G is for Garcia finds out~!

Finished: September 25, 2016

Edited and Published: January 13, 2017

== A.N ==

Story about Alexandra Garcia and Kagami Taiga (as you can see in the title… I mean the Garcia part)

No romantic feelings between them, sorry? (I don't ship them… it's like mom/best friend relationship, not more than that)

I don't own the characters just the plot

Well, see you at the end.


Kagami was having an average day cleaning his apartment when he came across a metal box, it wasn't a large box but it wasn't relatively small either. He remembered now, it was a box his parents had sent him to Japan from America. He didn't really see the point; maybe it was just so they didn't have to throw the contents away. He knew there wasn't anything dirty in it because he didn't own anything like that.

'Only Ahomine owns shit like that…' he felt his eye twitch from just thinking about the tanned teen.

After thinking about what may be in the box for a short while, he decided not to prolong the mystery any further and he just opened the box. What he found in the box made him smile.

It was a box full of memories from his childhood.

"I used to look so cute!" Kagami picked up a photo album, his five-year-old-self was the picture in the cover. He flipped to the first picture "holy shit! I used to be so chubby!" Kagami was now staring at a baby picture of himself.

He looked at the album for a couple of more minutes until he finished looking through it and put it down and started looking through the metal box once again. He found some of his drawings.

"Hahaha, oh man! These things are ugly!" he examined the drawings more closely "wow, I can't believe my mom put these on the fridge when I was little…" Kagami let out a sigh as he put the drawings to the side and looked at the ceiling.

'Man, I've really changed, huh?' Kagami ran a hand through his fiery locks 'what else is in there?'

With that thought in mind Kagami looked back at the box and started going through it once again. Suddenly he came across a piece of paper that had been laminated, it seemed like it was a project or something. He picked it up and sat on his bed, starting to read the paper.

"When I grow up" well, that seemed to be a bland title… but at least just from reading the title he knew what the story was probably something stupid from when he was little but he couldn't remember so he kept on reading.

"When I grow up I want to be like my teacher Alex! Except I don't want to kiss children like she does…" Kagami's jaw dropped after reading that 'what the hell was wrong with me when I was little!' Kagami kept reading afraid of what his younger self might have written… he felt some repressed memories start to emerge.

"She's a really good person but when she gets drunk she can be a handful!" Kagami paled, what the fuck was he thinking when he was little! 'Oh, god… please let this be it for the absurdities, just let this essay turn out normal…'

"Once when she got really drunk me and my friend had to walk her home!" Kagami blinked a couple of times. 'Oh crap, now I remember what happened…' Kagami started to remember what had happened that day…


Kagami was in class when his teacher announced that she wanted her students to write a one page essay about someone they admired that wasn't their relative. Kagami decided that since Alex was the closest he had to a role model he would write about her. He would just speak – write? – truthfully and the page would probably get full on its own. He decided to start with how she behaved. He then continued writing until he saw that the page was full. They didn't have all day to write and the teacher expected them to read their essays in front of the class. When the teacher said that their time was up Kagami had already finished his essay and had made sure it made sense.

Kagami was bored, five kids had already read their stories and none were nearly as entertaining as his. The first had been about a girl that wanted to be like an actress because she was pretty and had lots of money, her reasons for being like that woman seemed really superficial to Kagami, but that was just his opinion anyway.

The kid who went after her said he admired astronauts because they were discovering things but that he just wanted to be one when he grew up, that seemed an ok explanation to Kagami but it wasn't interesting.

The next three kids talked about how they looked up to their teacher and that they wanted to teach as well because they wanted to help people, Kagami didn't know what to think, it seemed logical but that didn't change the fact that he still was uninterested. Maybe he was just being a stick-in-the-mud but he was too bored to be preoccupied.

After the fifth person had finished reading their essay the teacher decided that Kagami should go next. It's not like he didn't want anyone to know that he looked up to an obnoxious woman but it was just so tiresome to speak in English none the less read it. Well it was for a grade so he would do it.

"Alright Kagami, give it your best shot!" his teacher was trying to encourage him so he decided he would do more than just try and actually get excited about telling his class that he looked up to an obnoxious blonde that was mad good at basketball and was also his mentor.

"Ok, here I go." Kagami took a deep breath before starting reading out loud "When I grow up I want to be like my teacher Alex!" Kagami's teacher smiled, glad that Kagami wasn't being shy and that he was enjoying reading his essay.

"But, I don't want to kiss children like she does. She's a really good person but when she gets drunk she can be a handful!" Kagami's teachers jaw dropped. At first she thought Kagami saying that she kissed children must have been a mistranslation or something else but hearing about her getting drunk was just unpleasant. Kagami's teacher was tempted to make him stop reading but for some reason seeing him act so enthusiastically prevented her from acting.
"Once when she got really drunk, my friend and I had to walk her home!" some kids laughed and the teacher just stood silent hoping Kagami would change the subject about his teacher being drunk.

"Yes, she's a handful sometimes but that's because she's young. The reason I want to be like her is because she's a great person, she helped me and my friend become better at basketball even if she didn't have to." Kagami looked up from his paper to see everyone's expressions and then looked back at the paper and continued reading.

"She used to be a professional player in the WNBA but she had to retire early because she lost some of her eyesight due to an illness. Even though she was really sad about it she never stopped playing the sport. She takes care of me and Himuro as if we were her children. I find that weird but I guess it shows that she's very kind."

"She's very smart and straight forward, that's what I like about her. If there was a list of adults I trust she's definitely next after my parents." Kagami looked up at his classmates and teacher, "I can't exactly put every good thing about her into words but I know that she's someone I would like to grow up to be like."

With that said Kagami went back to his seat. The teacher stopped him halfway to his seat and congratulated him on his essay but recommended him not to mention inappropriate things like that in class again – inappropriate things referring to Kagami mentioning Alex getting drunk and kids having to walk an adult home.

End of flashback!

'I'm glad that's behind me now…I wonder if she called my parents and asked them about my mentor.' Kagami was ready to put the sheet of paper away when all of the sudden Alex walked in.

"Hey Taiga, I'm home~!" Alex broke into his apartment, unannounced, again.

'Shit!' Kagami needed to hide his retarded essay before Alex found it, he was tempted to eat the damn thing but thinking about how old the paper was and all the germs it had – not to mention that it was paper, LAMINATED paper in fact, which was not meant to be eaten, and thinking about Alex walking in on him attempting to eat the damn thing would be extremely awkward – he settled for trying to shove it in his pocket.

But before he could put it in his pocket Alex snatched it away. "Wait, don't read that!"

Kagami tried to get the paper back and stood from his bed, but Alex moved too fast and he ended up losing his balance and fell on the floor face first.

"I was going to ask what this was but now that I know it's something I shouldn't read, I will~!"

'Oh, shit!' Kagami was debating between: just lying on the floor and accepting the fact that Alex was going to read his essay, trying to fight for the piece of paper, or trying to sneak out of the room and moving to another country. The last option was looking very appealing to him at the moment. 'Ugh, fuck my life…'

Kagami looked up from the floor and saw Alex sitting on his bead and reading the essay. He decided to man up. So he stood up from the floor and sat next to the blonde. He patiently waited for Alex to finish reading and to start teasing him about the cheesiness of it all.

"Aw, this is cute." Kagami's face started to feel warm and Alex chuckled lightly. When Kagami turned to look at Alex he saw her start to tear up.

'Whoa, what the fuck!' Kagami inwardly freaked out a little and instinctively pulled Alex into a hug. Alex hid her face in Kagami's chest feeling his actions were calming her down.

"Hey, Kagami…" Alex spoke softly and Kagami rested his chin on top of her head and hummed in response signaling for her to continue, "I miss being bigger than you and how you used to be naïve and how you looked up to me." Kagami's eyes widened in shock and he pushed her away from his chest to be able to look at her eyes.

"Where's this coming from?" Kagami was confused, Alex's nose and cheeks were a light pink and her eyes were slightly pink from almost crying.

"I remember how you used to look up to me and how it was fun to mess with you when you were little, back then when you scolded me it was funny and I could misbehave even more… but now you're all grown up and those things aren't the same they used to be."

Kagami stood silent at her words.

"I still remember when we were playing basketball with Himuro and you fell and scraped your knees and I carried you home, now it's impossible for me to pick you up and you don't depend on me like you used to."

"Is that a bad thing?" The mood started turning a little bit too gloomy for Kagami's taste.

"No, but I miss stuff like that and your essay reminded me of that." Alex wiped a stray tear from her cheek with the back of her hand.

"Don't worry about it, no matter how big I get I won't change." Kagami wanted to cheer her up, "besides, if you don't cheer up I don't think I'll be able to show you my baby pictures."

Alex perked up after hearing that. A chance to see baby Kagami? She was hoping to see an adorable baby Kagami and maybe a baby booty picture, those where always cute! Like the kind of awkward pictures people try to hide from their friends where their parents take pictures of them on a blanket stomach down. She could laugh and use it for black mail!

"What do you mean?" she had to play it cool.

"Well, how am I supposed to show you younger me things if you cry about stuff like that?"

"Ok, ok, I won't cry. Just show me!"

Kagami dug up the photo album and looked through it with Alex.


In the end Alex actually found the picture she was looking for and it was exactly the way she expected it to be. He had big baby booty!

"OMG! Kagami your booty! It's so cute!" Alex pointed to the picture and looked at Kagami with big eyes.

"Don't talk about it!" Kagami was as red as a tomato, but it was worth it, just to see Alex be her obnoxious cheery self.

The end!

== A.N ==

I finished! Phew it wasn't as long as the other chapters, short and sweet right? Definitely shorter compared to the last chapter.

Heheh, I had this idea during class and I had to write it down so I wouldn't forget and this is what it turned into.

Did you like it? I notice that there isn't many works about Alexandra Garcia so I thought I would be nice since she's a pretty awesome character and she deserves more love!

Speaking of people who deserve some love!

To GoddessQueenSlay – I posted it in this chapter since I don't know if you read the chapter before since its smut… - I'd like to say Thank you for taking the time to leave me a review, I was happy when I saw someone liked my writing enough to leave some reviews. *Hugs you* really thanks!

Anyways I don't know if it counts like fluff since it was supposed to be kinds cute in a non-romantic way…

Could you guys leave me a review and tell me how it was? :)

Anyways have a good day/ night! (I don't know I like to read at both times, so…)

Sorry for any mistakes I couldn't catch.

Have some candy! Well, love you see ya next time!