A/N: That's the last part, with more fun (or torture?) for all four.


02 - Sweet torture & questioning


During these fifteen minutes of torture, Freddie admire a colorful panoply of their adorable little butt.

Sam is having fun, she loved to see him wriggling so, she remained naked and sit back, Cat sitting at her feet to give herm a massage this time. The blonde orders to Jade remain unchanged, in a blue silk breeches (he could see she wanted more 'friction' between them). The 'queen' understood that excited underwear perhaps even more the prisoner than the nudity.

"Now, approach your butt just before his penis without touching it, and moves as if you wanted to masturbate him" she orders at her angel-slave.

The beautiful slave at pale skin kneels between his legs and runs. Her own movement seems to excite her. A dark spot expands on her panties.

"His majesty is very cruel with a poor wrongly accused prisoner" he complains, on the edge of explosion.

Sam motioned to Jade to stop.

"What have you to say for your defense, carrion?"
"I just have act under threat, the life of my parents depended on my success, my queen."
"Liar, your parents are dead for months. Jadelyn, again with more sensuality."

Jade arches and waves moving closer, she hopes touch it to soothe her itchy but Sam retains her by the hands. He tries to stick himself to her buttocks by pulling his ties but it just burns the wrists. His manhood begins to ache.

"So, viper? Do you have information about your so-called sponsors?" the blonde queen smiled playfully.
"If your majesty grant me a release, I'll tell her everything" he said boldly.
"You are abusing my kindness. Slave, help yourself of your tongue to loosen to his."

The tongue of Jade begins to flit around the head of his member. He wriggles his hips desperately to sink into her mouth. Seeing his face contorted with excitement, Jade has pity on him and she takes it between her breasts to replicate her feat in the last few days.

"Not now, my angel, we must first know if his informations is valid. Prisoner, I listen" Sam said smugly.
"I do not know their names but anyone you know wants your dead. He captured our beloved dog, at my sister & me, for that I kill you in return. I could not help it, my queen" he said with a snort and a sad pathetic look.

Cat refrains from laughing, the two other girls too.

"The traitor is there someone from the court?" the queen takes her seriously.
"I do not know, I did not see her face but she gave me a piece of cloth which was wrapped the tail of our beloved dog, my queen, sniff ..."

Cat bites her lip to keep from laughing, and Jade breathes heavily while walking a bit in the room, Sam reprimand her to get back to her place.

"My queen, now that I think, the silhouette of this person looks a lot like your slave. If you deign to make her speak, I could recognize her evil voice."

Jadelyn puts her hand on her heart, borrowing an offended air. The queen stares at her.

"Well, speak, say something. Prisoner, what she asked you?" the blonde tells him.
"She said: 'Hey lousy, if you do not want your stupid puppy finish in bacon, will kill the bitch and pronto.' It would have she repeat this sentence, word for word."
"Well Jadelyn, said this sentence, now!"

Jade does not even half without guffawing, Freddie took the opportunity to finish convincing the queen.

"See, it's necessarily her. She refuses to cooperate, my queen. She has to pay for your highness and especially, for our poor puppy love who had never done anything wrong to anyone."
"This changes everything. Jadelyn, what did you do the dog of this scoundrel?"
"I turned into pate" Jade said before laughing again.

Fredwardino takes a look outraged and yell in protest, demanding divine justice. Catarina took a saddened look and wept silently for the death of her puppy.

"Silence. Let me think, both" Sam said, taking a thoughtful pose.
"If your majesty is out of imagination, can I shared some ideas for the punishment of the traitress?"
"I'm listening" Sam looks at him with interest.
"My sister and I could give him a multitude of orgasms until death ensues" he smiled innocently.
"Oh yes, your majesty, I deserved" Jade said happily, Cat nods in agreement.
"Nice try, traitors. This will not be so simple, you must pay all three" Sam smiled wickedly looking at them in turn.

The queen Sam search into the trunk and takes a feather attached to a rubber band.

She orders at her brunette slave to attach the instrument on a certain part of the body of the prisoner, Jade surrounds the elastic at the base of his penis, she took the opportunity to fondle his stick of a compassionate gesture, gaze plagued by desire.

"Put yourself naked and go back to your position, I'll tie your wrists to his ankles. Well, now, trying to touch it with your butt to show" Sam puts her hands on her hips.

Both browns are now in a ridiculous position, Jade tries to sit on his steep cock but the distance between them is too great, she only tickle the inner thighs of the feather. Her buttocks and her lips are so close and so exciting. Victim of uncontrollable blood pulse, his penis does not stop going up and down to feed the itching of Jade, who ignites him more wiggling her ass like a damned.

At this time, Freddie thinks he can die of desire. Closing his eyes, he focuses not explode difficult. Suddenly, he felt a warmth on his mouth. He opens the eyelids, Sam kisses him, using her expert tongue to capsize him. From the corner of his eye, he could see Cat is touched inside her thighs but never go beyond of her labia.

The feather starts to dance between the legs of Jade. The poor girl bites the mattress in groaning. Tears stream down her white thighs. Her labia are open.

"Sam, stop, I can not anymore" Freddie screams.
"Me too, Sam" Jade moans of sadness.
"Mmmm, I do not know if you deserve it" the blonde teases, but half serious look on her face.
"C'mon, you heaters we for hours. What takes you to do your preachy?"
"Freddie, it is a lesson. A pleasure is always more enjoyable when we are patient" Sam replied gloomily.

Sam grabbed his manhood and gently masturbate tickling Jade.

The blonde deposit a kiss on the lips of Freddie, while untying the ropes at his wrists. She did the same with Jade and fixed him intently when she kisses him.

Free, Jade does not even take the time to turn that her ass comes directly sit on him, reducing the short distance which separated them, and her lips engulf him. She sways like a fury, sobbing, he raises her of bed with her pelvis arching up to get as far as possible.

The other two girls are placed alongside Jade, Sam to right & Cat to left, they help her, they place their hands on the thighs and size of the brunette, to help her, to be together when Jade reach the nirvana and will be the side of the angels. Sam whispers her sweet and compassionate words, Cat kiss her shoulder and neck. Freddie touches the bottom of her den, she let out a scream and immediately puts her hands over her mouth.

Sam gives her a pillow she bite at full teeth, Freddie did not think to take such a pleasure without enjoying. Jade is motionless, her head back, she tries to get up but falls back sitting on her lap, her legs did not stop shaking until she finally collapsed on his chest like a dead weight.

She fainted, he carefully placed her beside him watching Sam smiled, kneeling on the bed, with Cat now in her arms.

"You have enough strength to us?" she said playfully.


He slowly approaches them.

The boy from Seattle enlaces them, kisses them, he lengthens Cat next to Jade, still asleep. Sam goes on Cat in reverse, blocking the arms of the redhead with her legs, to prevent her friend the temptation to lick her sweet pussy dripping, as she hopelessly has a beautiful view on her crotch. Sam gives small kiss on the stem of Freddie, always covered the love juice of her other friend, before placing his cock at the entrance of the intimacy of red kitty.

The boy moves slowly spreading her legs in little more, before starting to slowly get into her. Sam departs from the red to move to the side, leaving a minimum of intimacy between them, not without wanting to play with the love button of her friend.

Not wanting to be rude with Cat, Freddie started slowly and rhythmically pushes his hips forward, shaking gently, looking into her eyes. He starts to move a little faster. the thickness filling her on each pushed, the tease tongue of her crazy blonde friend, and butterflies dancing in her stomach began to drive Cat crazy, to the point of orgasm.

He is surprised that the little redhead has already come, Sam smiled at his confused look. He did not know she had already led several times the redhead on the edge of explosion, never give her a single release.

Withdrawing from Cat, he turns to Sam, which stands between the two girls.

The blonde invites him of all her soul.

Freddie rest a moment on top to admire her, his eyes take time to lick her body to excite the dead: her shoulders, her breasts, her waist. He sticks himself against her belly, planting his eyes in hers, he plunges his lips on her neck, inspiring an intoxicating whiff of her hair, exhaling warmly into her ear, nibbling her earlobe. He takes her legs in the crook of his arms, back them on his shoulders and pushes into her, listening every little sound of aqueous slip marking his progress.

Every of her movements is taut intensity and he is persuaded to know exactly where to direct them, to the nearest millimeter.

The blonde surrenders moaning, fighting would be useless and she knows it.


After a few minutes, a content rattle tells Freddie that she enjoys one first time and he has every intention to make her see all the colors, make her pay.

This position was perfect to begin with, he continues his comings and goings in missionary, attentive to each of her reactions. She starts to tense her feet in response to the overflow pleasure he inflicts her. He smiled, speeds, Sam opens her eyes wide and fixed him without seeing him.

He violently pushed to the bottom, her face is deformed, otherwise unable to express anything that comes alive in her. Freddie smiled like a crazy by repressing enjoyment that begins to tease him inevitable. He's dying to see her explode again and again, louder.

Some time later,

Sam should be in her fifth or sixth orgasm, it no longer counts.

He will soon explode and he wants to enjoy at the same time that Sam. The pleasure rises and rises again, the blonde squeezes her legs around his waist, she convulses, pants, mouth wide open, he pushes a last time trembling, to explode with her, in her, for her.

The two lovers watch without moving, feel facing a mirror, his smile returns hers and her breath, her eyes misty, wet her face, her rosy cheeks, her hair disheveled.

He breaks the symmetry, kissing her forehead.


Lying on his back, Sam is fell asleep on him with her ear against his heart, Jade & Cat huddled at his sides, their legs folded against his.

The flames of the few still lit candles are straight, pointed and seem immutable. He does not sleep, drained of all sexual desire and euphoria that followed their antics just dissipate, giving way to a strange languor.

Fear and anxiety have returned insidiously creep into his soul and prevent him from sleep.

Could not he just enjoy this moment, this blessing, this chance insolent? He cursed his evil spirit who always tries to hide in the shadows, to remind him that he is perhaps not made to live happy.

He is afraid, he is always afraid of the next day.

Let the good times disappear.

Depression seizes him again.


A/N: That's the end, I wanted to put a touch of anxiety in the spirit of Freddie, even in the best moment, the mind can be disturbed.