Chapter 1

Danny was tired, so deadly tired. It had been another nearly all-nighter, trying to find and capturing all the loose ghosts in the town. Bitting his lip he thought off how tempting it was to simply stop, stop all of it. To just go back to being one of the many teens and do nothing with his free time. Instead here he is, again standing in front of a situation that was surely going to be blamed on him.

The adult male with funny yellow hair was glaring at him and puffing at his commands.

"Bertrand get out of him."

"Now why would I do that?" It wasn't really a question and they both knew it. He was simply mocking the young halfa.

Danny didn't really care. Or he did care, in a way. The mocking was tiring and actually had become hurtful after having to hear it so many times. But yet he kept up with this cat and mouse game. Not that he had a choice. At least not yet. He bit his lip again, it was going to bleed soon if he didn't stop, but he couldn't help it. Why can't he have a life of his own? Not even his afterlife seems to belong to him.

His thoughts went off on a tangent, his 'friends' had become distant to him. This was of course Danny fault. He is after all the one who had started it by starting to ignore them when they told him to do things. That coupled with how he lately had told them to no longer come with him on any ghost hunts.

Their answer had been to freeze him out. With the exception when they were giving him an endless lecture on why he should do something or why he HAVE to let them come with him on hunts.

But why was that? Why was it he had to take them along when he is the only one fighting the ghost? Why was it that he had to fight them alone? Why couldn't he be given some medicine for his pains? Even if they only do last for a short period of time, it still hurts. Why did he have to give so much of himself to them?

Their method had been rather effective at first to make him bend, but it was becoming easier to ignore it, to ignore them. With every demand and every moment of loneliness Danny was coming closer to finally being free.

He was startled back to reality when a tin can was thrown at his head.

"Are you listening to me at all?"

Oh, Bertrand had apparently said something but Danny had been too deep in his own head to hear any of it. "I'm sorry but I don't really see the point in doing that."

He hoped he had given a good enough taunt, and that the other hadn't noticed how he had spaced out. When he got a hiss and more puff from the ghost possessed man he gave a mental sigh. It had gone through after all. Now, he really should be getting to get that ghost out. Who knows what problems could come from letting him stay in there.

Danny started his fight, first he throw some ecto-balls on the ground near his feet, forcing him farther into the alleyway to corner him better. This thankfully being one of the ones where there was no secondary exit. When he had the other well and secure but still not completely up against a wall he called out again.

"Get out of him."

He sort of expected a 'no' or maybe an insult. What he didn't expect was the sudden rush of blue mist from his mouth, shortly followed by a grab and throw done on him.

The halfa gave out a noise of surprise but was soon back floating straight again, and seeing how there now was a seemingly pissed off, pink flamed skeleton between him and the possessed living male. There was also a blue clad girl standing right beside the skeleton and an odd colored dog growling at him.

Great. This was just one of the things he wanted to avoid. With exception for the new ghost, that was unexpected.

"Go away and there will be no harm." Said the blue one. Danny don't even bother to tell them their friend is being overshadowed. No one listens anyway when he tries to tell them this stuff and him trying that usually just made things worse.

Technically he could do as she says, but that would mean to leave Bertrand the chance to hurt not only the one he is inside of, but also the group as a whole. Danny don't want to see friends that really care for each other to fall apart. Not when he knows how to stop it from happening.

The skeleton growls as he stays his ground. Danny takes a small breath, and attempts to dive around them to get at the yellow one.

Another grab was done on his arm, but this time it burned. Tearing his arm free he moves his other hand to the burn. Biting his lip to muffle his sounds of pain he looks at them all again. The skeleton is sort of towering and have now lit up flames in his hands, the girl have some kind of stick thingy as she glares, and the dog's hackles are up.

It's the look that the possessed human is giving him that strengthens his resolve to help. Bertrand is giving him an ugly grin. No point in pointing it out, the expression would be gone in an instant and likely replaced with a fearful one, making the friends angrier.

So Danny keeps on diving. For a second he blinks out of sight appearing more to the left then again to appear to the right. He dodges the fire waves, and observe how the blue one takes the yellow one and goes even farther in. They will hit the dead end soon and that can cause this to turn out really badly. He can't have Bertrand starting to fight too, not while inside a human.

For his next trick he gambles a little. He turns invisible, slips underground and comes up right behind the other ghost and dog. Letting go of his invisibility he gives all his energy to speed towards the yellow male. He hears the yelling from the others, and fell a second burn graze his side. But he gets up to the ones fleeing, and tackles the bad ghost right out of the human.

Finally, with Bertrand out in the open Danny gives him a quick ecto-charged hit to weaken him before capturing him in the thermos.

It is deadly quiet in the alley aside for some disoriented moans from the now free human. Danny doesn't bother to look at them. Doesn't bother to tell them he was only after the ghost. He knew they would blame him anyway. They always do in the end. Though it is a surprise to see living and dead get along as this group is doing, he is still certain it doesn't change who is going be blamed.

So Danny slips underground again and leaves.