Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters (with the exception of one) in this story! All creations from Osomatsu-san rightfully and soulfully belong to the creators.

Thank you!

NOTE: Hey, I know it's been a while since I've posted anything on my account, but here's something! I know, I know, it's not another chapter of my other stories. But hey, I think you guys are really going to enjoy this one!

"Huh?" Todomatsu blinked confusedly at his phone a couple of times.

"What's wrong, Todomatsu?" Osomatsu asks, looking up from his magazine.

"O-oh?" Todomatsu looks to his brother, then back to his phone. The rest of the brothers all stopped what they were doing to look at Todomatsu. Karamatsu, who stood by the door, lowered his mirror in mid-pose. Choromatsu, who was reading a book at the table, looked up from said book. Ichimatsu, who was in the corner of the room playing with a cat, lowered the cattail he was holding and turned to look over his shoulder. Jyushimatsu sat next to Choromatsu and Todomatsu, stacking cards very carefully to make a house. Only one of his eyes looked at Todomatsu.

Todomatsu became quite anxious. "W-why is everyone looking at me?"

Osomatsu, who was lying on the floor, sat up onto his knees. He looked over Todomatsu's shoulder to see what was on the phone. "I asked what's wrong? Did a girl text you or something?"

Todomatsu's eyes widen and he quickly pulls his phone away. "Osomatsu-nii-san!" He pouts. "Don't look over my shoulder like that! It's rude…"

"Aw, c'mon! Just tell us!" Osomatsu insisted, moving in for the phone again.

"I...said...NO!" Todomatsu slaps Osomatsu across the face, sending Osomatsu across the room, crashing into the wall.

Ding~ Osomatsu was down for the count. The other brothers jaw dropped at this, except Ichimatsu, who found it quite amusing.

Choromatsu stood up, accidentally knocking into the table, causing Jyushimatsu's house of cards to come tumbling down. "Aw…"

"Hey, Totty…?" Todomatsu clutches his phone tightly to his chest. "Maybe don't be quite as rough next time, alright?" Choromatsu smiles brightly. But Todomatsu wanted none of it. He stood up and stormed out of the house.

Osomatsu slowly sat up, his forehead all bloody. "What was that all about?" He looked to his brothers for an answer, but they all just shrugged.

Todomatsu wasn't home again until late at night. And Osomatsu was there...waiting...in the dark…

He smiled creepily, rapping his fingers against the table. "I've been expect-"

"Why is it so dark in here?" Suddenly, the lights turn on.

"H-hey, just a minute!"

"Oh, good evening, Osomatsu-nii-san."

"Oi, don't 'good evening' me!" Osomatsu crossed his arms and looked away. "I was trying to act all badass and you-"

Todomatsu began to walk away, waving to Osomatsu. "Don't care, good night~!"


The next morning, Todomatsu dressed up in his favorite outfit.

"Hey, hey, Todomatsu's fancy, haha!" Jyushimatsu pointed out.

"Yeah, what's the occasion?" Osomatsu asks with an eyebrow raised.

"What do you mean? I wear this outfit all the time…" Todomatsu seemed really confused.

Karamatsu steps in, his music playing in the background. "Oh, my brother, I understand what you're trying to accomplish…"


"What you wear…" Karamatsu clutches his fist to his heart, "it says something. It speaks to both mind...and soul!" He looks away, crying dramatically. "My brother…"

Before he could say anymore, Ichimatsu punches him in the gut. "Shut up…"

Ding~ Karamatsu was down for the count. Ichimatsu drags him away.

"Jeez…" After the whole fiasco was over, Osomatsu looks back to Todomatsu. "So what's-" But Todomatsu was already gone.

Yet again, Todomatsu returned home very late. This trend continued for a for a few days. And every time Osomatu asked where he went, he always found a way to dodge around the question, or just icily ignored him. Soon, the rest of the Matsu Clan became just as curious as Osomatsu.

One night, Todomatsu came home to all of his brothers sitting around the table.

"I'm home~! Huh…? What's going on?" Ichimatsu smiled slyly, patting an open spot beside himself and Jyushimatsu. Todomatsu nervously sat between the two.

"So, Todomatsu…" Osomatsu began, "you've been coming home real late these past few nights."

"Yes." Todomatsu agreed.

"And you've been texting a lot as well." Choromatsu stated matter-of-factly.

"Yes." Todomatsu agreed.

"And all we want to know…" Karamatsu said, putting on his shades and putting his other hand to his chin.

Ichimatsu puts a hand on Todomatsu's shoulder. "...is who the hell you've been texting." Todomatsu felt a chin go up his spine at Ichimatsu's touch.

He looks away from his brothers, puffing out his cheeks. "No!" Ichimatsu's grip on Todomatsu's shoulder become tighter. "Ow, ow, owowow!"

"What was that, scum? Ehuhuhu~!" Ichimatsu was enjoying himself.

All at once, all of the brothers began to speak at once.

"What are you hiding from us, Totty?"

"If we could just have a decent conversation, maybe we can figure things out?"

"Tell us, Totty, haha, tell usss!"

"What is it that you're hiding, brother?"

"Tell us...or die."

The talking, yelling, and arguing went on and on. Todomatsu looked at his brother's faces. They all looked so stupid and ugly. He looked down to the table, squinting his eyes shut. The talking, yelling, and arguing seemed to be getting louder and louder. Todomatsu covered his ears. But to no avail. The talking seemed as though is was never going to stop, until…

"SHUT UP!" Todomatsu was reduced to tears. "Just...shut up…"

All talking, yelling, and arguing ceased. The brothers looked at each other, then back to Todomatsu.

Ichimatsu was the first to break the silence. "Tch...whatever…" He stood up and shoved his hands into the pockets of his striped pants, walking out of the room.

"Well, I guess there isn't anything to be done about it…" Choromatsu spoke up.

Todomatsu opened his eyes and looked up to his brother. "Ah...Chormatsu-nii-san…"

Choromatsu stood up and motioned for the others to follow. "Come on, let's give him some space." Karamatsu stood up to follow. Osomatsu seemed hesitant, but got up anyway. The three left, and only Jyushimatsu was left in the room with Todomatsu.

Todomatsu placed his hands in his lap. Jyushimatsu just stared. Todomatsu squirmed a bit in his seat. It was like Jyushimatsu was staring right into Todomatsu's soul!

Todomatsu abruptly turned to stare right back at Jyushimatsu. "WHAT?! You want to know so badly, too, huh?! Right?!"

"I don't care." Jyushimatsu said simply.


"I don't care." Jyushimatsu repeated.

"Y-you...you don't?"

"I don't."

There was a moment of silence.

"Oh…" Todomatsu looked away in shame.

"Your business is your business. I have no right to butt into it."

Todomatsu's eyes widen. He smiles brightly and lunges himself at Jyushimatsu for a hug. "Thank you so much, Jyushimatsu-nii-san!"

Jyushimatsu smiles and pats Todomatsu on the back. "No problem, no problem!"

So that's that! I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter. Just so you know, this fanfiction is actually already finished! So expect all chapters to be uploaded in a timely fashion.

The plan is to upload the next chapter next Thursday, along with a possible next chapter of another of my fanfictions.

Have fun trying to figure out what happens next!

EDIT: So I changed the stories name to "Todomatsu's Secret" because I thought it was a more fitting title. That is all. Have a good day.
