugenics program. They used genetic sources from multiple people. The goal was to see if they could engineer a superior specimen. Records from a recent investigation show that they created over two hundred children. All of them were female. The project directors considered this a failure. However the spontaneous abortion rate for male fetuses was unable to be explained. The program was discontinued in 1984."

George paused. "Records show that ova from Joyce Summers was harvested without her consent. This egg was combined with sperm from a US soldier who had already began to distinguish himself. The resulting child was one Faith Arlene Lehane. When the program was shut down the child was almost 18 months old. She was grew up in Boston, Ma."

"Approximately two years ago Faith Lehane appears to have moved to Sunnydale, California. We are not clear if she knew or how she would have known that Joyce Summers was her birth mother." Hammond continued, "Approximately seven months ago she was found almost dead. A knife wound to the abdomen and it appeared she had been thrown from a tall building."

"What the hell, sir? Who would want to do that to a, what,15-year-old girl?" Jack asked.

"Subsequent investigations showed that Ms. Lehane was under suspicion for the murders of Professor John Stevens and the Deputy Mayor of Sunnydale. Record further revealed that both men were involved in the initial project. The investigators determined that both of them at different times appeared to target Ms. Lehane in order to prevent the program from coming to light." The general paused again.

"Jack, the reason Mrs. Summers was flagged was because of a NDA regarding this project. She somehow found out what had happened. The Director of National Intelligence personally signed off on the agreement to keep this covered up. And I am very sorry for that," Hammond added.

"Sir, I can see this young girl has been screwed over. And I'm pissed about that, but I think I'm missing something," Jack replied.

"Jack," George began. "According to project records the US soldier who was the sperm donor .. It was you. You are the biological father of Faith Arlene Summers."

Jack was stunned; his first thought was this was some kind of a trick. "Sir, have you been able to verify this?" Jack asked.

"I've had Dr. Frasier look at the DNA reports and they appear valid. However until we get a fresh sample and compare her DNA to yours we can not be 100% sure. I am ordering you to get that sample. You are free to approach Mrs and Ms. Summers and explain who you are. They are aware of your name, but were prevented from initiating contact with you by the agreement. I will have the file sent to your email with all the information we have." George could see Jack was barely maintaining his calm. "You are cleared to share this with the rest of your team. Jack, I'm damn sorry this came out this way. Find out the truth and I will move Heaven and Earth to help you. Whatever you decide to do, I'll help."

The call disconnected. Jack sat there for a moment. The picture of Faith showed a beautiful young woman. Jack needed to think. Getting up, he left the 'c was outside waiting.

"What is the matter, O'Neill?" Teal'c asked. He could tell something was bothering his fellow warrior.

'Not now, T," Jack responded, forgetting to use Teal'c's cover name. "We need to get back to the house." Jack led the way. Once back in the house, Jack disappeared into the spare bedroom. The sound of shattering furniture soon followed, accompanied by Jack's cursing. "Those rotten bastards" was the cleanest of what Teal'c heard.

Deciding it would be beneficial for Sam and Daniel to get back here he called Sam's phone. After explaining to Daniel the problem he hung up and waited for the rest of the team to arrive.

Once Sam and Daniel arrived, they were able to get Jack to come out. After calming down Jack explained what Gen. Hammond had told him. Pulling up his email he showed the files to his teammates.

Jack was feeling much calmer. Teal'c was the first to comment. "O'Neill, if this is true you should be proud. Your daughter seems to be a formidable warrior. She was able to not only escape from traps designed to kill her, but she also killed her attackers."

"She was fifteen, T! She never should've had to do that," Jack screamed.

"None the less," Teal'c replied. "It only makes her more impressive."

"Jack, you need to see the paper Sam found," Daniel said.

"Why?" Jack asked. His head was still trying to come to grips with what he had learned.
"Sir, just look at it. It looks like someone was doodling random thoughts and questions," Carter said.

Jack looked at the pieces of paper. Looking at them he was shocked. Grabbing a fresh note pad he began to unjumble the thoughts and questions that were haphazardly written on the paper.

Who is Jack? Why does Shemp want me to have Jack introduce me to Loki?
Why would Jack know a Roswell Grey?
Are Jack and Jack O'Neill the same person? How can he help Faith? Could he be Faith's Dad? Is he going to try and kill me? I am so dead.. So so dead..
What does he have to do with the Goaoold? Will they attack Earth? Is Ra still out there? How long do Goaoold live?
Who's the hot blonde? Was Faith serious about sharing her?
Who's mini-Giles?
Who's the black guy? Why does he have a gold tattoo on his head? Bet it hurt to get.
What is the big silver ring? Is that the thing Ganos Lal was talking about? Is that what they use to travel to other planets?

After everyone read the reordered notes. Carter broke the silence. "Sir, who ever wrote this, they seem to know a lot of small details. But nothing concrete."

"They appear to know what each of us look like, but do not know any of our names except yours, O'Neill," Teal'c said.

"How come you think that they know what we look like, Teal'c?" Daniel asked.

"They named O'Neill. Major Carter is the hot blonde. You are the mini-Giles, since Dr. Giles is a scholar like yourself. And they described the symbol of Apophis," Teal'c replied. "I also believe the writer of these notes is male."

"What makes you think that, Teal'c?" Daniel asked

"He wrote about sharing Maj. Carter with Col. O'Neill's daughter," Teal'c replied and Sam blushed.

Jack laughed at that. "Well he was right about one thing." The others looked at him. "He wrote 'I am so dead..So so dead.'" Everyone nodded in agreement. Sam vigorously agreed.

"Jack, Ganos Lal may be the name of an ancient," Daniel said.

"What? Are you saying whoever wrote this has talked to one of the ancients?" Sam asked.

"Also they are aware of the fact that Loki is a member of the Asgard and Jack has met him before," Daniel continued. "And they know about the Goa'uld. They even know Ra was an alien and the Goa'uld may attack Earth."

"I am confused by one of the names," Teal'c spoke up. "Why would the writer of this be referring to the Three Stooges?"

Sam spoke up. "I know who wrote this." Everyone looked at her. "When we met Dr. Giles today, his daughter Tara mentioned that his son had a friend named Shemp."

"Sam's right, Jack," Daniel agreed. "And I think Rupert might know who we are as well."

"Why, Danny?" Jack asked.

"When we first met he said 'Oh bollocks!' and then explained it had nothing to do with us but that a friend of his son's had said something recently that just made sense."

"Shemp must be a code name of some kind, Sir. But how does he know about us and the Stargate program? What is going on?" Sam asked.

"Honestly I don't know. But I think I need to meet my daughter," Jack said.
