Author's Note: Well guess. Last chapter. Hope you all like it
The end of the War of Kalos
Previous chapter: Ash and Serena defeated Giovanni and Lysandre and were able to save Charles. Lysandre, in anger, killed Giovanni and set of 100% Zygarde. With all of Ash's allies gathered together, everyone prepares for the final battle.
A helicopter flies above the battle and films the upcoming battle. Gary, Delia, Professor Oak, Misty, and Tracey all watch the battle from Professor Oak's lab.
"Ash. Be careful" Delia says
"Pikachu. Thunderbolt. Lucario Aura Sphere" Ash commands
"Absol. Psycho Cut" Serena commands. Everyone else commands an attack on Zygarde.
"Zygarde. Dragon Pulse" Lysandre commands. The attacks collide but Zygarde's attack is stronger and hits Ash and his friends' Pokemon but they all get back up quick.
"Keep attacking him. The only way to save to save Zygarde is to defeat it" Ash says. Everyone nods and continue to attack Zygarde. Lysandre gets annoyed
"You all are thorns in my side. Especially you Ketchum. I'll deal with you personally. But right right, I'm going to make sure no one else interferes" Lysandre then takes out something. A ray gun. He shoots multiple times and wrapps almost everyone and their Pokemon in a electric rope; paralyzing them. Ash and his Pokemon are the only ones not wrapped. Ash is shocked
"Can't you fight fair for just this once" Ash says. Lysandre laughs
"No Ash it is just you and me. Try to defeat me. If you can" Lysandre taunts. Ash gets angry and looks back at a struggling Serena and everyone else
"Pikachu. Thunderbolt. Lucario Aura Sphere" Ash commands Both Pokemon launch their attacks. Zygarde counters with Dragon Pulse which is stronger and sits Ash, Pikachu and Lucario. All three slowly get up.
"Dragon Pulse them again. Zygarde hits them again with a dragon pulse. Serena looks with tears in her eyes.
"Again Zygarde" Zygarde launches another attacks
"STOP. LEAVE HIM ALONE" Serena screams. Ash and his Pokemon are hit by another attack. Ash and his Pokemon are nearly unconscious. Lysandre laughs.
"Face it Ketchum. It is over. You will die here and I will take over Kalos" Lysandre says
"NO" Lysandre and everyone look to see Ash slowly getting up
"I REFUSE TO DIE LIKE THIS. YOU MUST BE DEFEATED. WHAT COULD POSSIBLY BE WORTH ALL THIS DEATH AND DESTRUCTION? BECAUSE OF YOUR SELFISH ACTIONS, PEOPLE HAVE DIED. I'LL KILL YOU WITH MY BARE HANDS IF I HAVE. I'LL NEVER LET YOU WIN. NEVER!" Ash screams and he gets up. Suddenly a big explosion occurred from where Ash is standing. Waves from the explosion are able to break the ropes tied around everyone. Everyone looks to see Ash surrounded by red aura.
"Oh no. Ash hasn't practiced using that much of his aura. He might lose control" Serena says. Everyone gets worried including Pikachu and Lucario
Back at Professor Oak's lab, everyone is worried
"The last time we saw Ash do that, he nearly lost control and no he is using even more aura" Tracey says. Everyone is worried.
Back at the battle
"If Ash loses it, we might not be able to bring him back" Cynthia says. Serena thinks and walks toward Ash.
"Serena be careful" Dawn warns her
"Ash. Don't leave me. You promised you never would. Please" Serena says with tears coming from her eyes. Ash looks back
"I'm not going anywhere Serena" Ash says with a smile. Everyone is shocked and happy
"Ash" Serena says under her breath. Ash looks at Lysandre
"Lysandre. It is time for you to pay for your sins. You have caused enough damage. It is time to show you my secret weapon. A pokemon that can defeat you and save Zygarde" Ash says as he remembers Cilan's sacrifice.
"Oh yea. Bring it" Lysandre taunts. Ash looks at Alain
"Alain it's time" Ash tells him. He nods
Flashback: Before Ash, Serena and the others leave for Team Flare's Hideout. Ash stops
"Hey Alain" He says. Alain looks at him
"Yea Ash" He replies. Ash tosses him a Pokemon
"You know which Pokemon that is and you know how powerful he is. If I use him, I might get power hungry. We cannot take that risk so I want you to keep him with you for the time being. When the time is right, let me unleash his power" Ash says. The others, including Serena, are confused
"What Pokemon is that?" Serena asks
"You'll find out later. Don't worry Ash. I trust you. I'll give him back when the time is right" Alain says. Ash smiles and nods
End of Flashback
Alain goes into his pokemon and pulls out the Pokeball and tosses it to Ash. He catches and expands it.
"This is it. You are our last hope. Help me defeat Lysandre" Ash says and he slides his foot on the ground, ready to throw "CHARIZARD" Ash unleashes Charizard who is wearing a different Mega Stone around his neck. It is shaped like a raindrop.
"Charizard. But how can Charizard defeat Zygarde when all of us together couldn't" Dawn wonders.
"Just you wait. Ash has a plan. Look at Charizard's mega stone. It's different. That's not an ordinary stone" Professor Sycamore says. Everyone sees it but are confused. Ash goes into his pocket and takes out something; another stone shaped like a raindrop. He puts it on.
"Respond to my cries. Show me your true Power. MEGA EVOLVE" Ash shoats and he activates his keystone. His aura gets more rapid. Charizard starts to mega evolve but Pikachu and Lucario start to glow too and streams come from them and are absorbed by Charizard
"WHAT" Lysandre says. Everyone looks shocked, except Marian, Alain and Sycamore.
Back at Professor Oak's lab, all of Ash's remaining Pokemon at the lab are glowing and shooting streams out.
"He activated it" Oak says. Everyone else is confused and look at the television.
"LET'S GO" Ash shoats. Charizard mega evolves. When he is done, his mega form is completely different. It's body is an altered Charizard-X. The Black is replaced with Snow White, the blue is replaced with Blood red(Crimson), The wings are a combination of Mega Charizard-X and Y's, gains Charizard-Y's arm wings, Flames become Crimson, Midnight Blue, and Golden .He is three times the size of any Charizard. Ash smiles.
"Thank you Professor Oak" He thinks
Ash went to visit Professor Sycamore, Alain and Mairin cause Ash got a package from Oak. Ash opens it and sees two stones shaped like Raindrops. Ash picks up the letter and reads it out load.
"Dear Ash,
Hope this Package finds you well. In his package is a mega stone and keystone but both are different. They are called Tear-Stones. With these two items, you can evolve Charizard into Mega Charizard Z. Mega Charizard Z is a Dragon Fire Type and very powerful. Use his power well. Good luck
From Professor Oak
"Okay. Let's go try it out" Ash says and everyone goes outside
"Chairzard. I choose you" Ash sends out Charizard
"Charizard. Professor Oak sent me some sones called Tear-Stones that can mega evolve even further. Want to try them?" Ash asks. Charizard shoots a fire at Ash
"I'll take that as a yes" Ash says and he ties the stone around Charizard and puts his on
"Alright. Here we go. Respond to my cries. Show me your true power. MEGA EVOLVE" Charizard mega evolves. Ash is amazed.
End of Flashback
Mega Charizard Z stands there staring at Lysandre and Zygarde. Everyone is amazed.
"Charizard mega evolved even further. So that's why Ash didn't want to use it yet. He was saving its power" Serena says. Everyone looks happy.
"So you did have a secret weapon. But it doesn't matter Ketchum. Zygarde can still defeat you" Lysandre says. Ash's eye glow more red
"Kalos is not just a region. It is my home as well. They people here have always stood by my side and helped. NOW IT IS MY TURN TO HELP THEM WHEN THEY NEED HELP" Ash shouts
"Burn them down" Lysandre commands. Zygarde launches another attack
"Dragon Claw" Charizard sweeps it back with it's own attack. Ash then jumps on Charizard's back and ride towards Lysandre.
"Core Enforcer" Lysandre commands. Zygarde launches its most powerful attack
"DODGE IT" Charizard is able to evade the attack is quick speed
"DRAGON CLAW" Charizard flies at Zygarde and hits it with a dragon claw; knocking it back
"Why you little" Lysandre is about to launch another electric rope
"Not this time. Absol Psycho Cut" Serena commands. Absol launches a psycho cut and hits Lysandre with it. Lysandre falls to his knees
"This can't be. My plan was perfect. I can't lose" Lysandre says
"DRAGON CLAW AGAIN" Charizard hits Zygarde and and Zygarde falls down. Lysandre struggles to stay on him
"I … WILL…. PROTECT KALOS" Ash shoats as Charizard powers up his finally attack
"ASH. LET'S GO" Serena shoats. Charizard launches a golden and powerful flamethrower just as Ash jumps off and lands on his feet. He looks to see Zygarde getting hit by the attack. Lysandre is hit too. A big explosion occurs
"NO THIS CAN'T BE OVER. I MUST WIN" Lysandre screams before being engulfed by the flames. Smoke clears and the two Zygarde cores and laying on the ground. Lysandre is nowhere to be scene.
"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. THE WAR IS OVER. LYSANDRE HAS BEEN DEFEATED" The report from bove shoats. Everyone who is watching cheers load, even Gary, Oak, Delia, Misty and Tracey. Back at the battle field. Charizard returns to normal while Ash's aura disappears. Ash falls to his knees in exhaustion. Serena runs and gives him a hug.
"You did Ash, You defeated Lysandre for good" Serena says. Ash hugs her back as he gets up. Pikachu and Lucario give him a hug as well
"But where did Lysandre go" Alain asks. Everyone shrugges
"You don't have to worry about him anymore. He is gone" Everyone looks to see Squishy hovering above and talking to them.
"Squishy" Bonnie says happily
"Thank you everyone. You saved us from being in Lysandre's control but we must go. We couldn't protect Kalos this time but we must be ready to protect it next time" Squishy says
"This is goodbye again" Bonnie says sadly
"Don't worry Bonnie. We will see each other again. Just you wait. Goodbye everyone" And the two Zygarde cores disappear
"Well guess this is it" Cynthia says, After a moment of silence, Serena breaks it
"Wait. This isn't over yet" She says. Everyone looks at her in confusion.
"Serena what do you mean?" Palermo asks
"I mean I still have one thing I want to do. Ash Ketchum. I challenge you to a battle" Serena says to Ash. Ash looks at her in confusion
To be continued …
Author's note: Yup. Not over yet. You guys will get to see Ash vs Serena in a short story next. Stay tuned cause I'm not sure when it will be posted. Also like to thank Red the Pokemon Master for his idea on Charizard Z. Thanks Red. Alright. Bye guys. See you later